The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 85: court


Farmers from around the Grand House came one after another, and Benjamin led people to the cemetery in the west. It is expected that in another week, after the werewolf's transformation is completed, the four cemeteries in the southeast, northwest and northwest will be cleared. . By then, the Grand House will be buried under a lot of tomb-moving work.

Zach glanced at the clock opposite his desk. It was past nine, but Wells still hadn't come. This civil servant was always punctual, and regardless of his actual work efficiency, at least on the surface, he was 'serious'.

Zach walked to the workbench. Wells left his work notes yesterday. Originally, Zach only thought this was the other party's laziness, but now... He casually flipped through Wells' notes, investigating the funeral records. It is coming to an end, and the investigation records of the last day are obviously less than those of the previous days. Is it possible to think that this civil servant's mind is occupied by other things

After ten, the sound of a car came from outside the Grand House. Zach opened the curtain behind his desk. It was not Wells' car. A middle-aged man, also wearing an old formal suit and carrying a frayed business bag, got out of the car and walked towards the Grand House.

With the same indifference and impatience as the newly arrived Wells, the middle-aged man introduced himself mechanically, "I'm here to take over Wells' work. Are those the work notes of Wells?"

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the notes spread out on the workbench on one side of the office. He seemed to be dissatisfied with the previous civil servant's attitude. After the introduction, he didn't even look at Zach and walked straight to the workbench.

"Where's Wells?" Zach asked.

"I don't know." The middle-aged man didn't even bother to turn his head and fiddled with the information on the workbench impatiently.

Zach stepped forward, held the middle-aged man's chin with one hand, and with a little force, turned the man's impatient face towards him: "Where is Wells?"

The red forcefully squeezed out everything from the other person's field of vision. In the middle-aged man's pupils that suddenly dilated, two red lights penetrated directly into his brain, planting the will in him to answer the question.

"I don't know, he resigned!" The middle-aged man had anger on his face, but it was not a rudeness to the vampire's actions, but a complaint to Wells! "No progress report, no early warning, leaving half of the work behind, and just quitting! Who the hell would do such a thing!"

Zach's hand holding the other person's chin has loosened his grip: "When."

"This morning! I resigned with just one sentence! That's it! Damn it!"

Zach could feel the anger of the other party, and the red in his eyes faded and returned to light green. With a smile, Zach placed the information on the workbench and pointed at the only part of the funeral records left: "He has investigated this far. If you act fast, you can complete it in one day." Zach patted the middle-aged man. Man's shoulders, "Wells has already completed the most troublesome part, you only have to finish it, and you can get all the credit. It's quite a deal."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, looking at the comfort on Grande's master's delicate face. After thinking about it, it seemed to make sense...

The bait finally got bit.

The warehouse at the bus station was discovered, the list of Dead Apostles was leaked, and Hayate and his wife's harvest-like 'persuasion' obviously touched something. A candidate like Wells was finally chosen by the rightful master.


"Put your hand on the Holy Book and swear that everything you say is true."

Behind the brown wooden witness stand, Detective Coulson looked solemn. He put his hand on the black cover "Holy Code" with a cross printed on it, and raised one hand to his chest: "I swear on the Holy Code and my police badge. Everything I want is the truth!”

The clear sound of the gavel sounded from the hand of the judge in the middle, "Lawyer, you can ask questions now."

"Thank you, your honor." The prosecutor's lawyer saluted the judge in the middle and walked to the witness stand. "Detective Coulson, were you on the street on the day of the month, investigating the case of the missing homeless man with your partner, Detective Lance."

The lawyer pointed to James in the gallery.

James' face was not very good, because at this moment, Ravenci in the dock also turned around at the same time, with half-smiling eyes that seemed to express an emotion called disappointment. This did not end. The Gale and his wife who were also in the auditorium also turned their heads and looked at him. Their eyes were as empty as dead objects.

In the Connor case, because the evidence was conclusive, the verdict was straightforward and there was no controversy. However, in the case of the homeless man, the police did not have direct evidence, so in order to go to trial, the prosecutor must involve the police officers to testify.

What made James most uncomfortable was that Mr. Herman smiled at him. A smile? kindness.

"Yes. Lance and I passed the inspection..."

Coulson was interrupted, and the lawyer looked at the judge: "Your Honor, I request that Exhibit A be presented, Detective Coulson's action report."


The evidence was presented and Coulson was instructed to read out the marked portions.

"I was holding a gun and ordering the other party to raise his hands and face us. Then I felt hit in the back with a stun gun. After a while, I lost consciousness. At that time, I knew that the criminals were committing crimes in a group."

After Coulson finished reading, the report was passed to the judge. The judge read it over and said, "But you didn't see anyone's face."

"I didn't." Coulson answered honestly.

"We request that the witness, Detective Lance, be present," the lawyer continued.

The judge glanced at the people sitting in the dock and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

The man in a neat formal suit next to Rui Wenqi shook his head: "No, your honor." Then he turned his head, looked at Mr. Herman, and nodded slightly.

The judge's gavel struck again, glanced at Herman's unnoticed head, who cast a smiling gaze, and summoned Detective Lance.

James' consciousness was drifting away. He was still wearing yesterday's clothes, and his hands were unconsciously smoothing out the wrinkles. He didn't know how he got to the witness stand. The voice in his ears seemed to be fading away. He repeated the oath mechanically and met the encouraging eyes of his partner Coulson. This reliable middle-aged partner probably thought he was nervous now. James looked at Herman, the Windstorms, Ravenci, and the jury. Finally, his eyes returned to the lawyer in front of him and began to answer the lawyer's questions.

"I saw his face, the person in the dock, Ravenchi Wind..." James pointed at the hunter in the dock with an inexplicable smile on his lips.

"Everything happened so fast. He wasn't sure I saw his face, but I can confirm that when he attacked me in my house..." James took the lies he told Coulson to court.

"I covered up the fact that he had attacked me because I had to dispel his suspicions. I knew they were a group. I couldn't alert the snake in the grass. I needed time to get the solid evidence. I started investigating him..."

Lies have a special characteristic. They are like seeds. If you give them water and sunshine, they will sprout, grow, and strengthen.

"I discovered their modus operandi. They used the heating channels in the building to put people in the neighborhood to sleep to cover up the crime process..." The evidence was handed over, and it was James who appeared in the ghoul. Herbal incense found in neighborhood buildings.

"I found their evidence and found a large number of illegally modified weapons, grenades, crossbows, drug addicts, stun guns..." The photos were sent, and the hunter evidence given by Zach was also used by James.

When all these things that could only be circumstantial evidence were sent to the judge, the lawyer asked: "These things, these investigations, were all completed by you alone, and you didn't tell your partner, Detective Coulson? Why?"

"Because I knew they were dangerous. They found my home and attacked me. I couldn't let my partner take the risk." James' face was numb: "When I told my partner all this, It's too late."

"Why is it too late, Detective Lance?"

"Connor Herman, has been killed."

Amid the jeers from the jury and the gallery, the lawyer saluted the judge.

"No problem, your honor."