The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 405: Really enough


Every time she faced Xuewu, she always lost, and she was fed up. The two people who obviously don't love each other are constantly entangled. Do you have her

Because of the child. What a ridiculous reason, what a boring reason. Qiao Xinwan believed that Gu Xuewu didn't love her at all, he just wanted to use his masculine advantage to make her submit, and finally agreed to give him his daughter.

She is tired. She admitted that she couldn't play Gu Xuewu well. Again and again, let Gu Xuewu take advantage. Let him eat his own tofu again and again. Really enough.

Deep in her heart, she still has love for Gu Xuewu. That was something she couldn't deny. And she wasn't sure that if she continued to entangle with Gu Xuewu like this, there would be a day when her heart softened and she wanted to be with Gu Xuewu again.

Will those deep-rooted love for him revive again? Then desperately promised him to reunite with him for his daughter.

Finally, back to the past marriage period. At that time, he didn't see himself in his eyes, and he won't have him in the future. He only has daughters. Just look at the daughter. Then she was the same as before, withered little by little because of the unrelenting love in her heart.

In the end, I became not like myself again. She will never live like that again.

At this time, looking at Gu Xuewu, her eyes were full of determination: "Gu Xuewu. If you want a baby, I will give it to you. After these few months, when Belle doesn't need to be breastfed, you can take her back home. Now, you Can I leave?"

Gu Xuewu stood there in a daze, looking at Qiao Xinwan in front of him, his momentum was taken away by her for a moment, and he couldn't find anything to say. Did he talk about reuniting with Qiao Xinwan just for Belle

He should nod, but feels no. Because of the uncertainty in his heart, let him be silent. Not even knowing how to react at all.

And Qiao Xinwan looked at Gu Xuewu's sluggish look, and felt a sense of joy in her heart against the general. Standing up with her daughter in her arms, she suppressed her complacency and calmed herself down.

"Gu Xuewu, you don't need to wrong yourself to get back together with me. I will give you my daughter, and you can be with whoever you want. You don't need to wrong yourself to give in to me. Are you satisfied?"

Turning around, without looking at Gu Xuewu, Qiao Xinwan carried her daughter into the door. For the first time in her life, she felt a sense of relief after being relieved. Distressed emotion.

Qiao Xinwan curled her lips and smiled: "Stupid Belle, how could Mom not want you. Don't worry. Mom won't want you."

Telling Gu Xuewu like that is just a way to delay the attack. Ask Gu Xuewu not to pester him for the time being.

Breastfeeding Belle for the past few months, so that Zhengquan Group can quickly develop new energy sources. As long as Qiao's business is okay, as long as Qiao's can make money, she will take her daughter to Denmark and stay away from that man .

I have a decision in my heart. Qiao Xinwan smiled, and carried her daughter to her aunt to take her with her. She stood at the window and watched Gu Xuewu leave. The corners of the lips are raised, Gu Xuewu. I will always let you know that the things in this world are not just what you want.


In the yard, Gu Xuewen was playing with two little ghosts. The weather was fine today, and he put the cradle outside. The two boys were very energetic. They ate a lot and slept little. The adults were exhausted by the two little ghosts.

This one stopped crying just now, and that one started to make a fuss again. Gu Xuewen was very depressed, how wonderful it is to have a daughter, well-behaved and obedient. Look at the son, he was born to torture people.

Patting this, coaxing that, finally calmed down the two little ghosts, looked up, and saw Gu Xuewu entered the garden, raised his eyebrows, and watched the two sons holding their hands in their mouths and sucking them still.

He looked at Gu Xuewu.

"Back?" Seeing him driving out early in the morning, he thought he was going to work: "Not going to work?" zlsc.


weekend? Gu Xuewu is famous for his hard work, so he is often away on weekends, okay

Gu Xuewen gave Ji a look and motioned Gu Xuewu to sit down in the garden. He stepped over and sat down next to the two little ghosts. Seeing that the child had grown up a lot, it turned out that the eyebrows were frowned and relaxed a lot, and his face was a little softer.

"Why are you taking care of the child today? Where's Zuo Panqing?"

"She went shopping with my mother." The season is about to change, and I need to buy some clothes for the children. The Zuo Panqing he bought was not to his liking, saying that this was not good and that was not good, that he didn't understand, and went with Chen Jingru after breastfeeding.

"No wonder."

