The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 19


Xu Zhen didn't know that her disappearance had been discovered.

She squinted her eyes for a while at night, and when she got up, she thought that the head of the mountain would probably deduct her salary at this moment, and she didn't know if she would find out about her disappearance.

At dawn, she was disheveled and unreconciled to being tied up like this. When there was no movement outside, she secretly wanted to escape, but was quickly kicked back.

The little girl next to her laughed softly, "Don't even think about running away, it's impossible."

Xu Zhen asked, "Why?"

The little girl said: "Those two people know martial arts."

Xu Zhen thought: The little beggar also knows martial arts, so I don't know which one is better than these two.

After Mao hour, the sun was just rising, and two people changed outside.

Xu Zhen moved to the little girl's side and reminded: "If I didn't come to get it, you must remember the person who told me everything."

The little girl closed her eyes and said, "Don't worry."

Xu Zhen asked, "Do you still remember that person's appearance?"

The little girl said in a low voice, "He looks like a barbarian, with scars at the corners of his eyes."

Xu Zhen nodded: "Just remember."

After she finished speaking, she thought to herself: Then I will go to die.

After the shift outside was over, Xu Zhen poked her head out and lay on her stomach by the window.

This move immediately attracted a guard.

Taking advantage of the guard not recovering, she said to the guard, "I heard a strange thing yesterday."

Without waiting for the guard to react, Xu Zhen continued, "It turns out that the short-term workers here are monitoring each other, and if you make mistakes, you will be deducted the monthly salary. It's really interesting!"

The guard froze for a moment after hearing this.

"What did you say?"

Xu Zhen said: "Have you made a new rule recently? If the brother who guards with you makes a mistake, you tell the supervisor, and the monthly money he deducted will belong to you."

The guard was a little confused.

He had guarded the little kids for too long, and most of these kids were crying and wanting to go back. It was the first time they met someone like Xu Zhen, and they even gossiped with him.

And the content of this gossip is a little bit wrong.

If a colleague makes a small report, will the monthly fee be deducted

The guard thought about it carefully, recalled his monthly money, and found that his monthly money was indeed a little less recently.

Was it really a small report

Are you under surveillance

No, no, this person must be provoking!

The guard quickly came to his senses, picked up the cane, and planned to drive Xu Zhen in.

Xu Zhen quickly said again: "Don't hit me, you have been deducted coins, it's your brother's fault, why are you hitting me!"

The guard said, "You lied."

"Don't blame good people. I also overheard it yesterday." Xu Zhen said, "If you don't believe me, there is a very simple way to verify it."

The guard's movements paused, and he seemed a little moved.

Xu Zhen immediately said: "You can go outside for a while and then come back. When you come back, your brother will definitely leave for a while."

The guard frowned and asked, "Why?"

Xu Zhen said: "Because he wants someone in charge to look at your footprints! This will prove that you wandered around during work. After a long time, the footprints disappeared. How can he deduct your monthly payment?"

The guard was straight-minded, after listening to Xu Zhen's words, he thought about it for a while, then followed suit, and told the day laborer who was watching people together that it would be more convenient to go to the forest.

Another guard said hello, and then sat on the ground by himself.

After a while, Xu Zhen saw people walking away, and there was only one person outside the door.

Then she went out the window to greet the remaining person, and after recruiting that person, she asked, "Was there someone else just now?"

The remaining guards pushed the window directly, intending to close it.

Xu Zhen hurriedly leaned against the window and said, "I accidentally said the wrong place, can you tell him."

The man paused and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Zhen lamented: "Of course it's a place to hide money. I'm not here. I'm hungry. I just hid money under a nearby tree. I hope my big brother can do a good job and buy me something to eat."

When the man heard the money, his breath became short of breath.

Xu Zhen thought to herself, money really is everything.

She continued to make up: "Just now I told that elder brother about the tree in the east, and after careful recollection, I realized that it is not in the east, but in the west, a tree in the west! Hey! Look at my memory!"

The man hurriedly asked what kind of tree it was and what its characteristics were.

Xu Zhen told him one by one, and sincerely pleaded: "Big brother, there is not much money there, I give it to you, I just want to eat."

The man responded, and then immediately closed the window and used wood to block it from the outside.

Xu Zhen stood guard by the window.

