The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 14


Xu Zhen sat in her seat and thought for a while, thinking that the students in Class B seemed arrogant, but they might be rare talents if they could pay attention to the way of being an official.

And I just took this opportunity to ask the students about their wishes, so as to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

She looked around and saw that the students were waiting for her to speak, so she asked, "Everyone here, do you want to be an official in the future?"

The class B stood up and said: "What kind of problem are you? If it is not for becoming an official, why are we still studying!"

Xu Zhen said: "Study has many benefits, and being an official is not the only way out."

Not all the students here are like Li Sanlang, who cast all their hearts on Xu Zhen, and many of them are still on the sidelines.

Seeing Xu Zhen's question, most of them didn't answer, only a few lowered their heads, seeming to have other ideas.

It was the first time for Xu Zhen to attend class on her own, and she didn't want to disappoint Mr. Zhao's high expectations, so she found one of them who bowed her head and asked her, "If you pass the Jinshi exam, what do you want to do?"

The little girl looked up at Xu Zhen, and said crisply, "Be a female officer."

Xu Zhen asked, "Which official?"

The little girl said, "It's all right."

Xu Zhen asked again: "What if you don't pass the exam?"

The little girl's eyes dimmed, and she said after a long time, "I don't know."

Xu Zhen asked curiously: "Do you think you will definitely be a Jinshi?"

The little girl shook her head: "Parents have high expectations, they can only do their best, and don't think about the future."

Xu Zhen smiled, expressing her understanding, and then asked several other students, most of whom gave the same answer.

Only one said that if he was not a Jinshi, his parents could rely on their connections to let him become an official, which is not false at all.

Xu Zhen was a little dumbfounded by the fright, and after a long while, she realized that this was the second official.

She thought for a while, drank tea to moisten her throat, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, today I want to tell you the way of being a human being, which is to distinguish the way of being an official."

Xu Zhen put down her glass and continued: "Reading is not the only way to become an official. You should only use reading to broaden your horizons and understand the thoughts of the ancients, so that you can learn to think and make yourself stronger, so you won't be hurt so easily..."

The Class B member was extremely disdainful. He knew that the new gentleman's level was limited, but he didn't expect it to be so low. He only talked a bunch of nonsense.

This person and the head of the mountain are simply one sky and one earth.

He couldn't bear it anymore, got up and said, "Sir, what you said is not right."

Xu Zhen paused for a moment and asked, "What's wrong?"

The student in Class B said: "Since Mr. also agrees that reading is to understand the thoughts of the ancients, then he must agree with Mr. Kong's point of view, right?"

Xu Zhen nodded and said, "Most of them agree."

The students in Class B sneered and said: "The Confucian's 'Learning is excellent, you can be an official', 'A gentleman seeks the way but not food', doesn't it mean that a gentleman should be an official and study, and if he has more than enough education, he will become an official. Do you go to study if you have more than enough time to be an official?"

He also gave an example.

It is about a student named Fan Xu in "The Analects of Confucius·Zi Lu". For some reason, he went crazy and said that he wanted to farm, so he asked Confucius what to do. Confucius said that he was not as good as an old farmer in farming, so he fooled Fan Xu away up. After Fan Xu left, Confucius said in front of Zilu, "You are a villain, so is Fan Xu".

It can be seen that Confucius looked down on the three teachings and nine schools, and only thought that those who read were gentlemen, and the rest were villains.

After the students in Class B finished speaking, they emphasized again: "Studying books and being an official are what a gentleman should do."

Xu Zhen disagreed.

She asked, "Do you know about Confucius' official career?"

The students in Class B proudly said: "Naturally understand."

Xu Zhen said: "Do you know that before Confucius became the governor of Zhongdu, he almost went to work in the rebel army? Do you think that working in the rebel army is called being an official?"

The students in Class B looked pale.

He always felt that this was a taint of Confucius, not the work of a gentleman. Now when Xu Zhen mentioned it, he strongly denied it: "It didn't work out in the end. Who knows if it's true or not."

Xu Zhen didn't take what he said at ease, but continued to say what she wanted to say: "Since Confucius is willing to work in the rebel area, it means that he feels that no matter where he goes, as long as he can display his ambition, it is fine to be an official. It’s the same, what you’re after is nothing more than a right.”

