The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 13


Xu Zhen tried her best to keep the little beggar cold for two days, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

It was slightly bright, she got up and sat on the bed, leaning against the window to look outside, sure enough, the little beggar had already swept the floor, washed the laundry and chopped firewood.

People outside the low wall swayed, some children peeked into the courtyard, saw the scar on the face of the little beggar inside the wall, and ran away crying again.

After throwing the cup that day, the little beggar seemed to understand Xu Zhen's meaning, and she didn't appear in front of Xu Zhen very much, but she would still clean and cook every day, and then put ten copper plates on the table. Know where it came from.

He didn't stay at Xu Zhen's house at night, maybe he ran away from the temple, or maybe he was sleeping in the open somewhere.

Xu Zhen hardened her heart and didn't think about it.

She lay on the window sill and watched for a while, and felt that no matter how powerful this villain was, he was no different from ordinary people when he was a child.

It's just that he was entrapped by a strange poison.

The more she thought about it, the sadder she felt.

In order to get rid of this emotion, Xu Zhen opened the mall and took a casual look.

She looked at it in a hurry last time, but this time she looked carefully, and she found a strange thing.

Logically speaking, since I have recalled Xiaojiaohua's role in the book, the main task should be completed.

But the main task only stays at (7/10).

The seven clues are:

1. Real name is Xun Qianchun

2. The current age is 14 years old

3. Born of Xianbei and Han people

4. Strange poison in the body

5. Six years ago, the Xun family was punished

6. The villains of this world

7. Know martial arts

Three more clues remain unknown.

Xu Zhen didn't believe in evil, and ran through the plot in her head again, and put forward a few information about the beggar, but the system didn't give face, and there was no movement at all.

It seems that if you want the reward of this main task, you have to wait.

In addition, Li Sanlang's card is still hanging on the main interface.

This reminded Xu Zhen.

If you want to transfer points, educating the villain is a good way.

And if she remembered correctly, besides Li Sanlang, Qinglong Mountain still has quite a few villains.

In the future, I can no longer count on the little beggar's oil and water. If there is hope, I will hit 500 merit points.

This made Xu Zhen once again have to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

Or go to the academy.

The academy is really a good place.

She jumped off the bed, went to the kitchen and stole two white cakes, put them in her pocket, and hurried to the academy while the little beggar was still cleaning the backyard.

I went out late today, and there was not much time left before the class started.

Although there is Mr. Zhao in class, there are servants guarding the main entrance. If he is found to be late for work, the stingy mountain chief will definitely deduct his salary.

Xu Zhen went directly to the back door to climb over the wall for her own salary.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he climbed up the dark gray wall with both hands, there was a clear voice from a young woman next to him: "Sir! Sir! What a coincidence, you are also climbing the wall!"

Xu Zhen was so frightened that she almost fell down.

She stabilized her hands and looked sideways, and saw a round-faced little girl in a shofar braid, with flushed cheeks and dimples at the corners of her mouth, smiling at her.

"Sir, what a coincidence." The round-faced little girl was very excited, her eyes glowed, "I am Tang Yue from Class B, and I was fortunate enough to see him debate at the Gathering, and I was shocked by his talent, and I will never forget it for a long time! "


It's been so long, Xu Zhen can hardly remember what she did.

She still wanted to climb the wall, and the round-faced girl continued to talk to her.

After talking a lot, Xu Zhen became dizzy, and said to her weakly, "You... wait first."

Tangyue said excitedly: "Sir, I admire you like a river, I can't wait, I can't wait, sir, do you know how much your remarks have affected me, almost my whole life."

Xu Zhen said angrily, "Wait, wait."

Tang Yue said: "Sir! You can't wait to learn! To be honest, I was also a Taoist and loved Lao Zhuang. But after listening to Mr.'s words, I found that I am not as desireless as I thought, but I have been pursuing official positions. Sir, I am very sorry for this."

Xu Zhen took a few breaths and was speechless.

Tangyue said again: "But after returning home, I carefully thought about what Mr. said that day, and suddenly realized that Taoist thought is not to pursue nothing, but to abide by the way of heaven, just like waiting for the changes of the four seasons. Sir, I Are you right?!"

She raised her voice, speaking more and more forcefully.

Xu Zhen was still hanging on the wall, but in the end she really had no strength, so she let go of her hand and fell back to the ground weakly.

