The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 415: make him hurt too


"Not enough for a bride who was tied up in a military marriage." Qiao Xinwan's hand was in pain, and she stared at Gu Xuewu. If she hurt a little, then she would make Gu Xuewu hurt three more: "Gu Xuewu, you are Belle's father, you Have you fulfilled your father's obligations? You like me, do I beg you to like me? There are too many men who like me, if every one of them interferes with my decision, should I still live?"

Her arrogance is so obvious, her hatred is so deep, and her ruthlessness is so absolute.

Gu Xuewu hated it. Lowering her head, she kissed her lips heavily, a kiss without any tenderness at all, biting and gnawing, Qiao Xinwan clearly felt that her lips were bitten by him and bleeding came out.

The pain made her angry, and she raised her hand recklessly to give him a slap in the face. When someone blocked his hand in the air, Gu Xuewu bit him harder and harder.

Qiao Xinwan tasted the blood in her mouth, and Gu Xuewu also tasted it. The salty, fishy smell finally made him let go of his hand, took a step back, and looked at Qiao Xinwan's bleeding and swollen lips.

Clenching his hands tightly into fists, Gu Xuewu calmed himself down: "Tell me. In your heart, is it so difficult for you to trust me?"

Qiao Xinwan bowed her head in silence, that expression had already given Gu Xuewu the answer.

He nodded heavily, and stepped back a little. Looking at Qiao Xinwan in front of him, his expression gradually turned cold.

Her back was straight, and her hands were clenched into fists: "Qiao Xinwan, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not. If you want time, I'll give you time. If you want to think about it, I can let you do it. Even if you don't want me to come near now Belle, if I get close to you, I can agree. Just one thing, don’t think that you can leave with Belle. Don’t even think that you can leave Beidu and leave me, because I will definitely not agree. "

Aside from these words, he didn't look at Qiao Xinwan at all. Turn around and leave.

Qiao Xinwan stood there in a daze, unable to move, staring blankly at the person in front of her, and left in front of her. He pursed his lips, awakened by the pain. He raised his hand and caressed his upper lip, but he felt a trace of blood.

The body fell on the bed slumped, feeling that all the strength in his body had been drained by Gu Xuewu.

This is not the first time she has seen Gu Xuewu's anger. But it was the first time that his anger made her feel so overwhelmed.

In the past, every time he was angry, there was only loathing for her in his eyes, but this time, his anger made her see the eagerness in his eyes, as well as the trace of heartache.

Heartache? Will Gu Xuewu also feel heartbroken? How could someone like him be heartbroken

Qiao Xinwan shook her head, telling herself not to believe it. His eyes, however, kept dangling in front of her. That's enough.

What is she doing

"Qiao Xinwan, do you want to be so mean? When he doesn't want you, he treats you like a rag and throws it away after use. Now that he wants you, he comes to you again. Can you have a bit more backbone? Can you treat yourself better?"

Can you be more cruel? Leave that man alone. What did his liking matter to her

That's right, that's it. She must go to Denmark, must. Gu Xuewu will never be given a chance.

... ... ...

A week later, Qiao Xinwan took care of everything. After packing her luggage, Qiao Jie and Qiao's parents sent her to the airport.

Mother Qiao's face was full of tears, watching Belle sleeping in the stroller in her daughter's hand: "It's so small, and it took such a long flight. Xinwan..."

This week, Gu Xuewu came here a few times, and Belle cried when she saw him, needless to say, Qiao Xinwan kept showing him a cold face.

He just stayed for a while and left. The Qiao family's parents felt that Gu Xuewu was really interested in Qiao Xinwan's mother and daughter now, but Xinwan didn't want to be with him anymore.

After persuading this guest, knowing that her daughter is determined, they are not easy to object. I can only let her go.

Qiao Xinwan looked at her mother: "It's okay, it's only ten hours, it will be soon."

"Xin Wan..."

Mother Qiao wanted to say something, but Father Qiao took her hand and shook his head at her. She had no choice but to remain silent. Qiao Xinwan reached out to hug her, then hugged Qiao's father, and finally gave Qiao Jie a hug: "I'm not at home, you have to take good care of your parents."

"Got it, it's really long-winded." I was so worried, I just didn't want to leave, but Qiao Jie didn't dare to say this.

Qiao Xinwan took a step back and pushed Belle into the boarding gate. Mother Qiao watched her daughter leave, turned around, clutched Father Qiao's skirt, and couldn't help crying.

"Mom." Qiao Jie couldn't take it anymore: "What are you doing? My sister just went to live in Denmark, and it's not like she won't come back. It's only ten hours by plane. Why don't we go and see her when we have time?"

"That's right." Father Qiao was not without sentimentality, but at this time, he wanted his daughter to leave without any worries.

"Come on. Let's go back."

Mother Qiao sniffed, and finally turned around and left.

