The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 26


After the lunch break, the students of Baihong Academy and Qinglongshan Academy were in a rare harmony.

The students of Qinglong Mountain have problems and don't understand.

The members of Baihong Academy were willing to take the initiative to answer it.

When Bai Hong asked Xu Zhen about the "way to be an official", the students of Qinglongshan told them about the content of their previous lectures, as well as going out for field trips, encountering quarrels with their aunt and daughter-in-law, their husband being kidnapped, and the county magistrate's muddle-headed judgments. .

Baihong Academy was secretly shocked.

They all memorized Confucian knowledge by rote, but they didn't expect the gentleman from Qinglong Mountain to be willing to talk about the philosophy of life.

Although gentlemen despise this kind of gentleman, who would not like this kind of teacher in terms of the fun of learning

The members of Baihong Academy suddenly felt that coming to Qinglong Mountain was not a bad choice.

Thinking that these are friends who will be my classmates for many years, the atmosphere in the school is more harmonious.

The scene in the school hall was so harmonious that when Li Sanlang and the boy who beat someone came back, they were a little confused and thought they were in the wrong class.

In the afternoon, Xu Zhen came back after eating, and spent a long time explaining half of the test questions.

Until after school, the students were still reluctant to give up and came up to ask Xu Zhen many questions.

Seeing this, Li Sanlang squeezed forward and shouted, "I am the one who wants to study seriously first, don't compete with me!"

Originally, Li Sanlang's followers laughed at him: "Sanlang! Since when studying has become your exclusive, we also want to learn!"

Li Sanlang asked in bewilderment; "You guys who love to fight crickets, what happened suddenly..."

The students asked for too long, and by the time everyone left, it was already very late.

On the way home, the sky was half dark and the roadside lights were already hung up. Xu Zhen held the little beggar's hand and looked down at Xun Qianchun from time to time.

After a while, she found a topic and asked, "Do you want to register for this year's autumn exam?"

Xun Qianchun said, "No need."

Xu Zhen guessed that the little beggar must be afraid of her identity being exposed. After all, her whole family was wiped out and she was the only survivor.

The current household registration is basically a false certificate bought with money. After being verified, it will soon be found to be faulty.

Xu Zhen then changed the subject, and said with a smile: "You said today that you don't like Bai Hong, I just scolded you back."

After hearing this, Xun Qianchun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smile.

Xu Zhen saw Xun Qianchun smile for the first time.

Shocked for a while, I couldn't believe my eyes: "Are you laughing? We've lived together for so long, it seems to be the first time I've seen you smile, can you show me another smile?"

Xun Qianchun touched the corner of his mouth.

Xu Zhen urged: "Laugh, laugh."

Xun Qianchun stopped and looked up at Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen asked: "Why do you have a wooden face again?" She hooked the corners of the little beggar's mouth with her fingers, making the corners of the little beggar's mouth upwards, seeing this funny picture, she laughed first.

There was also a hint of a smile in Xun Qianchun's eyes, but Xu Zhen didn't notice it.

The two continued to walk forward.

Xu Zhen grabbed a handful of vegetables and said that she wanted something delicious tonight, and then asked the little beggar how much she understood in today's class.

Xun Qianchun recounted more than half of the content of the imperial examination questions.

Xu Zhen smiled and boasted, "It's amazing."

At night, after the two of them took a bath, Xu Zhen ran into the little beggar's room and got under the quilt to read to the little beggar.

The door was suddenly knocked.

Xu Zhen put down the book, raised her spirits, and thought a little dazedly: Who could it be so late

She got off the quilt, casually rolled up a piece of clothing and draped it around her body, and went out to open the door.

Just as he took down the wooden bolt and opened the door, a familiar figure took two steps forward and shouted, "Mr. Xu!"

This man was holding a lamp in his hand, half of his face illuminated by the dim light, Xu Zhen took a moment to recognize it, it was the kneeling old woman!

Xu Zhen woke up quite a bit, and hurriedly walked over to help the old woman, helped her carry the lamp, and asked in a low voice, "Woman, why are you here now?"

The old woman's face was full of smiles, and she followed Xu Zhen inside: "I have something to say, I have something to tell you!"

"What's the rush?" Xu Zhen helped the old woman, took off the paper lantern after reaching the corridor, blew out the candle, and put the paper lantern by the door.

Xun Qianchun has been watching at the door.

Seeing that the old woman was holding Xu Zhen's sleeve, and the veins in her hands were bulging due to excitement, she took a step forward, held the old woman's hand and helped her into the room.

The old woman was very excited.

She almost ran all the way just now, and she gasped for breath after saying a few words, and she managed to catch her breath, and then she slowly said: "Mr.

Xu Zhen didn't realize which two things it was for a moment.

