The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 123: Ship No. 883


A gigantic spaceship was suspended in the harbor, making Hao Ren feel that he would never have to watch Hollywood again in his life.

It is difficult to directly judge the size of this spaceship with the naked eye. Its long axis looks like a mountain suspended in the harbor to Hao Ren. Seeing the background color of light gray, silver and white, I don't know whether it has been like this from the beginning or has been modified to some extent. The overall spaceship is wedge-shaped with one end large and the other end small, but the size transition is very gentle, and the two vertically crossed divisions The line divides the spaceship into four completely symmetrical parts from the beginning to the end. Reminiscent of the catamarans built by the earthlings, Hao Ren thinks that this should be called a "quadamaran". The wider end of the spaceship faces the interior of the fourth connection port, and the thinner end faces the opening of the star port, facing the distant bright stars. The complicated light signals travel on the outer shell of the spaceship, giving people the feeling of fireflies.

And under the spacecraft, there are four huge steel beams (the material is definitely not steel) at the fourth connecting port. The gaps between these four giant steel beams are filled with transparent crystals. People who stand on them may stumble and float into space. The illusion of these four girders emitting a constant twilight, the light is not strong, but it seems to have a certain resonance with the light on the hull of the spaceship suspended above.

"That's a force field restraint device," said the guide girl, who had seen that this was Hao Ren's first contact with this scene, and had been introducing everything here to Hao Ren with a perfect professional attitude. "The four main beams are used to stabilize the spacecraft. The position in the port prevents drift, and can provide some old models of spaceships with departure acceleration or entry guidance—after all, there are still many less advanced civilizations in this universe.”

Hao Ren nodded. Looking at the opening of the connection port to the universe, he just discovered that there are occasional other huge objects drifting slowly from afar. The guide noticed his line of sight and explained: "That's other spaceships that are entering or leaving the port. This is a large-scale relay station. All ports are controlled by efficient artificial intelligence. The daily throughput of spaceships is three digits. number."

Hao Ren clicked his tongue, but kept his eyes on the giant spaceship in front of him: "How big is this thing? Fuck me... Battlestar?"

"Actually, it's not too big," the guide girl smiled. "It's a passenger and cargo ship from a private company. It's a medium-sized ship in this series, with a long axis of 3.2 kilometers and a primary space. Expansion of the container hold. It's a big man for some primitive civilizations, but in your this a big ship?"

Hao Ren was stunned for a moment, but didn't realize what "in your eyes" meant. After a few seconds, he suddenly remembered his identity: an employee of the Xiling Empire Space-Time Management Bureau. Although he is currently a temporary worker and is still an apprentice, this apprentice That is also a classification only within the empire. From the perspective of outsiders, there is no difference between a trainee prosecutor and a full-time prosecutor. The guide girl in front of her regards Hao Ren as a "big man in the system". Thinking of this, Hao Ren immediately felt the heavy responsibility of safeguarding the dignity of the empire. Nodding like a wolf with a big tail: "Well, of course I didn't compare it with the Imperial spaceship..."

The data terminal muttered in Hao Ren's head: "You pretend, have you seen other flying objects made by the Empire so far besides this machine?"

"I've seen it, the house of Raven 12345. Not only can it fly, but it can also fly backwards."

Data Terminal: "..."

At this time, the guide girl took out a small device and pressed it a few times, as if she was signaling to other staff at the port. Then he led Hao Ren and his party forward: "My mission is over by bringing you to the captain, please follow me."

Hao Ren followed and walked forward. Just now he saw a small group of people standing on an alloy platform under the spaceship, who seemed to be the staff. This group of people satisfied Hao Ren's "little green man" delusion: half of them are human beings that are almost the same as people on Earth. But the other half had everything from pudgy creatures with hairy faces to aquatic species in weird spherical glass helmets filled with liquid, and two small, skinny creatures. The dark green dwarf, Hao Ren heaved a sigh of relief when he saw these people: He felt that he had finally seen aliens in a real sense, and the guide girl beside him was really kind. feel...

