The regent came to find fault again

Chapter 24: 24 If you fight back, you will become a bandit in the long run?



Hexi Station.

For this trip on duty, Emperor Qing specially dispatched an accompanying team. Su Changjin didn't bring many of his own troops, and the accompanying advance team had already arrived at the post house first.

From the moment they entered the city, the group of people felt a strong sense of decadence.

Refugees are everywhere, and many people whose houses have been destroyed can only be homeless. They have set up simple tents, and there are many more beggars than sellers.

"Please, give me something to eat. I don't want any gold or silver. I just ask you to reward my grandson with a bite of food..."

Seeing them coming in a carriage, some refugees suffering from hunger and cold even ran to the side of the carriage. The white-haired old man was dressed in rags and held a seven or eight-year-old boy in his arms.

They were all sallow and emaciated, pitifully begging for some food.

Su Ran brought him some spare dry food, but the old man was about to kneel down and kowtow to her on the spot, so Su Ran quickly supported him.

"Old man, didn't the imperial court send out disaster relief funds, the Hexi Mansion is so big, there are so many refugees, doesn't the governor care about you?"

During Emperor Qing's reign, the people were absolutely happy, safe and prosperous. He distributed relief money as soon as he learned of the serious waterlogging in Hexi. It shouldn't be like this.

"What kind of disaster relief money? Those officers and soldiers just put on a show every day. There are only a few grains of rice in a bowl of soup. This is how the baby's parents starved to death!!"

Speaking of it, the old man's face was black with hatred, but his teeth were itchy, but he couldn't even shed a tear.

The boy in his arms was already pale and thin, with clear eyes, watching all this in a daze.

Su Ran returned to the carriage with a sad expression, "Then Liu Yuzhang didn't provide disaster relief at all." I'm afraid that the money has already entered the pockets of those who care.

Even Su You, who was always noisy, seemed to be deaf and dumb at the moment, and there was an indescribable silence in the carriage.

"Compared to those refugees who died innocently, they are already much better." Su Changjin's complexion was normal, but there was some gloom in his eyes, "You can't save them."

Save the next one, and there will be countless others who need your help.

What is needed is to solve it from the source.

"Master..." Su You felt aggrieved, and looked at Su Changjin with tears in her eyes. Could it be that those people died in vain

Su Changjin let out a sigh of relief, held Su You's trembling shoulders with his backhand, and looked coldly into the distance, "You can't save me, but I can."

The only thing that can be thankful is that she is now the current regent.

Surviving in a world of intrigues and deceitful efforts, this identity is still meaningful.

"How can such a lowly vulgar thing be used to entertain the regent?"

"Hurry up and find some glass cups, flawless and beautiful jade, how can the place where the two princes live is so simple?!"

After waking up this morning, I learned that the Regent and King Muye were coming to Hexi for a visit and inspection. Liu Yuzhang was going crazy, so he came to the post in a panic to make arrangements.

How could so many refugees appear under the eyes of the regent king? Fortunately, they have already dealt with those lowly refugees...

"My lord! There is a carriage coming outside, and he says they are driven by the Prince Regent..."

The person who came to report hesitated, Liu Yuzhang's face turned horizontal, and he kicked his foot on the report boy's leg, "The regent is here, why don't you bow down to greet him quickly! What are you doing back here?!"

"No, my lord, there are only a few of them, and the subordinates are not sure of their identities."

Liu Yuzhang suddenly felt strange, even if the advance team had arrived, it was impossible for the regent's driver to have only a few people.

"Go out with me to have a look."

In front of the post house.

Su Changjin's carriage stopped here, and those who went back to report soon returned, and at the same time there was Liu Yuzhang in official uniform behind him.

Liu Yuzhang came out in a hurry, followed by the team leader who had just returned.

Su Changjin's advance team has been properly settled by Liu Yuzhang and is on standby. At this moment, it is heard that the regent has arrived and is rushing over.

"You are Liu Yuzhang?"

Su Xian didn't get off his horse either, and asked indifferently.

How could the Prince Regent be so arrogant and unreasonable? Liu Yuzhang frowned unhappily. How dare a servant ride on his head

"Why are you guys?!"

"Okay, you dare to appear under my nose, my lord, quickly arrest these gangsters who hurt people's lives!!"


Good night!

(end of this chapter)