After recovering some strength, Xu Zhen raised her head, looked at Tangyue who was still hanging on the wall and was about to climb over the wall, and shouted very angrily: "Get down for me! Which class?!"

Tangyue: "..."

Tangyue was obedient, she came down to apologize, then climbed up and pulled Xu Zhen into the academy.

Xu Zhen just wanted to say a few words of thanks.

Tangyue had already asked a bunch of questions familiarly.

In addition to historical materials and poems, there are also many recent political issues.

She first said that a few days ago, Mr. Li's family pretended to be dead and then lured the enemy. Although he helped Daqing win a victory, it made his parents and clan worry. Is it unfilial? Is it inhumane to kill many Hu Jun

Then he talked about the famine in Guannan today.

Although the Holy Majesty has not yet distributed the relief money, it is the Holy Majesty's fault that the common people in Guannan are living in dire straits. However, the people of Guannan formed a rebel army and marched all the way to Chang'an in an attempt to overthrow the emperor. Is this infidelity

While asking, she also gave guesses, and wanted Xu Zhen to help answer.

Xu Zhen heard one head and two big, and once again really missed the taciturn little beggar.

She glanced at the sundial in the center of the academy, and felt that if this continued, the morning lectures would be over, so wouldn't she go out for nothing

In order to get rid of this student named Tangyue.

After thinking for a while, Xu Zhen said, "Read more, and you will understand."

After speaking, I want to go directly.

But Tangyue grabbed her.

Tangyue said excitedly: "Sir, I have read enough books. Although I haven't memorized them all by heart, I definitely don't read less than the Guozixue group. Please tell me, if I encounter these things , how to choose."

How could Xu Zhen give any advice.

She frowned, grimacing.

Tangyue refused to leave no matter what.

Xu Zhen was in a hurry, and simply threw out another difficult problem in the 21st century: "Since you are troubled about how to make a choice, let me ask you a question related to choice."

Tang Yue said: "Sir, tell me quickly."

Xu Zhen glanced at the sundial, and felt that if she couldn't handle Tangyue, she might have to stand here until night.

Therefore, she had no choice but to clear her throat and said: "One day you were driving on the official road and you were running very fast and couldn't stop. At this time, there was a fork in the road ahead. On the official road, there were nine children playing together. , there is only one child reading a book. Which road will you drive the car on?"

This is a question that many people cannot decide.

In theory, saving nine people is naturally better than one.

But emotionally, that one person is innocent, and the nine people are guilty, so naturally the car should be driven to the official road of the nine people.

Tangyue didn't think for too long, and said, "Naturally, it's a child's fork in the road."

Xu Zhen asked: "Those nine children were disobedient and ran to the official road where the carriages and horses were driving. They should be punished. Why did you bump into the obedient and sensible child who read books instead?"

Tang Yue said: "Naturally because nine lives are greater than one life."

Xu Zhen: "But those nine lives may directly and indirectly kill many people when they grow up, and that one life may save many lives. In this way, are you still going to hit the fork in the road?"

After saying this sentence, Tangyue felt that she had an epiphany, she just felt that her previous vision was too narrow and she only cared about the present.

She fell into deep thought, began to think again, and finally found that she really couldn't make a choice.

How can there be things that cannot be chosen in this world

What is the correct answer.

She was very curious and wanted to ask Xu Zhen, but when she looked up, she found that Xu Zhen had already run away.

This gentleman is too good at running!

Tangyue was about to catch up, but just as she took a step, another person jumped down from the wall.

The person danced lightly, barely making a sound, only shaking a few fallen leaves.

Taking a closer look, Tangyue found that this person had a barbarian appearance, scars at the corners of his eyes, wearing straw sandals, fair complexion, and a little shorter than her. If it wasn't for the scars, she was really a very beautiful girl.

She looked a little dazed.

After a while, Tangyue asked, "Who are you? Are you also a student of the academy?"

There are only birds and cicadas around.

Tangyue didn't wait for the answer and was about to leave, but the person in front of her suddenly looked up at her and asked, "Just now, what did Mr. Xu tell you? Tell me."

Tangyue didn't want to share, but seeing Xun Qianchun's deep-sea deep-blue eyes, she was fascinated for some reason, and unconsciously told Xu Zhen's little story.

After Xu Zhen got rid of Tangyue, she felt really relieved.

