The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 87: desire



The sound of the gavel and the judge's decision simultaneously sounded in this space called the courtroom.

Rui Wenqi was pulled up by the people around him, and the cross representing the law was tilted at this moment. These people seemed too lazy to delay this matter involving a person's life until the afternoon. The two hunters smiled helplessly and were rudely pushed out of the courtroom. Next, they are returned to the black house and served a final meal at the beginning of autumn, which represents the harvest.

Pity? Ravenqi could only blame himself for seeing the wrong person. He did not expect that James Lance, the son of the most famous general in the Federation, would be mixed up with a vampire and a werewolf. This country, at the most unlikely moment, in the most unlikely state of Massa, fell.

If possible, Ravenchi hopes to kill the vampire that can walk in the sun in a cruel way and peel off the werewolf's cursed skin!

"Do you really want this? I hear your wish."

Without warning, in the noisy court corridor, amid the flashing spotlights on the reporters’ hands and the cold eyes, this unfamiliar voice was so clear! Rui Wenqi's body was pulled and pushed. He walked passively, but with doubts in his eyes, he searched around for where the sound came from.

"Get ready, Sibera's son. Haha."

Ravenqi's pupils narrowed, and he turned his head, looking across the chaotic crowd. The body he inherited from his father allowed his eyes to be above the heads of people, and he looked at the woman wearing a shawl with complicated patterns, the woman in the witness box. It pointed out the woman who "left home when he was sixteen."

Sibella Hayate closed her eyes, and the eyelashes squeezed between her eyelids trembled, and she could not look directly into the other person's eyes. She can best understand the abnormal exchange of equal value in Papa Midnight. You want to save one son and exchange it for another. So when she wanted to preserve Ryan's soul, she put the brakes on Ravenci's future.

Ravenci had a look of understanding on his face. He had been thinking about why Connor's body returned to the scene, and now he had the answer. Although he did not inherit Sibera's witchcraft bloodline, Ravenci was still her bloodline, and he still knew the 'life' hidden under the sun in this world! This slight connection allowed a certain 'ancestor' to find him.

Unable to see any more other scenes, his body was forcibly pushed forward. At the end of the corridor, the bright sunlight at noon covered everyone. After a short period of adaptation, Rui Wenqi had already seen the escort vehicle pulled away by the prison guards outside the crowd.

A man wearing an old formal suit. He seemed a little different from the others. He was not a reporter eager to get the impressions of those destined to die, nor a police officer impatiently pushing them to the escort car, nor a pure Curious citizens watching.

With an anxious look on his face, he was pushing among the crowd, and his obviously thick glasses were squeezed out by the crowd around him. The man seemed to have cursed something, but the chaotic flow of people quickly made his glasses disappear under the footsteps.

This man was even more anxious. He pushed the people around him from left to right with his hunched shoulders, pushing forward desperately. His narrowed eyes stared at the string of numbers on Rui Wenqi's chest inquiringly. He held a pen in his hand and was pushing. Under the circumstances, he tried to write down the meaningless number that represented Ravenci's identity in prison.

What is this guy doing? Ravenqi's mind wandered off at strange times.

"Nine, six..." Wells' body was pushed away by the person next to him, "I'll fuck you!" Wells was angry! His eyes were blurry, and the numbers printed on the light blue background were moving away from him! Like an angry cat, he rammed left and right into the crowd who pushed him away, savagely pulled away the reporters who were blocking him, and chased the prisoner who was pulled away by the police!

This is his number! He can't let this string of numbers get away from him! This is his only chance to get this string of numbers!

He can find the prisoner's name and identity, but he will never have the chance to obtain this string of numbers that only exists in prison! This is his winning number!

Please understand the extremes of Wells' current thinking.

It all started when he came home yesterday!

He opened the door, thinking everything would be as usual. He would watch the end of 'Cook's Kitchen', with the chubby Cook showing off the results of his moment, and then Wells would stare at the TV, chewing on dry, hard overnight pizza while thinking - —One day, when he comes home, the food on TV will appear on his dining table!

That's what he thought, but the facts overturned his worldview. He received inexplicable instructions, and all the retail stores in the neighborhood where his home was located were raided by him. The five-doll winning ticket from the scratch-off ticket was caught in his hand, which made him have to believe that there is some mysterious power in this world!

So, he chose to believe the stranger who still wore a mask and sunglasses at night!

"Do you want to get rid of your current life? Do you want to win a real jackpot? Do you want to have your own career?"

"I think!"

"Very well, do as I do."

This was what Wells thought was the turning point in his life.

He watched as the man drew his own blood, then inhaled a silver pen and, as requested, wrote the address on a sticky note next to the phone. After a night of excitement and anticipation, he immediately quit his job and came here to wait!

