The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 137: I have a big surprise for you


"It's that egg!"

When Hao Ren heard these words, he knew that he had let the goddess sister trick him again: why didn't we say such an important thing earlier! Who would have thought of this kind of bastard situation if you didn't tell me in advance!

Nangong Wuyue was also taken aback. As a result, her tail twitched and she dropped the large egg on the ground. Hao Ren said hello when he saw this, and jumped on it like Lily saw a fleshy bone. Fortunately, I know that many people will definitely I wanted to say it was broken, but this time it was really lucky that it wasn't broken.

Maybe it's because there is a layer of soft fine sand on the bottom of the sea, or maybe it's because the egg itself is relatively strong. Anyway, after it fell from the siren's tail, there was no crack at all. Hao Ren hugged the egg up and down like a baby. After checking for a long time and confirming that everything is in good condition, he let out a sigh of relief: "Mom, I was scared to death, but luckily it wasn't broken."

Just now Hao Ren saw Nangong Wuyue playing ball and didn't pay attention to it. He held it in his arms and realized that it was really an egg. It is much larger, roughly oval in shape, but a little rounder than ordinary eggs, and the eggshell is smooth, and it seems to be slightly warm to the touch. Nangong Wuyue leaned over and touched it curiously, sticking out her tongue out of fear, "Fortunately, it wasn't damaged."

"How could it be an egg?" Hao Ren asked Raven 12345 with tears in his eyes, "Why is my tenant an egg?!"

"It hasn't hatched yet," Raven 12345 said as a matter of course, "You don't care what it is, just keep it well, and I have arranged three or four people for you. Don't you still have racial prejudice?"

"...It doesn't matter about racial prejudice." Hao Ren held an egg and cried, neither laughing nor laughing, "It's acceptable for you to arrange a werewolf vampire for me. At least it's understandable, but this is an egg... don't talk about human form No. This doesn't even have a face! Is this a new 'person'?"

"It's fine if it hatches," Raven 12345's voice is very firm, "It will definitely hatch! And I think you should be happy, taking care of an egg is easier than taking care of your husky, as long as you don't let it break. , this thing can hatch on its own, without any requirements on the environment. By the way, remember to put it in a place with a lot of water vapor, the hatched little guy is very afraid of drying."

Hao Ren found it difficult to convey the awkwardness deep in his heart to the goddess sister who was indifferent and broad-minded. So he could only bite his lower lip and forcibly accepted the setting of "my new tenant is an egg". He and Nangong Wuyue looked at each other dumbfounded, and then asked feebly: "Then you can at least introduce me to this egg." origin."

"Oh, I was about to tell you about this, but we'll talk about it when we meet, I'm almost at your place now," Raven 12345's voice sounded cheerful, "I have a big surprise for you ! To commend your work and progress these days! Hurry up and wait in a relatively open place with the data terminal, the goddess will arrive in an hour."

Finish this sentence. Raven 12345 hung up the communication roughly as usual, leaving Hao Ren in a daze: Is she coming

It took Hao Ren two seconds to realize that it was Yu Jia who was going to come here in person. Although he didn't know why she had time to come here during her busy schedule, she still acted immediately. He pulled Nangong Wuyue's tail and skillfully wrapped it around his waist: "Go, go to sea!"

Nangong Wuyue looked at Hao Ren's skillful actions with a strange expression. Sticking out his tongue and making a face, a short syllable came out of his mouth. The surrounding invisible barriers immediately disappeared, and the overwhelming sea water pressed down from all directions. Amidst the thunderous sound of the water, the sea demon girl rolled up Hao Ren and rushed towards the sea like a sharp sword.

Sudu was much faster when returning to the voyage, and there was nothing to say along the way. The two of them swam not long before seeing the sun shining through the sea, the shadow cast by the floating ice island was ahead, and Nangong Wuyue was approaching the sea. Shi Shi let go of his tail and controlled the flow of water to push Hao Ren up: "Landlord, throw down my clothes after I go up. I'll change my clothes below before going up. By the way, bring eggs!"

