The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 81: Call the police


The main body of the warehouse is below the ground. It connects the basement to the upper floor and directly connects to the rear of the maintenance hall on the north side to facilitate maintenance and inspection of buses. It is separated by an iron rolling door. The second floor is flush with the ground. Under the three-meter-wide platform, there are stairs going up, leading directly to the west door of the warehouse. Behind the door is the wilderness away from the bus station.

The afternoon sun shone like a square pillar slanting down, filtering through the door that was pushed open on the second floor on the west side, and the silhouettes of people disappeared in a flash. The vampire Zach and the werewolf Benjamin frowned at the same time. The werewolf's palms pressed on the shoulders of the 'creature' that had just jumped, and the vampire's fingers together were buried in each other's left chest! Interfering with the clammy touch. After being attacked by a wolf and a ghost at the same time, he still opened his jaw wide and wanted to attack. The rotten smell coming from the shop floor only meant one thing - the opponent was a walking corpse!

The vampire drew back his elbow, with grayish-yellow mucus on his palm, and the red light in his eyes skyrocketed. The next moment, he would rush straight to the stairs on the west side of the warehouse, chasing the escaping figure. but!

A dry hum came from the half-dismantled bus beside the two of them. The sound of skin rubbing against flesh and the hiss of metal being pulled came from between the rows of damaged bus seats! The gray figure pours out like gray waves in the frameless bus and between the seats!

Walking corpse!

The corners of Benjamin's mouth pulled back, and the sharp canine teeth popped out instantly, and brown fluff spread out from his already hairy face like strains of soil after rain! The broad palms were covered with black and brown hair, and the sharp toenails dug directly into the zombie that had been caught. With his arms waving, the whole person was already blocking the vampire!

In the low hum of the beast, the werewolf's body has been overturned by the zombies pouring down!

The vampire retreated sharply, and his withered palms stretched out from the group of zombies, trying to grab the vampire's retreating body! The dark-brown, werewolf's thick arms thrust out! In the sound of muscles and bones breaking, the walking corpse was savagely pulled back!

The vampire no longer hesitated, and his body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the second floor. The skin is dry and cracked, the eyeballs are bulging, as if they have rolled in lime, and then cracked zombies are coming from all directions! On the stairs, in lockers, in the clutter of mechanical parts...

The vampire's arms waved wildly, the fingertips scratched the dry and hard skin, and the sound of bones breaking surrounded the vampire!

This is not a tattered walking corpse like those in the old West Side Cemetery in Grande, but a walking corpse with complete mechanisms and sound hands and feet that can exert its maximum potential under the control of Papa Midnight!

"He has escaped!"

The vampire directly used his elbow to break the neck of the zombie who had opened his jaw. He jumped up on the stairs with his feet, stepped on the unconscious zombie, and rushed upward, just like a flying man hanging in the air!

"You're too late!"

The vampire frowned, turned his body, and knocked down the zombie who turned his head inexplicably and spoke to him!

"You can't catch him!"

Zach finally broke through the obstruction of the walking corpses and jumped onto the second floor platform, no longer wanting to worry about the 'microphone' making noise behind him!


The vampire crashed into the square beam of light!

Suddenly breaking out of the dark warehouse into the outdoors filled with afternoon sunlight, the vampire's vision was blinded for a moment! The vampire frowned subconsciously and raised his arms to shield his eyes that were burned by the sun.

"What's going on!" Several high school students came over.

Zach squinted his eyes. The sharpness of his fingertips and the red light in his eyes quickly faded. The scenery in his field of vision gradually became clearer from the white light. He looked at a few boys who were walking towards him in confusion.

"What happened? Someone just ran out suddenly." The boys changed and walked behind the vampire.

"Don't go in!" Zach reached out and grabbed the boy who wanted to go in.

Perhaps the vampire's strength has not been adjusted yet. The young man pursed his lips and glared at Zach: "Hey! What's wrong with you!"

Zach frowned and pushed away the approaching boys, glanced behind him, and directly blocked the warehouse door.

"What's on you!" The teenagers discovered the smell of Zach's body. The unknown-colored liquid was stained with the man's clothes, and a strong rancid smell came out. The teenagers took a few steps back, looked at each other, and asked hesitantly. :"Are you OK."

"No." Zach looked at his body with a gloomy expression. He returned to the warehouse door and held the rusty iron door with one hand. Before the door closed, he said to several teenagers who looked confused: "Stay away from here and call the police!"

Bang! The iron door on the west side is closed again.

Zach locked the door and turned around to look at the current warehouse. On the second-floor platform, on the stairs, and all the way to the side of the dismantled bus below, there were more than half a hundred corpses lying vertically and horizontally! Amidst the rustling sound, the arm of the werewolf Benjamin, whose alpha skin had faded, stretched out from the pile of corpses on the side of the bus. He moved it left and right, and Benjamin pulled himself out of the pile.

Zach looked at Benjamin's searching eyes and shook his head. Benjamin pushed aside the corpses hanging on his body and silently observed the surroundings. He seemed to have discovered something. He stepped on the corpses abandoned by Papa at midnight and boarded the bus again. He roughly opened the corpses that were already pouring out. At that moment, the crooked seat was pulled, and an earthy yellow sack was pulled out.

Just like the bags that farmers in Barton South often use to carry rice, they are rough and half as tall as a person. The mouth of the bag was tightly sealed with dark brown hemp rope, and the dense bloody spells on the sack were still fresh. Benjamin pressed the bulging sack, but there was no movement in the 'things' inside.

Zach walked down the stairs, stopping Benjamin from unwrapping the sack. "He's dead. I can smell it. The blood of death."

Benjamin stopped moving and shook his head silently.

Zach returned to the door connected to the main control room when they entered, and stopped Laura, who had just come running after hearing the strange things about Zach from her classmates, outside.

"Where's Benjamin?" Laura looked at Zach who was leaning behind the half-open door. She also noticed the rancid smell on Zach's body and asked with some worry.

Zach smiled, this girl is really...

"He's in there and nothing's wrong."

Laura pushed the door and wanted to go in, but was blocked by Zach, "Lola!" Zach suddenly raised his voice, startling Laura.

The physical education teacher from before also rushed over. After all, Zach just said the word 'call the police'.

Zach signaled to the male teacher and continued to face Laura: "Now, you ask all the students to go back. They are not allowed to go alone. They are sent home one by one by school bus. Laura, you have to send Alice back to Grande." ,do you understand?"

Zach looked at the male teacher, "Who are you?"

"Vic." The male teacher saw the seriousness in Zach's eyes and said his name directly.

"Well, Teacher Vic, you and the teachers from Parker School will escort your students home. Before that, call the police and find Detective James Lance."

"What happened?" Vic's eyes circled around Zach's body, trying to look inside.

Zach looked at the people gathered, including students and teachers. He thought for a while, signaled to Vic, made room for someone, pushed Laura away who wanted to squeeze in, and pulled Vic in.

When Vic came out again, his face was pale. He immediately summoned the teachers and students of Parker School and prepared to leave. It was lucky that the phone in the main control room still worked. Vic followed Zach's instructions and called the police, specifying Detective Lance.

In about twenty minutes, everyone here dispersed.

When the police arrived here, Zach whispered in James's ear, "Look, the kidnapping place you want."