The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 377: Not at ease


Bride from Military Wedding 051

"She said it for two months, and took the child to play with a friend of hers. [High-quality update] I will come back later in the evening."

Mother Qiao smiled uncomfortably. In fact, Qiao Xinwan decided to go to Denmark just a few days ago. I have been going through the formalities for the past few days, and I will leave probably next week.

Although reluctant, but the daughter said, Gu Xuewu's purpose is for the children. And she will never reunite with Gu Xuewu because of the child.

Thinking of her daughter's persistence and Gu Xuewu's ruthlessness, she agreed even if she disagreed.

"Isn't Belle only two months old? Can he go out at such a young age? Did Auntie go with her?" He said yes.

"Yes." Mother Qiao nodded, but she was sure that her daughter's guess was correct. Sure enough, Gu Xuewu's purpose was for the children. instead of a daughter.

"Auntie went with her and brought all the spare parts. Qiao Jie drove the car. Are there any questions?"

"No more." Gu Xuewu nodded, greeted Qiao's mother and left.

After getting in the car, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Qiao's mother hastily turn around and enter the house, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

friend? He didn't seem to ask just now, who is his friend. But before, he didn't care about Qiao Xinwan, and he didn't know what friends she had in Beijing.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call, asking the other party to find out where Qiao Xinwan is now. After hanging up the phone, he didn't leave, thinking about Belle's little face, and the smiling face when his aunt gave her the rattle last time.

I went to the department store to buy toys for my daughter, regardless of whether they were suitable or not. I saw the brightly colored ones and the crisp and melodious ones without being harsh, so I picked a lot.

When he got into the car, the phone rang. His people informed Qiao Xinwan of her location. Even near him

Soon the phone displayed Qiao Xinwan's location, where is...

Gu Xuewu froze for a moment, then drove the car in that direction.

Outside the department store. Qiao Xinwan glanced at Qiao Jie: "Qiao Jie, you go back first, I will go shopping by myself."

She just went to the consulate to complete the formalities, and now there are basically no problems. Just wait until next week to leave.

"Are you okay by yourself? Do you really want me to accompany you?" Qiao Jie was not at ease leaving her alone.

"No, no. I stayed at home every day for confinement. Now it's been two months. Let me walk by myself."

It’s okay to be forced to drink those soups and waters every day. When I go out and do something, I just say that this is not good and that is not good. If this continues, she will go crazy.

Seeing that the weather is going to be cold soon, she wants to buy some seasonal clothes and other supplies for Belle.

"Okay." Qiao Jie nodded: "Don't go shopping too late, in case Belle wakes up and clamors for milk at home, I don't have any milk for her."

"What?" Qiao Xinwan rolled her eyes at Qiao Jie: "Auntie will make milk powder for her to drink. I'll buy something and I'll be right back."

"Okay then, call me when you're done shopping, and I'll pick you up."

"Got it." That's enough. She had intended to drive here by herself. But Qiao Jie was worried, saying that she was afraid that her body would not recover. That's funny, Belle is two months old, okay? Do you want to be so nervous

Qiao Jie shrugged, stepped on the accelerator and left. Qiao Xinwan strolled into the department store.

Today is not the weekend, and there are not many people in the department store. After entering the door, go directly to the floor where the mother and baby products are located.

Last time, she found that her daughter looked good in sky blue clothes, and she wanted to buy some more for her daughter. And pink is also good. After only visiting two stores, I have already harvested two big bags. Carrying things to take the escalator, the things in his hand were picked up.

Qiao Xinwan was taken aback, and turned around, only to find that it was Gu Xuewu

"You, why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here? Only you can come here? I can't?" After following her for a long time, Gu Xuewu didn't see Belle. It can be seen that Mother Qiao is lying. Qiao Xinwan didn't bring her daughter out at all, but came out by herself.

"You can, you can." Qiao Xinwan stretched out her hand to take the things she bought, but Gu Xuewu put them behind her: "Are you alone?"

