The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 381: surprise her


Turning around to leave, I met Qiao Jie just now, when Qiao Jie saw him, he rolled his eyes and flew over, Gu Xuewu didn't mind? Past him and left

Qiao Jie entered the door quickly, and when he saw those things on the sofa, his brows furrowed:? This guy, you don't think you can buy your sister by buying a few clothes, do you

Mother Qiao was silent, looking away from the gate, looking at those handbags, if her daughter's heart was on him, she might be bribed by Gu Xuewu if she didn't want anything

Sighing, now this play, the more she sings, the more she doesn't expect, what's going on with Gu Xuewu? She had doubts in her heart, she took those handbags and went upstairs

Qiao Xinwan just saw her daughter, and fell asleep? Aunt Zhou said that she cried for a long time in the evening and was looking for her? Later, I made milk powder for her to drink, and Belle fell asleep after drinking it

Feeling guilty? After Qiao Xinwan greeted Aunt Zhou, she went back to her room. She was sweating all over today, sticky and greasy? into the bathroom? When you take off your clothes, you see kisses and marks all over your body

His face was stained a bit uncomfortably red? Damn Gu Xuewu, what did he think of her? Even in the car...

Let Xue want her? ? nasty? Qiao Xinwan snorted, but thought of the reason why she didn't hear the phone call? She has plenty of milk, what if she doesn't feed Belle? Must be bloated and uncomfortable every few hours

But today the milk is all given by Gu Xuewu...

stop? When she thought of that scene, she felt her face burning up? Staring at himself in the mirror, the marks on his body are too obvious? Are you still a little uncomfortable

Take a hot shower as fast as you can? Put on her pajamas. Ever since she was stared at by Gu Xuewu last time, she has developed this habit, that is, she must put on her pajamas before going out, for fear that he will appear like a ghost from time to time, and then eat her tofu again

But today she was surprised, Gu Xuewu didn't come up, is Qiao's mother staying in the room

mom? Yawning, Qiao Xinwan sat down on the bed:? Belle asleep

I know? Mother Qiao looked at her daughter:? I came to see you


Xinwan, you and Gu Xuewu...

Mom, I have nothing with him? Qiao Xinwan didn't want to mention it. She ran for a day and was bullied by Gu Xuewu for a long time. Now she is exhausted and just wants to sleep

Heartfelt? The daughter's avoidance made Qiao's mother unhappy? Especially after seeing the hickey on her daughter just now, she was even more worried:? Xinwan, if Gu Xuewu loves you, I have nothing to say if you get back together with him? From the looks of it now, I'm afraid he is doing it more for the sake of his children? Since this is the case, have you thought about it? If you are willing to make up for the sake of your child, I will do whatever you want, if you don't...

mom? Qiao Xinwan interrupted her, she was really tired, thinking about these relationships now made her feel even more tired:? I'm tired and want to sleep, what can I talk about tomorrow


always like this? Don't want to listen to Gu Xuewu when it's mentioned? Mother Qiao couldn't do anything with her, so she gave her a look, turned around and left

Qiao Xinwan pulled up the quilt to sleep, trying not to think about those problems? Tired all day and falling asleep quickly? It's just that in the dream, Gu Xuewu's figure came to haunt him again

Xinwan, I love you

When Gu Xuewu confessed to her, she was surprised, and she stretched out her hand to hug him:? I love you too

That's great? Gu Xuewu stretched out his hand and took the child away from her arms:? Since you love me, the daughter belongs to me

don't want? My daughter too

Don't you love me? Since you love me, you should give me everything from you? Also including daughter? Gu Xuewu curled his lips into a smile, and regardless of Qiao Xinwan's pleading, he pushed her away forcefully, carried his daughter and left

Don't... Qiao Xinwan was in a hurry. She wanted to stand up and stop her, but she felt her body keep falling, and finally her feet were empty, and she sat up suddenly, sweating profusely

Only then did I realize that it was a dream? That dream was so real that she could hardly face it

Gu Xuewu? She didn't want to think about it this way, but all the scenes just showed one thing? That is, Gu Xuewu's ultimate goal is for his daughter

He got close to him for his daughter, and bullied her like this for his daughter

Thinking of what she said in the park, even if she didn't believe it, she could only think this way? Heart as uncomfortable as a knife cut

She patted her heart to calm her breathing, got out of bed and poured herself a glass of water

three days left? Can you go to Denmark

Qiao Xinwan, relax, that man will not be able to influence you soon? Not at all

... ... ...

