The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 25


Xu Zhen didn't bother to care about those Baihong students, and just continued to teach.

She opened the imperial examination test booklet and explained the content of Confucian historiography to the students. After a few lectures, it was time for a break at noon.

Several members of Baihong Academy got together and chatted.

"This autumn test, I think Wang Jiaerlang will definitely be able to get Xie Yuan."

"He does well in Fu and is familiar with Confucian scriptures, so he must not be bad."

"Everyone will definitely be able to win the exam. I didn't feel much about studying in Baihong before. I came to Qinglong Mountain and realized how good Baihong taught."

The students who were originally in Class E around them felt very uncomfortable after hearing this.

Although they are young, since Daqing changed the autumn examination to once a year, and the minimum age of five can take part in the imperial examination, this group of people have also taken the examination quite a few times.

However, the imperial examination is too difficult.

There were three thousand students from Taixue and Xueguan, as well as experienced elders who took the same exam. They were privately educated and had no advantage.

These students were already very worried about this autumn exam, and now they heard what Baihong Academy said, and they were instantly disheartened.

Xu Zhen also heard it.

She originally thought that the one who fought earlier was already the best, but she didn't expect that all the students in this group were like this.

No wonder the little beggar didn't like this group of people.

The autumn test is approaching, at most we can do some betting. If you want to prepare for economics, it will be too late.

As for betting questions, she is not familiar with the imperial examination questions of this dynasty, so she doesn't know if she can win the betting.

Xu Zhen was a little worried. After worrying for a while, she felt that she should not consider it for the time being.

She was going out to eat with the little beggar.

Ge Xier suddenly got up and ran up.

Xu Zhen didn't have a bad impression of this student who likes to ask questions. Seeing that her expression was normal, she didn't see any clues at all, so she asked, "What's wrong?"

Ge Xier said without hesitation: "Sir, I would like to ask about this autumn exam."

When the students around heard the word "Qiu Shi", they were no longer depressed, and they all looked over.

Xu Zhen immediately realized that this was psychological counseling before the college entrance examination.

She sat down on the seat again, took a cushion for Ge Xier and sat beside her, and asked, "What do you want to know?"

Ge Xier said: "When I heard Mr. talk about the way to be an official, I thought we could all stand out, but obviously we are average in knowledge and martial arts. Why do you think so?"

The Baihong Academy sneered after hearing this, and said behind him: "Your husband is comforting you, why do you need to ask?"

Ge Xi'er didn't respond, and continued: "Before, sir, I thought Cao Mengde was a good person, and my husband always had unique insights, so I wanted to ask him before the autumn test, but I saw something good in us, so I can't help you." Will you say that?"

After Ge Xier's words fell, many students around listened.

They didn't think that Xu Zhen had anything special before, and they even suspected that Xu Zhen was kneeling down by the Confucianism this time, just because a blind cat ran into a dead mouse.

But Ge Xier has the best homework in the class, and she is also well-off at home.

If she said that, then this gentleman must be really powerful.

While everyone was listening with bated breath, a gray bird flew into the study hall, hit the wall, flapped a few times and flew out again.

The silence was broken.

Xu Zhen thought that since she needed psychological counseling, she would naturally have to pour some chicken soup.

She looked at the students who were staring at her, and asked, "Do you know what kind of students are called good students?"

Most of the surrounding students did not speak.

Ge Xier sat the closest, and said, "I'm not a good student, am I?"

Xu Zhen asked, "Why do you think so?"

Ge Xier said: "Because I am not as good as Bai Hong in terms of reading, and I am not as good as Li Sanlang and Xu Xiaochun in terms of martial arts."

Although Baihong Academy is a private school, its teaching is indeed much better than that of Qinglong Mountain. These students have only been here for a day, and they are disgusted in various ways.

Shuo Baihong is divided into forty subjects, with more than thirty teachers, including Confucianism, calligraphy and painting, chidot, novels and so on.

And Qinglong Mountain has only three teachers, and only one subject of Confucian classics is taught. Students must all take the regular subject, and there is no possibility of free study.

As for martial arts, Li Sanlang was the next general. Xun Qianchun had beaten Li Sanlang when she first came here, and later when she went out to study, she searched through most of Jiangling by herself, and just now she suppressed the students of Baihong Academy very coolly.

