The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 52: Play tricks


Hao Ren took a general look at the situation in the cave, and after confirming that the ground below was solid and not too deep, he jumped down all at once. As a result, within a few seconds of going down, there was an imposing "Damn it!" Both Lily and Vivienne were taken aback. Lily raised her head and looked at the dark hole: "Landlord, what's the matter with you?"

Hao Ren stood under the burrow, squinting his eyes to observe the surrounding environment, his voice could not help but be full of surprise.

It's already pitch black down here, and it's far more challenging for night vision than the night outside. Except for a little second-hand moonlight that can faintly seep through the hole, there is no light source at all in the hole. Hao Ren feels that even if he just The night vision function obtained is also a bit close to the limit, so I can only concentrate on it so that I can see the situation below clearly.

It seems that his night vision ability is still based on normal optical laws, and it has not yet reached the level of scanning the surroundings with mental power in the legend, and it is not known whether it will evolve in the future.

When he just jumped off, he was standing on a higher earthen platform. This earthen platform seemed to be specially used to facilitate underground people to return to the ground through the secret door of the chapel. There was a small slope in front of the earthen platform. Hao Rengang walked along it. Go down the slope a little, and you will see something amazing: a tunnel, a tunnel beyond imagination. There is indeed an underground structure under the castle, and its scale is even larger than Hao Ren expected, even exceeding the underground scale that most normal classical castles should have. In front of Hao Ren alone, there are three wide passages extending in different directions. These passages are reinforced by thick stones and some black pillars whose material is no longer visible from a long time ago. They have not collapsed after so many years, even though Hao Ren is an architect The uninitiated also find it quite incredible. The width of each passage is enough for a medium-sized car to drive in it, and the height is more than three meters. They meet in front of Hao Ren to form a T-junction, and the intersection is as wide as an underground hall.

It seems that the secret door of the chapel leads to a "node" of the castle's underground passage, where several tunnels intersect.

There were two soft bangs behind Hao Ren, and Vivian and Lily also jumped out of the hole one after another. They walked along the slope of the small earthen platform to the end, met Hao Ren, and saw the scene in front of them.

"This... the lord of the Yuefold Land back then looks really not an ordinary person. The underground palace he built has exceeded the standard," Vivian, a knowledgeable vampire, could see the scale of the tunnel and the castle above it at a glance. It doesn't quite match, "Could it be that there have been wars here for years? As a result, the local lord built such a large underground shelter? There are even three forks..." Hao Ren gave Vivian a strange look: "Didn't you go from 1190 to Haven’t you been to England since then? Why are you so familiar with the scale of British castles hundreds of years ago? I wanted to ask just now…”

"I'm not in the UK, can I wander around in Germany, Italy, Holland and France?" Vivian gave Hao Ren a contemptuous look, "I'm a little poor, but I didn't come to the UK for nearly a thousand years, but it wasn't because I was too poor to pay for travel." —At that time, I was traveling in the surrounding countries, and the ancient castles in this area were all similar hundreds of years ago, no matter how big the structural difference was, I still had a good comparison of the scale of the various facilities.”

At this time, Lily had already sniffled and circled around the three intersections in the tunnel. She ran to one of the intersections, carefully discerned the residual smell in the air, and shouted loudly: "This way, there is a smell of someone over here!"

The werewolf girl has now been completely reduced to a olfactory radar, and Hao Ren feels like he has brought a police dog...

Led by Lily, the group of three headed towards the depths of the underground palace. At first, Hao Ren was worried about the danger of suffocation in the dilapidated underground passage, but after walking for a long time, he found that the air here was very fresh, and it was always There is a breeze from nowhere brushing the cheeks, it seems that there are still ventilation holes leading to the surface in the underground palace that have not been blocked, and this further proves how much effort the original owner of the castle put into building this castle. The fortress is so reliable.

