The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 44: Broussard


It was already six o'clock, Hao Ren hurriedly washed his face to wash away the sleepiness caused by sleeping for more than ten hours before, and went to the restaurant on the first floor together with Vivian, who was full of resentment due to poor rest. Behind the two of them was Lili, who looked like a wandering ghost: the werewolf girl had been energetic since midnight last night, and now it's finally her "nap time" again, and she's as sleepy as a dead dog again.

Hao Ren really thought it was a miracle that a person's biological clock could be so strong.

"Landlord, I want to sleep... I want to have lunch, and I want to lie down on the floor..." Lily mumbled after Hao Ren, her voice was weak, like a dead dog who was tired of playing and lay at the master's feet and refused to move. , but even Vivian didn't dare to say it clearly at this juncture: Lily's self-esteem as a "werewolf" is extremely strong, even in the current state of sleepwalking, if you compare her with a domestic dog, this girl will still Jumping up and biting your teeth marks all over your body, even wearing three layers of stab-proof vests can't hold her.

"Breakfast should be eaten at this o'clock." Hao Ren looked at the morning light outside the restaurant, and helplessly reminded the confused werewolf next to him. London has got rid of the embarrassment of the industrial smog, but the climate conditions in this area are still foggy in the morning, thick clouds, and changeable weather. Today's weather is not very good. Although the sun has risen, the sky outside looks still It's a bit dark and foggy or overcast for the next few hours.

"Look, it's over there." Vivienne suddenly tugged on Hao Ren's clothes, pointing to a conspicuous table outside the restaurant, "That 'Nangong', he's quite punctual, I never expected this The kind of guy who has something to do with the witcher, tsk tsk."

Because Nangong may have something to do with the demon hunter (there is even a 1% chance that it is a "genuine product"), so Vivienne has an instinctive displeasure towards him. Riley certainly won't be smiling when he mentions it.

"Watching yesterday's TV, I suddenly felt that we don't need to go with this dangerous person at all." Hao Ren hesitated, "There are people everywhere at Yoofold Castle, they are all looking for ghosts in the past. Do we still use guides?"

"Why not?" Vivian gave Hao Ren a blank look, "Do you know how to get from London to Broussard?"

Hao Ren was taken aback, he really forgot about this.

At this time, that Mr. Nangong had already seen Hao Ren and his group of three people, and immediately waved his hand to say hello. He looked friendly and kind. Seeing that it was unrealistic to turn his head and leave at this time, Hao Ren had no choice but to lead Seeing Vivienne and Lily greet her, "Good morning."

"Morning, it's not too late for you guys to come," Nangong smiled slightly, and then looked at Lily who was dangling behind Hao Ren with her eyes closed, "Eh, what's wrong with this girl?"

"The jet lag is not reversed, and it's time to take a nap at this time," Hao Ren shrugged helplessly, "Shall we leave now? Or should we have dinner here before leaving?"

Nangong said that the time was not in a hurry, and he would not miss the bus if it was ten or twenty minutes later, so Hao Ren simply decided to fill his stomach first: this hotel provides every guest with a free breakfast buffet in the morning, and he has to wait before checking out. Eat Ben back. Lily was getting more and more sleepy at this time, and she was close to unconsciousness, but what was amazing was that the werewolf girl didn't miss her meal under such circumstances: Hao Ren followed Lily's recipe to make it for her. With a plate of food, Lily ate it all with her sense of smell with her eyes closed, and there was not even a single dish left...

Nangong watched in amazement, which made Hao Ren and Vivian nervous. They were afraid that this so-called demon hunter would see Lily's inhuman nature from Lily's peculiar situation. In the end, this Nangong was either really a A charlatan, or a parallel importer—he was amazed, never expecting that the "devil" he was going to hunt was sitting next to him.