After about half a stick of incense, someone outside started chatting, and the voice was noisy, probably a bit of a quarrel. After the noise gradually quieted down, there was a sound of running, and the windows were opened.

The first guard looked for Xu Zhen, and when he saw Xu Zhen, he hurriedly said, "That person really has to leave for a while!"

Almost done.

Xu Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

On the surface, I still have to work hard to act: "Who? Is it your big brother? Which direction is he going?"

The guard thought for a while and said, "Xi!"

Xu Zhen pretended to be ignorant, and asked in surprise, "Why did you go there?"

"Aren't sister's residence and the place where she descends the mountain all on the west side?" The guard became more and more panicked as he spoke, "He is really like this! Sir! What should I do?"

"What else can I do?" Xu Zhen sighed and commanded, "Chasing! If you don't chase, this month's money will be deducted!"

The guard thought it made sense, and ran westward.

After running a few steps, he suddenly turned back, dragged Xu Zhen out of the window, and then closed the window.

He said: "You and I, go to the other side of the management and make it clear, so that the true face of that villain will be revealed!"

"What??" Xu Zhen was a little dumbfounded, "Wait, wait."

Isn't this the past to die!

Xu Zhen wanted to stop, but it was too late.

She was roughly tied to the rope, and the guard did not soften her offer of advice.

A strong wind blew past, blowing up Xu Zhen's bangs and hitting her forehead, causing her a sudden headache.

She really didn't expect this development.

What she originally thought was to provoke the relationship between the two. If she was lucky, the two would leave the prison at the same time. If she was less lucky, the two would fight at the door, and she would look for an opportunity to pry open the door and leave.

But now this development—

Play off.

Xu Zhen made a tragic judgment.

The only good news is that some of the abducted children seem to be smart.

There is no one guarding it now.

I hope those few who seem smart can run out with the rest of the children.

What happened afterwards was completely out of Xu Zhen's control.

The guard caught up with the other, beat him up at first, then matched his confession somehow, and when he learned that Xu Zhen was cheating, he panicked.

The two quickly ran back to the prison.

The chain of the prison gate has been cut off, and there is no one inside.

After Xu Zhen saw it, she breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the coins she exchanged for her life should be stable.

While she was relieved, as expected, she was beaten with a hammer. Xu Zhen was so badly beaten that she vomited blood and almost cried.

She thought, when the little beggar was beaten, she must have felt so uncomfortable, but the little beggar was younger than herself, and she was able to hold back her tears, which is amazing.

The two beat her up, afraid of being punished, they threw her off the cliff and fled quickly.

Xu Zhen lay down on her stomach in a coma, and woke up after lying down for a while, and found herself lying on a tree halfway up the mountain.

She moved, only to faint from the pain again.

Before she fell into a coma, she thought, this system seems to be quite accurate, but this time, from her own point of view, it is really more ominous.

In the official road on the mountain forest, several students hurriedly searched for it.

"Have you seen Mr.?"

"No, it's going to rain heavily."

"Then let's go back first."

Several students whispered together and were overheard by Li Sanlang.

Li Sanlang scolded: "Mr. is still in danger, you have to retreat! What kind of officials will you be like in the future! In a blink of an eye, you will be deserters and betray the people!"

The student said with a bitter face, "Mr. may not be all right."

Li Sanlang scolded: "Her sister said, she was taken captive! Most likely she is a former farmer!"

Students want to refute.

Li Sanlang has already walked away quickly, and continued to search around, is there any place that is convenient for Tibetans.

A few people walked a few steps, and the dark clouds in the sky almost fell to the ground.

On the side of the road with overgrown forests, an old woman knelt on the dirt and cried loudly.

Ge Xi'er saw it, hesitated for a moment, stepped forward and asked, "Woman, why are you crying?"

The old woman knelt on the ground and wept.

Ge Xier's pink clothes were stained with dust, her face was heavy, and she asked, "Woman, if you've been here, can you see a young female gentleman wearing a white shirt on the left lapel?"

The old woman cried even worse, and said with a tight voice in her throat: "I can't see it. If I could see it, how could I lose my grandson."

Ge Xier asked: "You lost your grandson too?"

The old woman cried and fell to the ground.