What is Qiao Jie doing? I don't know if she just gave birth and needs someone to accompany her

"Gu Xuewu." Qiao Xinwan thought he wanted to see Belle: "Although the weather hasn't been too cold these past few days, it's windy and dusty outside. I left my daughter at home, is there a problem?"

"No." Not understanding why Qiao's mother would lie to him like that, Gu Xuewu glanced at Qiao Xinwan. A pair of white cropped trousers, underneath is a pair of white wedge sandals of the same color. The simple and elegant style makes a pair of jade feet very small.

Looking up, a rose red V-neck T-shirt. Her hair was tied into a ponytail at the back of her head, and she looked youthful and beautiful. If she didn't tell her, no one would believe that she was already the mother of a child.

The way he looked at her made Qiao Xinwan feel weird. Stretching out his hand, he was about to pick up his own things. However, Gu Xuewu walked towards the escalator, turned his face and glanced at her: "Come with me."

"I don't want to." Why should she go with him. Thinking of her, Qiao Xinwan, she used to be silly and clumsy, like Gu Xuewu's dog.

Gu Xuewu didn't care, and walked towards the escalator. Qiao Xinwan didn't want to follow, but looking at the daughter's clothes in his hands, two of them were new styles that just came out, very cute. She gritted her teeth and stepped forward quickly.

The two went down the escalator one after the other. Gu Xuewu went all the way to the first floor, where there is a coffee shop. It was four o'clock in the afternoon. Perfect for afternoon tea.

Gu Xuewu stepped in. When he opened the door, he glanced at Qiao Xinwan behind him. She followed behind him with a long face, looking very unhappy.

After entering the door, I chose a seat by the window to sit down. The sofa here is the kind of double seater. In the middle is a rectangular table. After Gu Xuewu sat down, he put the things Qiao Xinwan bought on the sofa beside him.

Qiao Xinwan sat down opposite him, with an impatient expression: "Gu Xuewu, you can say whatever you want. I still have something to do."

It was a while before she came out, and she was worried that Belle would be hungry. I want to go back and see the kids.

Gu Xuewu didn't seem to hear what she said. Looking at the menu that the waiter brought up at this time, he wanted to order two cups of coffee directly, but after seeing Qiao Xinwan, he ordered her a cup of milk. His actions caused Qiao Xinwan to frown.

"Just talk. I don't have time to drink coffee with you."

Qiao Xinwan's words made Gu Xuewu frowned. Regardless of her cold face, he ordered a latte for himself and watched the waiter leave. Put your body on the sofa.

"You still decided to go to Denmark."

"So what?" Qiao Xinwan didn't want to hide it from Gu Xuewu. He would know about this matter sooner or later, and she was not afraid of him knowing: "I have the right."

Gu Xuewu did not refute her, but raised his eyebrows lightly: "You promised me that you would not take your daughter to Denmark."

"I didn't agree to you." Qiao Xinwan shook her head: "From the beginning to the end, it was just you talking, and I just didn't refute it."

"If you don't refute, you agree."

"I haven't." Qiao Xinwan looked at Gu Xuewu, with a flash of sarcasm in her eyes: "Gu Xuewu, that's your unilateral decision, but it doesn't mean it's also my decision." zlsc.

"Qiao Xinwan." A gloom flashed in Gu Xuewu's eyes: "What are you doing?"

"As for." Qiao Xinwan nodded, but she didn't think she was cruel. Seeing the stubbornness and rebellion on her face, Gu Xuewu nodded slightly, knowing his persistence.

"If you must, I don't mind. I'll see you in court."

"See you in court?" Qiao Xinwan seemed to hear some joke: "You want to sue me?"

"I have this right, don't I?" Gu Xuewu curled his lips slightly. He is his daughter's biological father and has the right to ask for his daughter's visitation rights.

"Okay." Qiao Xinwan clapped her hands and looked at Gu Xuewu appreciatively: "You are welcome to sue. Let everyone know that the famous Gu family in Beidu has a divorced mayor. No, I heard that you Is it the director now? That’s okay. Second, I don’t mind letting the public know how you performed your husband’s duties after three years of marriage. Let the judge decide who Belle should go with. "

Gu Xuewu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the gloom inside flashed by. Finally, he pursed his lips and put his hands on the table: "Qiao Xinwan, you drugged your husband. If you really make a scene, it doesn't seem to be good for you, right?"

