The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 10


Xu Zhen was used to doing good things, so she patiently chatted with Li Sanlang before, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

After returning home, I saw the little beggars obediently washing rice and cooking, and picking up millet on tiptoe, and then I realized that I have a little beggar, so what good things are I doing!

And after talking a lot, that little kid didn't believe himself!

What kind of charity are you doing

Xu Zhen flipped through "Mencius" for a while, and saw that "the heaven will send a great responsibility to man, so he must first work hard on his heart", and felt that this was simply a portrayal of his own life.

The suffering she is suffering now is the merit points she will earn in the future!

Thinking of this, she went to bed in a good mood.

When she got up the next day, she habitually opened the merit point to check, and found that the merit point had increased by thirty points!

Xu Zhen was taken aback again.

Thirty! What is this concept? !

I want to stick to the little beggar and never leave for half a month!

She originally thought that she would get four or five points at most to help Li Sanlang solve his doubts, but she didn't expect to get thirty points

Could it be that he secretly did something good a few days ago

Just when Xu Zhen was trying to recall what she had done a few days ago, the stowaway interface flickered again.

The mainline interface and the mall interface flashed golden light together.

Xu Zhen first clicked into the main line to view.

The progress of the main task is still only (2/10), but there is an extra unread message below.

Xu Zhen has had the system for so long, this is the first time she sees unread messages, she quickly clicks to open it.

A white card jumped out of the envelope with a sound of "Deng".

It was about the same size as the Yu-Gi-Oh card she played when she was a child. The surrounding border was golden, and the content was divided into upper and lower parts. It was being enveloped by a burst of white light.

Xu Zhen poked the card a few times, and the white light finally faded, revealing the contents inside.

In the upper part, there is a portrait of Li Sanlang.

In the second half, a few lines of words were written on the card: [Villain No. 1 Li Sanlang]

In the introduction column write:

[Lack of learning and incompetence, self-willedness, leading to the failure of the father and elder brother's plan, loss of life, ruin, and the decline of the Li family. Li Sanlang did all kinds of bad things to avenge his father and brother, and finally died of depression at the border.]

[Villain index: three stars. (Educated)]

… Lose your life and ruin your reputation

From this point of view, the birds and branches that Li Sanlang mentioned yesterday were indeed military tactics.

Fortunately, I reminded myself.

The words in parentheses at the end have been educated, it seems that Li Sanlang was awakened by himself.

Then if Li Sanlang doesn't mess around, his father and brother's lives will be saved.

No wonder I got thirty points today.

It turned out to save two lives.

Xu Zhen was very happy, and took the little beggar back to the house to learn to read and do homework. When the school time came, she took the little beggar to go to school.

As soon as I arrived at the school.

Xu Zhen hadn't stepped into the study hall yet.

Li Sanlang rushed over immediately, his eyes were wide open, his lips were pursed, and the flesh on both sides of his cheeks trembled.

Xu Zhen was stunned, thinking that she was going to be beaten.

The little beggar walked up to her and looked at Li Sanlang without saying a word.

Xu Zhen asked Li Sanlang uncertainly: "You..."

Without saying a word, Li Sanlang knelt down suddenly, kowtowed three times, and said, "Thank you sir."

Not only Xu Zhen, but also the students around were shocked.

Li Sanlang's attendant ran over and asked, "Sanlang, what's wrong with you!! What's wrong with this idiot? You don't even kneel down to your father, but you kneel down to her!!"

Li Sanlang scolded: "Shut up!"

Then she turned to Xu Zhen, put her hands on the ground, and said earnestly: "I will definitely study hard in the future, I hope you can teach me more!"

The people around didn't understand what happened to Li Sanlang, but Xu Zhen did.

Xu Zhen thought of the card from the morning, and laughed out loud.

She asked, "Are you awake?"

Li Sanlang said: "Yes."

Xu Zhen asked: "Have you decided to study hard?"

