The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 399: Overreacting


"You're too biased"" Du Libin felt that Qiao Xinwan was overreacting now: "Maybe the boss did betray you before, but he's changing" Didn't you notice it?" "Here's the head"

"I found it""

Gu Xuewu has indeed changed a lot, "he didn't ignore her like before, he didn't put a cold face on her" and he didn't speak harshly.

But it was because those changes happened because of having a child, so Qiao Xinwan was even more depressed, "and even more unacceptable, that she can only be a subsidiary of her daughter"

That feeling makes her more uncomfortable than Gu Xuewu ignoring her."

She didn't speak, and Du Libin was also silent. The authorities are fascinated, but the bystanders are clear. "Gu Xuewu may not have noticed his change." It's not convenient for him to talk too much.

He drove the car towards Qiao's house, stopped at the gate of Qiao's villa, watched Qiao Xinwan get off the car, and said lightly, "Boss, if he is willing to take the initiative to take a step, it means that he has put you in his heart." You guys There is still a daughter in between "If you still love the boss" then give him a chance "If you don't love, I won't say it""

Qiao Xinwan stood there motionless, watching Du Libin drive the car away, her body was stiff, she turned around and entered the door, and Qiao's mother came up to her immediately: "Xinwan, where did you go yesterday? Not replying to the message "Even if you are not afraid of me worrying, you still have to think about Belle, right? "

"What's wrong with Belle?" Qiao Xinwan's expression was full of urgency, "It's all Gu Xuewu's fault for bullying her like that yesterday, making her forget about Belle."

"I was arguing to drink milk yesterday, and my aunt made milk powder for her, but she refused to "keep crying until midnight, and I still haven't woken up yet""

Mother Qiao and Auntie were alone yesterday, but they were too busy."

"I'll go see her." Qiao Xinwan wanted to go upstairs, but Qiao's mother took her hand: "Bei Er hasn't woken up yet, so tell me first, where did you go yesterday? "

"I… "

"Du Libin sent you here just now, right?"

Mother Qiao didn't want to think this way, but: "Xinwan, what are you doing? Shen Cheng for a while, Du Libin for a while, you, what do you want?"

"Mom" Qiao Xinwan didn't want to hear it, and was tired: "Things are not what you think. I'm going upstairs first.""

"Xinwan?" Qiao's mother wanted to ask clearly, but Qiao Xinwan had already walked upstairs."

With a long sigh, the worry in Mother Qiao's eyes became even stronger."


Xuanyuan Hao sat behind the desk, playing with a piece of jade placed on the table "This piece of ancient jade was bought by him at an auction just now, a cultural relic of the Western Han Dynasty "a piece of jade wall"

I looked at it with a magnifying glass, and the color is very transparent. "It's a good piece of jade." Aaron stood on the other side of the table without opening his mouth, looking at Xuanyuan Yu quietly."

"How is Yanan?"

"Young Master Tang is still getting used to it" "Because Tang Yanan has lost his memory, Aaron has taken him to the lowest clubhouse these days, which belongs to the clubhouse at the bottom of Longtang"

There, luxury and money fans "sensual dogs and horses"

"Still getting used to it?" Xuanyuan Hao raised his eyebrows, thinking of another thing: "How are you getting used to it?"

"Fortunately" means that when I saw a gambler trying to sell his daughter to a nightclub the day before yesterday, the debt of that gambler was forgiven." When a gambler wanted to commit suicide the day before yesterday, he stopped it, and the day before yesterday...

He didn't say it, but it was impossible for Xuanyuan Hao not to know. Putting down the jade wall in his hand, he raised his head and glanced at Aaron: "You bring Tang Yanan here. I have something to do for him."


Soon, Tang Yanan came." When he entered the door, Xuanyuan played with the piece of jade again." Seeing Tang Yanan coming in, he didn't look up."


Tang Yanan sat down opposite him, and Xuanyuan lifted up the fine jade wall and shook it in front of Tang Yanan: "Western Han cultural relics, this jade wall is worth tens of millions."

Tang Yanan looked at the jade wall in his hand, but didn't move, "He doesn't know much about these things, and he's not good at it, it's just a stone."

He didn't understand, and it didn't affect Xuanyuan Hao's interest. He looked at Tang Yanan: "How long have you been back to the United States?"

"More than two months""

"It's been so long?" Xuanyuan Hao nodded: "Are you used to work?"

"..." Get used to it? Tang Yanan wanted to nod, but he couldn't go against his own heart, he felt unaccustomed to it."

Xuanyuan Hao clapped his hands: "I have one thing that I want you to do. After this task is completed, you will be officially a member of Longtang. If you can't finish it, you will not return to Longtang in the future."

"Of course, if I ask you to do things, you will be paid "three million dollars""

"I don't want money"" He had already given himself a lot of money before." Tang Ya** didn't care about those extraneous things at all: "What's the matter, tell me""

"That's right. Although our Dragon Hall operates in a wide range, we have our own Killer Hall. "Aaron should have told you about this""

"Yes" "I went out with Aaron a few times at night, and they were all murders." It is impossible for Tang Yanan not to know."

"Recently, someone paid a high price to buy a person's life" It's a very simple task, I'll leave it to you""

Xuanyuan Hao opened the notebook on one side, and when it was time to turn it on, he opened his mouth as easily as chatting with Tang Yanan: "This woman, when she is someone else's mistress, gave birth to a man's child." Now that the man's original partner is known, he will pay a high price for this woman and her husband. the life of her child""

"You want me to kill a woman?" Tang Yanan frowned, a look of shock flashed in his eyes: "There are still children?"