"I don't mind." Qiao Xinwan shrugged her shoulders and gave Gu Xuewu a thumbs up, expressing that she really didn't mind: "Gu Xuewu, just go public and let others know how you are someone's husband and my child How did you come here. In that case, I see if you still have the face to say that you want a daughter. "

Gu Xuewu's complexion changed, it was the first time he had experienced Qiao Xinwan's sharp teeth. Narrowing his eyes, he looked at Qiao Xinwan in front of him and wanted to say something. At this moment, the waiter brought him the coffee he wanted and Qiao Xinwan's milk.

He stopped talking, and when the waiter left, he folded his hands and placed them on the table, watching the smug flash across Qiao Xinwan's face, he was noncommittal.

He had no intention of taking her to court, but he felt a little displeased with her assertion and distrust of him. As for why he was unhappy, he attributed it to the fact that he wanted his daughter, but Qiao Xinwan never backed down.

"Do you have anything else to do? I have nothing else to do. I'll go first." Qiao Xinwan was not in the mood to really drink coffee with him. When she thought of Gu Xuewu's exhaustion and methods just to get her daughter, she felt shameless.

Gu Xuewu grabbed her hand and with a little force, he pulled her down and sat down beside him. Qiao Xinwan froze for a moment, trying to struggle, but Gu Xuewu held her body down, making her unable to move.

"Qiao Xinwan." Gu Xuewu gave up trying to reason with her, because this woman has no reason to say: "If you really want to take your daughter to Denmark, then I will do everything possible to stop it. You can try it." .”

The arm was pinched by Gu Xuewu. It didn't hurt, but she couldn't break free. Qiao Xinwan raised her eyebrows, her gorgeous face still full of arrogance: "Okay, we can try it, whoever is afraid of the other."

She is not the Qiao Xinwan she used to be when Gu Xuewu smiled at her and felt that the world is beautiful.

Apart from Qiao's family, what she cares most about now is her precious daughter. Anyone who wants to play with her daughter must first ask her whether she agrees or not.

Breaking free from the restraint of Gu Xuewu on her arm, she stood up, carrying Gu Xuewu on the sofa and was about to leave.

At this moment, Gu Xuewu pressed her back to sit on the sofa again. Qiao Xinwan was unprepared for a moment, lost her balance, and sat down, but not on the sofa. Instead, he sat on Gu Xuewu's lap.

The bag in his hand loosened and fell back onto the sofa next to him.

Qiao Xinwan was stunned for a moment, and instinctively stretched out her hand to push him away. When she touched his chest, which was only wearing a white shirt, she seemed to be able to feel the scorching heat in her palm. She looked a little embarrassed, and she quickly withdrew her hand. But let the body shrink into his arms. Embarrassed, he wanted to stand up, but the top of his hair bumped into Gu Xuewu's jaw in a hurry.

He let out a muffled groan, and she let out a cry of pain. The top of her head hurt, she rubbed the top of her hair, looked at Gu Xuewu in front of her, with a somewhat unhappy expression.

"what on earth do you want?"

At this time, the posture of the two people is very ambiguous. She snuggled into his arms, his arms around her waist. Staring at Qiao Xinwan's face with deep eyes, he did not miss the impatience on her face. Gu Xuewu picked up the milk on the table as if nothing had happened, and put it in her hand.

"Drink it."

"No." God knows how resistant she is to dairy products now.

"Drink it." Women who are breastfeeding need more nutrition. It is already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Drinking a glass of milk can replenish energy for the body.

"I won't drink it." Qiao Xinwan raised her face, as if he could do anything to her. His concern now is definitely that the weasel gave the chicken New Year's greetings, and he has no good intentions. She doesn't want to be fooled.

"Are you sure?" The voice was low and dangerous, but unfortunately, Qiao Xinwan didn't hear it, she just thought he was threatening her.

