The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 411: A pool of spring water


"Xinwan." Qiao's mother looked at her daughter with a worried look: "Well, what's going on here. Didn't Xuewu say yesterday that he wanted to get back together with you..."

"Mom..." Qiao Xinwan interrupted her mother's words, held her hand tightly, and shook her head lightly: "Stop talking, I'm hungry, let's go eat."

Without looking at her parents, she went to the dining room first. Father Qiao opened his mouth to say something, and Qiao Jie spoke first: "Dad, you don't care about my sister's business. That Gu Xuewu is not a good guy who bullied my sister like before. Now he says he will get back together. What does he think of his sister? What does he think of our Qiao family."

"Qiao Jie" Qiao's father gave his son a blank look, and he was not interested in talking to him: "Let's eat."

Qiao Jie shrugged his shoulders, and finally went to eat without any interest. Fortunately, Qiao Jie's sister has a backbone, so she won't be Gu Xuewu.


Gu Xuewu's car was halfway through when his cell phone rang, and he picked up an unfamiliar number, but it was a familiar person

Hanging up the phone, looking at the traffic ahead, he turned at the next intersection and went to the date the man said

After entering the door, Li Lan stood up from a distance, met Gu Xuewu's eyes, watched him stepping forward, and pointed to the seat opposite him: "Please sit down."

Gu Xuewu sat down and looked at Li Lan: "I have something to do."

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?" Li Lan sat down and poured a glass of water for him, with the corners of her lips slightly raised: "I ordered a filet steak for you. I have eaten in Italy, almost the same”

Gu Xuewu crossed his hands and placed them in front of the table zsvh

"I'm not here to eat with you." He wants to eat, he will eat with Qiao Xinwan at Qiao's house just now

"I know." Li Lan nodded, with no displeasure on his face: "I know that the reason why you are willing to come to the appointment is because you have something to ask me."

She also poured a glass of water for herself, took a sip, raised her head to meet Gu Xuewu's gaze, with a somewhat puzzled expression: "However, I have something to ask you, so we're even."

even. Gu Xuewu looked at Li Lan, narrowed his eyes slightly, and in the depths of his deep star pupils, there was a trace of guard against Zhou Zixiang.

Li Lan turned a blind eye to his dignified expression, and there was a slight smile on his lips, a gentle smile: "Eat first, you left me at the banquet like that that day, at least you owe me a favor."

Gu Xuewu was silent, but the waiter brought steak, champagne, pasta, fruit salad, and Italian soup at this time

After everything was served, Qiao Xinwan looked at the champagne on the table: "Drink some wine."

"No need." Gu Xuewu shook his head, not intending to eat: "I just have a few questions for you"

"I know what you're going to ask." Li Lan smiled: "However, as I said just now, you owe me a favor. I'll give you the answer you want later. But how about finishing this meal with me first. "

Seeing Gu Xuewu sitting there motionless, Li Lan sighed with regret, "The steak is not good if it's cold."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Gu Xuewu's reaction, she picked up the knife and fork, cut off a small piece of steak and put it in her mouth

Her movements are very elegant, like someone who has eaten Western food for a long time. Gu Xuewu narrowed his eyes, picked up the knife and fork and began to eat. He was not in the mood to talk to Li Lan at this time, and quietly settled the meal in front of him.

After eating, she picked up a tissue and wiped the corners of her lips, looked up at Li Lan, she was almost done, put down the knife and fork, and poured herself a glass of champagne

"Ask." Li Lan put down her glass and looked at Gu Xuewu: "What do you want to know."

"Where is Zhou Ying?" Gu Xuewu looked into Li Lan's eyes: "Don't tell me, you are her, you can't be her"

"Really." Li Lan shook her head with a stubborn expression, "If I say so, I'm her."

Gu Xuewu was silent, a stern light flashed in his eyes, he stared at Li Lan's face with a mocking expression, this was the first time since Li Lan met him, he saw such a look on his face

The corners of her lips curled unconsciously. She took a sip of champagne, borrowing it to hide her discomfort: "Since you don't believe me, why are you asking me again?"

Gu Xuewu stared at her face for a while, and finally said softly: "You can't be Zhou Ying, alone, no matter how much you change, even go for plastic surgery, but it feels impossible to make it out of you, I didn't I'm sure when I found the feeling with Zhou Ying, you are not her"

Li Lan pursed her lips. She didn't expect that she lost because of her feelings: "You answer me a question, and I'll answer your question."


"Who was that woman the day before yesterday. After you took her to dance, she disappeared. I wonder who made you leave me alone"

"If I tell you, you will tell me where Zhou Ying is."

"Did I tell you that you will be with Zhou Ying?"

Li Lan refused to lose at all. Qiao Xinwan's question today flashed across Gu Xuewu's mind. She said that if Zhou Ying came back, she would be with Zhou Ying.

