The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 90: 'Father and Son'


There is no silverware in the Grand House, not even knives and forks. Neither vampires nor werewolves like silverware because silver will slow down their self-healing ability. But there is never a shortage of wood in Grande. Every one or two months, the coffins in the showroom will be replaced. Carpentry is Old Hank's hobby.

So the wooden stake inserted into Zach's wrist at this time was just a piece of wood piled up outside the warehouse. The originally brown wooden pile has been stained red with blood. The wood seems to have a natural attraction to the blood of vampires, so any vampire will never let the wood get close to his heart.

Ian's pale face never became more rosy, because the 'food' he just drank just turned around in his body and then was returned to Zach. Note, it's 'yet'. Ian Anthony's vampire blood originally came from Zach.

The unique inheritance method of vampires makes such a cycle feasible, please do not imitate it.

The muscles in Zach's whole body were no longer tense. Ian's wrist was bitten by him, and his dark eyes had begun to regain their clarity. The whites of the eyes were revealed, revealing the light green irises in the middle and the pupils with a faint red light.

Zach's eyes looked at Ian. Whenever he felt that Ian's blood flow slowed down, he would stop drinking, waiting for Old Hank to take out a new bottle from Zach's blood bank, and watch Ian drink it down. His lips regained some rosy color, and Zach continued to drink.

The mammal's blood was converted into Ian's own blood, which was then sent to Zach's body and turned into Zach's blood. Zach's blood enveloped and pushed the fatal blood of the dead toward the immobilized wooden stake. In destruction and rebirth, the power of rebirth is constantly replenished, pushing destruction out of the body. This is the 'blood exchange' that vampires must rely on to perform a blood exchange with people of the same bloodline.

The ink lines slowly faded on Zach's skin. Benjamin saw that Zach could control his body, removed the chains that bound him, and waved to everyone, "Give them space."

What a considerate guy Benjamin is!

But not everyone is willing to give space to these two vampires who are full of tacit understanding, such as Louise. Louise was pulled out by the banshee. She lowered her head. Under her long eyelashes, her blue eyes seemed to be thinking about something. When she left the basement, she took one last look at Zach and pursed her lips slightly.

'Father', this is what Ian calls Zach.

After leaving the basement, Louise called out to Old Hank.

If what happened in the basement had conveyed anything, it was that even Benjamin was the 'third party' between the two vampires, and only Hank was the one who knew everything.

Louise is a smart woman.

When Benjamin, James on one side and Wells on the other, carried the two unconscious people towards the guest room on the second floor, Louise pulled Old Hank out of the Grand House. The werewolf blinked and shook his head.

In the basement, the last ink lines on Zach's skin merged into the wooden stakes that penetrated his wrists. Zach narrowed one eye, frowned while holding the stake, and pulled it out.

Clang. The wooden stake that was completely dyed blood red was thrown into the corner. Zach breathed a sigh of relief and watched the hole in his wrist slowly heal with a smile on his face.

"Welcome back." Zach was the first one to speak. He moved his body, took out two bottles of 'red wine', and handed them to Ian who stared at him blankly, "You look really bad."

Ian grinned, revealing a row of teeth. Zach had a dazzling feeling. For a vampire with eternal life, time overlaps often happen. Sometimes, vampires cannot tell whether the scene in front of them is reality or an image buried deep in their memory.

"Better than you!" Ian took off the cork of the bottle and drank it like a soldier. "This stuff tastes so damn bad!" He also complained like a soldier.

"This is a sheep, just get used to it. This is the first creature domesticated by the brothers of our ancestors, you should remember." Zach used the tone of an elder, just like before.

Ian rolled his eyes, but there was still a smile on his face, which soon disappeared from his face as he gradually regained his composure after replenishing his food.

The two of them were silent, with complex emotions in their eyes. This was the strange feeling of strangeness that only appeared after being separated for too long between people who were once very familiar.

"You are a very, very bad 'father', you know." Ian put down the empty bottle of wine, and for some reason, this suddenly happened.

"I know." There was a self-deprecating smile on Zach's lips, and his eyes looked at Ian again after a moment of wandering, "Now, don't you have any questions to ask me?"

"Where is this? Why are you here? Why is Hank here? Where is Ann? What year is it now? Is the war over? Have we won? Why are you like that? That werewolf what's going on?… "

A long list of questions came out of Ian's mouth, and his words were still as fast and urgent as a soldier in his twenties. He had the same brown eyes as Anthony, and now they looked at Zach like a pleading dog.

Zach blinked, the familiar feeling returning.

"Okay, this is a long story." Zach smiled, patted Ian on the shoulder, and raised his eyebrows: "It's just that you should know something first. Your brother is now the mayor of Barton City, Some are fat, some are bald, and they are as sexy as before..."

It wasn't until Benjamin opened the basement door again that Zach said, 'Continue later,' and then left the basement, went up to the first floor, and greeted Louise with a smile as she walked towards the second floor.

When I returned to the office, it was almost seven, and the middle-aged civil servant had a rare opportunity to work overtime for himself.

"This is the satisfaction survey form. Please fill it out." The middle-aged civil servant handed Zach an unsealed envelope, which meant that the survey was over.

Zach was in a good mood, so he directly pulled out the form and checked 'very satisfied' in front of the other party. He winked at the other party while writing the date and wrote down the date for tomorrow.

The civil servant took the sealed envelope with a happy face and said thank you sincerely. Before leaving, he also accepted the heart given by Alice.

Just when Zach was about to return to the basement, a pair of unexpected guests arrived - Mr. and Mrs. Hayate.

Zach looked at Ryan's body dissipating in the air, raised his eyebrows, and asked Alice to prepare some hearts and put them on the desk, putting on an expression of sorrow and resignation.

"No need." Sibella Gale didn't look at Zach at all, and her tone was unusually cold.

Zach frowned. Although he was suddenly attacked at noon and almost died, he had not lost his senses yet. As a woman who had just lost her son, Sibella was a little too calm. Zach looked at Corden. In the few contacts he had, this man's mood swings were much greater than Sibella's, but this man was also unusually calm now.

Zach's eyes searched the faces of the two people, and his brows suddenly relaxed, and then immediately wrinkled more tightly. The vampire thought of something.