The old woman explained excitedly: "The Holy Majesty originally wanted to hold a state banquet after the autumn examination, but the matter of Hu Shi impersonating the leader earlier caused my husband to suffer a lot of grievances, so the Holy Majesty said, I want you to go to Chang'an immediately!"

Go to Chang'an Miansheng? !

Xu Zhen was taken aback. She crossed over without any ambitions, but just wanted to be a salted fish with merit. After meeting the little beggar, his ambition is a little bit bigger, and he wants to be a salted fish who can collect 50,000 points.

But suddenly going to Chang'an to face the Holy Spirit now

Miansheng, what does this mean

Xu Zhen didn't quite understand, but she knew that this was undoubtedly a very grand event.

The old woman saw that Xu Zhen was not very excited, so she said to her: "If you just attended the state banquet before, you might not see the Holy Majesty, but if you meet the Holy Majesty, you just go to the study and have a long talk!"

After Miansheng, if you are really talented, you will go straight to the top and become a powerful minister.

If you don't have much talent, as long as you don't offend the Holy Majesty, you can still get a good job in Chang'an.

As for those who offended His Majesty...

There is basically no need to think about leaving Chang'an anymore, and it is even difficult to leave the palace.

The old woman thought that Xu Zhen's talent would finally no longer need to be blinded, her heart was overwhelmed, and she grabbed Xu Zhen's hand and said a lot of words.

Finally, he said: "The Holy Majesty has already ordered you to go there immediately, and I want to see you in two days."

Xu Zhen was stunned and asked: "Wait a minute, what you said just now, does it mean that I can't go back to Jiangling after the face saint?"

"Of course, sir can rent out the house in Jiangling first." The old woman smiled and asked again, "Does sir still want to come back? Chang'an is a place that all living beings want to go to!"

Xu Zhen shook her head.

The old woman's complexion changed suddenly, and she whispered, "Sir, what do you mean?"

Xu Zhen said: "My students are about to have their autumn exams. I'll go there now. I'm afraid the academy..."

The old woman said: "Sir, don't worry. If you leave Qinglongshan Academy, the Holy One will naturally subsidize the academy. Your mountain chief left recently because the Holy One gave you a reward."

Xu Zhen thought for a while, and felt as if she had discovered some blind spot.

The old woman highlighted the key points for her: "You mountain chief, you have recently received a reward!"

The implication is that Xu Zhen has been sold by the head of the mountain.

Xu Zhen wants to cry but has no tears.

She cursed in her heart: Shanzhang, Shanzhang, I will work for you, but you sold me out anyway.

Now it seems that it is impossible not to go.

Xu Zhen couldn't help thinking about costume dramas, thinking that if she went to a place like Chang'an, no matter how you looked at it, she would be dead without a whole body. Even if she was a time-traveler and systematic, she would still be a waste. How dare she challenge the highest authority here.

She grabbed the old woman's hand, sighed deeply, and was about to talk about her thoughts.

Suddenly she thought of another thing.

That's the little beggar—

If she remembers correctly, the little beggar was the general who was exterminated a few years ago, and only the little beggar escaped by herself.

What if I ran to Chang'an and was discovered by accident. The little beggar's blue eyes are attractive enough, and there are no contact lenses to hide his identity these days.

Once discovered, report to the superiors, and the little beggar can basically bid farewell to this stable life.

So I have even more reason not to go to Chang'an!

Xu Zhen grabbed the old woman's hand and said sadly, "I, can I not go!"

The old woman said in a deep voice: "Mr. Xu, I know that you are noble and unwilling to enter the world, but this matter should not be trifled with. You have already gained a reputation for saving people, and you cannot back down. Besides, you know what happened to the last person who refused the Holy Spirit ?"

Xu Zhen asked tremblingly, "What's the end?"

The old woman said: "The whole family was punished."

Xu Zhen almost fell off the stool: "Don't you love Confucianism and Taoism? Why are you still so... Legalist?"

The old woman naturally knew that the Holy Majesty's temper was somewhat cruel.

She let out a long sigh, turned her head to look at Xu Zhen, looked at Xu Zhen, thought of the previous incident in Guannan, and suddenly couldn't help crying.

She covered her eyes and said: "Sir, you are really high-spirited and upright. I was confused for a while, thinking that those who study are all thinking of becoming an official in the end, but I forgot that Mr. is not such a person."

Xu Zhen quickly handed her a handkerchief.

At this time, it's not that she can't go, but the identity of the little beggar is too dangerous, should she leave the little beggar alone in Jiangling

Xu Zhen could only think of this idea at the moment.

She glanced at Xun Qianchun.

Xun Qianchun took her hand and said calmly, "I'm with you."

