The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 97: Alpha under the full moon


The truck, which was previously uneven due to the ravages of werewolves and vampires, has been resurrected by the extremely diligent werewolves who repaired it in the past three days. Now, this dirty, old and broken truck is driving south on Route 7.

The vampire holding the steering wheel looked at the werewolf in confusion. Although he was happy that he didn't have to go on a diet, the werewolf was a little too calm now. The lowest point of the sun is already only a thin line away from the western horizon. Soon, the night will cover Barton. In the east, surrounded by stars, the full moon will become the protagonist of the sky.

At this time in the past, the werewolf would always be extremely irritable, and most of the time, the hungry vampire would not let him go.

The truck turned around at the border of the city of Patton and continued on roadless land, stopped only after the surrounding trees made it impossible to proceed further. Zach watched Benjamin jump out of the car, neatly took off his clothes and threw them back into the car. Before the sun had completely set, he disappeared into the shadow of the trees.

Zach stopped dilly-dallying and returned to Route 7, heading back to Grand House.

Benjamin's running at this time had no goal. The soft soil, broken branches, and yellow leaves were trampled by the werewolf's feet. After crossing the thick tree trunk, the werewolf's body was covered with a layer of brown and yellow down. His legs continued to kick back, his strong front body leaned forward, and his down-covered arms pressed against the ground, moving back like the forelimbs of a beast. The werewolf's speed is faster.

The sky was dimming, and when the sun finally sank below the horizon, the running werewolf seemed to jump into a depression, and his body was submerged in the darkness for a moment.

When the world adapted to the night dominated by the full moon, deep in the woods on the border of Barton's South District, a 'wolf' covered in black and brown fur jumped out of the darkness and bathed in the moonlight that penetrated the shade of the trees.

It raised its chin and looked at the full moon in the sky, its fur swaying in the breeze. It waited quietly, waiting for the full moon staring at the earth to tell it something.

Benjamin always refused to talk to it, so it could only ask the distant stars.

A low hum from deep in the throat came out of this Alpha's mouth. The full moon in its eyes was squeezed into a line by the shrinking pupils. The brown hair stood up slightly, no longer being stirred by the airflow, and the lips parted. Down, the sharp fangs made all life in the woods tremble and silence.

In the dead silence, the sound of running beasts sounded in the woods. Alpha was running. Unlike Benjamin who was aimless, Alpha seemed to know exactly where he was going!

The main entrance of the Grand House glowed blue under the moonlight, silent and peaceful. A white line that looks like lime extends along the porch, around the corner of the building and back, enclosing the entire Grand House. The faint light and shadow form a 'wall' to keep out all evil things.

Including vampire Zack.

Zach stopped the truck in the backyard, took off his coat, folded it, and put it in the car. He opened the door and looked towards the second floor of Grande. Banshee Alice, old Hank and Louise were standing by the window, looking at the backyard.

Papa Midnight chose to attack when the werewolf left without any new ideas.


Ravenqi, who was no different from a normal person, stared at Zach when he appeared, with anger and hatred in his eyes!

Zach put one hand on the shoulder of Ian, who was about to attack, and unbuttoned his shirt with the other hand. He ignored Ravenci at all, but looked at the zombies standing behind him.

"Papa Midnight, do you want to chat first? Or should we all save time and get started quickly?" Zach asked the walking zombies.

The ignored Rui Wenqi was about to step forward when his shoulder was held down by a rotten and withered hand. The stiff and dry facial muscles still completed the expression of a smile. Papa's midnight 'telephone' crossed Ravenci's body and looked at the vampire with his sleeves rolled up: "Let's chat first."

There seemed to be a trace of false disappointment on Zach's face, as if he had pulled up his sleeves, but the other party was just as disappointed as, 'Let's be friends.'

Zach looked at the gloomy-looking Gale and his wife. The two Indians were standing at the place where Ryan was buried. Their eyes were focused on their former eldest son.

Zach looked towards the two of them, pressed down on Ian, whose eyes were already red, and walked away from the Hayate family. The zombies with Ravenci's skills cooperated very well, and got away from behind Ravenci, and together they kept a distance from the vampires. at the same time, move to the side.

The two eyes of the Great Dane King separated strangely, and finally seemed to have received Zach's instructions and stayed with the Gale and his wife.

"What do you want to talk about, Papa Midnight." Zach waved his hand casually.

"Are you willing to give me Ian Anthony?" The zombie asked casually.

"Of course not." Zach raised the corners of his mouth, not knowing what he was laughing at.

"Maybe we should ask him for his opinion." The zombie suggested.

"He's too young to make any decisions..." Zach's footsteps stopped because Ian, who was supported by him, stopped and turned his head.

The smile on Zach's face disappeared and he looked down at the 'child' he had lost for thirteen years.

"Ha! Look, he doesn't seem so..."

Vampire Zach raised a finger in the air. He did not look at the walking corpse, but used his sharp fingertips to express that he was not in the mood to talk to the other party.

The family conflict on Hayate's side seemed to have exploded, and the fierce quarrels contrasted with the tranquility here. Zach said nothing, he was waiting for Ian to speak. Feeling something will happen and confirming it with your own ears are two different things.

"I want to stay here and fight for you." Ian raised his head and looked into the vampire's eyes, "I like to be taught by you, I like to be the only 'Toledo' with you, and I like this 'Grande' '."