The students in Class B opened their mouths and were speechless for a while.

Confucianism is noble and flawless in the hearts of everyone, and it teaches benevolence and the way of a gentleman, but now it has been exposed that to be an official is to fight for power, and this makes him unbearable.

But he couldn't refute it, because the argument of being an official was put forward by himself.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken, Xu Zhen said again: "Only when you have ideas can you know how to govern. When you have power, you can start governing."

There was a little discussion below.

Everyone said one after another that if they had ideas, they would lose power.

Xu Zhen heard it.

"What do you think?" she asked one of the students who spoke.

The student made a bow and said with a smile: "Naturally, the world is in harmony."

Xu Zhen asked: "If you have the power, what are you going to do?"

The student froze for a moment and said, "Educate the masses."

"Enlightenment?" Xu Zhen said, "But now Daqing has implemented the Enlightenment for all. Do you think that the world is now considered a great harmony?"

The student was stunned for a while, and then said holding back: "Planting, growing food, so that the people will be fed and warm."

Xu Zhen said: "When you are full and warm, you will think about your desires. Are you sure if this continues, will the world be unified?"

The student couldn't speak, and finally sat down in embarrassment and stopped talking.

Most of the students around had the same idea, and they were all silent at this moment, listening to Xu Zhen's speech.

Xu Zhen asked the class B students again: "If you were you, how would you plan to become an official?"

The class B students sat blankly, all the thoughts in their brains were to imitate the old master Confucius and restore the Zhou rituals.

But after listening to another student's speech just now, he realized that if he said that, he would definitely be sprayed with blood by the teacher, so he gritted his teeth and held back, thinking carefully.

He thought about it for a while, and thought that when the head of the mountain gave a lecture, most of what he said was how to propose policies to improve the environment and benefit the people when a certain powerful official was in office.

Other than that, there seems to be nothing else.

No matter how powerful it sounded at the beginning, in retrospect now, it seems to be just a fake cover.

The students in Class B were hit one after another, and couldn't think of any good ideas for a while, so they could only open their mouths and say dryly: "Benefit the common people, so that everyone can 'be happy when poor, and be kind when rich'."

Xu Zhen snorted, and asked again: "Then what method do you want to use to achieve this goal? Do you want everyone to go to school? Now Daqing has already done this. Or more food, so that everyone can have food, clothing and happiness?"

The student stared blankly for a while, before choking out a sentence: "Zouming Shengshang, let the Shengshang make a decision."

Xu Zhen thought to herself: Damn, this student is too witty, to blame the leader

She asked: "What if someone deliberately stops you from performing?"

The students in Class B were silent, and said after a long time: "When the time comes, we will play again..."

Xu Zhen asked: "What if, like Su Wu, you were demoted and herded for many years, and you can't wait for the right time?"

Class B students said: "Shangzhao..."

Xu Zhen asked: "Why do you only know how to perform? Your Majesty is too tired. Besides, what are you going to do? Your talent is underappreciated? Let the Majesty promote you?"

The students in Class B said: "The sage is wise, and he will know who are loyal ministers and who are treacherous."

This time, without waiting for Xu Zhen, another classmate next to him said: "This is not necessarily true, the matter of the refugees from Guannan has not been settled until now!"

Class B's necks were red, red all the way to the ears, wanting to scold the person who spoke up, but felt that the matter was really unreasonable.

In the end he was silent and said nothing.

Seeing this, Xu Zhen smiled and said: "In my opinion, if you are not an official but a merchant, the possibility of realizing what you said 'poor and happy, rich and polite' is more likely."

The students in Class B were speechless, but they still gritted their teeth and asked, "Why?"

Xu Zhen said: "Because everyone loves money, if you give them money, they will naturally do what you say."

The student in Class B felt that Xu Zhen was humiliating himself, so he was very angry and looked up at Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen said: "Of course, what money buys is only superficial. I actually agree with what you said about being an official."

The students in Class B have actually lost their fighting spirit a long time ago, and now they suddenly heard Xu Zhen say that they agree with their point of view, their eyes widened, and they looked at Xu Zhen in disbelief, and wanted to ask Xu Zhen what nonsense she was talking about before .

Xu Zhen calmly said, "Everyone here, this is back to the original question."