Li Sanlang said: "Yes!"

Xu Zhen was very pleased: "It's not bad, not bad, not bad."

Li Sanlang was really grateful for Xu Zhen's explanation yesterday, but seeing Xu Zhen's expression now, he wanted to rush up and punch her.

Why is this person so shameless!

Just then, Mr. Zhao came.

When Mr. Zhao saw Li Sanlang kneeling on the ground, he froze for a moment and asked, "What's going on?"

Li Sanlang quickly said: "I suddenly realized that I decided to study hard, so I am studying with Mr. Xu."

Mr. Zhao has taught Li Sanlang for several years, and he knows what kind of virtue this person is. Seeing that the situation is not quite right, he asked him several times carefully.

Li Sanlang gritted his teeth and didn't say anything.

In the end, she lowered her head and couldn't help crying: "My brother... is back... Thank you, thank you, Mr. Xu."

He didn't say much, but kowtowed several times in succession, almost overflowing with gratitude to Xu Zhen.

Thanks to Xu Zhen's words yesterday.

He didn't believe it at first, but then he went to ask his grandfather, and then realized that brother might really be fine, but he just used tactics.

Grandfather's words were ambiguous.

Although Li Sanlang really wanted to save his elder brother, he was worried that he would ruin his plan, so he decided to endure it for another day.

Unexpectedly, his elder brother came back this morning! Unscathed, except for mud on his face and body.

After questioning, I realized that this was really my brother's strategy.

Last night, it was the right time to defeat the enemy. The army pretended that the general was killed, and the dragons had no leader.

After Li Sanlang learned the truth, his shocked brain went blank, and only a feeling of gratitude remained in his chest.

He was almost going to look for Brother yesterday afternoon, Jiangling was only half a day away from Langgu Pass, if he hadn't listened to Xu Zhen's words and hurried over, it happened to be the time to defeat the enemy and arrive at the battlefield.

Not to mention that his own life is in danger, it may also cause the enemy to find out the problem.

Li Sanlang is more than afraid.

On the way to the school in the morning, I kept thinking about what Xu Zhen said "read more", and finally realized how important reading is!

If I could realize the meaning of the birds and the branches, I might be able to help my father and brother, and comfort my grandmother.

Reading is really important!

He wished he could cram all the contents of the book into his mind.

Therefore, his eyes towards the two gentlemen became more and more intense.

Xu Zhen was frightened by the stare, and took a few steps back to escape.

Mr. Zhao stopped her and said harshly, "Today, Mr. Xu will come to teach."

Although his voice was rough, he was full of heart, thinking that Xu Zhen was indeed a good and knowledgeable gentleman.

It's just that I don't know why, but I have the reputation of being an idiot.

Mr. Zhao felt that it was a pity, and at the same time praised Xu Zhen several times, saying that she is very personable, which is really amazing.

Xu Zhen hurriedly said she didn't dare, but she was so praised that she was too embarrassed to refuse.

She had no choice but to take the economics book and lecture on Confucianism all day long.

During the class, Li Sanlang didn't think it was enough, so he kept asking questions, asking a lot of questions that he didn't know the so-called.

The students looked at him in shock.

The little beggar Hua looked at him coldly.

He acted as if he hadn't seen it at all, holding the book in his hand, he was extremely addicted, as if he was swimming in the ocean of knowledge.

Xu Zhen's mouth was dry, and she felt that if she went on like this, one old life would definitely not be enough.

Why can't students all over the world be more obedient and obedient like the little beggar.

She concluded by chanting Jinglun: The little beggar is really nice.

Going home in the afternoon, she helped the little beggar with her homework.

The homework content has changed from history books to poetry, from reality to romance.

Xu Zhen read the Book of Songs to the little beggar.

While thinking about it, her palms gradually started to feel hot, probably something has happened to the system again.

Xu Zhen didn't dare to delay, let the little beggar do her homework, then hurried back to her room and turned on the system.