When Gu Xuewu came home, everyone was asleep? Zuo Panqing and Gu Xuewen are still in the hospital, so many things happened today

Xuemei's matter has not been resolved, and Gu Xuewen is rushing to have a baby at this time? And Qiao Xinwan

Thinking of what he did to Qiao Xinwan today, he felt a little impulsive? When I was taking a shower, I saw the scratches on my shoulders in the mirror. Was that left by Qiao Xinwan

The corners of her lips raised slightly, her smell was much better than he imagined? I don't understand why things turned out like this, but one thing he is very sure of is that he doesn't regret it at all

If Qiao Xinwan is the only way to let her stay, he doesn't mind

Didn't realize that my mood seemed to be very good when thinking of Qiao Xinwan, what Gu Xuewu thought of was that now, Qiao Xinwan doesn't seem to be so annoying, and touching her seems to be pretty good

So since this is the case, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the two getting back together

He's already looking forward to it? Bringing Qiao Xinwan and her daughter back home? I believe that grandpa will be very happy if he finds out

... ... ...

The next day, Gu Xuewu went to Qiao's house to see his daughter right after work? Belle has just nursed, stretching out her hand to play with Aunt Zhou in the little baby's bed? Gu Xuewu wanted to hug her, but she started crying as soon as she got into his arms, and the crying was very loud

To the auntie staring at me last week? He had no choice but to give Belle to his aunt for her to hug

Seeing her daughter stop crying as soon as she gets into her aunt's arms? He finds it boring? Still a little depressed, with this emotion, he went to the next door to look for Qiao Xinwan, but the room door was locked, he knocked twice, but no one answered? A little puzzled, I went back to the nursery and asked my aunt

Where is Qiao Xinwan

have no idea? Aunt Zhou is holding Belle, doesn't she have a good impression of Gu Xuewu? Every time he appeared, Belle would not stop crying. Fortunately, Qiao's family understood and wouldn't bother with her? Otherwise, would she really be called wronged

Gu Xuewu went back and knocked on the door again? Still no one answered? Do you understand that Qiao Xinwan is avoiding her? I'm not in a hurry, I was a little impulsive yesterday, I believe Qiao Xinwan will complain and feel a little uncomfortable for a while

He believes that she will weigh it clearly, what is best for Belle

Qiao Xinwan at the door knew that it was Gu Xuewu who came. She saw him from the window early in the morning. Gu Xuewu came in, but she didn't want him to come in, let alone see him

I don't know what kind of demon I was possessed yesterday, but I actually had a relationship with Gu Xuewu

She is really out of her mind, how can she be so casual? Casually to the point of lowliness? I don't want to think of myself that way, but it's the truth

No matter how much psychological construction she does, no matter how many decisions she makes with herself? But in the end, the result is that as soon as she meets Gu Xuewu, she will become abnormal and not like herself

Since this is the case, she can only stay away from Gu Xuewu? She must try her best to avoid getting entangled with Gu Xuewu in the future

Looking at the **scattered luggage? There are many, besides hers, there are also Belle's. She is actually struggling to take Belle to such a far place, but she believes that this is the best choice

... ... ...

When Gu Xuewu came home, did the elders come back? All around Gu Xuewen's room? Isn't the weather hot in September? The study next door was temporarily converted into a baby room

Is the crib one size bigger? The two little guys are sleeping soundly on it? In addition to Mrs. Zhang, the family also hired a confinement wife? Chen Jingru takes care of her every day, inside and out

Zuo Panqing has plumped up a lot? Gu Xuewen's face was full of smiles, accompanying his wife and coaxing his son? That scene inexplicably stimulated Gu Xuewu

Also be a father, look at Gu Xuewen? The action of holding a son is not new at all? Like you've practiced many times

Although the baby is basically sleeping when he is just born, when he occasionally wakes up, he won't say that he will cry when he is hugged? Both children are easy to take? Although small, but not noisy

Gu Xuewu was stimulated, looked at Gu Xuewen and then at himself, her daughter didn't want to see him, and Qiao Xinwan ignored him

Compared with Gu Xuewen, he suddenly felt a little boring? Especially looking at Wang Xiu'e's envious eyes, suddenly he was not in the mood to watch the whole family circle around Xuewen's two children. Gu Xuewu went back to his room

Sighing, Qiao Xinwan's face flashed in his mind? It's not a negative emotion like a taste, but he has never experienced it before. For him, it is the first time that he actually feels a sense of loss

To sweep away that negative emotion, he attributed it to the fact that Qiao Xinwan's recent reaction was not what he expected? Anyway, he still has a lot of time, if he spends time with Qiao Xinwan, he will always make her his own? Daughter too

... ... ...

