The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 91: lock up


"We were fooled." The person who spoke was still the woman from the Hayate family, Sibella, and Corden just sat silently, frowning.

Zach looked at Sibera's eyes that never looked into his own. He was very sure that the other party's "we" did not include vampires, but a single Gale couple.

But what about the facts? The same can be said for Zach.

"Where is Ravenchi?" Zach asked, and he already had the answer.

Sibella finally looked at Zach, with complex hatred in her eyes, but the target was not a vampire, "Officially, he will be cremated tomorrow, but..."

Zach sighed, and then continued what Sibella said: "You saw the body, that's not him, he's gone."

A lot can happen in one afternoon.

Rui Wenqi died on the spot. For a criminal who had been sentenced to death and still wanted to hurt others, no one wanted to spend more time on him. However, procedurally, the Gale and his wife would still be allowed to take one last look at him. Before this glance, something happened, and the person lying on the waiting list for cremation was no longer Rui Wenqi. Ordinary people would be confused by witchcraft, but Sibella would not.

"From the very beginning, what he (Papa Midnight) wanted was my bloodline." Sibella said gloomily, with hatred.

There was a helpless smile in the corner of Zach's eyes, "And mine."

Wells has always been the bait, except that he is not Zach's, but Papa Midnight's, in order to fish out the descendants of 'Toledo'! Funeral records investigator? How convenient, except for the dead old Grad and Hank, only the old record has someone's burial place!

When the investigation is about to end and the normal route fails. A 'mummy' bound by chains will always be a 'mummy', so force Zach to resuscitate him!

Sibella's face showed surprise, but it disappeared immediately, and the coldness on her face became even stronger: "You woke up Ian Anthony."

Head Zach, he is not surprised that Sibella would know the existence of Ian. Gale has lived in Barton City much longer than Zach and the others, and he does not remember that when he lived with the Anthony brothers on the battlefield, there were Leave it to Ian to make the vampire sleep forever. After all, the most important 'quality' of a vampire is immortality, not eternal sleep.

Hank, Hayate, and Ian, before the vampires and werewolves came to Barton, these people were actually connected!

But this isn't their story, it's Zach's.

"I must wake him up." Zach shook his head, "Your son, he used the blood of the dead to poison me."

Sibella's face showed contemplation. No normal person would take the initiative to approach after hearing the gunshot. Aside from being a wizard and a former hunter, the Hayate couple are considered normal people. So they didn't know what happened. When they were notified, all they knew was the vague statement that 'Riwenqi tried to harm innocent people, was stopped by the guards, and died on the spot.'

This Indian woman could imagine that Papa came to Ravenchi at midnight and made an 'invitation'. At first, Sibella thought that Ravenqi was just trying to survive, but now, if Papa Midnight started the contract with revenge vampires, it would be easier to understand for Ravenqi to accept it. But there are still gaps in the incident.

"Why are you here?" Zach asked.

"Protect Ryan." Sibella answered directly. The light and shadow in the corner of the office distorted for a moment, but someone's figure never appeared.

Zach said, "Okay, now I also have people who need to be protected, and we can work together."

The bell on the desk rang, and Alice opened the side door, waiting for Zach's instructions.

"Alice, please tidy up the vacant room on the second floor. The valuable guests will stay here for a few days."

"Yes." Alice glanced at the Gale and his wife, with a hint of complicated sadness in her eyes, and left. Everyone should remember that Alice was picked up by a vampire and a werewolf on Barton Street.

When the two couples were sent to the second floor to rest, James had already woken up from a coma and was very surprised to see the three of them together. He didn't feel much about Zach's recovery, because Anthony had already told him about the importance of Alice in the Grand House. She was the vampire's reliance on maintaining his eternal life.

James was surprised by the arrival of Hayate and his wife. Although he could not face Hayate yet, he still ignored the pain in the bandages on his shoulders and pulled the vampire into Hayate's room. The four people stood under the same roof again, but the space had changed from James' prime bachelor's loft to a guest room of only 20 square meters in the Grand House.

"You!" James pointed at the vampire, the movement was so big that it affected the wound, and the corners of his eyes twitched: "I'll settle the score with you later!"

Zach pouted, his body had just recovered, and the vampire had no intention of donating his blood to heal James' injuries. He needs to restore a three hundred or four hundred year old vampire power as soon as possible after the 'blood exchange' to face possible battles.