Gu Xuewu was somewhat envious. Looking at Gu Xuewen, he has become more and more like a family man since he got married.

"Is there something on your mind?" It is rare for Gu Xuewu to look like this. Gu Xuewen picked up the water on the table and poured him a glass of water: "Tell me."

Gu Xuewu shook his head, not knowing what to say. Since leaving Qiao's house just now, he has been in a state of distraction. Before, he always wanted to snatch his daughter, and always wanted Belle to return home, but when Belle could really return home, he was not as happy as he imagined.

why? Qiao Xinwan is willing to give up Belle's custody, isn't it just right for him

He had waited so long before, and in a few months, Belle would be able to return home. He should be happy, but he found that he couldn't be happy.

The kind of emotion that he couldn't understand and explain, made him unhappy.

Seeing Gu Xuewen playing with the two children, he felt very envious. More of a frustration. He thinks he can handle any official business well, no matter what position he is in, but now he realizes that there are some things he cannot do.

Those few traces of frustration made him sigh softly. Watching Gu Xuewen teasing and teasing the children.

"What is marriage?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Gu Xuewen's eyes, and he soon understood: "Marriage is two people who love each other. They spend this life together hand in hand."

"In love?" Gu Xuewu sat up and disapproved: "When you married Zuo Panqing, I didn't think you loved her."

"At that time, I didn't love it." Gu Xuewen admitted: "But now I love it."

Gu Xuewu was silent. Not knowing what to say, Gu Xuewen said again: "A thousand people have a thousand views on marriage. At first, I just thought about finding a woman to live with. But then I found out that when you have her in your heart, you can't get along with that kind of marriage. A marriage that is just an obligation to pay is different."

Think about whether you want to give Belle a home, or want to spend this life with Qiao Xinwan. Qiao's mother's words came to mind at this time, Gu Xuewu seemed to understand a little bit, but still didn't seem to understand.

Seeing his puzzled look, Gu Xuewen didn't mind to speak more clearly: "Let me put it this way. When I was just married, I treated Zuo Panqing well because I regarded her as my wife. Taking care of her is my responsibility."

"But I'm nice to her now because I love her and I want her to be happy. Do you understand?"

Gu Xuewu looked at Gu Xuewen: "Love her? Hope she is happy?"

"Yes. Love." Gu Xuewen knew that Gu Xuewu still didn't quite understand: "I can tell you clearly, since I was with Zuo Panqing, no woman has attracted my interest..."

I didn't say anything later, and gave Gu Xuewu a look: "That's it."


Gu Xuewu looked at Gu Xuewen for a long while, fell silent, and finally stood up and left. Gu Xuewen spread his hands while looking at his back. Turning his face to look at the son who was tired of playing with the baby and wanted to fall asleep, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

The reason for forming a family is either responsibility or love. If Gu Xuewu couldn't figure it out, Qiao Xinwan would probably suffer even more. For some reason, Gu Xuewen didn't sympathize with him at all.

Zuo Panqing came back at this time, carrying a lot of bags, and saw Gu Xuewen sunbathing in the garden with two little ghosts. She stepped forward and took a look.

"Are the two little devils asleep?"

Because the two children are too naughty, Zuo Panqing called them little devils.

"Yeah. I just fell asleep." Gu Xuewen took the bag from her hand and put it into the room. Then he came out and put his arms around her waist: "Are you tired?"

"Not tired." Zuo Panqing shook her head: "I saw a lot of girls with beautiful clothes. It's so annoying. Why are both of them sons?"

Every time I mentioned this, Zuo Panqing was very depressed: "I want a daughter."

"It's okay." Gu Xuewen shook his head and smiled: "Let's have another daughter."

"Fuck you." Zuo Panqing rolled her eyes: "Rebirth? It's okay if the next one is a daughter, but what if it's a son again?"

Do you want to throw it away

"Then I won't have a baby." Gu Xuewen's wife is the oldest now: "Let's go and hug a daughter."

"Okay." Zuo Panqing nodded: "But wait for these two little ancestors to grow up. I'm very tired now."

"Go to rest if you're tired. Anyway, my son is sleeping, so you should rest well. The two little devils will wake up later, and they will make you uneasy again."

"En." Zuo Panqing nodded, raised her foot and kissed Gu Xuewen's face, and went back to the room to rest.


In the magnificent and elegantly furnished clubhouse. The toasts are staggered, and the cups are placed on the cups.

