The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1823: God Killer (Final)


When the center of the dark abyss erupted with the largest impact of divine power in the history of the universe, on the periphery of the dark abyss, the battlefield between order and chaos also entered the most tragic stage since the war began.

The defense line began to crumble layer by layer.

As the world-destroying engine entered an overload state in a way that was almost self-destructive, the crazy power from the dark abyss instantly went berserk, and the minions of chaos no longer rushed out of those distorted structures in batches, but It filled the entire universe almost instantly—in every inch of space around the dark abyss, countless derivatives appeared out of thin air every second, polluting the defense line of order as quickly as paint splashed into a pond .

In the face of such a sudden and drastic offensive, the first layer of defense centered on the Overwatch Fortress barely resisted for a long time before holes began to appear, and then the entire defense line gradually collapsed around these holes.

The powerful joint shield was corroded and disintegrated by the chaos monsters, the drone group was submerged in the dark tide, and the celestial bodies that were transformed into fortresses and fortresses were torn apart in the explosion, and the drone nests were blocked by dense fixed turrets. For a while, but soon lost connection with the group consciousness one by one.

Facing the unstoppable offensive, the Guardian fleet and the Night Watchman fleet could only temporarily retreat towards the second line of defense, preparing to reorganize the defense with the help of the still complete fortifications on the second line of defense.

Countless star people and guardians turned into dust in the universe in order to cover the transfer of large forces.

A series of explosions spread from the central control tower to the surroundings, and except for the central building complex, most of the buildings in the Overwatch Fortress had been completely extinguished, and the crazy derivatives emerging from all directions passed over the defunct shield generators , devouring all the matter in front of them like a gluttonous giant beast, even the time and space itself, this majestic fortress that was brightly lit not long ago disappeared quickly like a sandcastle washed away by the waves.

In the upper control room of the central control tower, there is still the last remaining light, which is the light emitted by several large terminals. The control room is now empty, only the AI is maintaining the final function. Above one of the terminals, the holographic projection is showing the number of remaining forts in the fortress.

That number has dipped below double digits.

But suddenly, a new command appeared, and the fortress AI immediately switched its own work process. Those programs used to monitor the operation of the fortress were all closed, and there was only one thing left on all the holographic projections: the The core area, the Annihilation Lance Matrix that has not been completely destroyed.

"Command 1: Activate the Annihilation Lance and deliver firepower to XX coordinates."

"Command 2: Self-destruct."

"Begin execution."

The light in the control room flickered fiercely, and soon, two more terminals fell into darkness after a series of sparks, but in the center of the fortress, the matrix of annihilation spears that looked like strange buildings had begun to slowly assemble.

Of the four Annihilation Lance Launchers, two have been completely destroyed, while the other two have been re-lit after being injected with energy. Dazzling white sparks danced between the crystals and coils, and gradually converged at the front end of the array.

A group of crazy derivatives were attracted by the sudden energy surge, swarming like sharks smelling blood, but the energy had already reached a critical point, and with the command to fire, two dazzling beams of light slashed. Break through the darkness that is gradually gathering, and open a space rift in the distant space, and then disappear into it.

"The launch was successful, and the self-destruct process is in progress. I am glad to serve you, and this service is over."

The remaining energy furnaces and ammunition depots in the fortress were detonated at the same time, and an unprecedented huge explosion erupted in the universe, as if a new star was born in flames and flashes, and the dazzling light even temporarily suppressed the darkness and chaos. Corroded, and tore the countless derivatives of madness to pieces.

At the same moment, such a grand explosion also occurred at various nodes on the first line of defense, and the chain self-destruction of countless fortresses even suppressed the activities of the crazy forces in a short period of time. The main force set aside precious breathing time.

In the deepest part of the dark abyss, the golden and pale figures separated again.

The surrounding space structure has been disintegrated. Countless bright or dark bands float in space like cruising nightmares. Once the wreckage floating around on the battlefield touches them, they will immediately disintegrate into the most basic data elements. , dissipated in the endless chaos of time and space.

The Goddess of Destruction finally realized the existence of the conspiracy. She stopped her crazy attack and looked at the collapsed battlefield.

A look of astonishment appeared on that pale face.

Under Leah's conscious control, countless pale golden runes were left on the battlefield. These seemingly random runes were originally floating freely, but at this moment, they all stopped, and It is emitting brighter and brighter golden light.

The ownership of the space-time structure was transferred instantly, and the authority of this universe temporarily fell into Leah's hands.

The Goddess of Destruction roared angrily, "What do you want to do?!"

