The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 27


The summer morning was sweltering, the carriage was driving fast, and the misty sky quickly covered a large area of the scenery, covering the figures of Li Sanlang and the others, from black to dark gray and then to a barely visible circle At one point, the gate of the city engraved with big characters of Jiangling gradually became unclear.

The carriage bumped towards the official road.

Walking between the fields, another group of people ran out and stopped in front of the car.

Xu Zhen looked around and found that it was the farmers whom she had met during the classroom time. Several people wearing bamboo hats were kneeling on the ground, thanking Xu Zhen for helping to expose the corrupt officials and county magistrates. They kowtowed to see Xu Zhen off from a distance, Xu Zhen waved to them, and then some children ran out, and some people Xu Zhen had helped before shouted "Mr. Xu" from behind.

It was only then that Xu Zhen realized that she had already met so many people in Jiangling.

She lay on the rear window and said goodbye to the group.

After the scenery from the rear window was blurred and completely invisible, she finally turned around and sat down obediently.

In the carriage, the old woman is making tea.

Seeing Xu Zhen turning around, she smiled and said, "Mr. Xu is a famous man in Jiangling."

Xu Zhen hurriedly said: "I can't be considered a famous person. I'm just a teacher, and I haven't taught well yet."

The old woman shook her head and said, "It's impossible for ordinary gentlemen to let the students come to see them off."

She told Xu Zhen about the husband she met.

Most of those gentlemen lectured in front of books, and students would ask questions if they didn’t understand. The more famous the gentleman, the less he said. Everyone followed Confucius’ style and advocated that students should think and ask questions independently.

But this kind of teaching method does not seem to restrain nature, but it has many disadvantages.

If students do not ask questions, teaching cannot proceed. Therefore, only a small number of gifted students can be taught well, and most students do not like teachers who teach in this way.

The inside of the car is already filled with the fragrance of tea, bamboo mats are spread on the wooden boards of the car, a small square table is placed in the middle of the car, and round bamboo cushions are placed around it, and a cursive calligraphy work is hung on the wall, following the bumps of the wheels Shake gently.

The carriage gallops across the field.

The old woman brought tea to the two of them, feeling that the car was too stuffy, so she raised the bamboo curtain and sat outside to enjoy the air.

Only Xu Zhen and Xun Qianchun were left in the car.

Xu Zhen had been sitting in the car for a long time, and her back ached a long time ago. Seeing the old woman going out now, she no longer restrained herself, and immediately straightened her body and lay down on the ground.

The old woman and the coachman seemed to be chatting outside the carriage, but Xu Zhen couldn't hear clearly.

Inside the carriage, it was too quiet.

Xu Zhen couldn't bear it, and moved over to talk to the little beggar.

"Have you ever been to Chang'an?"

After she finished asking, she thought that the little beggar's family was punished, so maybe she didn't want to bring up this sad incident.

But Xun Qianchun still answered her: "I have been."

Xu Zhen was a little surprised.

She sat up with her hands propped up and asked, "How long will it take for Jiangling to go to Chang'an?"

Xun Qianchun said: "If you hurry up, one day will be enough."

After hearing this, Xu Zhen cautiously said: "Did you live in Chang'an before?"

Xun Qianchun didn't hide it, and said, "Yes."

Xu Zhen asked, "What is Chang'an like?"

Xun Qianchun gave her a rough description, Chang'an is red, the emperor loves big red, so he painted the palace walls of Chang'an into vermilion, and the mansions and private houses of all officials into orange red, which is very festive. When it snows in winter, it is covered by white snow. Live scenes are the most memorable.

After Xu Zhen heard this, she imagined the scene of Ruixue covering the capital.

She thought of the identity of the little beggar, and asked, "Since you came from Chang'an, why did you go back?"

Xun Qianchun was silent for a while.

Xu Zhen asked: "There must be something in Chang'an that you don't like. In fact, you didn't have to follow me before. You can stay in Jiangling, and I will live in that house for you."

Xun Qianchun shook his head.

Xu Zhen asked, "What's wrong? Why?"

Xun Qianchun said: "I just, want to be with you."

When Xu Zhen heard this, she felt a little embarrassed.

She waited for her mood to calm down, and was about to open her mouth to continue asking.

Xun Qianchun said again: "Besides, I live in Jiangling. Recently, I'm not very happy."

Xu Zhen asked suspiciously: "Why are you unhappy? Is it because of the students of Baihong Academy? Or the autumn exam?"

Xun Qianchun said: "None."

Xu Zhen asked, "Why is that?"

