The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 68: case


Zach doesn't usually have the habit of reading newspapers. Usually, after reading it, Old Hank will tell Benjamin about interesting things. If it attracts Benjamin's attention, he will discuss it with Zach.

Zach pulled out today's newspaper, thought about it, and pulled out this week's "Urban Biography". He didn't bother to go back to the office and sat on the sofa to read.

The report in the newspaper was very "bland". The author had the objectivity consistent with a journalist's and did not reveal any personal judgment on the "suicide method" in the text.

"The deceased used sharp objects, such as knives, glass, tableware, etc., to stab his left chest, causing death on the spot. As for the motive for suicide, as of press time, the reporter has not received a reply from the police."

Then the report listed a list of recent suicides, a total of eight people. After the last name, a photo of the scene taken yesterday was attached. The environment of the picture was obviously the kitchen of a middle-class family, with police officers in civilian clothes and police uniforms. He tried to block the reporter's camera, but in the crowd, he could still see the deceased lying in the gap on the side of the desk, covered in dried blood.

Zach squinted his eyes and saw James' profile among the police officers. The homicide squad will be there, which means the Patton Police Department no longer considers this a 'suicide' case.

The vampire stared at the photo for a while, the hastily taken photo not giving him any other clues. Zach put down the newspaper and picked up the magazine. Look at the cover and look for it in the table of contents.

"Midnight Life Harvester!" suicide? Or pay with your life? Take you into the little-known Barton Midnight Exchange! 》

Zach raised his eyebrows, such an unclear title actually caught his attention...

Zach flipped through the pages and finished reading with great interest.

The author weaves a place called 'Midnight Market' where people can buy luck with their own lives. Every suicide has made a trade in this place, refusing to pay for the life used as currency. So the debt collectors forcibly took away the 'fees' they deserved, creating such a weird way of committing suicide.

There are also a large number of interview quotes in the article, about the family members of the deceased, winning the lottery, getting promoted, completing large business orders, etc., to prove the authenticity of the 'luck' transaction.

Finally, the author comes to a very ridiculous conclusion, 'Never buy something you can't afford! '

Zach closed the magazine, touched his chin, and picked up the list of suicides in the newspaper. He thought about it and stared at one of the names, 'Chris'. He remembered this name because he worked in Madison. He had seen it in the report.

I went back to the office first and called Madison at the mill to confirm that Chris was still stored there. Zach opened the kitchen door again, faced Benjamin who was still kneading dough, and asked, "Benjamin, something happened, will you come with me?"

"No." Benjamin flattened, pulled apart, and twisted the dough under his hands... "Busy."

"Benjamin." Alice ran to Benjamin and held down the dough: "Go ahead! We don't need your help here!" The banshee needs her friends to concentrate on preparing food, otherwise she won't be able to do all this before Parker is over from school. Not finished!

"Oh." Benjamin stepped away from the desk, glanced at the expectant Zach, took off his apron in Laura's disappointed eyes, and walked towards Zach.

After a while, the efficiency of Grande's kitchen really improved. After all, Benjamin couldn't do anything but knead the dough, but Lola was much easier to use.

Benjamin's wagon left the Grand House and headed for the mill. Zach briefly described the case, and then the topic changed.

"Ben." Zach said with a hint of deliberate resentment, "You have been too neglectful of me recently."

"Ben, Jie, Ming." The werewolf couldn't help but get goosebumps every time he heard the abbreviation, "You asked for it."

"Okay." Zach put away his grudge and said seriously, "I know you are unhappy. However, those hunters must be eliminated. According to my method, or the method of the Barton Police Department. We all know that they stayed in Barton. The only reason is to deal with you."

"I don't need your help." Benjamin held the steering wheel, as if talking to Zach was a nuisance, and fiddled with the radio with his right hand, turning the volume to the maximum.

Zach frowned. He really couldn't agree with Benjamin's musical aesthetic and turned the volume back down.

"You're Alpha, of course you don't need it. But Grande does, and I can't risk those hunters tracking Grande's house."

"Hmph." Benjamin snorted coldly: "So it's my fault? I brought danger to the Grand House. Is that what you mean?"

Zach lowered his head, realizing he had said the wrong thing: "You know, that's not what I meant."

"I'm sorry, that's what I sounded like." Benjamin shook his head slightly with an expressionless expression.

"Tell me, Benjamin." Zach looked at Benjamin's side face with a serious expression. The current vampire really wanted to know the reason for Benjamin's indifference for half a month, "Did I do anything that made you feel wrong? Other than getting rid of a few hunters, I've always thought we were on the same page about hunters, and at Grand House we don't kill them to take care of Hank, but outside of that, why would you care?"

Benjamin curled his lips. Zach was right. Benjamin knew that he was overflowing with sympathy, but he was not so sympathetic to his enemies who only wanted to hunt him. The alpha was no more angry at being attacked than the vampire...

"Because you decided to do it yourself." Benjamin glanced at Zach: "You decided to do it secretly behind my back."

Zach's eyebrows were raised and the ends of his eyebrows were lowered. It turned out that this was the case. Benjamin was angry that he didn't feel involved. Zach nodded helplessly and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly: "And I failed. In the end, it was still you who 'saved' everyone."

"Yes." There was a smile on Benjamin's lips. If the werewolf hadn't appeared at the critical moment, the bloodline of 'Toledo' would have disappeared.

"But you forced me to become a real threat to Grande." The smile on Benjamin's face disappeared and he glanced at Zach.

Zach sighed, the werewolf's transformation was to save him, a day early. Benjamin was right. In that space surrounded by three cars, that alpha wolf was digging at the ground and stirring up dust with its breath. At that moment, it was a threat to all breathing life.

"That won't happen again." Zach patted Benjamin's strong arm.

After a moment of silence, Zach wanted to lighten the atmosphere, "Well, where did you go? Do you remember? That day?"

Benjamin's head didn't move, and his brown eyes turned to Zach, just for a glance. Zach sat down obediently and said no more.