Ge Xier admired Xun Qianchun very much, and felt that if this person had the opportunity in the future, he would definitely become a powerful military officer.

Xu Zhen didn't know that much, she only remembered what happened today, and felt that the little beggar was really amazing, and if she missed her hand casually, she would be remembered.

Such a person exudes his charm all the time, and he will indeed be the emperor in the future.

When she thought of this, she also thought of Ge Xier, Li Sanlang, and the little beggar. These three were all villains, and the only albino villain card she had received so far was Li Sanlang.

In other words, Ge Xier and Little Beggar may still have problems in the three views that have not been rectified, and may lead to mistakes in the future.

Xu Zhen was suddenly very sad, feeling that dangers were lurking around her.

After thinking for a while, she realized that she was still in the question-and-answer session in class, and quickly recalled Ge Xier's question.

Then, she asked Ge Xier: "Do you know which of Confucius' students are good students?"

Ge Xier said: "It should be like Yan Hui."

Xu Zhen said, "Yes, but Yan Hui is not the only one."

Ge Xier asked: "Is there anything else?"

Xu Zhen said: "In the advanced chapter, Confucius and four students sat down to discuss the Tao, do you remember?"

Ge Xier said: "I remember."

She thought that Xu Zhen was testing herself, so she said the content again.

The content of this article is that Confucius sat down with four students to discuss the Tao, and Confucius asked the students, if the king understands you, how do you plan to govern the country.

Zilu replied that he wanted to make the people of a country of a thousand chariots understand reason and have courage within three years.

Ran You said that the people under his management should no longer worry about food and clothing.

Gong Xihua said that he hopes that he can be a priest and master of ceremonies in this small country, and be in charge of etiquette.

Zeng Xi said that she hopes that in the country she governs, in spring, she and five or six young people can go to the river to bathe and enjoy the wind, and then go home singing.

Confucius finally agreed with Zeng Xi's statement.

"Although Confucius laughed at Zilu at the time, in the country Zilu finally governed, the people did their best, did not steal, and did not disturb the people. Ran You was good at financial management and helped Ji Shi with the reform of land tax. Gong Xihua became an envoy to Qi State. Fat horses and light fur." Xu Zhen said, "These people are all working hard to govern the country and have achieved certain results. These four students, who governed the country according to the teachings of Confucius, are naturally good students."

Ge Xier asked: "Sir, do you mean that as long as you have the intention to be a good official, you can be regarded as a good student?"

"It can be said that since you have ambitions, even if you haven't passed the autumn test this time, you will definitely have a good future in the future." Xu Zhenyu said earnestly, "So, don't give up, just do your best."

Ge Xier was moved after hearing this: "But sir..."

She didn't finish her sentence.

The student who fell from Class B earlier stood up and asked loudly: "Sir, didn't you say before that you can't govern a country with an empty brain! Why did you suddenly change your mind!"

Xu Zhen looked at him.

The student in Class B said again: "You said earlier that studying is not for the purpose of becoming an official. Why now, you start to agree with Confucius' point of view again!"

Xu Zhen asked: "When you have a goal, don't you just look at the goal instead of working hard?"

The students in Class B didn't respond: "What, what?"

Xu Zhen said again: "My brain is empty, so I stuff things into it."

After she finished speaking, she asked, "Why do you think that you are not a good student, and that you are worse than the state and county academy? Can you fail the autumn exam?"

There was no sound in the hall, no one spoke.

Xu Zhen stood up and said, "You are all the same. The students in the academy just read more books, or they got into the academy because of their luck. But why are they better than you in the academy? Could it be that they are taught by the master?" Okay? Or will you be smart after entering the academy??"

Several students looked ashamed, because they thought so before.

Now that Xu Zhen said this, they suddenly felt that they were not gentlemen, and their thoughts were too decadent.

Xu Zhen went on to say: "That's not the case, it's just that the people around them are all studying hard and showing their talents, so they have to work hard. But around you, most of them are fighting crickets, and for the sake of the academy's reputation. If you do these things, you might as well read a few more books."