"That's right"" Lifting up the jade in his hand, Xuanyuan Hao looked at Tang Yanan with a natural look on his face: "Aaron took you to perform the mission and asked you to kill those gangsters and Taoist bosses. You can't do it, a woman With the child, you can always handle it, right? "

Tang Yanan was silent, not because he couldn't do it, but because...

"Okay, that's it"" Xuanyuan Hao clicked on a document on the notebook, a photo and some information jumped out, instead of turning the screen to Tang Yanan, he lifted the jade wall on the table for Tang Yanan to see."

"Have you seen this piece of jade? This is the reward" An ancient jade from the Western Han Dynasty worth 20 million "Go and kill the two mothers and sons" Then, you are a member of Longtang "This piece of jade is also yours""

Tang Yanan looked at Xuanyuan Hao, and after a long time, finally nodded: "Okay"

"You agree, that's fine." Xuanyuan turned the screen to Tang Yanan, and a woman on it reported her child, as if she was shopping in a shopping mall. She didn't see the camera, but smiled slightly at the child in her arms."

"This is the woman""

Tang Yanan looked at Zheng Qimei on the screen, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, and he said instinctively: "She, isn't she the woman you asked me to protect last time?"

"Yes." Xuanyuan Hao nodded: "It turned out that she paid for someone to protect her, but now someone has paid a higher price to buy her life" You know" As a killer, we only accept money, not "So, you go and kill her""

Xuanyuan Hao's tone is calm and breezy, saying the word "killing" is as normal as eating."

Tang Yanan felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, sitting there without moving "zlsc"

Xuanyuan raised his eyebrows, and there was a trace of sarcasm in his eyes: "You can't be, a woman can't solve it, right? Then what qualifications and reasons do you have to stay in Longtang?"

Tang Yanan stood up and looked at Xuanyuan Hao: "Okay, I'll go""

As long as Zheng Qimei and her children are killed, then he will be a member of Longtang "He is willing"

"That's right"" Xuanyuan Hao clapped his hands" and pursed his lips: "Aaron will book a ticket for you, you can just go directly" "It's just a woman, I believe you can handle it""

Tang Yanan took a deep look at him, nodded, and turned to leave." Just as he was about to walk to the door, Xuanyuan Hao said softly: "I wish you good luck""

Tang Yanan kept walking and left the room, while Xuanyuan turned the notebook back to his side, looked at Zheng Qimei who was holding the child on it, and narrowed his eyes slightly."

If Tang Yanan really attacked Zheng Qimei...

With a tight palm, Yubi's coldness awakened his sanity "Looking at Yubi in his hand, his long and narrow eyes flashed a bit dignified"


Qiao Xinwan sat in the office, looked at Quan Zhenghao in front of her and frowned, "I went upstairs in the morning" Belle just woke up and fed Belle, "I coaxed her at home for a long time before I joined the company"

Just as soon as he entered the company, Quan Zhenghao came. "Seeing him, Qiao Xinwan was instinctively displeased. It was because this guy dragged me to look at the house yesterday that she was taken away by Gu Xuewu."

It was because of his nonsense that she was bullied by Gu Xuewu."

It's just that looking at the bruises on his face that haven't faded away, she couldn't help but think of Gu Xuewu's two punches yesterday, "retract if you want to curse, and soften your attitude a little, but his face is still not good-looking." She was a little impatient "

"Mr. Quan, what are you doing here again?" She called him Mr. Quan, and she made a clear distinction." The meaning is also very clear." But some people, knowing it, still pretend to be stupid on purpose. "It's like Quan Zhenghao."

"I'm here to return the things." Quan Zhenghao spread his hands and put the car keys on Qiao Xinwan's table: "Although I drove your car yesterday, I drove it for you to repair it for maintenance, and Filled you up "How about it? Shouldn't you be thanking me?"

Qiao Xinwan was slightly taken aback, shocked by Quan Zhenghao's thick skin, looked at the flattery on his face, and snorted coldly: "You also said that you drove my car, does that mean that you pay some money, too?" What should it be?"

"Tsk tsk" Quan Zhenghao covered his heart" with a hurt look on his face: "How can I say that I was beaten because of you yesterday" You are so ruthless, can you be too cold-blooded? "

"Who told you to call my wife indiscriminately?" Qiao Xinwan didn't buy it: "If you didn't yell indiscriminately, how could you be beaten?"

"Wow wow wow" Quan Zhenghao was really hurt at this time: "I was at the sales office and called for a long time, and you didn't object? "

"Boring" Qiao Xinwan didn't want to talk to this kind of person: "Mr. Quan, do you have anything else to do? If you're really that busy, why not-"

"Why don't you develop the company's new energy and let Qiao's make money?" Quan Zhenghao interrupted her with a displeased expression on his face: "You really never leave work, don't tell me you and I don't Anything else to say?"


Today's first update "Three thousand words" will be updated during the day "Today is the 28th" is the day when the monthly ticket doubles "Xinyue still hits the monthly ticket list this month"

Roll around and beg for a monthly pass, those who have a monthly pass "Remember to vote for Xinyue" Thank you everyone"