The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 7: 'brother'


On the cigarette that was still smoking, a circle of bright red burning marks gradually approached the end between the vampire's pursed lips. The gray columnar ash finally couldn't bear its own weight, broke from the burning point, and fell.

The man who had been dead before moved. The closed eyelids suddenly opened, and the pupils in his brown eyes shrank. He raised his hands and grabbed Zach's left arm that was placed near his mouth! His posture has changed from being supported by Zach to holding Zach's wrist, as if a man in the desert has finally found a source of water, greedily sucking the vampire's bleeding left wrist!

Zach frowned and looked at the wounds on the man's body with his light green eyes. The cracked skin began to heal, and the new skin was in sharp contrast with his original mud-stained skin.

"That's enough!" Zach tilted his head, spit out the cigarette butt, and snorted. He pressed the man's head with his right hand and pushed it away, then withdrew his arm. The wound healed in the blink of an eye. Zach turned his wrist and watched this greedy man look at his hands with horrified eyes!

"What happened?" There was a trace of blood on the man's finger, which was Zach's blood. He seemed to have just realized what he had just done, and wiped his lips with the back of his hand. The remaining blood stains made a bright red line on the back of his hand! "You, what did you give me to drink!"

The man looked up and saw two 'people'.

"You, you..." He looked at Benjamin, "You, you..." He looked at Zach again. Apparently he was confused.

The ghost and the wolf looked at each other. Zach put on his gloves again, took out a cigarette from his coat pocket, and lit one. The vampire during the day is a heavy smoker, because according to him, smoke can dispel the lethargy caused by sunlight. It's amazing, I think so too.

The man sitting on the ground jumped up suddenly, looking around as if he was looking for a weapon

Benjamin glanced at Zach with some dissatisfaction. After confirming that this human being could not escape the grasp of the two people, this stingy vampire did not even have the intention to waste any energy and use the Charming Eyes!

When the search for a weapon failed, the man turned and started running. Zach stood in the shade of the trees, puffing out smoke rings, without any intention of moving. Benjamin shook his head helplessly and jumped forward, yes, he just jumped forward. This werewolf is like a beast locking its prey, with its legs bent and its body leaning forward. While its hands are touching the ground, it kicks off with its legs!

The soft earth was lifted up behind the werewolf, and in the morning light a vague half-human figure crashed into the running man!


"Put the jam in! You are cutting me off! (Let me go, you monster)"

Benjamin arched his arms, and his palms, which were larger than ordinary people, grabbed the man's elbows and pinned them to the ground. Two legs were kneeling on the man's thighs, and the knees and brown leather boots were pressed against the ground, firmly fixing the man's legs.

The werewolf's head pressed against the back of the man's head, and the man whose mouth was half-opened and buried in the soil uttered vague curses!

There was a low hum in Benjamin's throat, and he was suppressing his wolf nature.

Pushing the opponent's head against the opponent is the only humane action in this short 'hunting' action. Instinctively, this should be the moment when Benjamin bites off the opponent's carotid artery or trachea.

"You saw me last night!" Benjamin said in a hoarse, low-pitched voice like a beast: "Give me a reason not to bite your neck off now!"

Of course, this is just a threat. After all, with Benjamin's two neat rows of teeth and human-shaped jaws, it would be difficult and ugly to crush the neck of any creature.

The man's resistance stopped, but his eyes turned upward to the person holding him down, with a look of madness and anger! Benjamin raised his head, but lowered his body, approaching the man intimidatingly, with a cold green light shining through his brown eyes.

"Kill me! I don't have the ability to kill you, kill me now! You monster!"

The werewolf's eyebrows furrowed and his eyes moved towards the vampire still standing behind. Zach also had a trace of doubt in his eyes.

'kill him? Can't this man see that we saved him? '

Benjamin relaxed his power to suppress the other party, but his tone was still full of brutality and intimidation: "Why should I kill you!"

Zach lowered the brim of his hat and was finally willing to step out of the shade, but he still raised his arms to block the sunlight shining through the leaves, "Okay, Benjamin. There is no need to deepen his impression of 'we are monsters' .”