Leah didn't answer, she opened her hands, and the pages floating around her were rearranged into the appearance of the holy scriptures, while the divine texts floating on the entire battlefield shone brighter at the same time. Seen from the distant space, It can be clearly seen that those characters have formed a sphere with a complex multi-layered structure—the Goddess of Destruction is located in the center of this sphere.

It wasn't until this moment that Lia finally spoke: "I order that everything stop working."

So in the universe covered by the golden runes, everything stopped.

Not only matter stopped moving, but time also stopped, the flow of information disappeared, and the evolution of the universe also stagnated.

Absolute zero comes first, and then darkness—for even the motion of light comes to a standstill.

In the darkness, only the countless golden runes were shining brightly.

But everything lasted only for a short moment. Under the blessing of madness, the Goddess of Destroyer of the same rank had enough power to fight against Leah who had mastered many new divine arts. The universe started to run again, and after the darkness faded, the goddess of annihilation at the center of the rune array raised her head: "You think this is just..."

"I didn't say that's the only way." Leah said lightly, and in the space behind her, the Giant Turtle Rock Platform was emerging from the shadows.

The upper deck of the silver-white battleship has been opened, a special antenna device rises from inside, and as the antenna device is activated, countless large and small space cracks appear behind her.

The brilliance of the Annihilation Spear traveled across time and space, and suddenly descended on the Goddess of Destruction.

The torrential high-energy beam bombardment lasted for a full half a minute. Even Liya couldn't help squinting her eyes when she was watching the torrent of light. When the bombardment was coming to an end, the area around the Goddess of Destroyer seemed to have been washed away. become "clean".

All the wreckage fragments and space cracks were smoothed out by the power of the Annihilation Lance.

"Can it be solved?" The data terminal asked nervously.

"It won't be that easy." Hao Ren replied.

And almost at the same time as Hao Ren's voice fell, the bombardment ended. In the depths of the gradually dissipating flames, a pale figure reappeared—she was indeed in a state of distress, with wounds emitting black smoke all over her body. Even half of the face was gone, leaving only a hideous black silhouette, but she was still alive.

Or, she wouldn't die at all.

"This is your hole card?" The body of the goddess of destruction began to recover at an alarming speed, and her voice could not even hear any weakness, "It's ridiculous, I even..."

She was interrupted by Liya before she finished speaking, "Then how about adding this!"

I saw that the divine symbols floating around had gathered together at some point, forming a hazy phantom like a spear beside Leah, and the heavy book was divided under the traction of some kind of force It disintegrated into light particles all over the sky, and quickly "flowed" to the spear tip of the spear. Almost instantly, the originally illusory spear became a light-forged weapon as if it were a substance.

Liya hugged the weapon several times larger than her from the side, and her whole body turned into the propulsion of the weapon, rushing like a meteor towards the Goddess of Destroyer, who was temporarily unable to move due to recovery from her injuries.

Her voice spread almost throughout the universe: "What if you add me!?"

The golden spear pierced through that pale figure instantly.

All of this happened in an instant, but it seemed to have spanned countless times. Hao Ren felt as if a century had passed before the two groups of golden and pale light separated again.

The pale golden spear silently turned into particles of light in the universe, and the big black book appeared next to Leah again—compared to before, the light floating on the surface of this sacred book was more obvious. It is several times weaker.

The pale figure of the Goddess of Extermination stood still for a few seconds, and then suddenly disappeared into the universe into countless scattered fragments.

Leah stared at the place where the Goddess of Destroyer dissipated. The excessive loss of strength made her body tremble uncontrollably. Strands of golden-red blood drifted out from her wound, but she didn't care about dealing with them. .

The next moment, her pupils shrank instantly.

A small piece of pale matter floated out of thin air in space, and then, more pale pieces appeared out of thin air.

It was as if the moment just now was reversed, the body of the Goddess of Extermination was quickly reshaped in space, almost in the blink of an eye, she reappeared there intact.

"Ah... It's not bad to appreciate your expression now..." The Goddess of Extermination looked down at her recovered hands, and then looked up at Leah, "Interesting... You really have prepared a lot of surprises..."

Liya fixedly stared into the eyes of the Goddess of Extermination, but suddenly, all her nervous and astonished expressions disappeared.

Instead, there was a smile that had been trying to hide for a long time: "But you haven't seen the real surprise yet."

"Varied… "

The Goddess of Destruction only had time to utter a single syllable before she turned around abruptly and blocked the two cosmic shard swords that were slashing in front of her by a hair's breadth.

Hao Ren held the God Slaughter Sword and the World-Cracking Blade tightly, and a layer of divine radiance blessed by Raven 12345 enveloped him to protect him from the chaotic power emitted by the Goddess of Destruction. He tried his best to push down the long sword further: "The fun has just begun!"

