The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 20


Another day passed, and the rain gradually subsided.

The drizzle swayed among the leaves, and the wind in the cave was still strong, whistling into Xu Zhen's ears.

The little beggar went to nowhere.

Xu Zhen yelled, feeling her mouth hurt, tried her best to stick out her tongue to lick it, and found that her lip was bitten off at some point, and there was an opening, which was slightly concave.

It probably broke when we kissed yesterday.

Xu Zhen felt a little sad.

I was just overflowing with maternal love, and wanted the little beggar to kiss my cheek, so why did I kiss him.

This time the injury is added to the injury, it is simply abuse.

She lay half dead, feeling that she was about to die, but after a while, warmth gradually surged up in her body, and a stream of vitality flowed into her body continuously.

Xu Zhen was in a trance.

After a long time, I realized that this warmth came from the system.

She quickly turned on the system and was shocked when she saw the merit points on the homepage. She actually gained four hundred and fifty merit points! Including some saved from teaching and educating people, there are now a total of 600 points.

The newly entered more than 400 merit points continuously formed a kind of vitality, which directly injected fresh power into her expelling shell, making her no longer as uncomfortable as before.

It seems that I will not die.

Xu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and felt for the first time that doing good deeds is not entirely a task, but will be rewarded.

She lay peacefully.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of shoes trampling on the soil from the door.

It should be that the little beggar has returned.

She lay down and waited for a while, but no one came in at the door.

Xu Zhen turned her head and asked hoarsely, "Little beggar?"

No one cares.

Xu Zhen asked again: "Xun Qianchun?"

The wind is whistling.

Xu Zhen thought to herself, isn't it a little beggar

As soon as this idea came up, a person rushed in from outside, a dark-skinned farmer, and after seeing Xu Zhen, he ran out again, shouting somewhere: "Sister, she is here!"


Xu Zhen thought about it for a while, and then almost jumped up in fright.

Sister, isn't that the name of the trafficker

The traffickers are chasing you? ? How to catch up at such a critical moment, isn't this terrible!

Xu Zhen didn't have enough strength, so she could only lie on the ground.

She heard footsteps kicking outside, as if a thousand troops were coming, and her nervous heart immediately hung in her throat.

Oh my god.

Xu Zhen prayed, and suddenly remembered that she still had a system mall, so she quickly opened it, bought a pill to treat her injuries, and quickly swallowed it.

As soon as he swallowed it, the woman rushed in.

This man was accompanied by two strong strangers, all three of them were holding sticks and cane whips in their hands, they were menacing and glaring.

"Sister! This is the person! He lied to us and let go of the children in the dark cell!" the strong man shouted harshly.

The woman glanced at Xu Zhen, widened her eyes, and yelled angrily: "What are you doing in a daze! Hit her!"

Xu Zhen was startled again when she heard this, her heartbeat accelerated violently, and she watched helplessly as the man came over with the stick in his hand, and raised the stick to beat herself.

There was a gust of wind when the stick was raised.

Xu Zhen yelled frantically in her heart: The pill will take effect soon! ! !

The moment the stick fell.

Xu Zhen quickly gained strength in her hands, and the pill finally worked!

She was about to dodge when she was suddenly hit by a mass of black things all over her face, and the wooden stick made a dull sound when it hit the gun.

Xu Zhen was stunned for a moment, and was shocked to realize that it was the little beggar who rushed forward.

The little beggar is protecting herself!

Before Xu Zhen could sigh, the second stick was about to fall again.

She hugged the little beggar, kicked the man, and before the woman in front came back to her senses, she quickly ran towards the outside of the mountain.

The drizzle was blown on her face by the strong wind.

Xu Zhen couldn't open her eyes, she ran around casually, hugged the little beggar tightly in her arms, she didn't know where she ran, she couldn't run anymore, she stopped and leaned against the tree trunk and took a few breaths.

She looked back and saw no one.

He looked into his arms again.

Xun Qianchun pinched her hand, his lips moved, as if he had said something.

The wind was so loud that Xu Zhen couldn't hear clearly, so she rested for a while and continued to shoot up the mountain.

Xun Qianchun grabbed her sleeve and said, "Let me down."

Xu Zhen couldn't hear clearly, so she looked at the words on her lips for a long time, and cursed intermittently: "You, don't talk."

Xun Qianchun put his hand on her shoulder and pinched the back of her neck. Xu Zhen suddenly lost all strength and fell to the ground.

"It's an acupuncture point." Xun Qianchun explained, she jumped on the wet soil, her hair was covered with fine raindrops, she didn't say anything else, she just turned around and knelt down on one knee, looking like she wanted to carry Xu Zhen .

Xu Zhen gasped and said, "You can't move me."

