The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 398: I don't understand deeply


When is it more hateful? Touch her and explain to Zhou Ying? Doesn't he feel like that? Is it too much

hungry? Gu Xuewu looked at Qiao Xinwan? He is not a bride who was tied up in a hungry and thirsty military marriage. he just? he just...

Can't help it. Yes. Just can't help it. He saw Quan Zhenghao and Qiao Xinwan appearing together. See Quan Zhenghao hugging Qiao Xinwan's waist? The two said they were going to buy a wedding house.

He suddenly felt unacceptable. first timing? The last time Qiao Xinwan was in the carriage flashed through her mind? The scene above and below him.

Such a soft and charming look? Let Quan Zhenghao see it too? bump into? even get...

Inexplicably unacceptable? He impulsively did something that even surprised him? Thirty years? Take the initiative to hit people.

What about him? Really is the first time. The next thing is much easier? Looking at Qiao Xinwan's protection of Quan Zhenghao? He scolded himself for him. That unhappiness starts to build up? He again? Attack Qiao Xinwan.

Different from the last time in the car? The way he wanted to quiet her down. He didn't like hearing her mention other men's names? I don't like the possibility that Belle might call another man daddy.

All kinds of dislikes? Accumulated to the end? It becomes a kind of unhappiness. That unhappiness that needs to find an outlet? And that exit was Qiao Xinwan.

He doesn't regret getting her? In fact she tasted even better than he'd imagined. Get him hooked.

Mind wandering? He missed Qiao Xinwan's next two sentences. zsvh.

"I didn't treat you as a prostitute." He has a cleansing habit. Looking at Qiao Xinwan. reach out? Hook her into his arms? bow your head? The voice was a little hoarse.

"Qiao Xinwan? I didn't treat you as a prostitute."

"You..." His big hand touched her back? Big hands with calluses? Glides over her skin. Qiao Xinwan had just experienced more than one orgasm. Touched by him? The body becomes a little sensitive.

"You? You let me go."

Talk about opening people. "You think? I'd do this to a jerk?" Kiss. It fell gently on her lips. It started with a light touch. Then it turned into a deep kiss.

after that? The kiss changed again.

"Don't..." Qiao Xinwan wanted to resist? Want to push him away. But how could she be against Gu Xuewu

"Still like this?" Kiss. Fall again.

Only two hits. The body was pushed down on the sofa by him. The towel was easily torn off by him. And what's next? Out of control again. After this time? Qiao Xinwan really has no strength left.

Sideways? Fall asleep deeply. Sleep till dawn? when you get up. The whole body is sore and uncomfortable. Especially between the legs and legs? move? Both feel sour and numb.

Get up with your body up? It was already bright daylight outside the window. I was in a hurry. After I gave birth to Belle? Haven't missed a night yet. Didn't come home this evening? Mom must be in a hurry.

And Belle? I don't know what happened. Is it all Gu Xuewu's fault? Qiao Xinwan felt very resentful. He went to the bathroom as fast as he could to take a shower. Looking at the kisses and marks all over her body? The resentment towards Gu Xuewu in my heart reached the extreme.

correct? When you just woke up? Did not see him. Qiao Xinwan took a shower? I feel a lot more comfortable in my body. The two bath towels in the bathroom were used as early as yesterday? At this moment, she could only go out like this.

There was no one in the room. In the living room outside? An outfit on the couch? Everything from underwear to outerwear.

Let's say he has a conscience. Qiao Xinwan put on her clothes. But don't appreciate it? Gu Xuewu tore off her clothes? He paid himself a new set? It's normal.

This is a dress similar to yesterday. Clothes on? She just found a note on the coffee table.

There is only one sentence on it: I go to work first? let's have dinner tonight.

"Die." Who is going to have dinner with her

Qiao Xinwan rolled her eyes? Just want to cut Gu Xuewu out with thousands of knives? To vent the hatred in my heart.

Pick up the paper and tear it into shreds. She takes a deep breath? He glanced at himself. Make sure there is no problem. This opens the door? Going home to see Belle.

Just open the door? It startled the figure outside the door.

Du Libin did not know when he would come. Standing at the door? Raise your hand? As if wanting to knock on the door.

see him? Qiao Xinwan's face turned red all of a sudden? Getting uncomfortable? He twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment: "Why are you here?"

"Me?" Du Libin pointed inside: "I'm here to find Boss Gu."

"He's not here." Qiao Xinwan was embarrassed. Didn't Gu Xuewu pick this room randomly? how. Why would Dulibin come

"Oh. Not here." Du Libin nodded understandingly. really. He didn't see Gu Xuewu's car when he came in the morning. Of course you know he's not there? Did he do it on purpose? I want to see who is the woman who made Gu Xuewu make an exception.

"All right? I'll go first."

Qiao Xinwan lowered her head? Almost didn't have the courage to look at Du Libin with playful eyes. Du Libin glanced at her? Step forward? Follow her.

"Where are you going? I'll see you off."