Xun Qianchun looked at Xu Zhen for a while and said, "I don't know. It seems that the students in the academy depend on you."

Xu Zhen didn't understand: "Do you feel unhappy when others rely on me?"

Xun Qianchun thought for a while and said, "Yes."

Xu Zhen asked, "Are you jealous?"

Xun Qianchun asked: "What is jealousy?"

Xu Zhen explained: "I just feel that I was distracted by others and no longer value you, so I feel sore in my heart. Did you feel sore before?"

Xun Qianchun touched his chest.

"It's hard," she said.

Xu Zhen sighed inwardly, leaned next to her and swore: "I taught before, so it was inevitable that I would be like this. If I don't teach in the future, I will just play with you every day. Don't feel bad."

Xun Qianchun looked up at Xu Zhen.

After Xu Zhen said it, she regretted it, fearing that the little beggar's affection for her would rise too high.

Then I thought, it doesn't matter, as long as I have accumulated enough 50,000 merit points earlier.

She smiled at Xun Qianchun.

Xun Qianchun met Xu Zhen's smile, her eyes gradually softened, she lowered her eyes, and said slowly: "I believe that you are the only one."

After saying this, Xun Qianchun's heart was shaken again.

She touched her chest and thought to herself, so this is jealousy.

In the night, there was a cloud of humidity, and the woods were covered with gray. The coachman pressed the brim of his bamboo hat and tried to light a fire outside.

Xun Qianchun tied the corners of her clothes into her belt, exposing her slender legs, and jumped out of the car to help. She went to the forest to collect firewood, chopped it into fine firewood, and found dry land to put it down.

The coachman sat beside her to stir the fire, and after a while, he glanced at Xun Qianchun and said, "You are very powerful."

Xun Qianchun didn't answer.

The coachman asked, "Where did you learn Kung Fu?"

Xun Qianchun said: "It's a family tradition."

The coachman said, "This kung fu seems to belong to the Xun family. What's your name?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Xu Xiaochun."

Coachman: "Good name."

Xun Qianchun: "Thank you."

The two heated up the dry wood, controlled the range, and placed the black pot.

Xu Zhen raised the bamboo curtain, and seeing the hot scene, she suddenly felt that she was sweating all over. She waved her hand to fan the heat, and after thinning the white mist, she got out of the car first, and then helped the old woman down.

There are dark shadows in the woods, and the soil has been exposed to the sun for a day, and it hurts people's feet after stepping on it.

Xu Zhen and the old woman stayed away from the fire.

Xun Qianchun stayed close to the driver and cooked dinner.

The old woman sat leaning against a tree, and took the time to ask Xu Zhen: "That blue-eyed barbarian boy, who are you?"

Xu Zhen compiled the identity on the household registration and said: "It's my half-sister."

The old woman sighed and said, "I didn't notice it before, and I just remembered when I got in the car. The Holy Majesty doesn't like Hu people very much... A few years ago, a military officer took Hu people's concubines, and later treason for it."

When Xu Zhen heard it, she felt that it was referring to the little beggar's family.

The old woman said: "Therefore, with this barbarian, you may encounter some troubles."

Xu Zhen asked: "Will it be better if you don't bring her into the palace?"

The old woman said: "If the sage doesn't like it, Chang'an doesn't like it."

In other words, entering the city may be a bit troublesome.

In fact, Xu Zhen has been worrying about this matter.

Although the angles of sorrow are different, they are all thinking about how to cover up the identity of the little beggar.

She was sad until she finished eating, went to bed sad, and got up sad.

The carriage rattled forward.

Cross the official road, cross a spacious river, and step on a petal-filled avenue from the countryside.

The old woman said to the two of them, "We are almost in Chang'an."

Xu Zhen poked her head out to look.

There were more and more pedestrians on both sides, some were walking with loads on their shoulders, some were also driving in horse-drawn carriages, and some were sitting on the side of the road drinking and drinking tea.

Those sitting in the wine shop were mostly unrestrained people wearing a toga. When these people saw them, they raised their heads and waved fans at them.

Going further, I gradually saw a more gorgeous and extravagant scene.

This kind of extravagance is different from the decadence in Jiangling. Chang'an's prosperity is full of enthusiasm. There are many people here, and everyone dresses gorgeously, using the most expensive things to pretend to be expensive.

The closer to the city gate, the more people there will be. Splendid silkworm clothes, heavy traffic.

After checking the household registration, the car entered Chang'an's driveway.