After she finished speaking, she heard the sound of running again. The drizzle covered her face with droplets of water. Before she could wipe it off, she hurriedly stood up, holding the little beggar's hand and ran forward quickly.

Xun Qianchun ran fast and led the way.

The two found the mountain road, and Xun Qianchun said, "Turn over and you will be able to reach Jiangling."

Xu Zhen nodded and walked up. The mountain road was narrow and steep, and only one person could pass through it. Gravels kept falling down when stepping on it.

Xu Zhen turned her head and said to the little beggar, "Be careful."

Xun Qianchun nodded, stepped up first, and walked to the front, the gravel kept rolling down the cliff from the two people's feet, and the sound gradually became inaudible.

Xu Zhen supported Xun Qianchun with one hand to prevent her from falling directly after stepping on the air.

The two were close, so Xu Zhen moved closer and asked, "You were beaten just now, do you still feel pain?"

Xun Qianchun said, "It doesn't hurt."

Xu Zhen asked: "Then you know martial arts, why don't you hit them directly?"

Xun Qianchun said, "It's too late."

Xu Zhen asked, "Can you beat it?"

Xun Qianchun thought for a while: "In half a year, I will be able to fight."

That is to say, it cannot be beaten now.

Xu Zhen thought, this little beggar has finally learned a little bit, and knows how to save face, so she doesn't speak so directly.

When the two passed the hill, Xu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief when suddenly there was a sound behind her.

"Over there!" The man said with an open voice, "Quick! Catch up!"

"Don't let them run away!" followed by a woman's voice, "Especially that barbarian!"

Xu Zhen thought that the little beggar would not be able to beat this group of people, and when she heard the two menacing shouts, her knees went limp.

The mountain road was already small, and with the continuous rain and the slippery soil, she stepped on the ground before she stepped on it firmly, and her whole body fell heavily like a gravel that fell down the mountain earlier.

Xu Zhen scratched randomly on the hillside with both hands, but couldn't catch anything.

She felt the wind cut on her face.

Suddenly the wind stopped.

Xu Zhen looked up, and sure enough it was the little beggar who caught her.

"Run!" Xu Zhen said.

Xun Qianchun remained silent, and did not let go of Xu Zhen's hand. She grabbed a vine, gritted her teeth, and pulled Xu Zhen up with incomparable strength.

Xu Zhen saw blood coming out of Xun Qianchun's palm, and she didn't know which nerve was poked, and the tears rolled down uncontrollably. She knew that this was not the time to be moved, so she climbed up her legs vigorously.

The tall and fat woman below had two strong strangers behind her, seeing them in danger, she was very happy, shouted loudly, and climbed up together.

Xu Zhen couldn't help crying again, feeling that she was really the most useless traveler.

She grabbed the little beggar's hand and murmured to herself: "We are now in a life-and-death relationship. If I don't die this time, I will teach you how to be a good emperor. Being a villain is too hopeless, you If you are so kind, you should be a good emperor."

Xun Qianchun's eyes changed slightly, and he continued to exert force, his lips and finger joints were all white, and he couldn't see any blood.

The tears on Xu Zhen's face were dried by the wind, and they stuck tightly to her face.

The woman and the strong man in the back were almost in front of them.

To be caught.

Xu Zhen was very nervous. She tried her best to break free from the little beggar's hand, thinking that at least the little beggar would not be taken away, and she would not be able to sell it for a good price.

She is so sorry.

I regret that I didn't learn martial arts or something. Now that I encounter violations of law and discipline, I can only accept it.

The woman was no more than a hundred meters away from them.

Xu Zhen couldn't breathe nervously.

At this moment, a cry came from nowhere.

"Sir!!!" It was Li Sanlang's voice, "Sir!! We have found you!"

After Li Sanlang yelled, a familiar student yelled, "Sir! Don't worry there, we've got help!! I'm going to save you!!"

Finally, help came.

Xu Zhen finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't have the strength to speak out, so she could only raise her head and look at the little beggar eagerly, praying for her to be rescued soon so that the little beggar could be healed.

The woman saw the students on the hillside not far away, and there were a lot of them, her expression changed, and she quickly walked down the hill with her helpers.

After walking a few steps, he was immediately held down by officers and soldiers in blue.

Another group of people rushed to the top of the mountain and rescued Xu Zhen and the little beggar.

Xu Zhen gasped for breath on the ground for a while, and ran over to find the little beggar, seeing that the little beggar's hands were full of blood and mud, she hurriedly shouted: "Quick, get the medical staff!"

The vigorous three days finally calmed down.

Jiangling was still the same Jiangling, full of people, shouting and shouting on the street, some white cake sellers walked into the streets and went out again.

The children are running noisily, boats are floating on the river, and the red light is bright.