The sky was even more oppressive, with white lights flashing in the clouds, and it looked like a rainstorm was about to fall at any moment.

Seeing that the old woman was crying and couldn't hear herself, Ge Xier took two steps closer and asked, "Wo! Where did you lose your grandson? Tell me! I will help you find her!"

The old woman didn't answer, just wept.

Ge Xier had no choice but to wait by the side.

Suddenly, the air was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe.

"It's going to rain heavily!" the student shouted, "No matter how bad Jiangling's matchmaker is, she won't let anyone get caught in the rain. Let's hide for now."

Li Sanlang wanted to curse again.

Suddenly, the sound of several people trampling the ground and running came from a distance.

Li Sanlang followed the sound, staring at it for a long time, and found that the people walking towards him seemed to be a group of children!

And it was a group of children in ragged clothes.

Where did this group of people come from

Deep mountains and old forests

Li Sanlang couldn't figure it out, so he told his classmates to continue looking for Xu Zhen.

The howling old woman yelled suddenly: "Ah!!"

Li Sanlang was startled, and looked at the old woman in panic.

The old woman got up, staggered towards the child, and shouted, "Grandson! My grandson!"

Among the children, there was a child who called out to him, shouting: "Grandma!!"

Li Sanlang was stunned for a while, but did not realize what was going on.

Ge Xier saw it.

She said to Li Sanlang, "It's Xu Xiaochun!"


After Li Sanlang asked, he saw it too.

He saw Xu Zhen's younger sister, Xu Xiaochun, standing on the top of the last hill, with ashes and blood on her face, raising her hand and wiping her cheek with her sleeve, like a wolf cub licking a wound.

The scar on this man's face was originally extremely fierce.

Now it seems that it doesn't feel that way anymore.

Li Sanlang vomited blood anxiously, ran over and shouted: "Hey!!"

Xun Qianchun looked down at him.

Li Sanlang shouted: "Where is Mr.?!"

Xun Qianchun said, "I don't know."

Li Sanlang didn't hear clearly: "What did you say?!!"

Xun Qianchun threw a stone down and hit Li Sanlang's soft stomach. Li Sanlang was repelled several steps, picked up the stone angrily and wanted to smash it back.

It was found that lines of characters were written on the stone.

"I'm looking for Mr., you send the children home, don't look for the county magistrate."

Li Sanlang was stunned for a while, then quickly stood up, wanting to ask Xun Qianchun where to find him.

But the wind was whistling in the valley, the shadows of the trees were swishing, and the black clouds were pressing down on the ground.

There was no one on the small rocky slope, only groups of children, crying and running towards him.

Xu Zhen was groggy, her consciousness was very unclear.

She heard the whistling wind, and the sound of heavy rain hitting the leaves, the crackling sound was loud, and the cold wind came from nowhere, and it made half of her body numb and unable to move at all.

She secretly opened her eyes to observe.

After observing for a while, I found that I was still alive, and I was in a cave. I don’t know what time it was outside, there was a little light, and it was almost invisible due to the dark clouds and rainstorm.

There seemed to be a person sitting at the door.

When Xu Zhen moved slightly, the man turned around, walked over, squatted down, and held her hand.

There are hard calluses on the palms of these hands. Xu Zhen touched them with her fingertips and asked, "Little beggar?"

Xun Qianchun did not answer.

Xu Zhen wanted to sit up, but her whole body hurt. She just said three words, and she felt sore throat, eye pain, chest pain, stomach pain, and she felt uncomfortable everywhere.

She wanted to ask how the little beggar was here.

Xun Qianchun held her hand, knelt on the ground, whispered into her ear, "Don't talk."

Warm air sprayed against Xu Zhen's ears.

Xu Zhen felt itchy, all the way from her ears to her chest and heart.

She moved her neck, and there was another sharp pain.

Xun Qianchun kept holding Xu Zhen's hand, kneeling beside her.

After being quiet for a long time, Xu Zhen was a little relieved.

She asked, "You... why are you here?"

Xun Qianchun said, "Looking for you."

A beam of light suddenly shot in from outside, even though it dissipated very quickly, Xu Zhen still saw the clothes on the little beggar's body, which were ripped apart and still wet.

This man is looking for himself.

The one I was looking for was covered in bruises, half of his face was covered in dirt, and he was in a mess.

