The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 75: Walking corpse


Anthony didn't know how to feel about facing his brother who had sacrificed for thirteen years, but when Zach and the vampire casually threw the 'mummy' into the back of the truck, the bones cracked. The crisp sound still makes Anthony's heart twitch!

"Easy! Easy!" Anthony shouted, glaring at Zach who casually stuffed Ian's legs into him.

The vampire glanced at him, locked the trunk, and put one hand on the back of Anthony's neck. Mr. Mayor Barton snorted and lost consciousness.

Zach hugged Anthony's body, and Benjamin opened the back seat door. Zach was much gentler this time. After all, Anthony did not have the ability to heal himself. Zach put him upright into the back seat.

The two of them moved their bodies and limbs, looked at the crescent moon in the middle of the night sky, and did a simple warm-up.

Someone's entrance is always dramatic, and now they're in a graveyard, which means there's got to be something 'weird' to warm up a guy whose name resonates so well with the current moment.

A soft rustling sound resounded in the cemetery. The dark earth was slowly turned up. The white tombstone glowed silvery in the night. Amidst the scratching sound, a half-rotted palm broke through the ground. The soil rested on the cold tombstone.

Zach crushed the protruding arm with one kick, and the crisp sound of broken dry branches was the prelude to what happened next.

In horror movies, there is always this scene. The corpses in the graves pushed back the soil and returned to the world. They barged their teeth and invaded the streets, occupied ordinary people's homes, and used blood and violence to make the audience sitting in front of the screen eating popcorn scream...

But in reality, in order to prevent his clothes from being stained with rancid smell, the werewolf took off his clothes completely. Dark brown fluff covered his whole body. With a generous slap from left to right, the 'dead' who had been corrupting in the land for an unknown length of time was released. Like the rag bag, it drew a series of gray parabolas in the night sky.

The vampire is much more elegant. The sleeves of his white shirt are carefully rolled up at the elbows. The skin exposed in the moonlight reflects a faint halo. Like a conductor, his two index fingers gently move the 'walking dead' On the back of the neck, he moved it slightly, and with a soft click, the deceased returned to the dead.

This scene lasted for about ten minutes.

"You have no interest." A dry voice sounded in the cemetery.

The movements of the zombies stopped, and each broken head turned neatly to the fluffy Alpha and the naked vampire. 'Seeing' and 'making sounds' do not seem to be easy tasks for these 'creatures'. In the middle of this sentence, the zombie in front of Zach broke his jaw and smashed into the soil.

The vampire tilted his head and looked at the walking corpse in front of him, whose neck had been bent at almost 18 degrees. There were no eyeballs in the sunken eye sockets, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

Zach stretched out his fingers understandingly and straightened the head in front of his eyes: "Because this is not interesting, Papa Midnight."

"of course not!"

The zombie in front of Zach suddenly moved its upper jaw. Without a chin, it really couldn't serve as Papa's 'telephone' at midnight. Zach moved his steps, looking for a guy who still had his vocal organ still alive. The zombies standing in various weird postures in the cemetery twisted their stiff necks and turned as Zach moved. Several poor fellows lost their heads as a result.

"I hate the current cemetery!" The zombies with chins opened and closed their chins to accurately convey the words he wanted to express for Papa Midnight!

"**! Du Mu! Everyone is in tatters! Unable to be used!"

Zach stood in front of a 'girl' who looked to be only ten years old. She was holding a stuffed teddy in her hand, which should be her favorite toy in front of her. But now Teddy was as broken and broken as she was.

"If you let me know, who proposed cremation!" The 'girl's' limbs are still intact. She can reproduce all the emotions and postures of Papa at midnight, so this walking corpse has his hands raised high, dirty and dry. His face was full of anger: "I will make his life worse than death!"

Zach heartily helped the girl gather up the torn gauze skirt, "I have to, count me in when the time comes."

It goes without saying that Zach hates cremation. Now we know that Papa Midnight, who likes to challenge the Federation's beliefs, likes to watch people 'perform' under the rules he sets, and loves dramatic appearances, also seems to hate 'cremation'. Why? Because fire will burn away the only connection between body and soul! Look before you! Without cremation, today's vampires and werewolves would be buried among the walking corpses!

"Yeah." The 'girl' put down her raised hand, tilted her face, and looked at Zach with lifeless eyes: "I like you, Toledo."

"It's an honor." Zach nodded and raised the corners of his mouth, but said nothing. He asked the question first and lost.

"Don't you have any questions to ask me?" The 'girl' tilted her head, loyally acting as Papa Midnight's tool.

"No." Zach raised his eyebrows, "Have you?"

"I hate you!" The 'girl' threw the teddy away, just like a real ten-year-old girl, except for her rotting body!

Zach frowned. This way of talking was really confusing. He turned around and looked for a new conversation partner. The heads of the zombies turned again, following the vampire.