After leaving the medical hall, the two returned to Xu Zhen's home.

Xu Zhen sat on the ground, holding the little beggar's hand, which was bleeding and skinned before, it was unsightly, but now it was bandaged, like a rice dumpling made of white flour.

"Does it still hurt?" Xu Zhen asked.

The two sat together and had nothing to do but chat.

Xun Qianchun shook his head.

Xu Zhen asked, "Do you want to eat something?"

Xun Qianchun said, "No need."

Xu Zhen asked, "Do you want to hear me sing?"

Xun Qianchun looked up at her, but didn't speak.

Xu Zhen took her as her acquiescence, and sang to her the song "On the Water Side" in the Book of Songs. Although it was out of tune, the lyrics were correct.

After singing, Xu Zhen asked, "Does it sound good?"

Xun Qianchun said: "It sounds good."

Xu Zhen was stunned: "I'm out of tune, why do you still think it sounds good?"

"I don't know either." Xun Qianchun said, and after a while, he added slowly, "You speak better than others."

Xu Zhen's heart suddenly stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and she was speechless for a while. After a long time, she put down her hands, hugged her knees and said, "I, how can I be so good."

Xun Qianchun said: "It's good."

Xu Zhen said, "You're talking nonsense."

Xun Qianchun raised his head and looked at Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen asked, "What are you looking at?"

Xun Qianchun was silent for a moment, then said: "You swear better than others."

Xu Zhen wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

She sat on the ground and thought, such a good little beggar, she was really crazy back then, and drove her away because of a shitty novel plot.

She thought about it, she didn't know why her eyes were a little blurry, so she wiped her eyes with her sleeves, stood up, and said to Xun Qianchun, "You have a good rest."

Then turn around and get ready to cook.

Xun Qianchun also stood up behind him.

Xu Zhen turned around and asked, "What are you doing up?"

Xun Qianchun said, "Go back."

Xu Zhen asked, "Where are you going? Where do you live now?"

Xun Qianchun said, "Temples."

In the same place as before, people might still be able to live there before the ruined temple, but recently there are so many refugees, the little beggar must be bullied if he lives there.

Xu Zhen thought that it was because of herself that the little beggar was being bullied like this, and a pang of sourness suddenly emerged in her heart.

She quickly grabbed the little beggar's sleeve: "If you don't dislike it, you should continue to live with me."

Xun Qianchun looked at her silently.

Xu Zhen was a little nervous and asked, "Do you already have other friends outside?"

Xun Qianchun shook his head: "No."

Xu Zhen said: "Then you..."

Xun Qianchun asked: "Will you still let me go?"

Xu Zhen hastily swore: "No, absolutely not! Even if I get caught by you—what, I won't let you leave me again!"

After hearing this, Xun Qianchun's face changed slightly, and he turned away slowly, as if he had said something.

Seeing her move her lips, Xu Zhen leaned over and asked, "Do you agree?"

Xun Qianchun said, "Yes."

Xu Zhen said happily: "Then let's eat something good tonight, and I'll go out to buy meat."

Xun Qianchun raised his hand to touch Xu Zhen, and said slowly, "Okay."

The experience of these three days was thrilling to Xu Zhen, but it was still an ordinary three days to others.

Even so, there are still people who are happy and others who are sad.

Many people found their long-lost children back, and they were so happy that they burst into tears.

They couldn't believe it, and asked after the joy, what was the benefactor's name.

But the children all shook their heads, completely unaware.

"It must be the manifestation of the Bodhisattva." Those people ran out, knelt at the door, and kowtowed to the sky, "Thank you Bodhisattva, thank you Bodhisattva!"

At the same time, the county magistrate was sitting in the mansion, and suddenly received an imperial edict.

"The emperor's edict says..." the eunuch screamed, "The evil people in Jiangling are haunting and disturbing the princess..."

First he scolded Jiangling for having evil people, then he said that fortunately the princess was saved, and he was not punished too much, and he wanted to reward the woman who saved her life with a thousand taels of silver.

It's just that I don't know the name of the person, so I asked the county magistrate to find the person three days later and receive the reward.

The county magistrate was very worried after hearing this.

What abduction and trafficking of the princess, he still heard about it from others! !

The kidnapper was directly taken away by the blue-clothed guards, and he didn't pass by. There were also those children, who didn't know who rescued them, and couldn't even describe their appearance.

Does it make him look for a needle in a haystack

The county magistrate lost his hair worryingly, and paced up and down in the room.

After wandering around for a long time, I finally had an idea and suddenly thought of a good idea.

The author has something to say: Everyone should be aware that the 450 points of merit are 150 for kissing and 300 for saving people

It is updated every day, if there is an update in the middle of the night, it means that I am editing the article...