Vivienne analyzed from the side: "I originally thought that the former lord of Yeo Fold Land was just an ordinary nobleman who owned a castle, but now it seems that he is not simple. The underground structure here also has the stones of the castle above. The quantity shows that this place used to be a fairly strong fortress building, but this is a plain area, and the location is not a military point—even if it is a fortress, it lacks favorable geographical conditions. What is a strong fortress?"

"Didn't it mean that the Joofold Land was abandoned because of internal rebellion?" Hao Ren guessed wildly, "Maybe it was because of the continuous civil war that the lord here built the castle like a big fortress."

"I have no common sense." Vivian gave Hao Ren a sideways glance. "How long do you think it will take to build such a large underground fortification? And it was hundreds of years ago? It will take several generations of hard work. I am afraid it will take about two hundred years for the Fuld family I have been strengthening and expanding this underground palace. And don’t forget that this is Britain. Unlike the bug dynasty in ancient China, which recruited tens of thousands of civilians to dig mountains and lakes at every turn, the productivity that a feudal lord can use here is limited. , he engages in such a big project... It's suspicious."

As Vivienne said, she quickened her pace and walked to the front. At this time, the surroundings were completely invisible, and no matter how strong the night vision ability is, it needs a little light, so Hao Ren took out his data terminal, turned on the standby screen, and shone forward like a flashlight. In his eyes, the surrounding area was as bright as daylight, and lines of subtitles scrolled on the data terminal like swiping the screen: "This machine thinks your usage is wrong, this machine thinks your usage is wrong... This machine suggests that you search carefully at this moment." The normal steps that should be taken…”

Hao Ren pretended not to notice that this data terminal was not reliable at all.

The three of them walked in the tunnel for a few minutes. Hao Ren felt that the terrain in front of him was slowly descending. It seemed that the tunnel was leading to a deeper place, and he had temporarily forgotten the supernatural lovers and Nangong on the surface. The back of his head: He feels that staying in this dark place has at least one good thing. It is far away from the troubles on the surface. If he can find the "person" he is looking for underground, it will be perfect.

"So the castle is haunted because someone is pretending to be a ghost?" Lily felt that walking like this was very boring, so she took the initiative to talk to Vivian regardless of her usual suspicions, "Who could it be? And there are really dead spirits under this castle. Bar?"

"Hmph, it must be people who play tricks. People are the most complicated things. Who knows what they're thinking all day long," Vivienne snorted, "As for the undead... Hey, why did you shiver just now, landlord?"

Hao Ren said with a sad face: "I just remembered that there is a ghost down here! Just now I jumped down without thinking about anything... now I feel a little scared."

Vivian "comforted" him maliciously: "Don't be afraid, dealing with demons and ghosts will be your daily job sooner or later."

At this moment, Lily, who was leading the way, suddenly shrugged her nose in the air: "Ahead, there is a person very close! It seems that he can't stop."

The tunnel not far ahead finally came to an end. There was a corner ahead, and a light could be vaguely seen on the opposite side of the corner. Just as Hao Ren was about to take a step forward, Vivienne pulled his arm: "Wait, It's better to put on a disguise and don't forget to hide your identity from ordinary people."

After Vivian finished speaking, layers of black mist began to spread around her. Because of Hao Ren's strange "magic immunity" physique, Vivian couldn't make her spells take effect directly on Hao Ren, so He could only use such a layer of mist to surround the three of them to hide their figures. Hao Ren watched himself being enveloped by a layer of black mist, and suddenly felt that the three of him seemed to be the most suitable gang for setting up ghosts...

Vivienne whispered to the other two: "Don't leave the range of the black mist, especially you, big dog, don't wrinkle your nose, my black mist is obviously mint scented! Removed, just to prevent you from talking nonsense."

The three of them rushed forward silently under the cover of the black mist, and after rounding the corner of the tunnel, they saw the back of a person.

A short and fat man, wearing a miner's lamp and carrying a strange box, was standing in front of a stone wall and turning around anxiously.

It's Angus, the innkeeper.