The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 414: I see


What is the purpose? What purpose could he have

"The bride who was tied up for my daughter's military marriage." Qiao Xinwan raised her eyebrows, and the words pointed directly to his heart: "In order to let my daughter go back home, to give her a complete home."

daughter. Another daughter. Gu Xuewu looked at her, and the eagerness in his eyes gradually cooled down. The body stood there motionless, looking at Qiao Xinwan's face.

"I am for my daughter?"

"Of course." Qiao Xinwan nodded, ever since her daughter came down again.

From birth to now, she has always thought this way, Gu Xuewu, it's just for her daughter, now come in front of her, put on this affectionate look, who is it for

Gu Xuewu was speechless, looking at Qiao Xinwan's face. The wind from the sun blew over, bringing a burst of coolness, and blowing on Gu Xuewu's body. He glanced at the gentle wind outside, and then turned his gaze back to Qiao Xinwan's body. point

"Maybe, I was for my daughter at the beginning, but not now."

Qiao Xin tactfully opened her face, she didn't want to hear it at all: "Yes or no, it has nothing to do with me."

"Okay. One sentence has nothing to do with you." Gu Xuewu nodded heavily, took a step forward, stretched out his hand to hug Qiao Xinwan into his arms, lowered his head and wanted to give her a kiss, but Qiao Xinwan quickly avoided it.

His lips fell on his cheeks, he didn't give up, and approached her again, wanting to kiss her, Qiao Xinwan struggled again, twisting and moving her body desperately, just to prevent Gu Xuewu from succeeding.

Gu Xuewu's heart became ruthless, he lifted her lower jaw, and sucked heavily on her lips. Unexpectedly, Qiao Xinwan raised a hand and waved it towards his face.

But unfortunately, unlike the first time before, Gu Xuewu grabbed Qiao Xinwan's hand forcefully this time.

He turned hard and turned around, and Qiao Xinwan's hand was twisted by him. As soon as she felt the pain, she stared at Gu Xuewu, trying to make him let go of herself. But he refused to let go, staring at her face.

"Does it mean that every time I kiss you in the future, you will slap me?"

"Could it be, can't I?" Qiao Xinwan raised her head, not thinking that she was at fault. Gu Xuewu put her hands behind her back, moved her body forward two steps, and pushed her body heavily onto the bed.

"Gu Xuewu..."

Qiao Xinwan thought that he was going to bully her again, so she was anxious and struggled desperately. His strong chest was on his body, and he couldn't break it away no matter what. Gu Xuewu pressed her body tightly to prevent her from moving, and stared at the panic on her face. Open your mouth gently.

"You drove Zhou Ying away." In one sentence, Qiao Xinwan's body stopped struggling and became quiet, looking at Gu Xuewu's face: "I don't know why Zhou Ying left, but I know that I have something to do with you. I haven't waited to see you because I know too well about your pampering and self-willedness. Until you drug me. I can tell you clearly that in my life, I hate others who design me the most. No matter who it is. You think, you are Who can make an exception?"

"If you want me to marry you, I will marry you. If you want the title of Mrs. Gu, I will give it to you. But you want my love, but I don't have it."

"I can admit that in the past, I not only hated you, but I also hated you. If it wasn't for you..." Gu Xuewu narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at her face for a long time without saying anything later: "Qiao Xinwan, I said the last time , I want to get back together with you because I fell in love with you, and it has nothing to do with my daughter or anyone else."

He, Gu Xuewu, why does he need to fall into marriage again for a child? Marrying Qiao Xinwan back then was half out of anger and half out of revenge.

Staring at Qiao Xinwan's face for a while, he opened his thin lips lightly: "Now, do you still think that I am doing it for my daughter?"

The weight on her body clearly reminded Qiao Xinwan of their ambiguous posture at this time. She froze her body, not daring to move, looking at Gu Xuewu who was on her body, his eyes were full of hope.

Qiao Xinwan knew exactly what kind of answer he wanted to give him. But because she knew it, she didn't want it: "Yes. I still think that you are for my daughter. In the future, I will also think so, and even always, I will think so..."

There was a sudden pain on her lips, Gu Xuewu bit her lips hard, and before she could cry out the pain, he quickly backed away. Standing up, standing up, he came together, and Qiao Xinwan also got up quickly.

Gu Xuewu stared at her hastily tightening her clothes, only feeling ironic.

Seeing the panic in her eyes and a trace of defense, he suddenly smiled and stared at Qiao Xinwan's face: "That guy named Quan is not a good bird, but there is one thing he said, he is really right."

When he suddenly mentioned Quan Zhenghao, Qiao Xinwan was half puzzled, and looked up at him with a hint of doubt.

Gu Xuewu stared at her face, and said softly: "Qiao Xinwan, you are really ruthless."

There was no ups and downs in his voice, he just looked at her face without blinking his eyes. The hand at the side was tightly clenched into a fist.

Qiao Xinwan choked for breath, looked at Gu Xuewu, and didn't know what to say for a moment. But he stopped looking at her, took a step back, turned around and strode away.