"Nonsense." Qiao Xinwan rolled her eyes, and didn't forget to step on him again: "I'll drink if you want me to? Then I'm not too spineless?"

Drinking a glass of milk can also be a bone? Gu Xuewu only now knows that Qiao Xinwan has such ability. Staring at her slightly pursed lips, a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

He lowered his head, picked up the milk and took a big sip, then pressed the back of Qiao Xinwan's head with the other hand, and kissed her on the lips. Put the milk into her mouth.

Qiao Xinwan's eyes widened, looking at the magnified face in front of her, milk flowed into her mouth, she couldn't breathe, so she could only swallow the milk.

The widened eyes were more shocking. I couldn't believe that Gu Xuewu would 'bully' her like this in public? Simply unbelievable

Excessive disbelief made her even forget to resist. He even drank two mouthfuls of milk. Only then did he react.

He stretched out his hand to push Gu Xuewu away, but he backed away at this moment. Glancing at the glass of milk that has been mostly used up: "It tastes good."

Taste, taste good? What tastes good? He he he, what are you talking about

The corners of Gu Xuewu's lips raised slightly, his eyes looked at Qiao Xinwan's sluggish look, with a bit of joy in him: "It's all good."

Her lips are very sweet. Same as every time before. He found he didn't hate the feeling of kissing her.

Qiao Xinwan stared at Gu Xuewu's half-smile face, her first feeling was that he was possessed by aliens.

"Gu Xuewu." She couldn't be more red, especially when she saw the staring gazes from a table nearby, which made her extremely embarrassed: "Did you make a mistake? This is in a coffee shop, in front of a large audience. You, you actually..."

"What am I?" Gu Xuewu raised his eyebrows, looking at Qiao Xinwan's dumbfounded expression, feeling a little complacent. His face was very serious.

"Mao, Chairman, Chairman said that wasting food is the biggest crime. You should have heard it?"

"Wasting food?" What does this have to do with him kissing himself? Qiao Xinwan didn't react immediately. Gu Xuewu looked solemn: "Milk is also a kind of food. If you leave without drinking it, isn't it a crime?"

"Pfft." Qiao Xinwan almost choked on her own saliva, staring blankly at Gu Xuewu's face, this is the first time she discovered that Gu Xuewu has such a side

Heart was beating fast, part anger, part embarrassment.

"Gu Xuewu." Wiping her mouth vigorously, as if trying to wipe his breath off her lips, Qiao Xinwan cleared her throat, trying to retreat from his body: "I didn't say I wanted some milk. You ordered it yourself. Drink it yourself if you want it."

Gu Xuewu remained silent, put the half cup of milk left in her hand, and met her gaze: "Drink it."

"you… "

"If you don't drink, I don't mind having it again." Gu Xuewu's threat was very obvious. Qiao Xinwan went crazy with anger, is Gu Xuewu crazy today? Or out of your mind

After taking the milk in his hand and gulping it down, Qiao Xinwan put down the glass with some force, staring at the determination and complacency on his face: "I drank it all, can you let go?"

His other hand, but is it still on her waist now? She really didn't know that Gu Xuewu had such a habit of taking advantage of women.

"I'm sorry. I forgot." Gu Xuewu apologized insincerely. Let go of her hand, but when she was about to get up, "accidentally" stretched out the other hand to serve coffee.

Qiao Xinwan, who didn't notice his movement, was touched by his hand, and sat back on his lap.

"Ah." Qiao Xinwan whispered, her back touching his chest. The hard and hot touch made her face a little embarrassed, and looked at his face and growled: "Gu Xuewu, did you do it on purpose?"

"No." Gu Xuewu picked up the coffee, took a sip leisurely, and felt the rich aroma of the coffee entrance, and his expression relaxed a lot.

"Just don't want to commit a crime."

He still had coffee in his hand. Qiao Xinwan didn't dare to move, for fear that if she moved, the coffee in his hand would pour over her body. You know, she was wearing a pair of white pants today.

"Have you finished your drink?" Crazy, lunatic, he must be doing it on purpose, wanting to see her embarrassing, and then he will give in and promise not to take his daughter to Denmark.

dream. It is absolutely impossible for her to be defeated by his tricks so easily.

