The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 370: No resentment (recommendation vote requested)


Gu Xuewu had never been so angry before. [

//Tang Yanan, your woman is still suffering, what are you doing? how could you do this

Thinking of the child's blue face just now, he couldn't forgive Tang Yanan. Even if he lost his memory and didn't want to recognize himself, the child belonged to him, right

Angry in his heart, he picked up his phone and pressed a few numbers: "I don't care what method you use, just bring Tang Yanan to the hospital for me. Use the fastest speed, do you hear me?"

After receiving the response from the person on the phone, Gu Xuewu sat down in front of the hospital bed. Looking at Zheng Qimei.

She was still sleeping, and the doctor said that the delivery just now had consumed too much of her physical strength, and Gu Xuewu was no stranger to such a situation. It took five hours of pain to deliver the baby.

How much courage and perseverance does that take for a woman? Thinking of Qiao Xinwan's persistence at that time, he suddenly couldn't understand.

At this time, there was a burst of discomfort in the stomach. I got up early in the morning to take the plane, did not eat breakfast, rushed to find Tang Yanan and met Zheng Qimei, who has not eaten yet.

The cramps and cramps were almost unbearable. Standing up, he decided to go to the pharmacy downstairs to get some medicine. I took stomach medicine and ate something casually at the small restaurant next to the hospital.

When they went upstairs again, Zheng Qimei was still awake. I went to the incubator to check on the child, and his complexion has improved a lot. He was relieved, even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could still know how nervous and valued Zheng Qimei was to this child.

Back in the ward, Zheng Qimei just woke up. He took two strides and stood in front of the hospital bed. Sure enough, Zheng Qimei woke up and searched the ward: "Where is the child? Where is my child?"

"The child is fine, very good, in the baby room next door." Gu Xuewu said: "It's a boy, weighing eight catties. Very healthy."

"Really?" Zheng Qimei breathed a sigh of relief, looked behind Gu Xuewu, and then at her mobile phone beside the bed. The relief that had just flashed turned into bitterness.

"He didn't come, did he?"

"..." In silence, Gu Xuewu began to grit his teeth, wondering why the person who blamed him didn't bring Tang Yanan here. I wanted to make a phone call, but it didn't feel right.

I had to change the subject: "Are you tired? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

It's like this. "No." If you are too tired, you won't be hungry. Zheng Qimei shook her head, she didn't have the strength to eat at this time, she glanced at Gu Xuewu, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Can you pour me a glass of water?"

"Okay." Gu Xuewu quickly poured her a glass of warm water. She sat up halfway, finished drinking with his hand, and looked at the door unconsciously.

Not seeing Tang Yanan's figure, I felt a little uncomfortable, but when I met Gu Xuewu's worried eyes, I just smiled and drank the water. Watch him put the glass down.

The scene when he first saw him with Qiao Xinwan flashed through his mind. I was a little puzzled, such a man should be a good husband. How could you make the relationship with your wife so stiff

"That." Gu Xuewu put down his cup and looked at Zheng Qimei with some puzzlement: "I heard from the doctor that you insisted on refusing to have the operation just now. Do you know? You are very dangerous like this."

"I know." Zheng Qimei sighed. There was a smile on the corner of his lips, with endless bitterness, and his eyes were a little hot: "There was a moment just now. I thought I was going to die. If I died, the baby would be alone in this world. It would be so pitiful. If that's the case, I would rather be with you He died together."

"..." Silent, Gu Xuewu didn't know what to say.

Zheng Qimei's nose was sore, she sniffed her nose, and tried her best to suppress the urge to cry: "The child is born without a mother, and the father ignores him. How pitiful he will be? Since this is the case, why don't you let me go with him?" Now. When he reaches the sky, he will be accompanied by someone."

"Yanan, I forgot you too?" Gu Xuewu knew this was true, but felt sad.

"Yes." Zheng Qimei's eyes were astringent, and she nodded heavily: "I thought he was dead, but I didn't expect him to be dead. But he is not dead, but it makes me sadder than dead..."

Feeling that she said this sentence wrong, she covered her mouth and smiled bitterly: "No, no. I would rather he live. It's better not to remember me than to die."

"Zheng Qimei." There was a very complicated emotion surging in Gu Xuewu's heart, which made him want to beat Tang Yanan severely.

"You, there's no need to do this."

He didn't explain to Zheng Qimei but understood what he meant: "Do you think I shouldn't have given birth to this child?"

Gu Xuewu was silent, he didn't know what to say at this moment. In fact, it is. How hard is it for a woman to bring up a child alone

Zheng Qimei pursed her lips, her expression a bit bitter, Tang Yanan's face flashed in her mind: "I want this child."

