The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 110: The ace fighter is here


The demon hunter hasn't come after him for the time being, but everyone knows that it's not suitable to stay here for a long time: Although Vivienne used spells to wipe out the breath of the group, demon hunters have always been known for their dog-like pursuit and endless patience. In the world, unless they are completely shaken off, they will keep chasing their prey until they decide whether to live or die, and it is obviously not the time for those demon hunters to give up.

However, Hao Ren and the others had to rest in this wasteland, because they needed to recover their physical strength and injuries.

Eun Eben escaped with half his life hanging from the sky. When he was brought out, he looked miserable like a corpse. Casa Eben hadn’t completely wiped out the magic power from his body, and Vivienne was not affected. What to do, but the physical strength is exhausted, and Hao Ren needs to wait for the shield to recharge. To sum up, except for Lily, who is so spirited and happy, the other four basically need time to recuperate. The trail was caught by the witcher.

"Ahem... I haven't suffered such a serious injury for more than a hundred years," Eun Eben said with a pale face lying on the ground, laughing at himself, the burns and frostbite on his body still looked horrifying Human, but that is already a layer of dead skin, new skin is slowly wriggling and growing under those scorched marks, the scary penetrating wound on his stomach has stopped bleeding, and the muscles and blood vessels near the wound are tremblingly interacting with each other Put together and grow together, it seems that it is only a matter of time before they fully recover, "The last time someone made a hole in the body was in 1943, you lied to me that human sniper rifles are not very powerful... Cough cough, this time you lied I said that the combat effectiveness of vampire clones is very low... "

"If I hadn't been injured too badly when fighting with that clone, how could I have let a mere demon hunter shoot at the wall," You En said with a corner of his mouth, "Damn, I'm very hungry now, very very hungry, I absolutely After three days of depleting my fat reserves, I feel like I could eat a rock right now…”

Lily just heard this sentence after sharpening her paws, she picked up a stone from the side and handed it over in a frenzy: "Here you are, the stone."

Casa and Youn looked at each other, and closed their eyes for the last time: "Damn, it's just because of such a sick-brained brat!"

Hao Ren watched the two werewolves bickering with great interest, knowing that it was probably Eun trying to divert his attention from the wound, and he found that the two werewolves he had just met were not as vicious as he had imagined at first —Although they "kidnapped" Lily, in the final analysis it was just that the werewolf acted awkwardly. In addition, after the hostility between the two parties was resolved, he found that the two brothers were quite interesting.

However, Vivienne on the other side obviously didn't want to stay too close to the werewolf. The vampire girl stood guard on the nearby small slope, showing no interest in the conversation between the two werewolves. However, Hao Ren could roughly see that she had no hostility towards these two werewolves, it was just a simple estrangement.

"Could it be that they specially ambushed us?" Eun Eben pushed himself up vigorously, "Hiss—it's almost grown. Could it be that you exposed your whereabouts when you moved during the day?"

"No, this group of people should just pass by," Casa shook his head, "From the perspective of equipment, they didn't carry holy water and holy utensils specially designed to deal with vampires, which means they don't know that there is still a vampire in this city." , if they came to ambush us, they should do it in the morning. At that time, the two of us and this little girl can't escape at all. And have you noticed that the weapons in their hands are all temporarily enchanted? So I guess this group of people was passing by, and just as they were passing by, we fought with the vampires, which attracted the gang of plague gods, and the ambush was also set up during that short period of time. Demon hunters are very good at magic Unknowingly laying traps."

…Hao Ren’s understanding of demon hunters is limited. When he heard Kasa’s analysis, he immediately pricked up his ears and listened carefully. He didn’t expect that there are so many ways in demon hunters. It's useful knowledge—God knows how to explain this problem: an official employee hired by the goddess has somehow become a member of the monster camp, and now he has to find a way to fight the human guardian... Hao Ren is sure that the raven 12345 Already knew this situation.

"You must be quite smart among werewolves," Vivienne's voice suddenly came from the side, and it turned out that she had also approached at some point, "I think there are few werewolves who can analyze the situation like you. "

Casa Eben grinned: "Of course, I'm the wisest among werewolves..."

Vivien cut a sigh, thinking that the werewolf's intelligence probably stopped here.

"How long are you going to rest?" Vivienne looked into the distance to make sure that the witcher didn't come after her, "I'm afraid there will be problems if you continue to delay, why don't you just separate here, you guys find a way to report back to the family to report the situation here , We also have an ace thug and a big backstage boss here, but we are not afraid of demon hunters."

"That's right, it's good to act separately," Kasa looked at the half-recovered arm, and nodded in agreement, "Then let's go, I will convey the news of the Countess to the elders of the clan."

Hao Ren also stood up, touched his body, and frowned slightly: "Why do I always feel like I forgot something?"

"Did you leave something in the warehouse?" Vivian stretched out her wings and patted Hao Ren's shoulder. "It can't be a wallet, can it?"

"You think everyone is the same as you," Hao Ren patted Vivienne's wings off, "and even if I lose my wallet, I still have money to support you guys... I remember throwing something away..."

Just as Hao Ren was halfway through speaking, he heard a sharp roar coming from far and near: "Damn you, throw this machine out!"

The data terminal was glowing with blue light, spinning rapidly in the air like an out-of-control flying saucer and smashing towards Hao Ren's head. Finally, it stopped on the rigid shield with a loud bang: "You use pda like that!" What?! Where did the mentality of being cautious in the first few days for fear of falling or touching it? This machine is so strong that you really use this machine as a brick, right?”

"What the hell is this..." Kasa and Eun were dumbfounded and exclaimed in unison. During the scuffle just now, they saw Hao Ren throwing a bright and scary thing, but they didn't have time to see what it was. Like the scar girl, they subconsciously regarded the data terminal as some kind of hidden weapon. At this time, seeing that it can not only fly, jump and talk, but also find it so far back to its owner, he was stunned. You En slapped his forehead with a slap: "Your human technology is already so advanced? This is love madness. Sixty-six or Xiaomi seventy-nine?"

Hao Ren shoved the data terminal into his pocket embarrassingly: "Hehe, this is my portable weapon, portable weapon... just keep it in your pocket! Don't jump! Don't turn! Don't get hot! Don't put Dou E's grievances in my head!" !"

The two werewolves stared blankly at all this. It is estimated that they have never seen anyone with a weapon capable of fighting with their master in their entire lives.

At this moment, a simple and honest voice suddenly came from not far away: "Hehe, so you are here, are you all right?"

Hao Renxun looked at the reputation, and was immediately overjoyed: that familiar tall man, that familiar big bald head, that familiar face of a villain who can be detained for fifteen days on the street! It turned out to be Yzaks! Immediately, he knew that even if the gang of demon hunters were revived with full blood and jumped out again, there was no need to worry about it—the monster-level boss in front of him could pull a meteorite from the Kuiper belt and go straight to a city in seconds. The devils add up to just enough for Y'zaks to sneeze three times...

Lily and Vivienne stepped forward to greet Y'zaks, and the two werewolves looked at each other in surprise. Youn couldn't help but said, "This is... the ace fighter you are talking about? Who the hell is it? I just now I didn’t even feel his breath!”

Kasa: "Nonsense, that means you have been beaten by a demon hunter and have lost your consciousness."

"Oh, I see."

"I probably know what's going on," Y'zaks greeted Lily and the others, and came to Hao Ren with a simple and honest smile, "I found your 'weapon', you are meeting a demon hunter Is that right? The guy standing over there?"

Y'zaks raised his hand and pointed, Hao Ren followed him and was stunned: The leader of the demon hunter appeared a hundred meters away at some point!