Qiao Xinwan packed her luggage? When I went downstairs to eat, I saw that Qiao's father had also returned, and his face was a little worried? Qiao Jie followed behind him, both of them looked unhappy

dad? Qiao Xinwan stepped forward and looked at her father with concern:? What's wrong? Not feeling well

fine? Seeing Qiao Xinwan, Father Qiao's expression softened:? I'm fine, why don't you go upstairs and take the kids

I haven't eaten yet? Qiao Xinwan was now more sure that there was a problem, she walked up to Father Qiao and stood still:? What happened? What happened

fine? Father Qiao shook his head. His daughter was going to Denmark the day after tomorrow. He didn't want her to worry? Knowing enough about her father, Qiao Xinwan looked at Qiao Jie:? Ajie, what happened

A guilty conscience flashed in Qiao Jie's eyes, and he quickly turned away:? nothing, really nothing

fine? Qiao Xinwan knew this little brother too well, she walked up to Qiao Jie, staring at his face with burning eyes:? Did you go outside to have fun again? zlsc

Wronged? Qiao Jie called out:? Since I started last year, which day didn't I work hard in the company? Sister, don't talk nonsense

snort? Qiao Xinwan looked suspiciously? Qiao Jie has indeed been obedient since he came back from City C, but he has too many friends in the northern capital, so it's hard not to be deceived:? Yeah

Of course? Qiao Jie raised three fingers:? Sis, I swear? Really nothing

Yeah? Qiao Xinwan didn't look at her younger brother, but turned her gaze back to Father Qiao:? Dad, what is it, do you just not believe me

really all right? Father Qiao sighed:? Just a little problem? We'll fix it soon

piece of cake? Qiao Xinwan raised her eyebrows:? What is the small problem

Sister, just leave it alone, I will take care of it

Qiao Jie said it easily, but Qiao Xinwan couldn't just let it go? The father refused to tell Qiao Jie, she found the reason herself

After feeding Belle the next day, Qiao Xinwan went directly to the company? The secretary was very surprised to see her appear? She waved:? Xiao Chen, show me the reports for the past two months

General manager? Qiao Xinwan is the general manager of the company, so why not give me a secretary? but:? Are you still on maternity leave? Is there anything to talk about after your maternity leave is over

The company belongs to my family, what kind of maternity leave is not maternity leave? Qiao Xinwan didn't care:? Can you quickly find the report and give it to me? Also, all the new contracts signed by the company recently

yes? Secretary Chen had no choice but to find out the reports and contracts for the past two months and give them to Qiao Xinwan

Two hours later, Qiao Xinwan slapped the table hard? Pressed the inside line: ? Xiao Chen, are you coming in

Secretary Chen entered the door with a somewhat frightened expression:? General manager

How come no one told me about such a big thing? Qiao Xinwan really didn't expect that such a thing would happen after she was away from the company for two months

The general manager and the vice president said that he can handle these things, so he doesn't need to tell you? In fact, the secretary only found out about it yesterday. Has she recovered from it

Can he handle it? Qiao Xinwan nodded vigorously, grabbed the documents on the table, quickly went out, went upstairs, and entered Qiao Jie's office

Sister, why are you here? Qiao Jie was slightly surprised when he saw Qiao Xinwan:? Aren't you packing your bags at home

You made the company like this, can I leave? Qiao Xinwan threw the stack of documents on Qiao Jie's desk, with an angry expression on her face:? Are you a child? Do you dare to sign such a contract? Are you out of your mind

I... Qiao Jie is wrong? Blame only last week? He drank too much at the wine table, and the girl who accompanied the wine was very hot, rubbing on him desperately? He didn't hold back all of a sudden, and signed the contract in a daze? Only after waking up do you know something bad happened

100 million? Qiao Xinwan felt like she was going crazy:? Such a big gap? Where do you ask Dad to get money to block

sister? Qiao Jie is about to faint:? Me, I was wrong, okay? Don't scold me first, don't worry about this matter, I will solve it

solve? Qiao Xinwan would really be pissed off by this younger brother:? Tell me, how do you solve it? Come on, can you tell me

I... Qiao Jie is at a loss for words, saying and doing are two different things:? Am I not trying to figure it out

Qiao Xinwan nodded:? Yes, think of a way, think of a way

Qiao Jie couldn't tell, 100 million, not one or two yuan, one hundred and two hundred:? Are you going to Denmark tomorrow? Just leave it alone, I'll figure it out

Qiao Xinwan took a deep breath to calm herself down:? Do other directors of the company know about this

have no idea? Qiao Jie shook his head and looked at his sister:? How dare I let other people know, isn't this courting death? I just told Dad yesterday

Because there are still two days until the payment time written in the contract

Is it right not to know? Qiao Xinwan took a deep breath:? For this matter, suppress the news first, and absolutely not let other people in the company and those directors know, otherwise it will affect the company's stock price

I know? Qiao Jie nodded and looked at Qiao Xinwan:? Then what

I'm going to find someone now to solve this funding gap? Fighting can be resolved in two days

sister? Qiao Jie didn't want to see Qiao Xinwan working so hard:? If you want to go to Denmark, just go, let me solve it

There are also many companies that have made good friends with the Qiao family? He believed that someone would be willing to lend money to the Qiao family