"At that time, I thought he was dead. So it's good for me to leave a drop of her flesh and blood. In this way, at least in the future life, this child is my sustenance, my reliance, and a proof when I miss him .to prove that I once loved a man."

"Even if this man forgets you? Doesn't love you, or even ignore you?"

"Yes." Zheng Qimei nodded. She has a strong personality, and if she loves her, she will fall in love. Absolutely no regrets: "Even if he forgets me, doesn't love me, or even ignores me. But I have his child, everything is worth it.".

Gu Xuewu was speechless at this moment, looking at the resolute expression on Zheng Qimei's face. Qiao Xinwan suddenly came to mind, and that question was just asked like that.

"You women, don't you, only give birth to the man you love?"

"Yes." Zheng Qimei nodded, looked at the doubts on Gu Xuewu's face, and gave him the answer: "I don't know what other women are like, but I am. I can chat, joke, and even have sex with men I don't love .But I would never have a baby with a man I don't love. It's different."

When she was first bullied by Tang Yanan, she could tell herself that this man raped and raped her, she didn't love him, she hated him, but she endured every touch he made. Because he regarded every touch of him as violence and violence.

That has to be endured. But the child is not. Children are her future, her hope. Her spiritual pillar and sustenance.

Therefore, she will keep the child, give birth to the child safely, and let him grow up healthy and happy.

Women only bear children for the men they love? When Gu Xuewu received this sentence, he was shocked, looking at the determination on Zheng Qimei's face. She has a beautiful face, which makes people feel like someone else.

That person is Qiao Xinwan. Thinking of her, Gu Xuewu couldn't help thinking about the scene of her struggling to give birth to that child in the operating room.

She desperately wants to protect this child. What motivates her so much? What made her so persistent, so sure

Gu Xuewu understood a little bit. Qiao Xinwan, she kept saying that she loved herself. But he never felt it. In his opinion, it was just a little girl who kept pestering for it because she couldn't get it.

Like a toy, a candy. If you can't get it, just cheat. Just use means and scheming. In short, all kinds of methods are used.

In the end, I still can't get it, so I can only let it go.

He missed Qiao Xinwan so much, so his attitude towards her never got better. A spoiled child, a wayward and selfish young lady.

What is worth his troubles. But at this time, he suddenly didn't think that way. Sitting in front of the hospital bed, he suddenly had more desires and desires to chat.

"If. I mean, if the man you love doesn't love you, what will you do?" For example, Tang Yanan doesn't love her now, and even completely forgets her.

So what is she going to do? How to do it? Gu Xuewu was curious.

"I will try my best." Zheng Qimei is actually at a loss now, she doesn't know what to do: "Try hard to let him see my love. Let him know my heart and let him accept me."

"What if he can't accept it?" Turning around, Tang Yanan didn't remember her, what would she do

"I don't know anymore." Zheng Qimei smiled bitterly, because Tang Yanan's unexpected reaction made her feel very painful and entangled. I had no choice but to change the subject and joked: "Either knock him out so that he will never leave me again, or. Give him a fascination, soul, or medicine. Let him have only me in his heart from now on."

Gu Xuewu was completely shocked at this moment, staring blankly at the wry smile on Zheng Qimei's face, he wanted to say something but couldn't say it. is that so

Qiao Xinwan thought the same way? Because I can't get him, so it's good to get him as a child

Because of this thought, why did she drug him again? Even tricked him into taking the medicine, just to give birth to a child that belonged to him

Qiao Xinwan's face flashed in his mind, and then he looked at Zheng Qimei: "You, don't you hate him?"

Tang Yanan, so cold-blooded and ruthless, he didn't answer so many calls. I don't want to come and see Zheng Qimei. Doesn't Zheng Qimei not complain or hate

Resentment? Zheng Qimei frowned, thinking of Tang Yanan's last face when she left, she shook her head, her expression was not resentment, but helplessness.

"He didn't mean to. He's lost his memory, hasn't he? He's forgotten about me."

In fact, Tang Yanan had forgotten himself. The pain was so great that Zheng Qimei couldn't bear it at all. She thought that Tang Yanan would feel something when he saw the child and would believe her, but now, she was not sure.

But even if she was not sure, she was sure of one thing: "I don't hate him, not at all."

I really don't hate it, every time I think about the scene of Tang Yanan being shot four times and falling into a pool of blood, whenever I think about it, he keeps staring at Xuanyuan worriedly, wanting him to give him a stable look.

She can't hate it.

"I don't hate him, I love him."

Gu Xuewu was shocked and moved. Looking at Zheng Qimei, he suddenly understood Qiao Xinwan. From another angle, it doesn't seem so annoying and hateful.

Just understanding doesn't mean acceptance.


Today's first update, ahhh. Xinyue has diarrhea. I was so sick, I took my medicine and went to bed. See you later in the day, everyone.

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