The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 138: This is your boat


Originally, Hao Ren had prepared a lot of questions, and waited for Raven to come to consult with her, but the impact of the spaceship before him was too great. The words echoed there: This is your spaceship, this is your spaceship... This sentence scrolled in his mind for at least half a minute, if it wasn't for Raven 12345's finger poking on his forehead, he would still be scrolling!

"How is it? Doesn't it look majestic?" Raven 12345 patted Hao Ren's shoulder with a carefree look on his face, "I picked this model for you at Xinggang for a long time, and finally chose this model. The most popular private official boat, although I don't know how to judge the quality of this kind of technological stuff, but I heard people recommend that this is not bad... "

The huge spaceship had landed on the beach smoothly at this time. It made no sound during its operation, and it didn't even cause the slightest disturbance when it landed. This is almost impossible for such a huge behemoth. imagine things. The hull of the spaceship reflects a beautiful silver-gray metallic luster, and the brand-new armor plates are painted with blue and bright yellow to form dividing lines of unknown meaning. At the bow position, one can see the crystal cross emblem representing the empire emitting a faint blue light. And under the larger armor plate, you can also see blue energy lines pulsating like blood vessels—these energy lines seem to be exposed, but in fact they are the strongest components of the spacecraft. These crystallized lines are the The source of the shield, as well as the extension of the powered armor, is virtually indestructible.

Hao Ren didn't know much about these kinds of professional knowledge. He couldn't even tell where the entrance of this spaceship was. Raven 12345's words were also thrown aside by him. Hao Ren quickly walked under the spaceship. The oppressive feeling brought by the huge hull made people short of breath—in fact, this spaceship was even smaller than the No. 883 transport ship before, but the human concept of "size" There is a limit of insensitivity, and Hao Ren feels that there is no difference in the size of the two ships. Anyway, it's just as shocking.

And most importantly: the ship is his own!

How does this keep calm for a little man on earth whose most valuable means of transportation he has ever owned since he was a child is a broken motorcycle

Hao Ren patted the armor plate of the spaceship. The cold and hard touch seemed unbelievable to him, so he turned his head to look at Nangong Wuyue and Yizaks: "Which one of you will give me a punch... Let me see. Dreaming."

The big devil and the siren girl immediately stepped forward, and Hao Ren quickly shrank his neck: "Forget it. You have to kill me."

"How is it? This time, the goddess is doing things well, right?" Raven 12345 was left alone for a long time by Hao Ren, but she didn't look angry at all. She just watched from behind with a smile, and then came forward to grab her Hao Ren's ear forced the latter to turn his head away, "Stop laughing, we still have business to do."

"It's awesome, it's awesome!" Hao Ren calmed down, and felt that Raven 12345 looked much more beautiful than usual, "By the way, this boat is really mine? Can I go in now?"

"Yes. And you have to go in—let's take it back this time, and I want to see how this thing works by the way."

Hao Ren was stunned when he heard this: "Wait, you can't drive...then how did this ship come about?"

"Oh, the main engine of the spaceship is automatically navigating," Raven 12345 didn't feel ashamed at all. "Let the courier brother adjust the schedule of the spacecraft, and then I will have nothing to do. Even the final landing on this beach is done by the spacecraft itself."

Hao Ren really wanted to ask what happened to the courier boy, so the gods are so powerful every day

"How do I get in?" Hao Ren looked for the entrance on the large lower armor plate of the spaceship. He found that this ship was completely different from the No. 883 transport ship he had seen at the beginning, both in design style and shell material. , so he felt confused. Raven 12345 pointed to a piece of armor plate at the bottom of the spaceship: "See there? Do you still have the spaceship key I gave you last time?"

"Um. I'm taking it with me." Hao Ren hurriedly took out his trouser pocket, and found the small and exquisite crystal plate from his wallet. Since he got this rare thing, he has never let it leave his body. Take it with you every day like a baby.”

