The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 9: breakfast


After the hug, Alice returned to her normal state of anxiety. Just like a child after Halloween, candy only belongs to this day. Temporary sweetness does not mean that you can still wear a princess dress tomorrow. A banshee who has a home is still a banshee.

"When you didn't come back, a sister came." Alice held the document Zac gave her in her hand and put her hands behind her back in fear, "Her name is Louise, and she came to see Mr. Zac. "

Zack: "Well, I understand. You can go and rest first."

Alice lowered her head, turned around and exited from the back door of the office. The file in her hand had been opened eagerly. She wanted to make sure that Zach had not lied to her.

Zach took off the extra accessories on his body, hung them up, and then slowly opened the office door. Louise's face was a little pale, and it seemed that she had not put on makeup again since last night, and her eyes were a little unfocused.

"Louise!" Zach called. Louise, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, was startled and looked at Zach, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

"You! It's you! Don't kill me!"

Louise didn't know why she came here. It seemed that when the sun appeared above the horizon, she woke up in the hotel, got on the first bus to the South District, and came to print on a business card. the address of. She just felt like she was coming to answer a question, but now, seeing that face again, the memory of last night reappeared in her mind!

Zach twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly, "Why do I always hear this sentence today? Do I look like a murderer?"

Believe me, Zach is not mocking himself, he is seriously asking questions. In the course of three or four hundred years of life, Zach has long forgotten his true appearance!

Smart Louise, like Jin, is beginning to reflect after her failed escape last night. Yes, this man will not kill her. Looking back, when she woke up today, she was even wearing pajamas.

Zach saw the change in Louise's eyes and waved, "You can come in and talk. We are doing legitimate business, and our conversations need to be confidential."

Louise put down her guard. Regarding this 'single woman', in addition to intelligence, bravery is also an important quality for her. At least on the street where Zach passed by last night, he quoted the report that the vampire saw in the newspaper: 'The Twelve Of the missing women, the remains of a third body were found today (along with a photo that will make anyone lose their appetite), and as of press time, Barton police still have no clues.' At such a time, Louise was still, as Coulson said, "showing off her cash cow on the roadside." This represents courage, or maybe she is really short of money.

Louise looked at the reception room, which was empty except for herself. She made no comment on Zach's 'legitimate business' and walked toward the office with a somewhat frivolous pace. This was a symptom of anemia.

Zach was still like a gentleman, waiting for Louise to enter, closing the door behind her, then walked to the chair opposite the desk, pulled the chair open, and made a gesture of invitation to Louise. Louise looked at Zach with a complicated expression, "Thank you."

"I want to maintain your good impression of me." Zach waited for Louise to sit down and walked to the long table on one side, where there was a coffee pot and a large plate of prepared sandwiches. While Alice was waiting in the office, she was obviously ready. Zach took a plate, picked up a sandwich, and handed it to Louise along with the steaming coffee: "You look like you need a cup of coffee."

Louise obviously also remembered that she was not wearing makeup, and subconsciously touched her cheek. After realizing that Zach was still holding the food, she lowered her head and took the plate and coffee. But if possible, she would like to see if she has dark circles under her eyes. Only when she is depressed will she be reminded that she needs a cup of coffee! If so, she hopes to find a place without people to touch up her makeup right away! Women's thinking is really strange.

Zach sat behind the desk, looked at Louise's uncomfortable look, and smiled: "It seems I was wrong. You are fine now. Except for being a little pale, you don't need makeup."

The first sentence is the 'mind-reading' ability that Zach has mastered after reading countless people, and the latter sentence is just that he got playful and wanted to tease this woman.

Louise frowned, glanced at Zach across the table, relaxed, and started enjoying the free breakfast.

Zach was very patient and took the thick document to read while Louise was eating. This is the information that originally belonged to the west cemetery area of Grande Funeral Home, including personnel, funds, customer registration, etc. A week ago, Zach received the notice that the tomb area was taken back. In the following days, he was forced to travel between the west and south to arrange necessary affairs.

