The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 118: About the witcher


There are still a lot of things to note about the new manned teleportation function of the data terminal. Raven 12345 can't explain it clearly at once. Hao Ren looked at the manual newly added on the terminal and found that this is a thing that needs to be studied carefully. —In the past, he was only a "passenger", and because of his limited knowledge, he never thought deeply about how complicated something related to space would be. This time, he finally understood a little bit: Civilian-level space transmission cannot It is used near a high-intensity gravitational field. When two-way transmission is carried out at the same time, there must be a calibration protocol, otherwise accidents will occur. The curvature problem generated when the first type of super-light speed engine is activated will hinder civilian teleporters. The gravitational well generator will not affect any form of space. Teleportation creates catastrophic interference...

Anyway, it was a lot of things that he couldn't understand. Raven 12345 let him not study too much, and just listen to the automatic prompts from the data terminal. Anyway, other inspectors basically did this.

Hao Ren put away the greatly enhanced data terminal with great excitement, and at the same time he did not forget that he was still a country bumpkin who had never been out of the atmosphere: "Ask some detailed questions... I just went to that Kuiper station? Is there a guide here? How should I get to the planet you mentioned hundreds of light years away? Will it arrange for a spaceship to pick you up or send it directly? I'm in the dark."

"The data terminal is your guide. In addition, there are staff at the Kuiper station to meet you. I have arranged a spaceship for you. Although it is a private transportation, it has cooperation with the empire. It is absolutely reliable," Raven 12345 simply put the black tea Throwing it aside, holding the sugar bowl and eating it spoon by spoon, "Let me tell you, you are a censor. Although you belong to the grassroots in the administrative sequence of the empire, you are still a civil servant in the eyes of all civilizations in the universe. Pay attention to your identity when you go out—remember the employee rules? It’s fine to follow it. Be careful not to interfere with other civilizations at will, and don’t bully others. If you have a situation, ask for instructions first. If I’m not at home, you can do it yourself. You should have to figure it out. The other thing is the Kuiper station—I think I need to introduce you first."

Hao Ren always felt that this "Kuiper Station" sounded a little instant, and the word "Kuiper" was a bit familiar. I seemed to have heard of it in some scientific magazine before, and I immediately pricked up my ears: "Where is it?"

"In fact, it's very close to the earth, and it's in the solar system at all," Raven 12345 snapped his fingers, and a holographic image of the solar system suddenly appeared in midair. The image was stretched and enlarged, and quickly located a dense area of celestial bodies beyond Neptune. "According to the imperial tradition, every 'land-like administrative region' similar to the capital world must be constructed according to the planning method of the capital world, so we have established a relay station in the Kuiper belt. This space station is hidden by a mask generator. It is expected that It will be open to people on Earth after 235 years, but I think the speed of development of this will have to consider removing the mask in about a hundred years, and your research on aerospace technology is quite fast."

At the end, Raven 12345 also added: "The premise is that you don't want to die. If you die suddenly in the Third World War, you will lose everything."

Hao Ren kept his mouth open for a long time, and Raven 12345 lightly revealed a truth that was enough to overturn the world: In the solar system, there is actually an alien base? ! People on earth have been working on finding extraterrestrial sounds for decades, but it turned out that a group of aliens have been working, living and doing business under the eyes of people on earth

"Don't be so surprised," Raven 12345 waved his hands cheerfully, "Look at where you are now—there is a space door above Wang Batuozi that can directly lead to heaven, so I didn't see you surprised."

Hao Ren gave the "Master Goddess" a strange look: "The main reason is that there is a goddess like you living in heaven..."

Raven 12345 frankly regarded it as a compliment. Then he waved his hand: "Okay, I will tell you about the business trip here. Someone from the space station will tell you the details, and your data terminal will download the mission briefing later. Before that... you should still What's the problem?"

Hao Ren put aside the business trip, and his expression changed: "It's true—it's about the witcher. Thank you for sending people to rescue the scene yesterday, but there are many things I can't figure out. The it right? Is it bad? I heard that they protect human beings, but you say you are a goddess, and I work for you... Now you are fighting with demon hunters, I feel a little confused."

"Is it good or bad?" Raven 12345 took a deep look at Hao Ren, "One day you will realize that this is a stupid question. In many cases, good people and bad people are meaningless, it just depends on the current position Their actions. Demon hunters are the protective force of this world. In a specific historical period, they protected the primitive civilization of this planet from being destroyed by aliens. They also indirectly contributed to the stable development of the earth today, even Until now—they are still the protectors of the earth’s civilization circle. Regarding your position, you should also be a protector, but you are serving a higher level of power, so you are in an awkward situation in local conflicts From the perspective of the right to survival of civilization, human beings are innocent, aliens are innocent, and demon hunters are also innocent, but now these three innocent groups are divided into two conflicting groups. As an observer from a high-level civilization, from which It's your job to find a solution."

"speak English."

"... I want to be lazy, you can think of it yourself."

Hao Ren knew this would be the answer, so he didn't want to say anything other than a long sigh. He just vaguely grasped the contradiction between humans, aliens, and demon hunters: these are just three people who have to struggle for their own survival. Survival groups, many aliens must prey on humans (such as "normal" vampires), or their existence itself will harm humans (evil spirits and the like), and demon hunters and humans must also hunt for their own living space. Killing aliens, who on both sides did all this with malice

He suddenly thought of the expression on the face of the demon hunter leader when he saw him in the warehouse in the northern suburbs yesterday: indifferent, calm, there was no hatred or malice when he looked at Vivienne and Lily, it was just his job, his Just life.

Presumably, when the vampires raised and hunted humans back then, they looked at the blood slaves in their castle with the same expression. They were just necessary for life. There is absolutely no vampire who sucks human blood because of hatred and anger.

Raven 12345 saw what Hao Ren was thinking, and said just right: "You eat steamed buns, do you hate steamed buns?"

Hao Ren couldn't laugh or cry: "But Mantou can't talk, think, run, jump, jump up and shoot you with a crossbow arrow. By the way, I suddenly have a question: Since you said that the universe is very vast and there are countless earth-like planets , then why not simply separate aliens from humans? Especially now that aliens can hardly survive on Earth, wouldn’t it be better to just give them a new world?”

"If you can think of this, at least you have some vision, and you will no longer limit your sight to the earth, but this idea is still too naive," Raven sighed, "First of all, the progress of each civilization circle belongs to them Yes, gods can't interfere with the daily life of mortals. Unless the entire civilization is about to go extinct, the life and death of some of them is a normal metabolism for the entire civilization circle, so I will not take action at will; secondly, escaping is never a solution to the problem You can’t just meet two groups of people fighting and split them into two different planets. If this goes on, the universe will not be enough to divide; in the end—who do you ask to move? There are tens of thousands of human beings living on this planet. The aliens have lived for tens of thousands of years, so how can you say that this is a certain party's "territory"? Just because the aliens failed to win, they were thrown on a barren planet that doesn't shit and started from scratch Come again? Do you think this is what a qualified goddess should do?"

Hao Ren really wanted to say something: Have you ever done what a qualified goddess should do

"In fact, these three are still secondary reasons. The main reason is: even if all the alien species on the current earth are transferred to other planets, it would be a waste of effort." Raven 12345 sighed, "The root cause of all this is It's more troublesome than you think, and one day you'll find out the truth for yourself."