The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 92: a new day


On Thursday morning, a new day begins. Louise opened her eyes, feeling the emptiness behind her, put down her rolled head, and stood up slowly. Louise has almost gotten used to it, and often doesn't see the person next to her bed in the morning. Sometimes she would wake up in the middle of the night and Zach was no longer around.

Vampires are nocturnal creatures. Louise has almost understood these things. Zach has a special bloodline that allows him to move in the sun. But outdoors in the sunshine, Zach always holds a cigarette, a cup of coffee, or a refill of food from the bottle in his arms.

The strange thing is that the vampire's body does not have the bitter smell and blood of tobacco and coffee, but only a light, calming coolness. It has nothing to do with the temperature, only whether he is hungry or not. The coldness he felt when he first met the vampire never appeared again.

Louise counted the time, and it was very close to the time for the vampire to go on a diet. The temperature that once made her full of vigilance was about to reappear again.

Louise started dressing in a flashback to two months ago.

In fact, there is nothing to do. Louise has abandoned her former career and she no longer has to please other people's eyes. Louise just combed her hair, put eyeliner on her dull eyes, covered her dark circles under the foundation, and dyed her pale lips with warm red.

She didn't sleep well last night and had been waiting for Zach to arrive. It wasn't until she couldn't hold on in the darkness that she fell asleep in a daze.

Louise looked at herself in the mirror and remembered this appearance. Because Zach once told her, 'When you become a vampire, your image will no longer be seen in the mirror. '

Louise took a deep breath and took one last look at 'herself'. Pushing open the door, along the corridor, Old Hank and Alice's rooms have been opened. They have already gotten up before Louise and started the day's routine housework. Louise's white fingers slid on the stair railing, followed the stairs, turned around, and was already facing the door leading to the back porch of the Grand House from the stairwell.

Louise moved on.

"Slow down!" It was Zach's voice, which entered the cold, narrow stairwell through the door.

"Breathe!" Zach's voice.

"Breathe?" A somewhat unfamiliar young voice followed, followed by a heavy and somewhat ridiculous inhalation.

"Uh. I mean, it's like breathing." There was a hint of amusement in Zach's helpless voice, and his tone was unconsciously emphasized, "Feel the flow of blood in the blood vessels! Just like people feel breathing! Heartbeat! The heartbeat is our breathing!”

"Why are you urging me!" A young voice said, "Don't be so harsh on me!"

"Thirteen years!" Zach's voice said, "Thirteen years! You still can't act in the sun! You must have broken the family record!"

"Fucking family record!" A young voice said, "We are the only two Toredos in the world and I am the record!"

"Hahaha!" Zach seemed amused, "You are right.".

Just as Louise raised her hand, her fingers reaching for the doorknob stopped. A slight stream of air blew out between Louise's warm and delicate lips. She retracted her fingers and turned around to walk to the kitchen. Alice must need help preparing breakfast.

Zach stood under the sunlight coming from the east. The early morning sunlight was not enough to have any impact on Zach. He looked at Ian under the eaves of the porch. This young vampire, whose hair was almost as round as a bald head, took an awkward step toward the sun.


Ian's eyes lost their vitality and closed directly. He fell to the ground like a shaved monkey. Zach sighed, lifted Ian who was facing the ground, and threw him back into the shadows on the porch. Ian's eyes opened and he looked at Zach confusedly, "Did I succeed?"

"No." Zach answered without any hesitation.

Ian, looking at his body, there is no missing skin or parts, "At least I don't have a fever! This is progress, right!"

Zach shook his head helplessly, and then nodded again. Ian was already very good. He had only spent thirty-two days teaching this descendant, plus last night.

"Get some rest." Zach patted Ian on the shoulder, "We all worked hard yesterday."

Ian's expression suddenly became alert, because the shirtless Benjamin scratched his back in confusion and walked towards the two vampires. He put a hand on Zach's shoulder and rubbed his nose, "You two really stink. .”

"You are just..."

Zach waved his hand to stop the impulsive young man, and smiled at the werewolf, "I was in a good mood, so I drank a few more drinks."

"As you wish." The werewolf curled his lips indifferently: "I called 'Sam' yesterday. Are you going or am I going to go?"

Zach winked at Ian, then turned to Benjamin, "You go ahead."

Benjamin turned his head and glanced at Ian, the kind of 'gaze' where he turned his eyes sideways without any expression and then retracted them. Benjamin turned and left. Alpha's disdain seemed to anger the young vampire again. Ian's pupils turned blood red in an instant, but all he could do was stand on the porch and gnash his teeth. Werewolves are creatures of the sun, vampires no.

Zach held down the excited Ian and said somewhat seriously: "Ian, Benjamin is a friend and a partner!"

"Why do we want to be partners with four-legged creatures!" The time Ian became a vampire, minus the time he was asleep, was less than a year. I really don't know where his strong sense of racial superiority came from!

Zach frowned. He couldn't remember any exaggeration of the threat posed by werewolves to vampires during his thirty-two days of 'teaching'. After all, the most important 'quality' of a vampire is immortality, not being bitten to death by a werewolf. The one who really has a sense of racial superiority is Zach...

Zach just forgot how vigilant he was when he first saw Benjamin on the battlefield. Thirteen years can change a person's perception.

Zach shook his head helplessly, "You will find out, Benjamin is a partner we can trust." At his weakest moment, a vampire who faced Benjamin's wolf body and was still miraculously alive qualified for this sentence.

Ian frowned, the redness in his eyes dissipated, but there was still confusion on his face. If one thing is created to hunt another thing, the instinctive resistance to the latter is not so easy to eliminate. Especially since the latter is still so young and has just been completely abused by the former.

Zach didn't think about it anymore, in fact, he wasn't worried about what Ian would do to Benjamin. Benjamin was the alpha, and it was difficult for Zach to touch him, not Ian. As for Benjamin's self-control, Zach trusts it.

"Do you want to see Anthony? I can give him a call." Zach changed the subject.

Ian's vigilance immediately dissipated and was replaced by melancholy, "Did he forgive me?"

Zach didn't answer, it wasn't a question he could give an answer to.

After a long silence, Ian seemed to have made a decision, "Call him! I want to see him!"

Zack, this answer actually doesn’t need to be asked. Ian came to Barton thirteen years ago, but his younger brother dreamed every day of living in the emerging city called "Barton" after the war. I heard that there was a city built by a group of martyrs, and there was a philanthropist named 'Quinn' who built families for children who lost their parents in the war.

When the war is still going on, this is the only belief that the soldiers have when they are shedding blood that everything is meaningful.