Hao Ren felt that this was the silliest look in his life: he was pushed up from the bottom of the water by a sea monster, he stood upright, and raised his arm above his head like the Statue of Liberty, holding an egg in his hand...

As long as it is not an egg, anything is fine!

This sea area has been controlled by Nangong Wuyue. As soon as Hao Ren reached the surface of the sea, he found a road of frost condensed under his feet. He was able to easily walk to the floating ice island and was guarding the "clothes ice puck". When they were playing cards, they saw Hao Ren coming up and immediately greeted him warmly: "Hey, you are back, landlord, where is the Siren girl?"

"Come up after changing clothes in May." Hao Ren threw the ice puck into the sea, and saw a mermaid jump up and drag the puck down, and then he sent the egg to Yizaks, "This is a newcomer. "

Y'zaks: "...?"

"That's right, this is the newcomer," Hao Ren said solemnly. "Not only did he miss the route, but he also arrived early: he didn't hatch. I can kind of understand why they have to use a container to transport this."

Y'zaks continued to look demented: "...?"

After some explanations, the big devil finally believed that the egg in front of him was the newcomer they were going to welcome on this trip, and suddenly showed a embarrassed look: "My lady is really... tsk tsk, I want to shake hands with the newcomer to welcome."

Hao Ren handed the egg over: "Here, hold it, be careful not to crush it."

Y'zaks: "…"

A sound of splashing water came from not far behind. Nangong Wuyue, who had regained her human form and changed her clothes, walked up from the sea directly. Her body was so dry that she couldn't even see a drop of water. Seeing Hao Ren and Yizaks sitting opposite each other and studying an egg, the Siren girl reminded the two careless men: "Sister Goddess said she will be there in a while, where should we find an open place?"

"The beach before was quite open, it's where we just landed." Hao Ren thought for a while, but finally he looked at the floating ice island under his feet, "Of course it's about flatness, or this place is flat, can you do it in May? Expand the floating ice island?"

"Yes, within a radius of one kilometer."

"No, this machine suggests that you should go back to the beach," the data terminal suddenly said, "According to this machine's experience, Chief Raven's 'big surprise' is generally more scary, and she has indicated that she wants an open place. Better find a safe place."

When Hao Ren heard this, he immediately thought of Raven 12345's usual behavior, and quickly nodded in agreement, so the three of them (now with an egg) teleported back to the beach where they first landed, and in order to ensure that the selected The land was wide enough, and they specially found the widest part of the beach one kilometer away from the landing point, and the next step was to wait for the raven 12345 to descend.

No matter what people say, she is still a goddess, and the word "advent" should be used.

After the data terminal had set up the guidance signal, there were only a few minutes left before the arrival time that Raven 12345 said. The three of them found a relatively high place by the beach and looked at the sky expectantly. Hao Ren felt that This time the time passed very slowly, but just when he was a little doubting whether he had been let go by that crazy woman, a light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky.

At that moment, the vision suddenly appeared: the sun disappeared, the starry sky suddenly filled the sky, a blue curtain like an aurora slowly descended from the sky, and a huge space door opened from the aurora curtain, Hao Ren saw a huge silver-white monster slowly floating out from the space door.

This is a spaceship.

It is roughly hexagonal in shape, but it is not standard. One end is bigger than the other end, and the whole is slightly elongated. Hao Ren's first impression was that of a western-style coffin, but luckily it has some other accessories , so that the "coffin" feeling is greatly weakened. There are four groups of hexagonal prism facilities symmetrically distributed at the narrower end of the spaceship, and complex structure protrusions can be seen at the head end, which makes it look like a multi-eye floating in the air. monster. It is difficult for Hao Ren to judge the size of such a big guy with the naked eye, but he estimates that this thing is bigger than any aircraft carrier made by the earthlings. When it slowly descends, it is like a hill falling from the sky!

The spaceship was shrouded in a large translucent blue light curtain. The figure of Raven 12345 appeared above the light curtain, and her voice echoed in the sky like rolling thunder: "How is it? Your spaceship has arrived! It was just approved today. The goddess personally sent it to you!" (To be continued... )