On the system interface, Li Sanlang's card kept shaking.

Xu Zhen nodded.

A message popped up above:

[Congratulations on successfully whitening a villain, and you will receive a free lottery x1, please enter the mall to use it.]

Albino villain? It should be Li Sanlang.

As for that free draw...

It's really nice, free stuff always makes people happy.

Xu Zhen obediently opened the mall.

Sure enough, there is a lottery button on the left.

Xu Zhen lightly pressed—

[Ding! Congratulations on getting "Zuo Zhuan".]

[Rewards will be issued after ten seconds, please find a secluded corner to receive rewards.]


Xu Zhen was stunned for a moment, what kind of stupid gift is this, it's actually a book? Even in the superficial era, you can still buy Zuo Zhuan!

Too bad! !

She was about to scold the system.

There was a sudden sharp pain in her brain, which made her unable to open her eyes, and her mind was in chaos.

After a while, the pain dissipated, and she saw herself in a black void, with golden characters floating slowly in all directions.

The font reads: "At the beginning, Zheng Wugong married Yu Shen, named Wu Jiang, who gave birth to Zhuanggong and Gongshu Duan..."

Xu Zhen looked at it bit by bit, and soon realized that this was the content of Zuo Zhuan.

Although she has been a teacher and taught many people to read Zuo Zhuan of Shi Ji, she can only remember famous sentences, and it is impossible to remember every sentence.

After reading it in the black nothingness this time, she found that she seemed to remember all the words she had read.

She closed her eyes, lay on the bed, and silently recited Zuo Zhuan in her head.

After an unknown amount of time, she opened her eyes and saw that it was already dark outside.

But the classical Chinese in his mind is still very clear, as if it has merged with the soul, and he can't get rid of it even if he wants to.

After Xu Zhen read a few sentences casually, she could think of the context.

She was excited.

This is the necessary plug-in for the legendary traveler! She originally complained about why her system was so rubbish, but now she finally stopped complaining.

Xu Zhen was moved and wept bitterly.

She has been through it for so long, and has been worried and scared for so long, the plug-in can be regarded as delivered!

God, thank you for not giving up on me.

this world! Still wonderful! !

Although I have no money and have to take care of a group of brats, but I have golden fingers! There is also a cute and kind little beggar! !

Thinking of the little beggar, Xu Zhen worried that the little beggar would catch cold from kicking the quilt at night, so she wanted to go to the little beggar's room to have a look.

She glanced out of the window, and saw that it was pitch black outside, without any sparks, it should be after the third watch.

The night wind howled, she got up quickly, and was about to go to the little beggar's room.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the room, he saw a white figure turning over from the low wall next to the gate. It seemed that he had used martial arts, and he turned over very easily.

And that figure—

Xu Zhen recognized at a glance that it was a little beggar.

But how could the little beggar know martial arts? The two of them have lived together for so long, and they have never seen the little beggar practicing martial arts.

Xu Zhen couldn't figure it out, she stayed silent for a while, climbed up to the wall with both hands, climbed over the wall with difficulty, found the direction the little beggar was walking, and followed.

The little beggar walked ahead, and Xu Zhen followed from a distance. She saw the little beggar walk into a bamboo forest and climb up the stone steps.

Under the moonlight, the corners of the little beggar's eyes with scars on one side were highlighted, like a vicious ghost.

There are many weeds in the bamboo forest, and there are already mosquitoes in Jiangling, hiding in the grass and ready to go.

Xu Zhen squatted behind the surrounding big trees, seeing the little beggar walking deeper and deeper, she didn't know whether she should follow or not.

Just when she was about to go under the crescent moon, the little beggar finally stopped.

The moonlight is like frost, the birds and beasts in the forest are singing, and the bamboo leaves are rustling.

She was petite, standing upright, almost forming a line, and after a while, she slowly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed a few times.