What do you know? Qiao Xinwan stared at Qiao Jie with a hint of anger in her eyes:? If you go outside to find someone to borrow money with great fanfare, everyone will immediately think that there is a problem with our company's operation, so it will definitely cause people to fluctuate? Otherwise, what do you think dad is bothering about

The shopping mall is such a big place, and if a company asks others to borrow money for no reason, is that to give people something to talk about? And Qiao Xinwan would never do such a thing

What are you going to do, sister? Qiao Jie raised his hand:? Did I already look for Song Chenyun and Hu Yimin yesterday? One of them is not in the country, and the other said that the company does not have that much capital at present

As for Shen Cheng, Qiao Jie hasn't looked for him yet? After all, he and Qiao Xinwan...

Qiao Xinwan immediately understood what Qiao Jie meant? Song Chenyun and Hu Yimin couldn't find him, let alone Shen Cheng? She owes Shen Cheng too much, if Shen Cheng is asked to help now? She really still can't figure it out

After much deliberation, is there anyone else who can help her? Looking at Qiao Jie, Qiao Xinwan didn't want to blame him too much, after all, he also learned a lesson

Qiao Jie, next time, what can I do to trouble you to think more? Don't be so impulsive all the time. If you don't think carefully, you will not only harm the company, not only the Qiao family, but also thousands of employees who serve the company? Those who are in a superior position should pay attention to any mistakes

I see? sister? Qiao Jie really knew: ? I promise, not next time

have to? Can there be a next time

Qiao Xinwan rolled his eyes at him, turned around and left? Qiao Jie quickly stood up:? Sister, who are you looking for

Leave it alone? Qiao Xinwan waved her hand? Leave like the wind? Qiao Jie left behind sighed, picked up the phone and pressed the internal line:? dad? Miss know


Qiao Xinwan stopped the car and looked at the office building in front of her. She kept hearing that he was back, but she hasn't visited him yet? The last time he came, was it because of Belle's full moon

Taking a deep breath, Qiao Xinwan stepped into the building

Seeing her coming, Du Libin was a little surprised? Still let her sit down? Qiao Xinwan saw that there were two cups on the coffee table, but they still haven't put them away? Surprised

Do you have guests

just left? Du Libin waved his hand, pressed the inside line to let the secretary come in and take it away, and then poured two glasses of water in? The secretary quickly entered the door, put down the water and went out again

Du Libin pointed to the cup:? Drink water, I only have coffee and tea here, but it seems that you can't drink that now

Are you careful? Qiao Xinwan praised casually, but at this time it wasn't a compliment to him:? However, I am here today, am I not here to ask you to drink water

Hmm, see? Du Libin smiled and sat down opposite Qiao Xinwan:? What's the matter

borrow money? Qiao Xinwan cut to the chase:? It may be a bit abrupt when I say this, but Hu Yimin is not convenient recently because Song Chenyun is not here? You also know that he doesn't care about his family's affairs at all? It may be difficult to find him, so I have to come to you

oh? Du Libin nodded, instead of asking why Qiao Xinwan didn't go to Shen Cheng, but changed the subject:? I heard you're immigrating to Denmark? Why haven't you left yet

Something happened at home? Qiao Xinwan looked at Du Libin:? We are all friends, so you just give me a happy word? I don't want people to know that Qiao's family is in crisis. If possible, can you help me? If not, can I think of a way

How much do you want? Du Libin picked up the cup and took a sip of water

100 million

cough cough? Du Libin was choked and put down his cup? Cleared his throat uncomfortably:? As far as I know, Qiao's department store is doing well

really? Qiao Xinwan is still very confident about the family business:? But there are times when people are in a hurry, right

Um? really? Du Libin nodded and looked at Qiao Xinwan:? Originally, 100 million is not a big deal, but I just recently built a new entertainment city? You know, that project invested nearly 500 million? This suddenly requires me to withdraw 100 million, am I a little difficult

Is that so? Qiao Xinwan knew that Du Libin was telling the truth, because he was never a playful person:? Since this is the case, shall I go first? sorry for disturbance

Don't worry? Du Libin found out that Qiao Xinwan's surname really means that the wind is the rain:? Have you always been in such a hurry

Qiao Xinwan felt a little uncomfortable, and stopped when she wanted to get up:? do you know my last name? If I fail to do something well, will I not be able to sleep well at night

A few days ago, I just met a client who wanted to invest in my emerging entertainment city? There is no problem with my funds, so I didn't agree. If you are in a hurry, let me ask, is he still interested? If so, wouldn't it be too difficult for me to draw 100 million

Really? Qiao Xinwan raised her expression:? How long can you give me an answer

I invite him to dinner tonight? Can I give you an answer tomorrow? How about it


Six thousand words updated today? Can Xinwan solve the crisis? still? ?

Continue tomorrow