The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 371: She couldn't bear it


Gu Xuewu was shocked and moved by her. [Reading Books//Looking at Zheng Qimei, he suddenly understood Qiao Xinwan. From another angle, it doesn't seem so annoying and hateful.

Just understanding doesn't mean acceptance. Gu Xuewu did not agree with Qiao Xinwan's actions, but at this time. I won't be disgusted anymore.

There was a sound outside the door at this time, Zheng Qimei stopped talking, and turned to look at the door. Tang Yanan stood there with wounds on his face, followed by several other people with wounds on their faces, and they all looked a bit embarrassed.

Several people looked very bad, especially Tang Yanan. Zheng Qimei suddenly became anxious and wanted to sit up, but she forgot that she had just given birth, and her lower abdomen was throbbing.

Sitting by the bed, Gu Xuewu naturally saw her ugly face, and reached out to help her up, but his eyes were attracted by the people at the door.

It turned out that the hand that was supporting Zheng Qimei stopped, and he walked towards those people. Tang Yanan had a wound on his face. Not only him. Those who stood at the door with him had wounds on their faces.

Stand up straight. Gu Xuewu walked up to several people and stood still, and glanced at one of them standing behind Tang Yanan.

"Who moved first?"

"Brother Wu?" That one was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said, "It's not what you said, no matter what method or method is used?"

You know, Tang Yanan's kung fu is not built, several people were at a disadvantage at the beginning, if they didn't use a tacit understanding to make a false move later, and Tang Yanan, who is still in the stage of amnesia, is not so guarded. Can you bring it to the hospital now. Not sure yet.

Tang Yanan's hands were tied behind his back, looking at Gu Xuewu at this time, his eyes flashed a bit cold: "It seems that it is not a gentleman's action to bully the few with more?"

"Sorry." Gu Xuewu turned behind him and untied the rope for him himself. Then he pointed to Zheng Qimei, who was naked.

"She had a baby. Been calling you, I want you to come and see her."

Tang Yanan's face became colder: "What does it matter to me that she has a baby?"

Gu Xuewu was shocked, while Zheng Qimei was in despair.

It turns out that the greatest pain in the world is not that he forgets you or that he doesn't love you, but that the person you love treats you coldly.

"Tang Yanan. Are you not a man?" Gu Xuewu was irritated again: "She just wants you to see the child, and wants you to accompany her. Why are you so cold-blooded?"

"Your question is really interesting." Tang Yanan was expressionless, but he did not forget the scene when Gu Xuewu reached out to support Zheng Qimei just now: "You mean. Your woman wants me to accompany her when she has a baby?"

"Her child is you..."

"Mayor Gu." Zheng Qimei couldn't take it anymore, her throat felt uncomfortable like a stone was blocked. Covering her lips, she didn't want to cry, not at all. At this time, pregnant women are not allowed to cry. not good for health.

she understands. She has this common sense, but she just can't help it.

Gritting her teeth and sniffing, she suppressed that emotion, seeing the concern in Gu Xuewu's eyes, she suddenly smiled.

"Thank you, Mayor Gu, let him go. It's okay."

"Zheng Qimei?" Gu Xuewu didn't want this, so he turned his gaze to Tang Yanan, and suddenly reached out to grab his hand: "Come with me."

Zheng Qimei didn't know what he was going to do, neither did the others, so they stood there without moving.

Gu Xuewu took Tang Yanan's hand and walked to another ward, where an incubator was placed. Inside was a little baby sleeping.

The little face is a little rosier than when she was born just now. Small and soundly asleep, he pointed at the child and looked at Tang Yanan: "When you see this, don't you feel anything?"

That child was very young, and his eyebrows and eyes looked exactly like Zheng Qimei. Tang Yanan shook off Gu Xuewu's hand holding him, and looked at the child. There was a trace of expectation in Gu Xuewu's eyes.

He still remembers how moved he was when he saw Belle for the first time. That kind of shock, he believed that Tang Yanan would definitely be the same as himself.

Tang Yanan looked at the child for a long while, and finally looked at Gu Xuewu again, remained silent, turned and left.

Gu Xuewu was shocked, and stood in front of him in disbelief: "Tang Yanan. Look clearly, this child, this is you..."

"Are you enough?" Tang Yanan was very impatient, even furious: "She gave birth, and what happened to her has nothing to do with me. Since you are her man, you just need to be here."

"Tang Yanan?" Can amnesia make a person so cold-blooded? Gu Xuewu didn't know, watching Tang Yanan leave, he suddenly felt powerless and helpless. .

It turns out that he is not omnipotent, it turns out that there are things he can't do. why

Disappointed, he went back to Zheng Qimei's ward, where several people were still waiting for him, he looked at one of them and said, "Ah Cheng, go and hire a confinement wife, I want the best confinement wife in city c, and let her take care of Zheng Qimei. "

"Okay." The man nodded and looked at Gu Xuewu: "Brother Wu, is there anything else?"