No matter how strange the appearance of this group of people is, they are all wearing uniform or at least similar gray-white uniforms, and there is a light yellow triangle logo on the clothes, which matches the logo somewhere on the hull of the spaceship. The guide girl led Hao Ren to greet them, and finally stood in front of an unusually burly man with a mischievous smile on his face: "Mr. Captain, the distinguished guests have been brought, the rest I leave it to you."

"Oh," the man called the captain is tall and strong, with a square face that looks quite mighty, and his strong muscles almost burst the gray-white uniform. He seems to be familiar with the guide here, laughing He waved his hand at the other party, "Go back and tell that old man Laval that next time I come, I will bring some good wine and ask him to prepare his wallet!"

The guide girl nodded and bowed with a smile, and then disappeared in front of everyone with a distorted light curtain.

"The three of you are the honored guests?" "Captain" turned to look at Hao Ren and his party, "Eh... who is the inspector?"

Hao Ren was called Your Excellency for the first time in his life. He was flattered and nodded quickly: "I, I am. Then what... Is there any boarding procedures?"

"You are on official duty. After you verify your identity, you will be exempted from all formalities and security checks," the "captain" waved to the crew beside him to let them board the ship, while taking out a rectangular device with blue light shining, "Verification of identity requires swipe..."

Before the words finished, the data terminal popped out of Hao Ren's pocket: "This machine is here, come and scan it."

Hao Ren watched in astonishment as the data terminal floated over by itself and rubbed against the scanning device of "Captain", when he heard a beep, the device indicated that the verification had passed...

It was the first time in his life that he saw a plane ticket that would be checked by himself!

"Then, your Excellency the Inspector and the two assistants, please board the ship." The captain pointed to a metal platform suspended in mid-air next to him, grinning, "Interstellar Express Transport Ship 883 wishes you a pleasant journey."

Nangong Wuyue was the first to jump up: "Get on the boat, get on the boat!"

Hao Ren almost completed the boarding process in a dazed state. Standing on the floating platform, he floated into a small hatch under the belly of the huge spaceship. After entering, he was in a mess of corridors and warehouses. Floating here and there, I finally came to a neat and spacious place. The unbelievably strong captain yelled at the communication equipment on the floating platform: "Okay, signal to the control tower, get ready!!"

"How long will it take us to get there?" Hao Ren suddenly remembered that he had never asked about the itinerary at all, because he had no idea what the concept of "eight hundred light years" was before. After Zhongfa was stunned for a long time, he suddenly realized that he had to go faster than the speed of light once, "I'm not afraid of your jokes, this is my first time in a spaceship..."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, I've already told me above," the captain stretched out his hand and shook Hao Ren's knuckles hard, "We'll arrive in one day, you stay in the cabin and sleep." We will arrive at the station as soon as we wake up. This ship is a star ship on this route, and it has been ranked first for seven consecutive years. By the way, you can call me 883... "

Hao Ren was taken aback: "...883? Isn't that the name of your spaceship?"

"I named her after my own name!" The captain who claimed to be 883 laughed, "This is our rule. A man should have a boat with his own surname. We live by boats. She is the man's second wife!"

Hao Ren: "..."

He felt that the captain in front of him had misunderstood something subtly, but it seemed that there were indeed cultural differences between different races, so it was better not to delve into this issue.

Hao Ren was led by another crew member to the cabin arranged for him. He was surprised to find that it was a luxury suite with four bedrooms. What is it for, he asked subconsciously: "Could this room be specially modified for the three of us?"

"No, this is a standard first-class cabin." The crew member leading the way was a short, dark-skinned young man with a cautious smile, "This ship is used for both passenger and cargo, and the wings d6 to d17 are dedicated passenger areas. We have Luxurious and considerate passenger service, and more than half of the guest rooms are tailored for the first type of carbon-based passengers... Although we have not had any passengers because of the wrong license plate chosen by the captain, and there is no room service department on board, please Believe me, at least the equipment in the room is professional."

Hao Ren: "..."

Inexplicably, he felt as if he had been cheated by someone again! (To be continued..)