The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 95: Abandoned and needed


Benjamin sent the blood tank he had retrieved at noon down to the basement and returned to the office with a glass of bright red wine.

Anthony sat slumped at his desk, his abruptly arched shoulders still misaligned, the lacerations on his skin staining his shirt and coat red, and his half-bruised face turned sideways to the window.

Benjamin put down the cup containing Zach's blood and patted Anthony's uninjured shoulder as a gesture of comfort.

"I did nothing wrong!" Anthony suddenly looked up at Benjamin, "He is impulsive and violent..."

Benjamin pressed his finger on Anthony's lips, "Shh-"

As mentioned before, a layer of cement cannot block a vampire's hearing.

Anthony's eyes exuded an indescribable meaning due to emotional confusion. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and drank the liquid in the cup. The wounds healed and the bruises disappeared. The mayor of Barton City left the Grand House with tattered clothes hanging on his fat body.

In the afternoon, before four, Laura came.

As a regular visitor to the Grand House, she has become as familiar with the place as her own home. The girl ran into the office in a panic. 'Alice's other brother', who was always here, was not here. The desk seemed to have been hit by something and was tilted against the wall. There was a faint smell of burning in the air. .

But that wasn't what Laura cared about. She rushed into the kitchen, looking for Alice, and then ran up to the second floor, only to see 'another brother's girlfriend' staring at the mirror.

"Where's Alice?" Laura asked this woman who seemed to be worried.

Louise came back to her senses and smiled at Laura, "Go and see Benjamin."

"Oh, thank you!" Laura stepped on her canvas shoes, thumped downstairs, and ran to the warehouse.

"Found you!" Laura finally saw Alice stunned on the second floor of the warehouse.

The banshee looked away and looked out the window, "Laura, why are you here? Aren't you grounded?"

"I sneaked here during volunteer time!" Laura explained, with anxiety on her face, "Something bad happened!"

The banshee Alice calmed down her mood, looked at her friend's face, made sure nothing happened, and then looked curious and asked: "What happened?"

Laura's anxiety eased a lot after seeing Alice. A girl's anxiety is usually not the incident itself, but the simple eagerness to 'complain'. The real thing is the sadness that comes out after this anxiety.

"Do you remember Teacher Trisha, whom Parker studied?" Laura took Louise's arm and sat on Benjamin's bed.

"Well, I remember that you guys came for dinner before. Does she like what I made?" Alice said with a smile. Chatting with her friends always made her happy.

Laura also had a smile on her face, "Of course!" But immediately, the girl's eyes dimmed, "You remember his husband Todd, we held a party for him two weeks ago."

"Well." Alice blinked, "Is he okay? Remember Mr. Trisha, he recovered very well last time. Is he discharged from the hospital now?"

Laura shook her head, "He's gone."

Alice's eyelashes trembled, and Laura continued to speak in a low tone.

"We were teaching our friends to draw, and then Teacher Cuisha was called to the school office. There was a call from the hospital. Then when she came back, her eyes were red..."

Alice put her arm around Laura's shoulders. Now that Laura rarely wore heavy makeup, Alice no longer had to take care of her friend's smeared eyeliner.

"They, Mr. Todd's condition suddenly deteriorated and he was not rescued. It was clear that the situation was stable some time ago... "

Alice patted Laura on the back, not knowing how to comfort her.

Life is inherently impermanent, and in Barton, this impermanence is only more obvious.

The cemetery in the west of the Grand House is mostly used for burying criminals sent from prison and the anonymous people in the hospital. Sibella, supported by her husband Corden, closed her eyes and muttered silently. What, the faint light and shadow twisted on the ground in front of the short tombstone under her outstretched fingers.

Benjamin looked to the back. Some farmers were far away from the North Garden and scattered in the other three cemeteries to clear weeds, so that no one paid attention to this place.

Sibera's body shook for a while, and the continuous spells made her very tired. Corden held a wooden jar in his hand and handed it to Sibella's nose. He didn't know what was put in it, but Benjamin could smell the pungent aroma.

"You should take a rest." Benjamin looked at Sibella and suggested.

The Indian woman glanced at the werewolf and shook her head, "We don't know when Papa Midnight will come. I need it as soon as possible."

Benjamin watched Sibella being supported and walked towards another tombstone. Someone's name was engraved on the rugged stone at the corner, nothing more. There wasn't even a date. You could tell at a glance that it was a shoddy tombstone captured by a werewolf.

The werewolf realized that he couldn't slow down Sibella, so he gave up and asked, "Why don't you want Papa to take Ryan away at midnight? Do you know anything?"

Corden crouched in front of the tombstone, drawing symbols around the grave with a broken branch in his hand in preparation for the spell. The gap gave Benjamin an opportunity to ask questions.

Sibella stretched out her hand to Benjamin, and Benjamin held out his palm, allowing Sibella to hold it while his thin fingers moved up along the blood vessels on her wrist. Sibella felt it for a moment and glanced at Benjamin, "You only have one-tenth of the Indian blood."

Benjamin didn't care about his bloodline. Like most federal people today, he was the descendant of two races that were intertwined with each other. With such thin Indian ancestry, Benjamin can no longer be considered an Indian.

"This means that 90% of your bloodline was not bred in this continent." Sibella let go of Benjamin's hand, "So you don't understand what your ancestors, the ancestors of wolves, did for And take off the human form.”

Benjamin frowned. In fact, his impression of the former Alpha was very vague. But he still knows the history and is still restrained by the most primitive impulse of the werewolf, "to protect this land from being invaded."

Siberia shook her head, but there was obvious sadness in her eyes. The werewolves were no longer the 'family' they once were, and the vampires were no longer the 'invaders' they once were. Everything in the past was intertwined and merged with the changes of the times.

"We heard some things from wandering souls, those sad creatures wandering outside the world." Sibella stopped her sadness and her tone became calm, "Papa is planning something at midnight. He wants to leave the Federation, maybe he will Crossing the ocean, completely abandoning this continent. He is recruiting purebred descendants with his blood flowing through them to strengthen his power."

Benjamin thought for a while, "I thought Ryan didn't have any witchcraft talent, and neither did Ravenchi."

Sibella glanced at Benjamin, "Like the ancestors of your wolf pack, they have no talent, but they have still become the heroes and guardians they once were. Now, Papa Midnight needs attackers."

Benjamin felt the afternoon breeze. The full moon was approaching, and the werewolf's senses were already showing signs of recovery. Sibella's voice was echoing in his ears.

Although everyone who knows the true history of India will regard the former werewolves as heroes who dedicated themselves to their homeland, they all know that it is just a curse. A curse imposed on his family in the name of 'righteousness'.

Now, Papa Midnight has a new "great cause", and the former guardian has now become a "pioneering road ahead". He needs people who are willing to bear the curse, and he needs soldiers.