The city government was not too ruthless and paid generous compensation funds. Zach kept part of it, and most of it was used as severance pay. You must know that the vampire business is actually just a disguise, and those who actually complete the funeral work are actually people from the West District, those real human employees.

Zach also made efforts to retain some people to work in the cemetery in the South District, but they were all rejected. "The traditional funeral industry is dying! Sir, we will let you and your father work for this Grand I have worked in the home all my life, and it’s time to make a change... "

Of course, the 'Zach's father' they were referring to was the real Mr. Grande. In the last few years of his life, this old man inexplicably had two sons and a daughter (one ghost, one wolf and one demon). After experiencing the current cremation trend impacting the traditional funeral industry, it is considered a success.

Zach did not force these people. He himself knew that 90% of Grande House's property was located in the cemetery area in the West District, because it was closer to the prosperous North District and had a better environment. To the people of Barton City, the South District is considered a remote suburb. No one wants to bury their loved ones here.

In addition, these people felt Zach's rejection of cremation, and they all believed that there was no future in staying at the Grand House.

"Have you had breakfast?" Louise looked at Zach who was reading the information and asked.

Zach looked up, "Do you mind?"

"I don't mind." Louise regretted it when she said it, because there were some things she didn't understand in her memory of last night. But now, she felt that she was about to understand, and she had a hunch that this was not a good thing.

Sure enough, Zach stood up and walked to the wine cabinet on one side. Near the corner, Zach took out a bottle of red wine, removed the cork, and poured himself a full glass.

Louise shivered. It was early spring, but the room was not cold. In the warm environment, a hint of fishy sweetness was spreading around the wine glass in Zach's hand.

Zach took a sip and licked his lips with the tip of his bright red tongue, "Yeah. Compared with last night's midnight snack, it's so different."

Louise's whole body stiffened, because at this moment, she was sure that the 'late night snack' was her!

"Don't look at me like that." Zach returned to the desk, and the glass of bright red liquid was placed in his hand, "This is a compliment to you."

"You, what on earth are you?" Louise felt her teeth constantly clashing.

Wait, this isn't fear, it's... what? Imagine this scene: you feel something on your neck, you pat it away, and you find a spider covered in velvet. Then you realize that the slight itch on your neck just now is because it is crawling. learn? That’s what it feels like!

Louise used almost all her strength to restrain herself, not to touch the neck that felt pressed against Zach last night, but her shoulders betrayed her, her collarbone was highlighted due to the force of her shoulders, and her neck was also unconscious. Turning slightly to the side, an indescribable feeling of nausea spread from the neck to the whole body.

"You should have heard of the legend of vampires." Zach admired this woman. Like Jin, after confirming that the other party will not pose a life threat to himself, his attention is immediately focused on other places. For Jin Lai, maybe it was to find the real culprit after being attacked, but for Louise, it was a woman's instinctive body resistance reaction.

Zach crossed his hands across his chest and made a gesture to introduce himself, "I am a vampire."

Louise took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and exhaled slowly. After the initial nausea passed, Louise began to accept the strange feeling she had when she was 'attacked' by a vampire.

"Well, at least you are a gentlemanly vampire." Louise opened her eyes.

"Bit. Not one, but one." Zach corrected Louise's grammatical 'error'.

Louise couldn't hold it back and raised the corner of her mouth slightly, but immediately took it back.

"It's time to answer your question." Louise's eyes became serious: "Why would I want to escape."

Zach folded up the information on the desk and pushed it aside, temporarily stopping Louise from continuing to speak, and looked at the door leading to the back of the office.

Benjamin opened the door and entered with Jin who had changed clothes.

Zach stood up, "Louis, Benjamin, Kim. Benjamin, Kim, Louise."

When Benjamin and Jin sat down at the table with food and started eating the breakfast prepared by the banshee Alice, Zach sat down again: "Okay, Sister Louise, you can do it."

The vampire's eyes blinked at Louise, and then said: "However, some parts can be omitted."

The corners of Louise's mouth curved up again, forcing her to bite her lower lip. She looked at Zach helplessly and adjusted her mood.

"Body temperature..."