"I… "

"It's not very convenient to call a car here for a bride who was tied up in the military." Du Libin looked at Qiao Xinwan: "Should we be friends?"

Although he didn't like Qiao Xinwan before? But if Gu Xuewu was with Qiao Xinwan again. That means? She still has the chance to be their sister-in-law.

"I… "

want to refuse. Qiao Xinwan remembered that she didn't bring anything. Nodded: "It's troublesome."

"No trouble." Du Libin shook his head? The two went downstairs together. boarding. Du Libin looked at Qiao Xinwan: "The Qiao family?"


"It should be." Du Libin thought of the last time: "How is Belle? Since the full moon? I haven't seen her."

"Belle is fine." Speaking of daughters? Qiao Xinwan's face softened? She looked kindly: "She is very obedient? Very obedient. Life is also very regular? Eat and sleep? Sleep and eat."

"That's good." Du Libin nodded? Glancing at Qiao Xinwan: "Are you now? Are you planning to get back together with the boss?"


complex? Qiao Xinwan was silent for a moment? Shaking his head: "I have no such plan."

"Really?" Did this really surprise him? Du Libin looked at the front of the road? The weather is not so good today? It might rain during the stay. Turning around and looking at Qiao Xinwan? He continues to drive seriously? He said calmly as if nothing had happened: "You are the first woman the boss brought to my club."

Qiao Xinwan was taken aback for a moment? Looking at Dulibin? There was a hint of sarcasm in his expression: "Are you here to be a lobbyist for him?"

"No." Du Libin laughed? Glancing at Qiao Xinwan: "Is that why you don't know the boss? What do you think of the boss's personality? Do you need someone else to be a lobbyist for him?"

Not really. Who is Gu Xuewu? Qiao Xinwan knows better than Du Libin? silence? Hands twisted together? She didn't know what to say.

"Qiao Xinwan. Actually, you don't know the boss at all." At least? I don't understand deeply enough.

Du Libin spoke lightly. Qiao Xinwan's feelings for Gu Xuewu? All the youngsters can see it. But one thing? Qiao Xinwan didn't know? She doesn't understand men? Don't understand men.

Even if she loves Gu Xuewu very much? But love alone is not enough. She didn't know Gu Xuewu well. so? Will be frustrated again and again before.

What if she went another way? Another angle? Maybe today she and Gu Xuewu already had different endings. Instead of being like this...

"Really?" If someone had said this to Qiao Xinwan before? She will certainly refute. How could she not understand Gu Xuewu? Loved him for more than twenty years? She thinks she is the person who understands him best in the world.

But after these recent events? She is not sure anymore. really? She didn't know Gu Xuewu at all. At least for now? She just can't figure it out? What is Gu Xuewu thinking in his heart.

The last time last night? He kissed her? Said he did not treat her as a prostitute. After the entanglement between the two people ended. She was so tired that she fell asleep. He vaguely felt that it was Gu Xuewu who hugged him onto the bed. Then he fell asleep with her in his arms.

And this night? She is not dreaming? A good night's sleep until just waking up. she doesn't understand? Gu Xuewu is crazy. I don't understand why Gu Xuewu is suddenly gentle with her.

And these do not understand only one explanation? Her explanation is. Everything is for the children. Gu Xuewu? With her for the sake of the child? Be gentle with her for the sake of the child.

"Do you think that the boss is treating you like this for the sake of the child?"

Dulibin's words? Interrupted Qiao Xinwan's thoughts? Turn your face away? Looking at Dulibin? He has the same handsome facial features as the brothers of the Gu family? How many miles? Does Du Libin count as no matter in what aspect? Not inferior to the Gu family brothers.

He does things calmly. Be stable. Be kind to your friends. but? The only downside? It seems that Du Libin never seems to be close to women

At least these years in Beijing? She had never seen a woman beside him.

"Isn't it?" Don't think about Du Libin's words? Qiao Xinwan raised her eyebrows? His expression was full of sarcasm: "Otherwise? Why do you think Gu Xuewu suddenly changed his attitude?"

"Children are one aspect." Du Libin did not deny this. Is there probably no man in the world? You can see your own child born without being indifferent.

There is no man who does not want his own children.

"I don't deny it. Boss Gu is with you now? Part of the reason is for the child." This is true: "But outside of the child? If you have no place to attract him? He will definitely not have many looking at you."

There are two kinds of men? One is that the body and mind can be separated. Whether you love a woman or not? Anyone can have sex with her.

Another kind? Is it that the body and the mind cannot be separated? Only when there is a woman in my heart? to have a relationship with her.

And Gu Xuewu? It is the latter kind of person.

"Huh? Should I feel honored?" To him? Qiao Xinwan didn't appreciate it at all: "Of course I have something that attracts him. What attracts him? I have a daughter? One of his daughters. That's why he refuses to let go? Isn't it?"


The second update today. Continue tomorrow. No more updates today? Add tomorrow. As for what day is tomorrow. everyone knows,

Resist you? ~