The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 15


That night Xu Zhen didn't sleep soundly, her mind was full of pictures of the little beggar coming over at dusk.

On the second day, her eyes were inexplicably swollen, so she got up and walked to the academy to teach.

I first collected the students' homework, and saw that there were a bunch of questions about how the common people increased their population. I felt a little confused, so I simply put it aside and took the students out to experience the people's sentiments.

"Since you want to become officials, you must start as local officials." Xu Zhen walked ahead and raised her voice to ask a few people, "What do you think the land under your jurisdiction should be like?"

The class B student shouted from behind: "If I come to govern, it will be harmonious and harmonious, and the people will be happy."

Not to be outdone, Li Sanlang said: "If it were me, I would definitely learn from Cao Gong, serve with five-color sticks, and not fear the powerful."

The younger brothers applauded one after another, saying that what Li Sanlang said was good.

The girl who had argued with Xu Zhen about Cao Mengde's behavior before was also on the trip today.

She didn't agree with Li Sanlang's speech, and objected: "If you are like this, how is it different from the tyrannical legalists?"

Although Li Sanlang has read a lot of books recently, he has too little experience with people. He only knows a five-color stick, and he doesn't know anything about Legalist tyranny. Naturally, he doesn't know how to answer, so he can only stare blankly.

Seeing this, the girl turned her head to look forward and said: "Rule the country with morality, and of course counties and counties should be governed by virtue, not by five-color sticks."

Li Sanlang was disdainful, and ran over to ask Xu Zhen: "How do you think the county should be governed?"

Xu Zhen smiled beside her but didn't speak.

Li Sanlang asked again.

Xu Zhen thought for a while and said, "What you said makes sense."

The girl didn't agree with this, so she also ran over and asked, "Sir, I can still agree with what you said earlier about Cao Mengde's meritorious deeds, but how can you still agree with the method of ruling the country with punishment? "

Xu Zhen was so tired from walking the mountain road that she didn't bother to talk to her, so she picked up a stone from the ground to deal with the girl.

The girl took a look at the stone and asked, "What do you mean, sir?"

Xu Zhen asked, "What do you think this is?"

The girl said, "It's a stone."

Xu Zhen said, "No, it's jade inside."

The girl was stunned: "How could it be jade, this is clearly a stone."

Xu Zhen said, "It's jade."

The girl said, "It's just a stone."

The two argued for a while, and finally reached the foot of the mountain along the mountain road. Xu Zhen's back hurt from walking, she looked around, and hurriedly picked a small path to walk to a flat place.

The girl still insisted behind her that this is a rock.

Xu Zhen had already recovered her breath. Seeing that she wanted to know the answer so much, she said earnestly, "How can you know whether it is jade or stone before you cut the stone?"

After hearing this, the girl was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "What you mean, sir, is that if you don't really manage the counties, you don't know which method is the most suitable?"

Xu Zhen didn't think about it at all.

Seeing the girl rounding things up for her, she quickly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes."

The girl's eyes lit up, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt it made sense, and she repeatedly praised: "Sir, you really have great insight."

The class B student originally thought that this girl looked down on Xu Zhen just like himself, but when she saw the girl praising Xu Zhen like this, she was immediately annoyed.

He rushed forward and said contemptuously: "What kind of insight is this! Isn't it the story of He Shibi in "Han Feizi"? Punishment is the harsh method of ministers, fine people and bad governance, and there are precedents. What is there to talk about?"

Xu Zhen asked: "Is Legalism completely useless?"

The students in Class B are Confucian students through and through.

He said: "Legalism regards Confucianism as a pest. What is the merit of this theory?"

Xu Zhen didn't speak.

She walked around with a few people, from the mountain road to the field, and saw a group of black people from a distance, wearing a bamboo hat, wearing black clothes, the clothes were stained with dirt, and the trouser legs were tied with hemp rope. They should be a group of farmers.

Li Sanlang next to him asked: "Sir, sir! Who are these people?"

Xu Zhen was playing with a stone in her hand, her original intention was to take the students out for a walk and to waste their time studying.

There is no lecture content prepared at all.

Seeing the previous scene, she stopped and thought for a moment, thinking that starting from the farmer, she might be able to promote the preciousness of food.

In ancient times, everything was lacking, and food was the most scarce. From time to time, there were famines and refugees, which was very pitiful.

She sighed inwardly, turned around and asked the students behind: "Does any of you know what that is doing?"

The students shook their heads and said they didn't know.

Xu Zhen asked the class B students again: "Do you know what's going on there?"

The students in Class B were named, and they were ashamed and said, "I don't know."

Xu Zhen asked, "Then do you want to know?"

The students in Class B thought that Xu Zhen knew about it, and although they were very reluctant, they still bowed their heads and said, "Please teach me, sir."

He really looked down on Xu Zhen.

Although this person does seem to be capable and eloquent, but thinking that he is a student in Class B, he will definitely be able to win the exam in the future, and this person is just an idiot. He has taught for two years and taught people stupid. I am superior to this gentleman.

Can such a person really bring any benefit to himself

The students in Class B are very skeptical.

He lowered his head and waited for a while, but he still didn't listen to Xu Zhen's explanation of the situation.

He looked up and was about to ask again.

Xu Zhen smiled and said, "Since that's the case, why don't you ask yourself what's going on?"

The faces of the students in Class B instantly collapsed, angrily feeling that Xu Zhen was humiliating herself again.

To inquire about the situation in person? What a joke.

I am a dignified scholar, but I went to question the farmer? Such behavior is ungentlemanlike!

He is unwilling.

But what Xu Zhen said that Confucianism emphasizes respecting teachers and elders made him completely unable to refute, so he had to walk over quickly with his head bowed, for fear that others would see his face.

Meanwhile, the rest of the students started whispering.

"What's in front of this?"

"Could it be that the farmland has been confiscated and there is a collective protest?"

"I don't think so."

After hearing this, Xu Zhen walked over to those people and asked, "Do you also want to know what happened?"

The students really wanted to know, but they didn't want to be rushed over by Xu Zhen to ask them humbly like the students in Class B, so they didn't answer Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen didn't care so much, and said directly: "Then you should go ask, come back and tell me what you asked, and if you answer correctly, you will get extra points for the third quiz this month."

Li Sanlang cheered when he heard the extra points, and immediately ran to the crowd.

The rest of the people were astonished and moved when they heard this, but they couldn't hold back their face.

But it would be a great joy if they could step into Class A after the extra points, so they pushed each other a few times and walked slowly towards the crowd.