Everyone sat upright.

Although they didn't regard Xu Zhen as a learned gentleman, they understood what she just said.

The way to be an official, how to be an official? Is it playing non-stop? Not really, but what exactly to do, the gentleman has not told them.

They are waiting for an answer.

Xu Zhen just smiled and said: "I believe that you will be able to become high officials in the future, so I want to tell you that you have to consider many issues. Those who are now officials were once students like you. What do you think? Why haven't they realized the great unity of the world after they became officials?"

Everyone shook their heads, completely confused.

Xu Zhen said: "I don't know either, so I won't understand until you become officials."

After she finished speaking, she took the teacup and got up to pour water.

As soon as I stepped out of the study hall, I saw that the sundial was still a little far away before Shenshi.

So he turned back and sat down again.

In a daze, she continued: "There are so many people who can read now, what the Holy Majesty needs is not someone who can only read, but someone who can talk with him about the way of governing the country."

She looked at the few students who spoke before, and said with hatred: "Look at you, and you will say that the world is in harmony and benefit the people. If you pass the palace test, are you going to govern the country with an empty mind? What will the country be made of by you?"

Everyone was silent, and the students who were named were ashamed.

Xu Zhen sighed: "So it can be summed up in one sentence..."

She didn't finish her sentence.

Li Sanlang got up in a hurry, touched the inkstone inkstone, and tried to answer: "Read more!"

Li Sanlang had been taught this before, and he felt confident that he must be right.

However, Xu Zhen thought about it, shook her head and vetoed: "No."

Li Sanlang couldn't believe it: "Why is it wrong, that's what you taught me first!"

Xu Zhen said: "When you are an official, it is not enough to just talk about it on paper. You need to observe more, think of ways, and put more into practice." She suddenly came to her senses while she was talking, stood up and said, "Yes, you need to practice more."

In practice, this was a magic weapon for her to fish in troubled waters when she was a teacher.

Take the students out for a walk, feel the customs and customs, and then bring them back, so that the day's class is over.

Why didn't she think of it before!

Also wasted so much energy, lecture on the contents of the textbook.

Miscalculation, really miscalculation.

Xu Zhen sighed several times, the more she sighed, the more excited she became.

I can free myself from the heavy lectures!

"Observe the sentiment of the people!" Xu Zhen laughed, and said to the students present, "Yes, I will take you to observe the sentiment of the people! Since you want to be an official, you must be a good official."

Before everyone could react, Xu Zhen said again: "For your homework today, just write about the people's livelihood issues! After you finish writing, bring them here. Tomorrow, we will go on a field trip."

After she finished speaking, she felt that the time was almost up, and she was in a very cheerful mood. She strode over the threshold and left quickly.

The students in the Tuliu Study Hall were sitting in rows. This group of students was both excited and bewildered.

"It is of course a good thing to be able to go out of the study hall to observe the people's sentiments." A female student broke the silence in the study hall. She frowned and talked with the people around her. "But what are the people's livelihood issues and field trips?"

The people next to him also didn't understand: "People's livelihood... should be the problem of people's fertility."

"..." The people around listened and expressed their agreement, and at the same time said, "Although this gentleman has good intentions, he is still an idiot after all, and he can't even articulate the words."

"That's it."

Xu Zhen didn't know that the words she said casually caused the students to guess.

She ran all the way to the back mountain to report on today's class.

Then he said with a smile: "Shan Zhang, Li Sanlang has returned to study, do you think it's time for me to—"

The head of the mountain also saw Li Sanlang.

And I heard that Li Sanlang really loves to study.

This is simply a fantasy!

But since Xu Zhen really did it, he didn't make too much trouble, and directly took out a bunch of copper coins from the drawer and threw them to Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen took it happily, feeling that her efforts had finally been rewarded.

Just as I was about to put it in my pocket, I realized something was wrong, so I took it out and counted the copper coins.

The head of the mountain stared and said angrily: "What are you counting? Am I still cheating you of money?!"

Xu Zhen hurriedly put aside the counted copper coins, and said, "No, no, I'm afraid that you gave too much to the head of the mountain. Didn't you say earlier that you will deduct my sister's tuition?"