On the same day, two women asked him the question

"No." Gu Xuewu shook his head: "It is impossible for me to be with her anymore."

Li Lan smiled ironically: "Since it is impossible for you to be with her anymore, why are you so obsessed with her whereabouts now? If I told you, it would be impossible for you to be with her." If she's together, then what's the point with you."

Gu Xuewu was silent. All he wanted to know was the reason why Zhou Ying left. No matter what, he hoped for an answer.

Seeing his silence, Li Lan smiled slightly: "You haven't answered my question yet. Maybe after I hear the answer, I will tell you the answer you want."

Gu Xuewu glanced at Li Lan, and after thinking for a while, said softly: "She is my ex-wife"

"Your ex-wife."

Li Lan searched for the name in her brain, and suddenly her eyes widened: "The ex-wife you are talking about is Qiao Xinwan, right? You guys are not divorced."

"Is it related to you?"

Li Lan shook her head and smiled: "It has nothing to do with me, but it has something to do with Zhou Ying."

She looked at Gu Xuewu, her eyes were a little angry, a little worthless, and finally those emotions were suppressed, and she regained her composure: "Gu Xuewu, if your feelings for Zhou Ying were true back then, how could you forget them so quickly? How could you talk to your ex-wife... "

Li Lan didn't say the latter words. When Gu Xuewu's eyes were a little bit surprised and he wanted to ask what he meant, Li Lan was not interested in talking. He called the waiter and took out his wallet to pay the bill.

Gu Xuewu settled the disapproval in Li Lan's eyes before she paid the bill, and he said softly: "I don't have the habit of asking women to pay."

"You have a habit of making women sad"

Li Lan felt uncomfortable. Her smile was not as happy as before. Looking at Gu Xuewu, she stood up and said, "Thank you for accompanying me for dinner. I think I won't bother you again in the future."

"What do you mean by what you said just now?" Gu Xuewu stood in front of her, preventing her from leaving: "Say it clearly."

"I don't want to say." Li Lan's mood was very low at this time, that mood was real, and she was not pretending at all. She grabbed her bag on the table and left the restaurant quickly

After meeting her, the doubts in Gu Xuewu's heart were not only unanswered but deepened. He picked up the car keys and left. He couldn't understand Li Lan's expression just now.

Angry, sad, sad, what makes him incomprehensible the most is that he is not worth it. He clearly sees that unworthy emotion in her eyes

Where does this come from. Who she is for is not worth it. For herself, or—

He has a habit of making women sad. Gu Xuewu couldn't understand this sentence and got into the car feeling a little upset, and the car actually drove towards Qiao's house again

When he reacted, what he could see in front of him was already the gate of Qiao's house. He stopped the car without getting out of the car, and looked at the lights on the second floor.

At this time, Qiao Xinwan should have eaten, what is she doing now.

Playing with Belle. It was still in the shower when he was about to take a rest. The time he met Qiao Xinwan just after taking a shower flashed through his mind.

Unknowingly, the lower abdomen felt a little hot, tense, closed his eyes, put away his thoughts, turned the car around, and left again

Upstairs, Qiao Xinwan hadn't slept yet. The confrontation with Gu Xuewu in the evening made her extremely tired. When he left, she breathed a sigh of relief and decided to speed up her pace.

She called to book a plane ticket and she wanted to leave Beidu as soon as possible

As long as she doesn't see Gu Xuewu, as long as she doesn't get entangled with him, she can attribute his abnormality during this period to his abnormality

Once she's gone, everything's back to normal, yeah, that's it

Hearing the sound of a car, she froze for a moment, stood up and walked to the window, but saw Gu Xuewu's car parked downstairs, lying behind the curtains, Qiao Xinwan was a little surprised, why did he come back so late .

Thinking that he would come up, Qiao Xinwan planned to lock the door as soon as he got out of the car, but she didn't want to, but Gu Xuewu drove the car away

It was too dark, she couldn't see the expression on Gu Xuewu's face clearly, watching his car gradually disappear from her sight from such a long distance, she didn't know why, she suddenly felt that the figure of the car seemed a little lonely

Shaking her head, suppressing that emotion, how about Gu Xuewu, what does it have to do with her, she doesn't need to care about it at all

That's right, that's it, Qiao Xinwan told herself not to pay attention to some things, but every scene during this time flooded into her mind unconsciously, and it became more and more clear in her mind

My heart suddenly became chaotic, like disturbing a pool of spring water...

Forcibly suppress those emotions, let yourself calm down, calm down, since it is already doomed, there is no need to entangle any more, let him pass some things

don't waver anymore, absolutely don't

… … … … … … …

Today's first update, 3,000 words, Xinyue's monthly ticket ranking this month really moved me. In order to repay everyone, I will still thank you all today.

Military Marriage: The Bound Bride Chapter 085: A pool of spring water has been updated!