Seeing it, Xu Zhen felt distressed again, and said out of breath, "No, it's not worth it."

"It's a good deal." After Xun Qianchun finished speaking, he added after a short pause, "You should live a long life."

Long live a hundred years old fart.

Xu Zhen thought, I have been told by the system that the survival rate is less than 10%. It is not certain whether I can survive three days, let alone a long life.

But it's about to die...

Although Xu Zhen's body hurts badly, her mind is still clear.

She thought of many things and suddenly regretted it.

I thought that if I took the stowaway system, as long as I accumulated enough merit points, I would be immortal, but I completely forgot that my life was stolen, so I will die as soon as I die.

She lived in this world for a day, and she earned enough. After living for so long, she had already earned enough.

Then why do you care about being hacked to death by the villain

My previous self was really stupid.

After Xu Zhen figured it out, she became even more sad. Seeing the little beggar Hua's face covered in dirt, she almost cried out.

She really wanted to tell the little beggar how much she missed her. She went out secretly to look for her in the middle of the night a few days ago. A person who eats seriously with his rice bowl.

But she didn't want to be so straightforward.

Xu Zhen resisted crying and said to Xun Qianchun: "I'm a little sad."

Xun Qianchun held her hand and stared at her silently.

Xu Zhen said, "I'm really, really sad."

Xun Qianchun said: "Don't be sad."

Xu Zhen endured it, but she was still very sad. After thinking for a while, she felt that she and the little beggar had always depended on each other, similar to the relationship between mother and daughter, but she did not give the little beggar the love she should have.

Other mothers would cook breakfast for their daughters, do the laundry, buy nice new clothes, and dress up like little princesses.

Whatever she did, she would only bring harm to the little beggar.

Xu Zhen's eyes filled with tears.

She wants to treat her little beggar better, to make herself look like a responsible and good mother, not what she was before.

She thought about it for a long time.

The rest are not very easy to do now, only giving good morning kisses and good night kisses is considered convenient.

Unfortunately, I still can't move.

Xu Zhen looked at Xun Qianchun, waited until the crying subsided a little, and she was able to speak, and begged pitifully, "Kiss me."

When Xun Qianchun heard this, his pupils shrank, and he squeezed Xu Zhen's hand a little harder.

She looked up at Xu Zhen, the emotion in her eyes was surging like a tide, but she quickly lowered her eyes, no longer showing any emotion.

Xu Zhen was in pain when she spoke, she breathed out a word, she slowly, just about to say, the face and forehead are fine.

At this time, the lips were covered with a layer of softness, and she saw that the little beggar's slender eyelashes were very close to her in an instant, almost overlapping with hers.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that her lips also began to hurt, as if she had been bitten or knocked.

Xu Zhen opened her eyes, looking at the beautiful dark blue in front of her.

Wait until the touch on the mouth disappears.

Xun Qianchun still looked at her, deep and persistent, there seemed to be an ocean that could drown people in his eyes.

Xu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, looked into Xun Qianchun's eyes, and after a long time, said slowly: "You kissed wrong."

Xun Qianchun responded.

Xu Zhen repeated: "Wrong kiss."

Xun Qianchun still pursed his lips, refusing to apologize.

Xu Zhen breathed out several times, she was so tired that she couldn't keep her eyes open.

But she still persisted in correcting her, and said, "You should kiss the face, and kiss again."

Xun Qianchun raised his head and looked at her silently.

Xu Zhen reminded her, but after the reminder, she felt a sore throat and pain everywhere, her mouth didn't hurt before, but now her mouth hurts too.

She was in so much pain that she thought, maybe she really couldn't do it.

Fortunately, those who were trafficked were rescued.

The little girl who asked me for help before seemed to be an honest person, as long as she was really willing to send coins, even if the little beggar lived alone in the future, she would not have to worry about money anymore.

At this time, there was also a warm touch on the face, the feeling of lips touching, even if you didn't see it, you could only feel it, but it still made your heart beat faster and your bones ached even more intensely.

Xu Zhen somehow felt that she felt better, not as uncomfortable as before.

She closed her eyes in relief, and thought painfully, it turned out that raising a daughter was such a happy thing.

The author has something to say: Are you crying sweetly! !