Vampires make no secret of their mockery of the barbaric style of werewolves.

The werewolf's frown deepened. He was reflecting on why, as a werewolf, he would become friends with a vampire.

Did you notice that the werewolf used different quantifiers when describing the incident to me? This makes me, an 'ordinary' human being, even more curious as to why these two became friends!

"Sir, I think you misunderstood something. We saved you, and you should thank us. Instead of using insulting words to define your savior."

When Zach came closer, Benjamin had already let go of the suppressed man. With a slight mention, the man who was considered a strong man in the eyes of ordinary people was pulled up by Benjamin. His whole body and half of his face were stained with mud. , looking very embarrassed. But his expression has turned a little confused, maybe dull.

Zach looked at the man again. He looked about twenty-five years old. His shoulders were wider than ordinary people, his body had obvious muscle lines, and his fingers had calluses from long-term use of weapons. Judging from the brief actions of searching for weapons and escaping just now, his thinking and reactions were faster than ordinary people. Zach made a judgment, this man came from the military.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Zachary Grande. You can call me Zach. This is my brother, Benjamin Grande. How should I call you?"

brother? The confusion on the man's face was even worse. This man with a beard, 1.9 meters tall and capable of turning into a wolf like a bear, was the man with fair skin, medium build, who used blood to make the scars on his body disappear. 's younger brother

Well, this question bothered me for a while too until I learned their secret. Believe me, the process of learning the truth is not pleasant. As an 'ordinary' human being, I am deeply jealous of this man, because he knew from the beginning that the two guys in front of him who claimed to be brothers were not human beings.

The doubts about the wrong weight disappeared in an instant, and the man's somewhat confused thinking began to reorganize.

"You, you saved me." The man's breathing began to recover from the previous excitement, and his eyes moved on the two 'brothers', "Yes, it was you who saved me. You didn't attack me last night. Just now, It was you who healed my injury with your blood just now. You are not the monsters who attacked me... "

In the end, there was new doubt in the man's eyes, as did Zach and Benjamin, because this man had just done something that concerned them. Monsters attacking humans appeared in Barton City.

Louise's face appeared in Zach's mind for a moment, simply because of her unusual alertness.

The man pushed Benjamin away and held his hand, his eyes became wary, and he took a few steps back, "Who the hell are you!"

"I seem to have already introduced myself." Zach said coldly. What he had to consider now was not the identity of this man, but their safety in Barton City. Red began to spread in the vampire's eyes.

Benjamin stretched out his hand and stopped Zach, "Wait, we need him. We need to find the guy who attacked humans."

Zach looked at Benjamin and thought for a moment. Louise will come over today to answer the questions he asked last night. Judging from her unusual alertness, the same incident as this man may happen. And this guy who has obviously been trained by the military has obviously escaped an attack and should be able to provide tangible clues. Zach agreed with Benjamin's idea, and the redness that had just appeared in his eyes dissipated, and he spoke to the man who was still looking at him warily.

"You have seen some of what we are. Believe me, if I say, 'We can take your life away at any time,' you will not have any objection." Zach stared at the man and continued: "But now, we and you both I am very concerned about the 'monster' who attacked others in Barton City. Are you interested in cooperating?" Zach's slightly narrowed eyes were full of temptation, "Mr. Anonymous?"

The vigilance in the man's eyes was wavering, and he was thinking about the possibility of 'cooperation'.

From Zach's words, he felt that the two 'things' in front of him were not malicious to humans. On the contrary, they seemed to be protecting Barton City.

"Okay!" The man put down his guard and stretched out his right hand: "Let's cooperate! My name is James... Jim! My name is Kim! Kim Grande! I'm your brother!"

Zach took hold of Jin's extended right hand. He didn't mind that the other person had taken it upon himself to 'become' a member of their Grande family. On the contrary, the eyes of the vampire and the werewolf narrowed at the same time, Kim Grande...

Another smart human being!