Xu Zhen asked, "Are you going to Chang'an too?"

Xun Qianchun said, "Yes."

Xu Zhen opened her mouth, then closed it again, without asking "what if I get caught".

Seeing that Xun Qianchun agreed, the old woman quickly wiped away her tears and asked Xu Zhen, "How is it, sir?"

What else can Xu Zhen do

The little beggar agreed, and she was sold by the head of the mountain, so of course she had to pass.

As for what to do in the future, she really has no idea at all.

Xu Zhen began to feel melancholy again.

The old woman seemed to see her distress, and said: "Sir, don't worry, I will go forward with you, and when we arrive in Chang'an, we will definitely make arrangements."

Xu Zhen nodded.

The old woman said: "Time is running out, so I will pick you up tomorrow morning."

She got up as she spoke, and went out with a lamp to leave.

Before leaving, she turned around, her old face was covered with tears at some point, and she said to Xu Zhen: "Sir, you said earlier that the truth cannot be stopped. This sentence is true."

She held the lamp tremblingly and said, "The truth of the Guannan incident has finally been revealed, and sir, you have done good deeds, but you have not been impersonated in the end. This cannot be covered up."

The old woman's voice was choked with sobs: "Sir, you were falsely claimed credit at the time, but you were so ordinary. How can ordinary people have such courage? When you arrive in Chang'an..."

She didn't continue, but bowed and covered her face, and after Xun Qianchun lit the lamp wick, she quickly left with the lamp.

It was windy at night, Xu Zhen watched the old woman leave, and took the little beggar back to the house to sleep.

The two recently slept in the same bed.

While lying on the bed, she asked the little beggar, "Are you really willing to go to Chang'an?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Yes."

Xu Zhen opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't help asking: "Aren't you worried?"

Xun Qianchun looked at her sideways.

Xu Zhen thought that the little beggar would not want to answer.

She quickly said, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask."

Xun Qianchun stretched out his hand and drew out a handful of red and green things from under the pillow with his fingers.

Xu Zhen leaned over to look, saw that it was the small sword named Hongyue, picked it up and asked: "What's wrong?"

Xun Qianchun was silent for a while, then said: "Leave tomorrow morning, don't forget to bring this."

Xu Zhen laughed straight after hearing this, turned over and put the little sword against her chest, and said, "I will never forget it."

The two chatted nonsense for a while, and after a while, they squeezed into a quilt and fell asleep.

The wind blows at night, but it is just a warm wind, which makes people's eyes hot.

Xun Qianchun didn't fall asleep, she got up, sat on the quilt, watched Xu Zhen sleeping for a while, stretched out her finger to touch her lips, retracted it, and stared at her fingertips for a while.

A nightingale is singing outside.

She looked up at the moon and saw that it was already three o'clock, so she got off the bed and took a walk under the bamboo forest against the warm night wind.

Under the illumination of the full moon, she slowly stepped on the stone ladder, climbed all the way, and came to the small dirt bag.

She caressed the small stone tablet on the soil bag, touched the first letter, and then the small letter.

After a long time, Xun Qianchun said in a low voice, "Mum, I'm going back to Chang'an."

She suppressed her voice, knelt and leaned in front of the stele, and said a lot of words in a low voice, which was Xianbei dialect, which ordinary people could not understand.

But behind the bamboo forest, someone who could understand stood up and talked to her.

The man also asked in Xianbei: "If you go to Chang'an, you may die."

Xun Qianchun straightened up, turned around to look, saw the man's face, and said in a low voice: "I don't care."

The man hid behind the bamboo forest and asked, "Is it worth doing this for a teacher?"

When Xun Qianchun heard this person mention Xu Zhen, he couldn't help laughing.

She seldom smiles on weekdays, but she has laughed twice today.

The person on the opposite side obviously didn't expect it either. After seeing Xun Qianchun smile, she was very shocked and said: "You have become different."

Xun Qianchun did not speak.

The man asked again, "Is it worth it?"

Xun Qianchun said, "It's worth it."

The man asked: "She expelled you, beat you, and insulted you earlier. Is it worth it?"

Xun Qianchun said: "This person is different. I am willing to do anything she does to me. If she wants my life, I will give it with both hands."

The man on the other side was silent.

Xun Qianchun said again: "I would like to follow her, just like a disciple of Confucius, following Confucius."

After a moment of silence, the person on the opposite side said, "Your following doesn't seem to be like this."

Xun Qianchun nodded and said, "Maybe there is a little gap." After she finished speaking, she was ready to leave.

Before leaving, the man called her to stop and asked inexplicably, "Don't you think you pay too much attention to this man? It's just a woman, a woman who teaches."

Xun Qianchun didn't answer, and walked straight and lonely down the mountain along the path illuminated by the moonlight.