The sound of "bang" closing the door awakened Qiao Xinwan's sanity, her body relaxed, and she couldn't believe that Gu Xuewu just left like this

He didn't use his usual methods to force her to say that she likes the bride who was tied up in the military. He just left

She relaxed after a high level of tension. Qiao Xinwan only felt a layer of sweat dripping from her back. She stood up abruptly and rushed to the door. She wanted to open the door, but stopped when her hand touched the doorknob. Sitting limply and powerlessly on the ground, what flashed through her mind was the scene of Gu Xuewu boldly and obscenely pressing her against the door last time here.

His face was red, his heartbeat was chaotic, and his mind was not clear. He shook his head to calm himself down, but it was only the two words of Gu Xuewu, which kept echoing in his ears. zlsc.

"I like you."

"Qiao Xinwan, you are really cruel."

Those voices overlap bit by bit. In the end, they converged in one place and became one voice.

"Qiao Xinwan, I like you..."

He buried his face in his knees, his eyes were hot, and his nose was sore and uncomfortable. When she couldn't control it, the tears fell like that.

Do you regret it? Qiao Xinwan asked herself in her heart. Thinking of Gu Xuewu's embrace, thinking of his kiss, his touch, and his words, his last sentence you are really cruel.

She laughed suddenly, raised her head, sniffed, and wiped away the tears on her face without regret.

She has no regrets. She doesn't regret it at all. But do you really not regret it

She asked herself the answer repeatedly in her heart, but she couldn't say it out. She only knew that she was very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. The uncomfortable emotion made her almost breathless. Hugging his knees, he huddled there, sitting blankly and motionless.

Time flies by...


Now that it's impossible to follow Gu Xuewu. Qiao Xinwan didn't care about it, she let go and packed her luggage. Anyway, it has been sorted out last time, and there is nothing now.

Although it is said that there is nothing, but after sorting it out, the two big suitcases can't fit. Her clothes, Belle's clothes.

These alone require a lot, not to mention, some Belle is used to, suddenly feel a little entangled and hesitant, looking at the mess in the room, I just feel very irritable.

Throwing down the tattered clothes, he simply ignored his surname, stood up, walked to the edge of the balcony and stood still. Looking at the garden downstairs. A few days ago, the scene of Gu Xuewu driving downstairs suddenly came to mind.

He didn't go upstairs, he just stopped there. what is he doing now he…

My thoughts stopped suddenly, since I decided not to, why worry about it? Everything has long been none of her business.

I don't want to let myself think, but those irrelevant emotions keep coming to my mind.

After three years of marriage, what Gu Xuewu gave her is only a shadow, faint, but it never goes away, it stays in her heart.

During this period of time, Gu Xuewu, every movement, every word. It's like it's engraved in my mind, clearly, and I haven't forgotten it at all.

The corners of his lips were raised, his expression was full of bitterness, why did he say he didn't believe it, but when he dreamed back at midnight, he kept dreaming about the sentence he said, I like you

Obviously just liking, not love, obviously for the sake of her daughter, but she really began to believe that Gu Xuewu has feelings for her and likes her...

Shaking his head and laughing at himself, it took him another half a day. Feeling a little depressed. Those irritable emotions turned into melancholy. In order not to let herself think too much, she turned her face away and continued to pack her things.

Some are newly added by my mother. Although foreign countries have everything, they are always worried about this and that. Qiao Xinwan packed everything away. Sitting on the edge of the bed, just wanting to take a breath, the door was opened with a bang.

Gu Xuewu entered the door, the wind has changed these few days, he was wearing a thick black windbreaker jacket, a black business T-shirt inside, and black trousers underneath.

After entering the door, he walked directly to the bed and pulled Qiao Xinwan up. His eyes swept over the two boxes on the ground, and when he held Qiao Xinwan's arm tightly, his expression became a little cold.

"You're going to Denmark."

In silence, Qiao Xinwan refused to answer.

"Answer me." Gu Xuewu's voice was a little angry. Holding Qiao Xinwan's arm almost broke his hand bones.

Qiao Xinwan wanted to break free, but she couldn't. She simply stopped struggling and looked up at the anger on Gu Xuewu's face: "It's none of your business."

"Qiao Xinwan." Gu Xuewu walked hurriedly and ruthlessly a few days ago. I just want to give Qiao Xinwan some time to think about what she said seriously.

But she never thought that after serious thinking, she would take her daughter to Denmark

"If you want to go, you have to ask me if I am willing?"

"It's a joke." Qiao Xinwan snorted coldly, completely ignoring him: "I'll go as soon as I want to go. It's none of your business where I go. Why do you care about me?"

"Because I'm Belle's father. I like you. Do I qualify?"


The second update today, the update of 6,000 characters is complete. I am exhausted after tens of thousands of consecutive updates. Had a bad night last night. I'm going out today. When I came back in the afternoon, I was hit by a car and a shock.

Write tomorrow's update at night. kisses. Resist you? ? ~~~