When Benjamin temporarily replaced Zach as Grande's master, the two vampires in the basement had already told each other all the past stories, and then the rest of the time was spent looking forward to the future. But for this part, Zach usually speaks alone and Ian listens.

So, now it's 'you're fine with everything, but' time.

"But you still don't want to stay." Zach just followed Ian's words.

"Ann doesn't want me here." Ian's eyes were blank for a moment, "He is my brother, I know him. Thirteen years ago, he did it for his troops. Now, he will do it for his citizens. Nothing. Change."

Zach was silent.

"I know that I have never been your ideal candidate for a descendant. It has always been An. I am stubborn and impulsive. If An didn't ask you, I wouldn't be here."

"Everyone changes." Zach frowned, trying to find a hint of weakness in Ian's words as a basis for his own counterattack.

Ian seemed to smile bitterly, frowning and saying something completely unrelated, "I'm surprised that Ann has gotten older." Ian's eyes closed, and when he opened them again, "You have all changed, but But it's for each other, not me." Ian's eyes became serious: "I can never catch up with your changes! One day, you will find that I can't be the 'child' you expected, and when Ann expels me again When the time comes, you won’t be twisting his will.”

Zach sighed, his stance blocked. As he breathed slowly, the vampire's eyes hardened, "Have you made up your mind?"

"I will be a good soldier! I will be outside the Federation..." Ian tried to explain what, Zach is still his 'father', if Zach becomes strict, he will still fight like a child Make excuses for yourself.

Zach didn't listen to Ian anymore and turned around and walked towards the Gale and his wife. He tried and failed, so there is no need to dwell on it anymore.

Sibella took out a puppet from under her cloak. The woman's slightly opened mouth slowly breathed out, and her finger that was cut by the knife dropped a drop of blood on the wooden figure. Corden on the side also smeared the blood from his fingers on the puppet.

Rui Wenqi's face was sullen, and his chest was heaving violently due to the quarrel just now. Judging from the position where he stood, he failed to make Gale retreat and make way for Ryan's 'burial'. He stared at the movements of the two people. The wooden man's head was removed, revealing the hollow body inside. Sibella took out a box and opened it.

"What is that! What are you doing?!" Rui Wenqi yelled vigilantly.

"Don't you remember?" Sibera's face showed sadness and anger, "This is your tooth. When you were twelve years old, you lost it in a fight with your neighbor."

Siberella seemed to be caught up in some memories, but Ravenqi had no intention of accompanying his mother to reminisce. What he cared about was that the blood, matter, and form had been controlled by the wizard!

"What do you want to do!" Rui Wenqi almost yelled through gritted teeth.

"I don't want my bloodline to become someone else's slave." Sibera didn't look at Ravenqi anymore, put the wooden man's head back on, put it in her mouth, and moved her lips.

On the wooden figure stained with the blood of the Gale and his wife, red spells suddenly spread out from the red, twisting and bending in the air like chains! As if there was a real sound of chains colliding with each other, the chains that grew out of the wooden mannequin in Sibella's hand rushed towards Ravenqi not far away like arrows!


The red chain pulled between the two looked extremely cold and terrifying in the night. The moment the chains entangled and bound Raven Qi, the red chain suddenly brightened and then disappeared! Sibella held the doll high in her hand, and dense spells covered the brown wooden doll, echoing the spells on Ravenqi's skin at this time!

The curse is done!

"With my words, with my wishes!"

Then, Sibera stared and tore off the wooden man's left arm.


Ravenqi's miserable howl tore through the night sky! The thick left arm is bent behind the back in a weird posture!

Sibera's logic was very simple. She didn't give the Dead Apostle a chance to use her other arm and just tore it off. Papa Midnight's Death Apostle witchcraft and Sibella's control witchcraft overlapped on Ravenchi's body and were completely destroyed. his left arm.

Zach frowned and stood behind the Hayate couple, guarding with Jin, as if he was a stranger to Ian who had already joined the group of zombies.

The reason why Zach frowned was because Sibella was not straightforward. She still wanted to use 'persuasion' to free the Dead Apostle's contract and free Ravenci's soul from Papa Midnight's control.

Sibella's eyes were focused, she was playing with the puppet with both hands, and she controlled the puppet's right hand to pull out the dagger from her waist.

Rui Wenqi's right arm did something against its owner's will. It groped around his waist, grabbed the hunter's dagger, pulled it out, turned his fingers flexibly, and pointed the tip of the knife towards him!

"Stab it!" Sibella yelled at the doll. In a woman's unique sharp scream, she held down the doll's right hand with her dry fingers and stabbed towards the wooden left chest!


The sound of the blade entering flesh erupted on Ravenqi's body.

The first step has been completed! Sibella's fingers trembled, and she pushed aside the bent doll's arm. The delicately carved wrist was turned in one direction, another stroke!

The bones of the Great Dane suddenly fell apart and squirmed, and the skin and muscles of the whole body changed rapidly. The shapechanger whose real name was "Gonggong" bounced up like a vermilion wall snake. Corden's body was wrapped around its thick and long tail, heading towards Quick retreat on one side!

The vampire's eyes were filled with red. He didn't even bother to retract his sharp fingertips, grabbed Sibella's shoulders and backed away violently!

The blood touched the curse under the full moon, and a new Alpha was born.