"It doesn't matter, I hate you too." Zach walked, "You broke into my city without my consent." Zach stopped in front of a man in a black formal suit and faced His sunken eye sockets.

"'Chuang'?" The man's jaw opened and closed, and there was a harsh bone friction sound: "I just responded to the call of my believers! I love my believers!"

You see, even without asking, Zach managed to steer the conversation in the direction he wanted.

"Didn't you listen?" Zach curled his eyes: "Your believers are committing suicide and are engraved on their hearts. You love them, but they seem to hate you."

"No!" The 'man' seemed to wave his arms, but the empty sleeves only shook twice. Not far away, a one-arm hanging on a tombstone seemed to have cramped and successfully fell to the ground, "They are not me. Believers! They..."

Zach looked at the 'man' who tore the skin on his forehead because of his frown, shook his head slightly, and looked for the next person to talk to.

"They are inferior opportunists!" Zach stood in front of a woman, waving his intact limbs excitedly, "I advanced their salary, but they didn't even go to work! I hate such speculators ! They deserve to go to hell and be tortured by Satan! Hahaha!"

"If your recruiters were smarter, maybe this wouldn't be the case." Zach looked at the woman with a smile, and chuckled cooperatively.

"Hey, you're right! That..." The interfering voices of the zombies suddenly stopped, and only the night wind carried the fresh rotten smell, blowing through the cemetery.

Zach's face stiffened while maintaining a smile.

"Hahaha! Do you think I will tell you his name?!" The 'woman' raised her head and laughed. All the zombies raised their heads and laughed. This scene is not good-looking, believe me.

Zach sighed helplessly, but immediately became happy again: "Him? So there is only one person? I think I still got something. It was not a completely failed attempt."

The laughter of the zombies stopped suddenly, and all the heads turned towards the smiling vampire amidst the clicking sound!

"I can find another one!" The 'woman' waved her arms, but the force was too great, and two more twitching arms appeared on the ground. Zach curled his lips and walked towards the next target.

"No, you won't." Zach stood with a smile in front of a guy whose gender could no longer be distinguished. 'It' was neatly piled in a pile, and the twitching lumps proved that he was still qualified to be used by Papa Midnight. .

Zack lowered his head and looked down at the pile with a smile, "Your true believer, Silbella Hayate, doesn't seem to be giving you loopholes to exploit. Do you want to show up in the crowd and look for it yourself?"

The zombies were silent. After a while, the rustling sound sounded again, but Papa Midnight's tone changed, "Haha, of course not, why should I waste my precious time in Massachusetts."

Remember, Massachusetts is a state where the federal government promotes funeral privatization. How do you think the funeral industry bosses will choose between cremation and burial

Zach thought for a while and then asked: "So it's just for fun?"

"you are right."

Zach needed to know Papa's mood at midnight, so he abandoned the 'pile' and walked towards another 'woman' whose facial muscles were still intact, "So I don't have to worry, you will bring other impacts to my city, right?" ?" Zach looked at the 'woman' in front of him.

"Ha! You don't have any questions to ask me!" The 'woman' showed a look of surprise on her face.

Zach snorted softly, "Then I take this question back."

"No!" The 'woman's' face became anxious, "Don't take it back, I'll answer you! Yes, yes! You don't have to worry! I just like the 'performance' I see now!"

"Then do I need to ask, 'What kind of performance is it?'" Zach tilted his head, pretending to be inquiring.

"Ask! Please be sure to ask!" The 'woman' stretched out her hands and looked at Zach longingly.

"Okay, what kind of performance is it?" Zach satisfied Papa's morbid psychology at midnight.

"Good question!" the 'woman' was almost dancing. "I don't even know where to start! How about starting with Chris Irwin! (The Suicide of Barton South, Chapter 3) He's such a good person. Man! A thirty-two-year-old virgin! Do you believe it? Haha! His biggest wish is to have a girlfriend! What a beautiful wish! I simply can’t refuse!… "

Under the midnight moonlight, Zach listened to the zombies around him telling the story of each suicide. In their deal with Papa Midnight, they got what they wanted, until they found out that they had to complete work that violated their souls for Papa Midnight, and in the battle between heaven and man, they chose death.

Zach's face gradually darkened. Do you think it's because Zach's conscience is tired of hearing such stories? No, Zach is gloomy because every story Papa told at midnight has been recorded on the case file of the Barton Police Department! And what Zach wants to know, those question marks drawn on the paper at James' home, are like a sealed jar at midnight, without any gaps!

All of this was him playing with vampires.

"Don't spoil it." Hundreds of zombies crawled or walked in front of Zach, facing the vampire with sunken eyes. "That would be no fun, would you? Toledo."

Zach put down the sleeves on his elbows, and bowed slightly like an actor to the various grotesque bodies: "Enjoy it, Midnight."

Perhaps before, Zach just wanted to let James and Hayate solve their own work, while he just guided them. But now, it seems Zach has decided to get into the 'show' himself.