She looked at the Baihong Academy and asked, "Do you think Baihong Academy is better than Taixue?"

The Baihong Academy's legs were weakened by Xu Zhen's words, and it took a long time before he stood up and said: "Comparison, I can't compare."

Xu Zhen asked again: "Do you think you are a good student?"

The Baihong Academy thought for a while, and replied: "I am familiar with the scriptures, and I don't think I am inferior to the Academy or even too learned."

Xu Zhen said: "Then I'm going to tell you now, the same policy question, Taixue and Xueguan can be the number one scholar, because the highest title is only the number one scholar, and you can't get into the Jinshi because your knowledge is not enough to be a Jinshi." level."

After hearing this, the member of Baihong Academy suddenly felt ashamed and angry, and his face turned red.

Some people around couldn't understand what Xu Zhen wanted to say, so they got up and asked, "Sir, are you trying to encourage us or belittle us?"

Xu Zhen smiled and said, "Of course I encourage you."

The student asked: "Then why do you want to dampen our enthusiasm?!"

"Because you can't learn enough, Baihong Academy, you are too conceited." Xu Zhen said, "Read more, and you will know the gap between yourself and others, instead of looking for comfort here."

When the students in Class E heard that Xu Zhen was helping them find a place, they were immediately moved.

There were those who disliked Xu Zhen before, including the students in Class B. After hearing this, they were speechless for a while.

The students in Class B have also encountered a lot of humiliation in the past few days.

At this moment, seeing Xu Zhen defending himself, he couldn't help shouting: "Sir..."

Xu Zhen interrupted him, and continued to say loudly: "As for those in Qinglong Mountain, you have been fighting crickets all the time, and your knowledge is even worse, so you have to study more, otherwise how can you become an official?!"

The emotion of the students in Class B and others dissipated immediately.

These few people thought silently: good atmosphere, can't this gentleman be more sensational...

"Aspiring students are already good students." Xu Zhen said, "Because you at least know where you want to go, how to be an official, and how to work hard for it. So what you need to do now is to study more. You only need to do Isn't it easy to achieve the goal with one thing!"

Those who had previously said that they would be officials gradually had tears in their eyes.

The first one shed tears, and the next few covered their faces and wept silently.

They came from a merchant family, and they said they wanted to be officials. No one ever took this sentence seriously, and they all thought they were joking.

Now Xu Zhen's tirade let them know that they are not hopeless.

And what needs to be done is so simple, only reading.

No one ever told them that.

They are poor students in the down and out academy, they are not valued.

They let themselves go for so long, only to realize today that they and Baihong Academy are the same small stream, and the difference between their two small streams and the most powerful Taixue is only reading.

Those from Baihong Academy were also very impressed.

They were not particularly good students in the academy before, but when they came to Qinglongshan Academy, they saw that the academy was dilapidated and most of the children were dudes, so they felt that they were superior to others.

But with this kind of mind, how can they continue to work hard, and if they don't work hard, what progress is there

While they are laughing at others, those who are too learned from the government may also be laughing at them.

Xu Zhen told the students about the previous county magistrate.

Ask them whether the county magistrate of Jiangling is a good official or a bad official.

If he is a good official, why did he judge the case in a muddled manner, which led to his dismissal by the Holy Majesty now.

If it is a bad official, why is Jiangling so peaceful under his governance, without any major casualties.

The students couldn't answer.

Xu Zhen concluded: "Read more, think more, and you will know it naturally."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the book and jumped off the podium to walk towards the door, her white robe curling up beautifully behind her.

There was a student behind her who hadn't come back to her senses, and hurriedly called her: "Sir! Where are you going? Are you leaving the lecture?!"

Xu Zhen walked to the door, stopped and looked back, and saw pairs of eyes eager to study.

He was looking at himself eagerly.

Xu Zhen was silent for a while, enjoying the atmosphere where everyone wanted to study.

But she was really hungry.

She thought for a while, and finally said: "The lesson of being an official is over for the time being. In the afternoon, I will continue to explain the imperial examination questions."

Then he turned around and waved his hands, leaving behind a chic back.

Everyone lamented that the get out of class was over. After a long time, someone yelled, "It turned out that get out of class was over a long time ago!! It's time for lunch!"