"What's the hurry?" Gu Xuewu had time to play with her slowly today: "Aren't you going to leave? You can go first."

"Let go of me." If he didn't let go, how could she leave

"Okay." Gu Xuewu nodded. Let go of your hands and step back a little. Qiao Xinwan took advantage of this gap to stand up. Desperate to get rid of this bastard and leave.

But he didn't want to act too hastily, and Gu Xuewu's coffee was still in his hand. With such a big movement, she bumped into the coffee cup in his hand unexpectedly.

The coffee inside splashed out, soaking Qiao Xinwan's thighs and legs.

Looking at the brown water stains on the pants, Qiao Xinwan gritted her teeth: "Gu Xuewu, did you do it on purpose?"

"Ah? I'm sorry." Gu Xuewu waved his hand, put down the coffee cup, took out a tissue from the table and wiped it on Qiao Xinwan's legs.

"I'm not steady."

"You did it on purpose." Wherever it might be unsteady, he clearly did it on purpose. Qiao Xinwan was so angry. Waving his hand away, he took out a paper towel to wipe it off, only to find that the trace became more and more obvious the more he wiped it.

Throwing the tissue on the coffee table, he glared at Gu Xuewu.

"Enough. Get out of the way, I'm going home."

"I'll see you off." Gu Xuewu stood up. Glancing at her trousers: "Dirty your trousers, how about I buy you a new pair as an apology?"

"No need." Qiao Xinwan gave him an angry look, "I'll go back by myself."

"Are you sure, you want to walk to the road like this? Go home like this?" He didn't know much about Qiao Xinwan, but one thing was clear. Qiao Xinwan was very concerned about her image.

It has always been so. And he was very sure that she couldn't just go out like this.

"I, I can buy it myself." Upstairs is the women's clothing department, and she can buy clothes by herself, so she doesn't need Gu Xuewu to care. Holding the bag in her hand in front of her trousers, Qiao Xinwan went upstairs.

Gu Xuewu called the waiter to check out, and looked at Qiao Xinwan's distraught back. The steps that stepped on the ground were very careful, and he was sure that she must be thinking that he was stepping on it now.

The corners of his lips curled up, and he realized that he would feel happy just because he teased and teased her. Looking at her angry look, she seems to feel pretty good.

He didn't mind her leaving first, and went upstairs directly behind Qiao Xinwan. She went to a women's clothing store, went in and picked out a pair of white pants.

Hand the original shopping bag to the shopping guide lady, and then go to change pants. When I came out again, I found that Gu Xuewu was following him, and instead of looking at him, I looked at my glasses and decided to buy this one.

When I went to pay, I was told by the clerk that Gu Xuewu had already paid.

"I don't want you to pay the bill." Just want to bribe her with a pair of pants? He also thought too simply, right

"I made it dirty. I just want to pay compensation, but there is no other meaning. You don't need to worry about it." Gu Xuewu's voice was flat, and his expression was neither hot nor cold. It's like the person who kissed me just now is not him.

Qiao Xinwan gave him a blank look, that's right, if he hadn't been pulling her, how could she have opened her dirty pants

Take back your own things from the shopping guide lady. She turned to leave, and Gu Xuewu still followed her. Together out of the door of the department store. After walking a few steps, Qiao Xinwan turned around unbearably.

"Do you have nothing to do?"

Looks like today is not the weekend, right? Does he have nothing to do

"Yes." Gu Xuewu nodded, pointing to his own car not far away: "Send you home."

"I don't want you to send it either."

"It's time to get off work soon." Gu Xuewu glanced at the setting sun that was about to set: "It's not easy to call a car at this time. Are you sure, you are not in a hurry?"


Six thousand words were updated today.

I was supposed to add more today. But the husband came back and said that his son would have an operation tomorrow.

I try my best to write tomorrow's manuscript today.

We ask for your understanding during these extraordinary times.

Military Marriage Bride 051 Read Military Marriage Bride Full Text Chapter 051 : No An's Kindness Update Complete!