"First things first!" James faced the other three people with some excitement. He hoped that with his emphatic tone, the Gale and his wife could take the time to put aside the fact that he was the one who sent Ravenci to death.

important? I'm afraid only this general's son would think that what he wants is important.

"Papa Midnight's recruiter! I can already confirm that there are people who had accidents around the last month and are still alive or who cannot be confirmed dead."

This list had long been given to the Gale and his wife, but relying on Sibella's sixth sense, the progress of the investigation was very slow.

"Plus having access to the medical record system of those who died at Barton Mercy Hospital!" James continued. Obviously, before Zach refused to help and Ravenci's trial court began, the responsible detective conducted another reason and draw conclusions.

"There is only one person who fits the situation! That is Tuo..."

"That's enough James." The Hayate couple kept frowning and said nothing. The only 'bad guy' who interrupted James was Zach, a vampire. "We don't care who it is at all. If this is you We have more important things to do.”

Zach was about to turn around and leave. The Gale and his wife also turned around and took off their coats and cloaks. They needed to rest.

James was the only one standing in a room of only about twenty square meters, staring. He seemed unable to accept such a turn of events for the moment.

"Wait!" James grabbed Zach's shoulders and pulled the vampire who was about to open the door and leave. The muscles on his shoulders bulged. Due to the force, the bright red blood penetrated the white gauze and slowly spread.

"What! What do you mean you don't care?!" James' cheeks were twitching, either because of pain or excitement.

The actions of Hayate and his wife also stopped for a while, and the fault lines of the incident will be answered here.

"You want to know?" Zach looked back at James with a half-smile.

The general's son's eyes were confused for a moment. What he cared about was not 'why he didn't care', but he was angry about these people's lack of care!

Zach faced James, looked into his eyes, and without waiting for him to continue speaking, spoke first: "Rivench became a Death Apostle recruited by Papa Midnight himself."

James was startled and quickly turned his head to look at the Gale and his wife. Facing the gloomy couple, James understood that this was not what they wanted. His face turned to Zach again, and when he was about to speak, the vampire beat him again.

"The thing Ravenqi attacked was a 'poison' fatal to vampires."

James was not surprised by this, nor did he care about how Ravenci came into contact with this. Fortunately, Zach didn't have to ask.

"Those things were sent to Ravenci by Wells, the man Benjamin asked you to bring back."

James was a little surprised at this time. Although conversations with vampires are always like this - being forcibly led by the nose, it is undeniable that the son of a general has begun to get used to this feeling of being suppressed all the time. He began to think about the connection.

"Wells is a chess piece I planted. It's a chess piece to help you, Detective Lance, to lure out Dead Apostle recruiters." Zach looked at James, who was thinking with a shocked expression, with a self-deprecating smile. Sergeant, waiting for the human detective's mind to connect all this.

"So, he is not my person, but the person Papa used to attract me to Ravenci at midnight." Zach kept smiling and gave the detective time to think.

"Rui Wenqi. You." James lowered his head, his thoughts changed quickly, and he looked at the Gale and his wife again, frowning, and looked back at Zach: "Why?"

"Good question." Zach nodded with satisfaction, "But unfortunately, we don't know either, so this is what is more important to us." Zach's words were unclear, but James only needed to know this.

The Hayate couple had a clear vision in their eyes. The gap in the incident had been closed. Wells, the person used by both parties, was the knot that connected the vampires and Ravenci.

Zach was about to leave again, and James stopped the vampire again: "Wait! Recruit someone! We have to catch him!"

Zach raised his eyebrows impatiently, "Are you serious? James Lance. He is nothing, just a lucky and unfortunate guy. Papa doesn't care about him at all. Everything is just A huge circle, a circle to wrap up the strong wind and me."

James opened his mouth, unable to say anything to refute.

From the moment Papa was summoned to Barton City by Sibella at midnight because of her momentary vulnerability, this huge arc began to unfold. Those Dead Apostles who committed suicide, those corpses called zombies by vampires in the warehouse, are just to hold up the filler of this arc!

Raven's becoming a Death Apostle may be the end, or it may be just one of the arcs!

"Sorry, James. If you want to catch him, please rely on your own strength, human strength. Us? We are not your tools. We have our own destiny to control."

Zach walked out the door and walked down the hallway to the stairwell. From the guest room door that was still open behind her, Sibella's cold voice sounded: "You can go, we need to rest."