In the waiting room, Qiao Xinwan had already completed the formalities early in the morning, and was sitting in the VIP room waiting. Looking at Belle, who was soundly asleep in the stroller and didn't know anything, her expression showed a bit of tenderness.

This week, Gu Xuewu would come to Qiao's army to marry the bride every day after get off work. Sometimes, bring a toy, and sometimes, bring a strange thing. Yesterday, when he came, he brought a bouquet of roses.

She didn't answer, he just put it in her room and looked at her. She ignored him and didn't look at him. He didn't take any further actions, just sat in her room, wherever she went, his eyes followed.

That look made her uncomfortable for a while, and she ended up hiding in the nursery with her daughter.

Gu Xuewu cried as soon as he hugged his daughter, so he would not hug her either. She knew that this could not last long, but luckily it was resolved today.

After leaving Beidu, I don't have to face his burning eyes, and I don't have to worry about whether Gu Xuewu really likes me or just pretends to like me. Is it for my daughter, or...

Looking at the time, it was almost time to board the plane, Qiao Xinwan stood up and wanted to board the plane. The door of the VIP room was opened at this time.

Several people in airport uniforms came in and nodded to Qiao Xinwan: "Sorry, miss, you can't get on the plane."


"In your luggage, we have found illegal, prohibited, and articles. Now please come with us. Accept the inspection."

"Are you kidding?" Qiao Xinwan's eyes widened: "How could there be those things in my luggage. You must have made a mistake."

"Did you make a mistake? You'll know if you go with us for inspection?"

"Okay." Qiao Xinwan couldn't believe that she had things that she couldn't bring on the plane, and followed those people to another small room, where her suitcases were neatly placed.

The waiter pointed to one of the boxes and looked at Qiao Xinwan: "This box, our police dogs searched for the ingredients of drugs just now. Please open it for us to check."

"This is outrageous." Qiao Xinwan let go of the hand that had been on the cart, and walked to the box: "I have absolutely no illegal or prohibited items in it. Please believe me."

"Then please open it and accept the investigation."

"Okay." Qiao Xinwan stepped forward and opened the box. It was full of Belle's things, and Mother Qiao was always worried. Belle's clothes, toys, and even two cans of milk powder were all put inside.

"Please explain what this is." The inspector pointed to the two cans of milk powder with a very serious expression.

"This is the milk powder and rice noodles my daughter eats." That's what Mother Qiao put in for her.

"Milk powder?" The investigator curled his lips: "I think it's white powder."

"You..." Before Qiao Xinwan could reason with that person, the milk powder was opened. The tin foil inside has not been torn off, that person will tear it off. Qiao Xinwan became anxious: "This is really milk powder, it can't be anything else." zlsc.

"We said, what is it, you won't know until you check it."

The guy took it apart and picked some out. Said to send it for testing. Qiao Xinwan was going crazy with anger: "How long are you going to toss around? I'm still waiting to get on the plane."

"Miss, if you're a drug dealer, don't say you're on the plane, you just wait to eat/prison/meal."

"You're the one who sells drugs." Qiao Xinwan was furious. That person didn't care, and had already sent two cans of milk powder for inspection.

And she was so angry that she wanted to reason, turned around, and found that the baby stroller that was pushed in just now was gone.

"Bell?" She was in a hurry, and looked around the room, but there was no such small trolley at all. She grabbed the hand of one of the staff members: "Where is my daughter?"

"I do not know."

The staff shrugged: "I didn't pay attention."

"How can it be?"

She clearly remembered that when she came in just now, someone closed the door, and she just stepped forward to open a box. Where's Belle

Qiao Xinwan was in a hurry, she didn't care about the luggage in the room, she quickly ran out the door, and went back to the VIP room where she stayed just now, where is there any baby stroller inside

In a hurry, she searched all the way, but she couldn't find it. I had no choice but to go back to the room just now, but the few staff members who checked her just now were gone.

Qiao Xinwan's eyes widened, and in a hurry, she searched back and forth in the airport waiting room. She was looking for it in such a hurry, her eyes were full of self-blame, how could she, how could she let go

How could she leave Belle alone? She is not a good mother. She thought she took Belle on the plane alone, and thought that there would be someone to pick her up in Denmark, and everything would be fine. But he never thought that even in the northern capital, even at the airport, problems could happen.

The time for the plane to take off was getting closer and closer, and she lost her mind. Without Belle, it would be the same wherever she went.

The body kept running and running, and was looked at by those waiting for the plane as a lunatic. Finally, a staff member came up and grabbed her hand and asked her what was wrong.

"My child, my child." Qiao Xinwan called out, "Call the police, someone has abducted my child. Belle, Belle."

If the matter is not related to oneself, it will be chaotic if it is closed.


The first update today, 3,000 words, continued during the day. kisses.

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