After breakfast, a group of several people went to the front desk to complete the check-out procedures, and left the hotel with their luggage. The three of Hao Ren and the others didn't have much luggage, and it was only a big travel bag. It stands to reason that this kind of thing should be carried by the men at the scene, but Vivienne unceremoniously tied the big bag to Lily : The latter suddenly carried tens of kilograms of extra weight in a half-dream and half-awake state, but fell asleep in the end! With her eyes closed, Vivienne regarded her as a coolie, and walked behind Hao Ren just like yesterday, smelling the scent.

"The only advantage is that she has great strength. Don't let her be a waste of talent." Seeing the strange expression on Hao Ren's face, Vivian waved her hand quite indifferently, "Don't worry, she is happy in her heart—although Sleeping now."

Hao Ren felt awkward for a while. He saw Lily falling asleep and carrying the luggage of three people behind her, walking like a pissed off daughter-in-law (purely psychological). Switching to her back: "Forget it, don't just bully her."

Lily opened her eyes in a daze, and she even knew what happened: "Thank you landlord, I'm not tired..."

Vivienne snorted: "Inexplicable big man thinking, you haven't made any progress for so many years."

Hao Ren laughed dryly, and glanced at Nangong next to him. This tall and thin man who called himself a demon hunter carried a lot more luggage than the three of them. It was bigger than the travel bag on Hao Ren's back: it was a sturdy and heavy extra-large suitcase, one size bigger than the one Lily dragged when she came to the house, and the sound of dragging it on the cement road was loud. The sky rings, God knows what's in it.

"What's in this box of yours?" Vivienne asked curiously, as if she was an innocent girl, as she was so mature (she couldn't hear these four words).

"It's all for 'work'." Nangong dragged a huge suitcase, but still did not damage his clean and elegant image. With a white shirt and black trousers, even if he was dragging a half-person-high suitcase behind him , The front face looks like a successful entrepreneur rushing to a meeting, "I use them to fight against evil, this box has suppressed at least three digits of demons and evil spirits."

"A real witcher doesn't need so many tools," Vivian returned to Hao Ren and said in a low voice, "They are weapons themselves. It seems that we can rest assured."

What Hao Ren was thinking at this time was: Why is there such a big gap in image when they are all men? He looks like an entrepreneur going to a meeting with such a big suitcase, and he looks like he is walking on the road to ask for salary with his suitcase on his back...

In this way, the guys with their own ghosts (is this idiom suitable?) embarked on a journey to the town of Broussard. In any case, it is saved to have a professional who often travels and knows the way to lead the way Many things, with the help of Nangong, Hao Ren and his party finally did not get lost in the ancient and intricate streets of London, and boarded the train to their destination smoothly.

There was no talking all the way, and the four of them bumped in the car for a whole day.

Because there were more strangers around, Hao Ren and Vivienne couldn't talk about too many confidential things, and the journey seemed particularly dull. The only thing worth mentioning in the middle was that Lily woke up from a "siesta" in the middle, and then lingered on the train seat. After half a day, when the train was about to arrive at the station, she started to feel sleepy again—thanks to her being so cheerful before leaving the house, after arriving in England, she was left in a daze except for sleeping, and finally spent some spare time wandering around in the car.

It was almost dusk when the train arrived at the small station of Broussard, and there were very few people who got off the train here. It seemed that not everyone was interested in coming to such a backcountry to make troubles. Hao Ren came to the platform of the small station following the friendly sound of the station announcement in his native language, and found that the place was more remote and desolate than he had imagined.

The small train station is very small, only two railways pass through here, one of which is still deserted. And the surroundings of this small station are basically bare wasteland, with yellowish-brown gravel and gravel filling the field of vision, and the only green plants are weeds and shrubs that grow wildly with the wind. From the station, you can see the small town of Broussard not far away. The buildings in the town are a bit old, and the whole town is very small, even close to a village.

I don't know how this town was built, but it is located in such a place where no shit. The feng shui of this place reminds Hao Ren of the Heaven's Office on Earth—that is, Wang Batuozi.

Nangong sniffled in the air, with an interested expression on his face: "I smell the breath of 'big guy'."