Gu Xuewu sat in the corner with a glass of red wine in his hand. Du Libin stepped forward and sat down beside him: "Why? Don't you want to dance?"

"Not interested in."

From the day before yesterday when Qiao Xinwan's house left until now, he has no interest in doing anything.

"Boss, anyway, today is my birthday, do you want to lose face like this?" A voice came in, it was Song Chenyun, today he was wearing a white suit, and his female companion was standing beside him. The little bird snuggled up to him.

"Happy birthday." Gu Xuewu raised his glass and spoke insincerely.

"Thank you." Song Chenyun glanced at Du Libin: "You two, do you want to hit people like this? Why don't you go out and have fun? There are so many friends in the mall. Just saying hello is fine."

"You go." Du Libin was really not interested, and kept looking at the entrance. Gu Xuemei didn't come yet, he said in the morning that he would pick her up, but she said no and insisted on coming by herself.

But he was afraid that Gu Xuemei would simply stop coming.

Gu Xuewu was also silent. He went to see his daughter yesterday, but she still didn't want him. Obviously, in a few months, I can take my daughter home, but if my daughter doesn't want to see him, what's the point of bringing her back home

"A guest is here." Song Chenyun stood up and waved his hands to Gu Xuewu: "Anyway, today is my 30th birthday, please show me some face. Don't put on a bitter face. Is that okay?"

"Go and play by yourself." Gu Xuewu waved his hand, Song Chenyun had no choice but to go to receive the guests with his female companion.

But Du Libin checked the time, Gu Xuemei hadn't come yet, so he stood up and decided to make a phone call.

Leaving Gu Xuewu sitting there, looking at the scene where the beautiful clothes and skirts were flying in front of him, he stood up, wanting to go outside for some air.

Just after leaving the banquet hall, I saw a white figure wearing a white dress. It looks petite and exquisite. Holding a banquet bag of the same color in her hand, she lowered her head to look at the hem of her skirt, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Sensing someone approaching, Li Lan raised her head and looked at Gu Xuewu.

"Huh? Is that you?"

"En." Gu Xuewu nodded, took two steps forward, and glanced at Li Lan: "Are you coming to the banquet too?"

"Yes." Li Lan pointed to the inside: "Boss Song invited my father. He has business to discuss tonight, so he let me come."

Gu Xuewu knew it, and wanted to go to the side hall after passing Li Lan, but Li Lan suddenly stopped him.

"Gu Xuewu, can you do me a favor?"


"My clothes." Li Lan pointed to her skirt: "When I got out of the car just now, I accidentally scratched it, look..."

He didn't notice it just now, but now looking along her hand, there is a small hole at the hem of the long skirt.

"How can I get in like this?" People would laugh to death, but now it's too late to pick out a dress, Li Lan is really embarrassed to death.

Difficulty appeared on his face, Li Lan looked at Gu Xuewu: "Can I trouble you to ask the waiter for needlework?"

Gu Xuewu didn't move, his eyes swept over her skirt, today Li Lan is wearing a long skirt. Drops to the ankle.

The cut was at the calf, and he frowned, looked at Li Lan, and then at the chair next to the corridor, he motioned her to sit down.

"You sit down."

"Ah?" Li Lan was stunned for a moment, but obediently sat down on the chair.

Gu Xuewu stepped forward and calculated the length of the skirt. He raised his hand and hissed. Li Lan's long skirt split at the sound.

"Huh?" She whispered out. But Gu Xuewu tore off the hem of her skirt as if he didn't hear it. Then ask her to stand up.


"Ah?" Li Lan stood up, her skirt was torn off by Gu Xuewu, and looking at it now, it was just above her knees. Just now it was a ladylike style hanging on the ankle, but now it seems to be a cute line.

He was a little surprised, but his expression was admiration and gratitude.

"You are amazing, thank you."

"You're welcome." In fact, when he saw her just now, he felt that a short skirt would suit her better than a long one.

Li Lan stuck out her tongue, and showed a grateful smile to Gu Xuewu: "Thank you, I don't know if it's convenient for you to be my dance partner?"

The meaning of her invitation is obvious, Gu Xuewu looked at the face that was the same as in his memory, a little confused and puzzled flashed in his heart, and wanted to say something, but there was a sound of footsteps at this time.

He turned his face and saw Qiao Jie and Qiao Xinwan attending together arm in arm.


The first update today, four thousand words, four thousand words. Continue during the day.