Hearing the words, the head of the mountain calmed down and said, "Oh, that matter, she came a few days ago, handed in the bundle by herself, and then left again."

Xu Zhen was dumbfounded: "Bring it on your own? Where did she get the money?"

Shan Chang said: "This is your sister, you can ask her! How do I know." After he finished speaking, he recalled, and added, "Speaking of which, she was dressed in tatters, and her face was still covered with dirt. , are you abusing your sister?"

Xu Zhen hurriedly said, "How could I abuse you?"

The head of the mountain looked at her suspiciously.

Xu Zhen felt that she couldn't explain clearly, so she smirked a few times, and ran away quickly while the head of the mountain was not paying attention.

She took the string of coins and went to buy sake and minced meat. After cooking, she ate alone. While eating, she turned her head to look at the empty seats and reached out to touch them, but found nothing.

She misses the little beggar a little bit.

Although that person is a villain.

Xu Zhen thought for a while, and suddenly figured out one thing.

For the sake of the two of them, although I need to play the bad guy constantly, it doesn't mean that playing the bad guy doesn't mean I can't benefit the little beggar.

She can behave badly, but she can also accidentally leak some gold from her fingers and let the little beggar pick it up.

In this way, the little beggar can have a better life, and he doesn't have to worry about her having a good impression of him.

What the hell kind of idea is this, and it's great.

Xu Zhen was moved by her wit, and instantly felt refreshed.

She ran to the room to find the money bag, counted out two pieces of silver and fifty copper coins, stuffed them in, held them in her hands, ran to the door, and lay down on the low wall.

After waiting for a while, when the sun set to the west, the red sun poured out zigzag rays of light, and sprinkled a brilliant color on the ground.

Only then did he see the little beggar walking along the path from a distance.

She immediately jumped off the low wall, ran to the door and stood against the wall.

When the little beggar approached and opened the door, she came in.

Xu Zhen made a decisive decision, and the class B student snorted coldly, frowned and said sharply: "Why are you still here?"

As the sunset fell, Xun Qianchun shone like an evil ghost returning from blood.

She was carrying firewood, and after hearing the words, she paused in closing the door, then withdrew her hand, her expression unchanged, and looked up at Xu Zhen seriously.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Xu Zhen guessed that her behavior these past few days must have made the little beggar very sad.

Anyone would hate themselves.

Xu Zhen sighed silently inwardly, with a ferocious expression on her face, staring at the little beggar for a long time.

In the end, seeing that the little beggar still didn't speak, he had no choice but to continue directing and acting on his own.

Holding the money bag, she aimed at the little beggar's shoulder and threw it at the little beggar's shoulder, cursing, "Take your filthy money and get lost!"

After speaking, he ran into the house stepping, jumped on the bed and wrapped himself in the quilt, and kept moaning.

I'm such a bad guy.

How can I be so bad.

I really hate it...

At the door, the sunset is still dazzling.

Xun Qianchun's hair and clothes were illuminated in a bright red color, and his whole person was a bit more chilled.

She stared at the purse on the ground and stood silently.

After standing for a long time, she slowly squatted down, picked up the purse, opened the wooden door and left.

People who are hot in summer have already put on chest-length half-sleeved shirts, and the sky is getting dark, and the red afterglow is gradually spreading.

Two women were arguing, talking and laughing, and came out of a restaurant.

Xun Qianchun sat at the entrance of the alley and followed the prestige to look over.

She saw a woman in blue tugging at the sleeve of the woman in green with a smile.

The woman in the green shirt turned around angrily, frowned and cursed: "What are you doing!"

The woman in blue listened to her and said a few words in a low voice.

The woman in the green shirt blushed immediately, grabbed a sachet from her sleeve, slammed it on the shoulder of the woman in blue, and said angrily, "Get your stinky thing and get out!"

The woman in blue smiled and leaned over again, and said, "It stinks, I don't think you like it."

The woman in the green shirt was pushed down by her, and she didn't resist. She cursed softly, and the two left side by side.

Xun Qianchun watched silently, without saying a word.

After the two walked away, she picked up the money bag in her hand to look at it, looked at it for a while, and carefully hid the money bag in the hidden pocket at her waist.

The belt bulged, she reached out to pat it, stood up, looked at Xu Zhen's room again, and finally left slowly.