The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 79: The unfolding of vampires


Wells' work and life are very clearly divided. He gets off work on time at noon and predicts that he will come back around two.

The efficiency of this civil servant is not high and can be low. His behavior of not wasting time is just because of his indifference and impatience towards other people. Zach calculated the progress of his work and estimated that he would have to stay at the Grand House for another week to complete the investigation. Zach was helpless and wanted to file a complaint against this guy.

The vampire had a better idea, though. Both Hayate and James were already ahead. Grande didn't want to fall behind and started to expand his network.

"Wells, you will go to the construction site in Ford's cemetery to complain about your current job. Let me think about it, you want to do business, or open a bar, or open a retail store. But now your savings can't allow you to resign. , how about buying lottery tickets?"

Standing in front of Grande's porch, Wells's eyes were filled with red. After a brief confusion, Wells' head became a little excited. When the idea injected by the Charming Eye coincided with the real idea, Zak spent almost no effort to implant the idea into the other person's mind. The vampire prepared a fishing bait for himself.

"Of course, for the sake of work confidentiality, you cannot reveal the name of the Grand House." Zach reminded him with his charming eyes. Papa Midnight's name for vampires is 'Toledo', and Zach isn't sure if Grand House has been exposed.

Wellshead, with the will of Charming Eyes, went to enjoy his lunch break.

The roar of the engine of the civil servant's old car had just left, and a new roar was approaching, but it was coming from the west road. Behind the old car, which was almost the same age as Barton City, there was a chirping sound coming from the exhaust pipe, and the sound of metal parts rubbing against each other could be heard in the distance.

With the hard sound of the car door opening, Laura jumped out of the car.

Laura has changed a lot in the past half month, not in personality, but in appearance. When I first met this girl, she had bright jewelry hanging on her ears and neck. She always wore high-heeled cowhide boots, tight leggings, colorful short skirts, and a windbreaker or jacket from Lister Street. , and then paired with a bag that has nothing in common with a schoolbag. She looks like a model straight out of a magazine.

But now, the girl jumped out of the passenger seat wearing simple canvas shoes, light blue jeans, a fine plaid shirt, and her head was tucked casually behind her head. This change started when she learned to be a volunteer at Parker. Laura ran here and said hello happily: "Benjamin~"

Zach turned his head helplessly. The werewolf had woken up at some point and was standing at the door of Grande, waving and smiling over there.

Zach asked with his eyes, 'Have you made an appointment? '

Benjamin answered with his eyes, 'No. '

Laura ran in front of the two of them and seemed to remember the person behind her. She turned around and pulled over a woman in her thirties who was surrounded by five or six children. The car that might be scrapped at any time was probably hers.

"Where's Alice? We're here to thank her for the food she prepared for the party the day before yesterday!" Laura stopped the children from running around and stood next to the woman.

"Back there, in the kitchen." Benjamin pointed behind him, his eyes reminding the girl to introduce him.

"Oh. This is Teacher Trisha, this is our student!" Laura pointed at Benjamin: "This is Alice's brother Benjamin!" Laura blinked, obviously with special meaning, which made the woman a little embarrassed. Then Laura pointed to Zach: "This is the other brother. Let's go find Alice!"

"Zach Grand." Zach added in the woman's apologetic eyes.

Before the woman named Trisha could say "It's an honor to meet you", Laura had already coaxed several children and rushed to the kitchen with Trisha.

Today is Sunday, a time set by the Lord to put down work and rest. But obviously not everyone can enjoy such treatment, such as civil servants, funeral directors, and anyone who needs to rely on their own hands to make a living...

Zach looked at the back of Teacher Trisha. She was dressed very formally, her hair was neatly arranged, but she had no makeup. She must have been dragged here by Laura after attending the church service. According to Laura, Trisha's husband had an accident at work, nearly died, and then 'miraculously' survived.

Two days ago, Zach would have thought this was just a lucky guy, but now, there's a good chance this 'miracle' was just Papa Midnight.

The conditions of Park School in Paising District are very poor. Because parents are unable to contribute more financial help to the school, they have to rely on funding from the city government for a long time. Therefore, extracurricular activities, clubs, and interest education in general schools have all been cut off. , can only be maintained by the unrewarded efforts of teachers and volunteers.

For example, today, Laura and Trisha are obviously free nannies for these children. Zach frowned and looked at Trisha's formal suit, which was a little faded due to being washed many times, and then looked at the car in front of the door. Unlike Benjamin's truck, which was dirty, it was another extreme and miserable - old. This doesn't seem like a family involved with Papa Midnight.