"Is this the so-called surprise?" A pale light curtain opened in front of the Goddess of Extermination, and the blade of the God-killing Sword continued to emit bright sparks on the light curtain, but she couldn't move forward, "You really think I didn't Noticed? This human who has been wandering around since just now, but didn't make any moves at all... "

As she said that, she even yawned: "This is your surprise in the end? Let such a weak human being 'sneak attack' me? This kind of weak attack...even if it is a sneak attack, so what?"

Hao Ren grinned and increased his strength again: "You really don't know the sword in front?!"

"This sword?!" At this point, the Goddess of Destruction seemed to have noticed the distinctive features of the two long swords in Hao Ren's hands for the first time, and also noticed the familiar aura emanating from one of the swords. "This... This is the year..."

"This is the sword that 'killed' the Goddess of Creation once." Hao Ren's expression became more ferocious as he was under more pressure, but his eyes remained unwavering, "How is it? Is there a feeling that the past is about to repeat itself?"

The two swords were pressed down again, and the layer of starlight on the surface of the God Slaughter Sword gradually became a layer of blood. Under the infection of that layer of blood, fine cracks began to appear on the pale shield in front of the Goddess of Destruction.

"Back then... it took us a lot of effort... to create a weapon capable of killing gods!"

The starlight on the surface of the Godslayer Sword finally turned blood-colored, and the pale shield was shattered, but before the blade was about to touch the body of the Goddess of Destruction, the latter suddenly raised her hand and directly held the two The blade of the sword.

"Created a weapon capable of killing gods?" The Goddess of Destruction held the blades of the Godslayer Sword and the World-Splitting Blade. The blades that could cut through time and space seemed to have lost their power at this moment, and could not even pierce the skin on her hands. , "Ah, so that's it, I finally figured out what you guys were thinking... But it's so disappointing..."

The Goddess of Destruction laughed, but her smile was full of madness and malice: "You guys put your hope in a sword! Do you think I really don't know anything? Do you think I really didn't guard against this weird sword? Ten thousand years ago, when this sword wounded me severely, I guessed that the Goddess of Creation would definitely tamper with the sword!"

She clenched her hands tightly, and the starlight on the surface of the World-Splitting Blade and the God-Slaying Sword suddenly flickered wildly, as if they were overwhelmed, and the voice of the evil god continued to sound in Hao Ren's mind: "This sword can't kill me at all!"

Hao Ren stared intently at the eyes of the Goddess of Extermination. In the space behind him, the red moon had completely suppressed the movement of the dark celestial body, and a ray of moonlight separated from the surface of the red moon and shone right on him.

In the gentle moonlight, Vivienne's whisper-like whisper came.

In the next second, golden and red light emerged from the moonlight, flowing onto Hao Ren's limbs like some kind of fluid, and quickly condensed into a golden-red armor. With the lifting of a certain restriction in his soul, his body Even the face began to gradually change.

Looking at the familiar golden-red armor and Hao Ren's changing appearance, the Goddess of Destroyer finally realized something vaguely.

Hao Ren's voice echoed in her mind:

"Who told you... the weapon we forged was that sword!"

Looking at the Godslayer in front of her, the Goddess of Extermination finally realized what the real weapon was.

Then, the long sword cut down.

Whether it is the Godslayer Sword or the World Splitting Blade, there is actually no difference between the two. When they are held in the hands of the Godslayer, they are both Godslayer Swords.

The blade hit the target without hindrance, and the pale figure shattered unexpectedly, as fragile as a piece of glass that could break at the touch of a button.

But Hao Ren knew very well how difficult this blow was—

Without the death fight between Leah and the Goddess of Destruction, the latter would not have gathered all her powers together, leaving him a chance to completely destroy her;

If Vivian hadn't used the power of the creation engine to collect data on the battlefield and reset the signature code of the Goddess of Destruction, then even if he lifted the restrictions on the soul, he would not be able to effectively kill the Goddess of Destruction;

If you start counting from the sword in the God Slaying War 10,000 years ago, his current strike has been brewing for 10,000 years.

Pale fragments scattered in the space. In Hao Ren's special vision, he could see the dark "matter" surging around in the depths of the universe, which was also dissipating at a fast speed.

Under the light of the red moon, the dark celestial body that had completely ceased to function finally began to collapse. The huge cracks on its surface quickly evolved into deep valleys and trenches that could tear apart the planet. It was stripped out, and with the continuous explosions, the dark red light inside the body gradually extinguished.

Those distorted dark structures in the distant space gradually dissipated, and after the chaos faded, normal starlight finally shone into this place of eternal night.