Early the next morning, when Xu Zhen was in a daze of sleep, she heard a horse's hooves neighing outside.

She was about to scold someone for being such a nuisance to the people.

Suddenly I heard a little beggar beside her calling her: "It's time to go to Chang'an."

It was only then that Xu Zhen remembered that she was going on a long trip today. She rubbed her eyes and got up, dressed and brushed her teeth with difficulty, packed her package, walked out the door, and saw that the old woman had found a carriage to stop at the door.

They were carried in a bamboo carriage, with light brown bamboo strips lined up in rows, with two brown deer printed on it, and a square roof.

There is a woman driving at the door of the car, wearing a bamboo hat.

The old woman sat inside and called Xu Zhen to get on the car from the window.

Xu Zhen nodded to greet her, stepped on the steps and raised the bamboo curtain, and was about to go in, when she suddenly thought of something, she hurried out again, straightened her body and looked at the entrance of the alley.

Early in the morning, the sun just came out a little, and a large piece of fog shrouded the sky over Jiangling, and a dark thing was vaguely revealed at the entrance of the alley a hundred meters away.

Xu Zhen looked over and felt that she couldn't see clearly, so she asked the little beggar beside her, "Look at that black piece, what is it? Is it a person?"

Standing under the car, Xun Qianchun turned his head and said, "Yes, he is a student of Class E."

"Li Sanlang and the others?" Xu Zhen asked, "Is this group of people coming to see me off? How do they know I'm leaving?"

As Xu Zhen spoke, she waved her hands at the black mass.

The old woman leaned out and asked, "What's behind?"

Xu Zhen said, "It seems to be my students."

The old woman said: "It's amazing, are they all your students?"

Xu Zhen said: "Yes, they are all a group of great people in the future."

The old woman sighed and said: "I heard that Jiangling is a lot of riches, but I didn't expect to be willing to see you off. It seems that you respect the teacher very much. I hope to see them in Chang'an in the future."

Xu Zhen thought: Ge Xier might really appear in Chang'an in the future, after all, she is also a villain who wants to rebel.

She waited for a while, but the students hadn't arrived yet.

The old woman urged: "When it is dawn, you should queue up when you leave the city gate. Get in the car."

Xu Zhen said, "Wait for me a little longer."

The old woman followed and waited for a while.

The students finally ran to the front and shouted loudly: "Sir! Sir!! Why are you leaving!"

Li Sanlang yelled the loudest: "Sir, you haven't taught me economics yet! Why are you leaving!"

Ge Xi'er watched from the side without saying a word, with tears in her eyes.

There are also a few students from Baihong Academy, although they only took Xu Zhen's class, they were shocked by the chicken soup. Now that Xu Zhen is going to Chang'an Miansheng, everyone understands that this gentleman will not return to Jiangling.

Everyone was overwhelmed with emotion for a moment, speechless, just ran after Li Sanlang.

Xu Zhen shouted: "Students!"

Li Sanlang cried, "Sir!"

Xu Zhen said, "I'm going to Chang'an!"

Several students cried together: "Sir!!"

The sky was bright again, with a golden light shining through the dark clouds.

The old woman said: "It's too late." As she spoke, she asked the girl driving Xu Zhen to pull Xu Zhen into the carriage.

Xun Qianchun stood there for a while, helping to pull Xu Zhen into the car.

Xu Zhen had no choice but to run to the car.

Li Sanlang chased after him and shouted: "Sir! Are you still coming back!"

The carriage drove and started.

Xu Zhen opened her mouth and took a mouthful of wind, but she couldn't answer.

The students in the back ran closer, and then moved away.

Xu Zhen saw Li Sanlang, Ge Xier, Bai Hong's students, and that class B student who always looked down on her.

She smiled, leaned out of the window and beckoned, "You guys take the autumn exam well. If you do well in the exam, we will be able to meet in Chang'an next spring!"

The students also stood there and waved. They were reserved, and most of them didn't want to shout loudly. They just looked at Xu Zhen from the same place.

Li Sanlang shouted: "Sir!"

The carriage was driving non-stop, the scenery outside the window was so fast that it was almost impossible to see clearly, and the bamboo mat under him was bumping and shaking.

Xu Zhen kept looking out of the window, and saw people coming out of the next room, scolding Li Sanlang for being too loud and making trouble so early in the morning.

She laughed out loud.

After she could no longer see anyone, Xu Zhen got back into the car and continued watching from the rear window.

As far as the eyes can see, Jiangling is swaying in the wind.

The author has something to say: woo woo woo can be regarded as a copy

Recommend my friend’s western fantasy lily article, if you are interested, you can read it~ "Wizard Love Notes" by Yin Hanshan