For a long time, I didn't quite understand the difference between Papa Midnight's Dead Apostle Pact and the Crossroads Demon Soul Pact. Of course, I asked the vampire this question, and the vampire explained it this way, you can feel it.

The needs of the crossroad devil are very simple. No matter what you ask for, wealth, status, health, love, hatred... all they want is your soul. This is what people often sell their souls to the devil. In other words, when you sign the contract, no matter how kind a person you are, please say goodbye to heaven forever. When you die, your soul goes straight to hell.

Not humane at all, right

In comparison, Papa Midnight's Death Apostle Contract is much more humane. What you want, then work for him with labor that Papa Midnight considers to be of equal value. This is no different from our real life.

However, the "labor contract" of this job is so strict that life and death are the standard.

How to do this? Simple, Papa will let you die once at midnight. Then your life, your body, and your soul are maintained by Papa's midnight witchcraft. If you want to breathe fresh air, well, work. If you want your soul to remain conscious, well, work. Do you want to resign? Yes, the 'labor contract' is signed on your heart and can be torn up at any time.

So when a person becomes a dead disciple of Papa Midnight, theoretically, he can get everything in the world, as long as he is willing to complete the equivalent work. You got a fiancée, go make someone else's fiancée disappear. You won the lottery, don't hesitate to wipe that lucky guy out of existence. You have been promoted and life seems to have become easier. Go ahead and ruin another person's life...

Papa's midnight contract with the Dead Apostle is like the four seasons that reincarnate endlessly.

Like all wise entrepreneurs, Papa Midnight cares not about the salary he gives you, but the work you can complete. Therefore, Papa will also give you a generous bride price at midnight to express his sincerity. Of course, in his words, those guys who accepted the bride price but did not have a job became 'opportunists'.

But now, it seems that Teacher Trisha's family has not received the 'bride price' from Papa Midnight, and her life is still difficult.

Laura took it upon herself to retain Trisha for dinner at Grande. Zach and Benjamin did not refuse because they were curious about the teacher's husband.

"We heard that your husband was in an accident. Is he okay now?"

In the restaurant, Zach was sitting at the front seat. This place was usually empty because vampires didn't need the food. But since there are outsiders here, Zach still has to endure these foreign objects that are destined to not bring any benefit to the body, just to show off.


Teacher Cui Sha was a little apologetic. After the party the day before yesterday, she expressed her hope to thank the producer of the food. But she hoped to find a decent time, but because Laura wanted to come, she forced her to come during lunch time, and brought a bunch of students with her, which was really embarrassing.

"His name is Todd. He has been able to walk around on his own recently. The doctor said he is recovering well." Speaking of her husband, the female teacher had a kind of pride in her eyes. Such eyes can be seen in the faces of many people who have overcome injuries. Seen on.

Zach didn't know the details about her husband's accident before, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I don't know the details. Is it serious?"

"Oh, it's okay, it's over, everything is getting better." Trisha smiled slightly, but there was a trace of accusation in her eyes when she looked at Zach. She looked at a few children who had abandoned their spoons and were scratching on the plates with their hands. She suddenly took on the momentum of a teacher, tilted her head and asked these children: "What did I just do?"

The children let go of the food in their hands, raised their hands, and said in unison in a childish voice, "Everything is getting better."

Trisha smiled and nodded, once again signaling Zach in the main seat with her eyes.

Zach understood that Trisha didn't want to mention sad things in front of the children.

The topic was quickly taken away. Laura was currently raising funds and began to discuss with Alice about making charity cookies to raise funds. With her surname of Barton, her appeal could not be ignored. Looking at her shining eyes, it seems that the spring of Parker School is coming.

After lunch, Trisha left with her children, leaving Laura and Alice to occupy Benjamin's bedroom in the warehouse to discuss fundraising matters. And Zach had already started to look through the wine newspapers of the past half month, trying to find news about Trisha's husband.

Zach found this piece of news in the corner of the social section of the Barton Daily News two weeks ago:

'Port workers were trapped in the cruise ship's turbine. After three days, the company refused to compensate them for their injuries. '

Zach held a moment of silence for Todd and closed the newspaper, which should rule out this poor man's suspicion. Papa Midnight may be a person with strange values, but he won't be too bad to his employees.

Until two in the afternoon, Wells' car and Patton's limousine arrived at the same time. Wells came to 'work', and Patton's limousine naturally came to pick up Laura. The Patton High School Football League will continue throughout the spring. Beaver The team barely qualified after losing Connor and Kyle.

Yes, Lola still needs that extra credit...

Under the direct gaze of the vampire, Wells reported the results of the afternoon. The vampire wrote down the names of several people who were interested in Wells' complaints. Compared with the previous names, they already overlapped. Tonight, the vampire was going out for another night visit.