"No more." Tang Yanan refused to come back, refused to recognize the child, and it was useless for him to force him.

After entering the ward, Zheng Qimei sat there blankly looking out the window, when she heard the sound of him entering the door, she quickly wiped her face and turned to look at him.

"Mayor Gu, thank you." And also Zheng her.

Really thank him today, if not for him. She could hardly imagine it.

"You're welcome." She moved quickly, but Gu Xuewu still saw the tears on her face just now, and she panicked: "Do you want me to teach him a lesson for you?"

"No need." Thinking that Tang Yanan still had injuries on his face just now, she felt a little distressed. It's so ridiculous, obviously he doesn't remember himself at all, but she still feels sorry for him.

"Mayor Gu, I called and asked my mother to come and take care of me. I won't bother you. Thank you."

No trouble, no trouble at all. Gu Xuewu shook his head, and couldn't find any words of comfort for Zheng Qimei: "I asked Ah Cheng to find a confinement wife for you. Tell him what you want, and he will take care of you."

"No need." Zheng Qimei smiled: "It's just having a baby. It's nothing."

She smiled so reluctantly, Gu Xuewu saw it, felt depressed again, and finally sighed: "Yanan, I used to be friends with me. He is my younger brother. Don't be polite to me."

Zheng Qimei froze for a moment, then looked at Gu Xuewu. It was a bit of a surprise at this time, Tang Yanan has been in the United States. How could it be Gu Xuewu's friend

"you… "

"When I went to the United States, I had a relationship with him." Gu Xuewu said lightly: "Later, when I returned to China, we have been in touch. We are very good friends, so don't be polite to me."

In a certain way, Tang Yanan will become what he is today, and he has nothing to do with it.

Zheng Qimei nodded, and did not ask again: "Thank you, Mayor Gu, I will not be polite to you. If there is anything, I will call you. I am not trying to drive you away, but my mother will Come here. She's seen you on TV, if you let her know the mayor is coming, she'll…”

Don't say anything later, I believe Gu Xuewu understands.

He nodded: "Take good care of your body. Yanan just forgot, I believe he will remember one day."

"Thank you." Will it? She thought he would think of it when he saw her, but he didn't. She thought that having a baby would remind Tang Yanan, but it didn't.

Now, she has given up fantasizing.

Gu Xuewu didn't speak, turned and left.

The people who were guarding the door all dispersed at this moment. After leaving the hospital gate, he took out his mobile phone and pressed a few numbers, with a very gloomy voice: "Find someone to keep an eye on Tang Yanan, and don't let him leave City C. Yes."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Xuewu felt heavy. Feeling tired, really tired. He has been carrying everything for so many years, and now he feels tired.

Belle's innocent little face flashed in his mind, and he suddenly felt that he was lucky, at least he was allowed to know the truth when Belle was born. Knowing that she is his daughter, not like Tang Yanan, who didn't recognize her own child when she saw her.

He took a taxi to the airport. Now, he wanted to see his daughter very much, as quickly as possible.


Qiao Xinwan went out for a while in the morning, and came back to play with Belle for a while. The child is different every day and changes every day. He used to sleep all the time, but now he wakes up and plays for several hours a day.

The time is still very regular. She feels very happy. The daughter should know that she worked so hard, so she couldn't bear to torture her, so she was so obedient.

After eating, I slept for a while. The weather has entered autumn, and the climate in the northern capital is a bit dry. Sometimes at night I would be woken up by Belle's crying. Although Aunt Zhou was there, she always liked to follow her to have a look.

Qiao's mother also laughed at her, saying that after she became a mother, she was so careful. She also felt embarrassed. But it is true. Before becoming a mother, she felt that a child was just a child, and she once told a girlfriend. She said that when the baby was born, she would never hug her as soon as she cried, or coax her as soon as she cried.

But when it really came to me, it was still a bit difficult to find out. She wakes up easily, and often gets up in the middle of the night, and then goes to the next room to see Belle's innocent little face, feeling that the world is quiet and beautiful.

Such a lovely daughter, she will not let anyone take her away. Calling the people at the embassy to urge the formalities, she decided to take Belle to Denmark.

Stay away from Gu Xuewu, so that she can't find herself.

After dinner, Qiao Xinwan took the materials to read. Thanks to her for always wanting to go to Denmark, so she speaks good Danish. Go there, language communication will not be a problem.

Collected some house information. She was still choosing, and she was filled with excitement at the thought of living abroad with Belle.


Gu Xuewu got off the plane, didn't go home, took a taxi directly to Qiao's house. Time came and went, and when we arrived at Qiao's house, it was already night.

When Qiao's mother saw him coming, she didn't say anything, she just said that Xinwan was upstairs, and he went upstairs by herself.

Thinking of what I accidentally saw last time, Qiao Xinwan had just taken a shower and looked naked. This stopped Gu Xuewu's movements.


The second update today. There are more changes.

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