She walked to the wooden house in the back mountain, intending to pretend that she had arrived early, but she had been correcting homework in the wooden house, so she didn't go to class.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was opened, Mr. Zhao was sitting inside.

When the two looked at each other, Xu Zhen was stunned for a moment, then said with an embarrassed smile, "Mr. Zhao, why did you finish your lecture so early today?"

"A few days ago, we had a quiz, and today we are divided into classes. Let them study by themselves first." Mr. Zhao is making tea, pressing the white lid of the teapot with his thumb, and slowly pouring out the light green tea. The two cups are placed on the table. Xu Zhen goes to get After drinking a cup, I felt that the taste was a bit sweet.

She asked, "Aren't you going to give a lecture today?"

Mr. Zhao glanced at her and said, "Tell me."

Xu Zhen asked, "Let's talk in the afternoon?"

Mr. Zhao looked at Xu Zhen and took a sip of tea. After a while, he said sincerely, "I hope you will give a lecture."

Xu Zhen was stunned: "Me?"

"Yes." Mr. Zhao said, "Your talents and abilities are superior to mine. Although you only have two years of teaching experience, and the head of the mountain does not agree, I think you are fully capable of teaching."

Xu Zhen wanted to refuse.

It would be nice to be an idle teaching assistant, why should I teach a bunch of brats.

But Mr. Zhao didn't give her a chance to refuse.

"If you agree, I will ask the head of the mountain to increase his salary."

All of Xu Zhen's words were immediately swallowed back into her stomach.

She said empathetically: "Mr. Zhao is too tired to teach three classes by himself, so I will share one for you!"

Mr. Zhao was also happy, nodded and said: "Then you are still teaching Class E, let's start with the afternoon class." He took a stack of papers from his hand and handed them to Xu Zhen, "This is the content of the quiz a few days ago. You explain the test papers. That's fine."

Xu Zhen said, "It's not a problem."

In the afternoon, she walked to the class holding the test paper.

Li Sanlang rushed over quickly and asked why Xu Zhen hadn't been seen these days, and said that if Xu Zhen hadn't taught the class, he would not have listened.

Xu Zhen was very embarrassed by this enthusiasm, and asked Li Sanlang to sit back and sit down, and then the exam and lectures began.

Today we are talking about the test paper, but it is just a matter of interpreting sentences and historical materials.

She talked while drinking water.

Halfway through the speech, someone suddenly snorted coldly.

Xu Zhen didn't realize what was going on.

Li Sanlang immediately slapped the table, and shouted to the person next to him: "Class B, what are you humming! You meow like a pig!"

The surrounding students roared with laughter.

The person named Class B was told this, his neck turned red, and he stared at Li Sanlang.

Xu Zhen had never seen that person.

Thinking of the quiz that Mr. Zhao said, I guessed that after the quiz, he was assigned here by class.

But from Class B, which is an upper-middle class class, all the way down to Class E, it's a bit miserable.

Out of kindness, Xu Zhen asked the students in Class B: "But is there anything wrong with what I said?"

That Class B merciless: "Superficial."

Xu Zhen asked, "What?"

The student in Class B said: "The head of the mountain never talks about such superficial things."

Xu Zhen asked, "What did the head of the mountain talk about?"

"The way to be an official." The man in Class B said with his chest up, "We study books for the imperial examination, to show off our ambitions in the officialdom, and to study is also to learn how to be an official, but you only teach written knowledge, Can't I see this knowledge by myself?"

He was demoted to Class E today, and he was already furious, but when he learned that Mr. Zhao did not teach, he was taught by a new teacher, and he became even more angry, so he spoke very directly and did not evade.

After finishing speaking, Li Sanlang beside him stood up, rolled up his sleeves with an expression of wanting him to speak again.

Xu Zhen hurriedly asked Li Sanlang to sit down, and said: "The way to be an official, isn't it simple? If you want to hear it, I have a lot of it here."

When the students of Class B heard this, they snorted again.

There are so many stories, but can there be more stories than Shanzhang

This new gentleman is really arrogant.

He wanted to remind the gentleman not to be too arrogant, but he heard the gentleman say: "Before learning how to be an official, I think it's good to learn how to be a man first."

The students in Class B shut their mouths after hearing this, and immediately felt that it would be good to teach this new teacher a lesson.

He stood up and said, "Sir, please tell me!" He was very confident that if this person made even the slightest mistake, he could make this idiot feel ashamed.