Waiting for the number that only belongs to him.

The wait is long, but worth it! This string of numbers is right in front of him! He squinted his eyes desperately, stretched his neck, reached over the arm blocked by the guard, and recorded the number combination that could change his fate.

Using a stranger's blood as ink? Wells won't care about this! A silver pen? He won't even care about this! He had to do everything that person asked him to do. It was related to his destiny, and he didn't dare to make any mistakes!

Cult? Under the deliberate influence of Charming Eyes, this man was pushed into the official position of being a fishing bait... But the former civil servant would never have thought of such a thing! Because that's what vampire Zack wants. When the fish in the water opens its mouth, Wells will try his best to get in!

Zach and Benjamin's car stopped at the corner, and the vampire opened the door and glanced at Wells' empty car.

"It's up to you." Zach patted the werewolf.

As a person who has stayed in the Grand House for almost two weeks, his scent has long been known by Benjamin. The city is too big, but if it is nearby, the werewolf will definitely be able to find it.

"Over there." Benjamin touched his nose and looked at the sudden surge of people behind the court. He frowned: "There are also people we are familiar with."

Zach squinted his eyes and sighed: "Rui Wenqi." He had already seen the two men in prison uniforms who were pulled out by the guards from the back door. Zach thought about the conversation with James early in the morning and said, "This is what James is going to do today. No wonder he looks impatient."

The two walked toward the crowd.

The vampire deliberately stayed close to the tall werewolf. It was already late spring, and the weather was approaching summer. Zach had no reason to wear a wide round hat at all times, and his coat and gloves were no longer in fashion. He only had one to cover his eyes. sunglasses.

It was already noon, and at this time, Zach would never want to go out if possible. But now he had to look at the bait that might catch a fish at any time, so Zack endured it.

From the silver bottle, the bright red 'wine' was poured down his throat. Zach felt refreshed and squeezed into the crowd with the werewolf.

The vampire's move to replenish food cannot be ignored. The crowd is too attracted to a depressed vampire. This is an insurance move to prevent the vampire from getting out of control.

Zach, who squeezed forward in the crowd, felt the fresh breasts, exposed necks, excited heartbeats, and the fragrance of blood surrounding the vampires. Or, it's covering up something.

Zack's eyes curled up behind his sunglasses, and he looked at Rui Wenqi, who was being pulled by the guard less than two meters away, and said hello. As for the twinkling eyes under the other person's frown, Zach ignored it.

The werewolf's tall and strong body pushed aside the people around him. Wells, who was a few people away, still shrugged his shoulders and stretched his head like a turtle, leaning towards Ravenci's chest. There seemed to be nothing the guard could do with the guy. Apart from pushing the prisoner and yelling at him to move faster, he couldn't do anything to innocent citizens.

Zach put his hand on Wells' shoulder and was about to pull it back, but Wells bounced it away. The persistent guy took a few more steps forward and almost fell on top of the guard escorting Rui Wenqi.

Zach was a little impatient. There were too many reporters taking pictures in front of him. He didn't want to get too close, but Wells's actions made the vampire already a little irritable and even more dissatisfied. He exerted a little force and squeezed to the front row. , put a hand on Wells's shoulder, and forced him over...

A smell that disgusted vampires rushed into the vampire's nose the moment Wells turned around.

The vampire looked at the pen and paper in Wells' hand. There was a series of numbers written in red writing, "What is this..."

The strong guard's body suffered a sudden impact and tilted violently. Rui Wenqi's bound hands poked out from under the guard's body!

Wells' face suddenly tightened as he looked at the vampire angrily, and a sharp pain came from his hand!

The silver reflection was inconspicuous in the crowd, and Wells already had a notebook in his hand. Rui Wenqi had a ferocious look on his face. He held a silver pen tightly between his palms together. The sharp pen tip was wrapped in dark red ink and he stabbed at the person who was blocked by the crowd. vampire!

The crowd rioted.

Under the sun, the flash of the camera exploded, and the sunglasses on the vampire's face flew sideways when he was pushed by the werewolf. On his face facing the sun, the red pupils shrank and darkened in an instant, and black threads suddenly spread all over the place. Iris!

Gunshots rang out, and there were no more selfless reporters among the screams. Everyone began to fall down and scatter.

Ravenqi fell to the ground and didn't even cover the bleeding wound on his chest. He slowly turned his head and looked at the vampire who was pinned to the ground by an abnormally hairy man but was still twitching with a smile on his lips.

"It's a pity that only one of your wishes came true."

In the chaotic scene, this voice still reached the ears of the hunter, whose consciousness was beginning to blur.

"There is one more thing, do you want to give up?"

"No." Ravenci's eyes moved upward, from the vampire's body to the strong man holding him down.

"Hahaha! Welcome to Papa!"