Leah stared closely at the place where the Goddess of Extermination disappeared. She still didn't dare to take it lightly, because the indestructible trait of the Lord of Madness had already caused her too much trouble, and she didn't dare to be careless, just in case Leave no chance for the enemy to survive.

She just stared at it like this, until she saw strands of golden light emerging from the space, and the light slowly condensed to form a fuzzy and ever-changing "air mass", and finally Breathe a sigh of relief.

That ray of divine power is the part she separated at the beginning, and it is also the essence of the "goddess of destroying the world". Its reappearance and purification means that the crazy power will truly dissipate.

"Is this over?" Hao Ren watched Leah's reaction nervously, and finally couldn't help asking when she saw that she was silent for a long time.

With the power of killing gods receding, he has returned to his original appearance.

Leah summoned the golden gleam and held it carefully in her hands. She smiled and nodded: "It's over."

Then she raised her head and looked up at the endless stars in the universe.

"Boys, it's all over!"

On Tanagos, on Io, on Holletta, on Kolo... On every planet that has life, those twisted and chaotic creatures from nightmares are falling to the ground one by one.

Smoke and dust erupted from their bodies, causing these monsters to quickly dissipate as if they were evaporating. The soldiers who were exhausted in the battle looked at all this in a daze, as if they were still unable to determine what happened.

Ofrah shook off the filth on the sword—the filth began to dissipate in smoke before it was shaken off—she looked up to see the ominous black clouds in the sky were fading, and a ray of sunlight pierced through. Through the thick cloud formed by the power of chaos, it shines on everyone.

Together with the sunshine shining into my heart, there is also a joyful and loving voice: "Children, it's all over!"

Moments later, she heard deafening cheers.

After getting confirmation from Lia, Hao Ren finally relaxed. He spread his hands and feet, floating in the vast space with a completely salty fish posture.

The data terminal circled around his head: "Hey... partner, pay attention to the image of the employees of the empire!"

"Whatever... I want to float now, let me just float down like this..."

The Giant Turtle Rock Terrace hovered in the distance: "Boss, if you want to float, I won't stop you, but please remember to report me a work-related injury! I'm going to change to a kidney with a higher power..."

"Okay, okay, change your waist, change your waist... Damn, how can a ship girl's painting style become like this?"

Lily's voice also rang in Hao Ren's mind through the forwarding of the data terminal: "Landlord, landlord! It's over, it's over! When are you going home for dinner?"

Then came May's voice: "Landlord! I didn't coward this time! I'll send you the battle video later..."

Then Y'zaks: "I have the video here too, but I have to send La Nina back first..."

In Y'zaks' voice, Elizabeth's twittering could still be vaguely heard.

The voices of his friends were buzzing in his head, Hao Ren couldn't help squinting his eyes and smiling while listening.

A beam of moonlight focused beside him, and Vivienne walked out of the moonlight. Behind her was still a stream of golden runes floating like wings—that was because her connection with the Red Moon-Creation Engine had not been interrupted, and her body Surrounded by a few excited goblins, the little ones are clamoring about the celebration.

"You look cool." Hao Ren glanced at Vivian and said with a smile.

Vivian also smiled, and adjusted her position, "lying" with Hao Ren in the universe, bathed in the starlight.

"At this time, it shouldn't be considered a flag, right?"

"I don't think so."

"Then... when you go back, marry me?"

Vivienne thought about it carefully: "Although I'm very happy, I always feel... Shouldn't there be a gift for a marriage proposal? After all, it's such a serious matter..."

Hao Ren couldn't help laughing: "Then what do you want?"

Vivian put her finger on her chin: "I always feel that you are such a powerful guy, you can get whatever you want... How about you give me a star?"

Hao Ren thought for a while, then reached out to call out to Liya, who was also pretending to be a salted fish floating in the space not far away: "Liya! Come here, I will leave you a homework!"

(The finale of the main story)

(This book of Abnormal Creatures Experience has come to an end here, thank you for your support all the time, and also thank the moderators An Lichou, Xin Xinqianqian, and Kato Hui for helping me, the hands-off shopkeeper, manage the book review area all the year round... But the book is over , but the stories of the abnormal creatures will continue forever. Next, I need to take a little rest, give myself a vacation or something, and prepare for the new book by the way, if I have energy... maybe there will be some special episodes or talk about it later come out.

Of course, don't expect too much... What if my lazy cancer attack is not cured

Everyone might as well look forward to the big news about "Records of Abnormal Creatures"...

Also, guess what I will write in my next book

It's still the same sentence: don't rush to leave, the wonderful will come back soon.

PS: It's all over, so let's go for a reward or something? )

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