"Go ahead. This key only needs to be used once. After completing the activation process, it will stay in the lock slot of the main engine. Unless you change the spaceship, it will always be with the spaceship," Raven led Hao Ren came to the entrance of the spaceship. "Use it to open the entrance first, and raise the key to the position indicated by the blue light. I'll get out of the way so that the host can verify your identity."

As Raven 12345 said, he drove the curious Nangong Wuyue and Yizaks a few meters away. Hao Renyi raised the crystal key, and immediately there was a blue beam of light from somewhere at the entrance. Shining from the gap, the beam first scanned the key, and then scanned Hao Ren's whole body. The whole process lasted for a few seconds before the spaceship entrance finally appeared: an armor plate slid open to both sides, revealing a space several meters wide. Through the wide door, Hao Ren could see a brightly lit corridor inside.

A soft voice echoed in his mind: "The initiator is detected for the first time, the shipboard host is being initialized, the guest mode is released, and areas above C-level are open. Please follow up."

"That's it. Now the spaceship is initializing the first official launch." Raven 12345 stepped forward at some point and patted Hao Ren on the back. "Now the host computer has completed your personal registration. Visitor-detection mode is switched to the official operation mode. Only in this way can the spacecraft unlock most of the locks. After the key is inserted into the shipboard main engine, the weapon system and other messy things can be online. Take your key and let’s go in. .”

Hao Ren just wanted to ask about the meaning of the weapon system, and was pushed into the interior of the spaceship by Raven 12345. Nangong Wuyue and Yizaks also followed in one after another. After everyone went in, the cabin of the spaceship The door reclosed silently, as if there had never been an opening there.

There is a wide and bright corridor in front of you. The silver-white alloy wall stretches straight out in sight, and the flowing light on the wall indicates the direction everyone should go next. Hao Ren walked carefully in the corridor of the spaceship just like the bumpkin Cheng Cheng. After walking a few steps, he felt a little funny: This is obviously his own spaceship, why is he still so cautious

It seems that this incident really came too suddenly, which makes people feel unreal at all.

"It's so beautiful inside." Nangong Wuyue was more natural than Hao Ren. She walked around curiously, picking things up and down, and went up to study anything that was shiny. "Everywhere is shining brightly." , What a waste of electricity!"

Y'zaks was also full of interest: "It's a beautiful ship. The spaceship I took when I came here is similar to this one. It should be the same model, and it seems to belong to another inspector."

"This is one of the inspector's standard personal and business spaceships. The ration reaches 60%. It is widely used because it is easy to use," said the data terminal floating next to Hao Ren's face. That's it, do you want to take a look?"

Hao Ren nodded quickly: "Let me see, let me see!"

The data terminal immediately released a set of holographic projections, and Hao Ren simply stopped and couldn't wait to watch the introduction of his new baby lump:

s-x6, military/civil special light patrol ship, divided into two types, equipped with high-tech probes and cutting-edge weapons is the military type, one of the basic reconnaissance ships of the empire, equipped with a special ecosystem and a special energy core The one is the civilian type, which belongs to the inspector's standard personal business spaceship, and this is the second type. The long axis of this spaceship is 565 meters, and the widest point is 200 meters. It is equipped with various complex and useful special equipment. It was delivered to the censor for the first time, and the result was very popular. A few years later, the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community under the rule of the Empire organized sixteen large-scale military enterprises to start mass production of this spaceship. To this day, this spaceship has been carried out many times. Tweaked in detail, it has quickly become one of the censors' favorite personal gear over the course of a hundred years. As a spaceship that often performs missions in the mortal world, it uses safer secondary psionic energy as power, can sail across the world, has self-defense firepower (not suitable for combat, and cannot fire on the surface), and comes with permanence A large-scale ecosystem, with a space-expanding container compartment, which can accommodate cargo several times the size of the ship. It is fast and has excellent protection. It is extremely suitable for those inspectors who travel around all day long.

That's the brief introduction about the ship.