Xu Zhen watched from the side, not knowing the meaning of this action.

Could it be sleepwalking

But this sleepwalker was too purposeful, and even ran to the mountains to kowtow.

Just when Xu Zhen was thinking wildly, the little beggar had already got up and went down the mountain, striding away, and soon disappeared.

Xu Zhen thought about it, and felt that she had come here, and it would be a disadvantage not to look, so she found an excuse for herself to "caring for young people", touched it, and walked all the way up.

She fumbled to the top of the hillside, looked left and right, and looked for the place where the little beggar had kowtowed just now. On the left side of the end of the stone steps in the bamboo forest, there was a raised earth bag with a long vertical stone standing on it.

It should be this.

She walked over to look, and saw that on the stone it was written: Grandma Monument.

Below these three characters, there is a row of smaller characters. Xu Zhen took advantage of the light to look carefully, and found that it seemed to be the name of the person who erected the stele, and it said "Xun Qianchun Li".

Xu Zhen didn't ask the little beggar's name these days, but subconsciously felt that this was the little beggar's real name.

"Xun Qianchun..." she repeated several times.

She had inexplicably thought of the name before.

Now I have read it a few times, and the more I read it, the more familiar I am, the more sure I have seen or heard it somewhere.

But she stood and thought for a long time, but she couldn't remember, so she helped to brush the dust on the stone, jumped back to the stone steps, and left down the mountain.

The wind was bleak, and after the forest returned to calm, there was another movement.

Suddenly, a black-bone chicken jumped out from behind the bamboo, croaking.

The bamboo leaves swayed, and the moonlight shifted.

In the dark shadows, a girl's small foot stepped forward, and then the little beggar walked out slowly.

She gazed at the foot of the mountain.

When the night wind subsided for a while, he walked up to the dirt bag, lifted his hem to reveal his thin white legs, knelt on the ground with a straight posture, against the moonlight, and pressed his expression in the darkness.

She knelt in front of the stele without saying a word.

After a long time, he whispered in Xianbei: "Aunt."

The rustling night wind blew up again, but no one answered.

Xun Qianchun was kneeling, kneeling in the grass, and the mosquitoes came to bite her, but she didn't move.

She murmured: "Mother, I met a good person. She is knowledgeable and kind-hearted. She is my savior."

"She is what my mother said, she doesn't exist, a good person."

"My life is hers."

"So I don't want to use her. Now I'm putting all my eggs in one basket, colluding with evil spirits and beasts, just to get rid of the Xun family's crimes."

She paused for a while, and then said: "I am already a beast without a father and no king. The king regards the Xun family as worthless, and I regard the king as a bandit."

She said: "It's the world who is sorry for the Xun family."

The Xianbei language is originally a language for communicating with cattle and sheep. It is friendly and natural, blending in the bamboo forest, and quickly dissipates.

Xun Qianchun clenched his fists, bent over a little bit, kowtowed three times, and suppressed all kinds of emotions: "Mum, I'm leaving."


The wind blew, and the forest returned to silence.

After Xu Zhen came back at night, she slept soundly not long after.

When I woke up the next day, I started to think about what I saw last night, and where I saw "Xun Qianchun".

Xun Qianchun, Xun Qianchun.

Xu Zhen chanted the name and rolled over, from one side of the pillow to the other.

Suddenly, I felt that my face was stuck to something cold.

She got up and took a look.

It turned out that the little sword that belonged to the little beggar was exposed.

She had hidden the little sword under the pillow before, but she had forgotten to take it out to look at it. This time, she took it out and touched the "Xunjia" on the scabbard. She realized later that the little beggar's clue was so early. Appeared.

Xun family...

Xu Zhen woke up suddenly!

The Xun family who made swords? Father is a general? Mother is from Xianbei? A taciturn Huren woman with scars at the corners of her eyes?

This setting, what the hell, isn't it the big villain in a book she read before time travel! !