People frolicking in the street, the flags fluttering in the wind at the gate of the restaurant, the sound of hawking fluctuates, four or five painted boats on the river pass by calmly, and the sound of drums and zithers can be heard from inside.

The morning clock strikes, boom-boom-

Looking at this scene, Xu Zhen thought of the Qingming River Scene in the Northern Song Dynasty for a while, and finally stopped worrying. Her mind was shaken, and she felt the magnificent scene of mountains and rivers.

The wind with the fragrance of flowers blew across her cheeks, and she slowly retracted into the car.

The old woman brought tea and asked with a smile, "Is Chang'an not bad?"

Xu Zhen nodded.

The old woman said: "This time I came in time, I will go into the palace and report to the Holy Majesty, and I should be able to face the Holy Spirit tomorrow morning."

Xu Zhen was not ready yet, looking at the old woman, she dared not speak.

The old woman said with a smile: "Mr. Why did you come all the way here, but you talk less, are you nervous?"

Xu Zhen said, "There are indeed some."

"Don't be nervous. It is inevitable that you will be appreciated after entering the palace with your knowledge." The old woman said, "It is just that you need to wait another day."

Xu Zhen thought to herself: I don't care if I wait a hundred days.

After the old woman explained, she led the two of them to a restaurant.

She explained that her family is small and the place arranged for Xu Zhen has not been vacated yet, so she can only live in a restaurant for the time being.

The restaurant is the best restaurant in Chang'an.

The height of the four-story building has a garden corridor bridge inside, and flowers and green grass are planted around it, exuding fresh fragrance.

Xu Zhen and Xun Qianchun lived on the second floor.

The old woman sat inside and gave several instructions about tomorrow's face saint, then left in a hurry, saying that she would go to the palace to say something.

Wait for the old woman to leave.

Xun Qianchun walked aside and began to pack his luggage.

Xu Zhen sat for a while and asked Xun Qianchun: "Do you think there is anything interesting about Chang'an?"

Xun Qianchun took out the books from the luggage and placed them on the table.

Xu Zhen recalled the content of the plot that she remembered, and asked, "Is there anything like playing ball or singing?"

Xun Qianchun said, "Yes."

Xu Zhen asked, "How was it?"

Xun Qianchun said, "I haven't seen it before." After she finished speaking, she added, "It's played by nobles."

Xu Zhen expressed her understanding.

She asked again: "Then what can be played on the street?"

Xun Qianchun said, "Look at the lantern."

Xu Zhen thought it should be something like a light show, she didn't plan to go out, so she asked Xun Qianchun to tell herself.

Xun Qianchun spoke slowly.

She said: "During the festival, in the attic of the restaurant, singers perform and literati sing poems."

Xu Zhen said, "It sounds quite lively."

Xun Qianchun said: "If you have a lover, you can sing your own love poems. If the other party understands, you can open the windows of your house at night and have a tryst."

so exciting...

Xu Zhen was silent for a while, and then expressed her opinion: "I didn't expect the Chang'an people to be quite good at playing."

Xun Qianchun smiled slightly.

Xu Zhen lowered her head to play with the tea leaves, but she didn't see them. When she looked up, she only saw a round silvery white moon outside, and the brightly lit street market that almost turned into daylight.

Some people could vaguely hear singing and laughing.

Xu Zhen asked: "Is today the day to watch the lanterns? Why is it so quiet here, but it sounds quite lively next door."

Xun Qianchun explained: "Everyone is afraid that the singing of love songs will be too scattered, and the lovers will be mistaken, so they watch the lanterns in different regions."

Xu Zhen was stunned for a while, and sighed: "Chang'an people are really worried about the tryst."

The commotion outside got louder.

Xu Zhen ran out of the window to watch, and saw the bright yellow light that was almost on fire in the distance, and felt itchy for a while.

She heard someone singing a love song: "The reeds are luxuriant, and the dew is not yet clear. The so-called Iraqis are in the water." It is long and beautiful, and it is the call of a woman's tenderness.

Xun Qianchun folded the clothes and put them on the cabinet on tiptoe. When he turned around, he saw Xu Zhen listening to music by the window.

Then he ran over and said, "We can go down and have a look."

Xu Zhen shook her head: "No, if you go out..." She paused for a moment, then turned to Xun Qianchun and said, "Chang'an people don't like barbarians, you might be bullied if you go out."

Xun Qianchun said: "No."

Xu Zhen was about to say what the old woman said to herself.

Xun Qianchun stretched out his hand to touch his face, and the originally sharp facial features suddenly softened a lot, turning into an ordinary face of passers-by.

Xu Zhen blinked twice.

She looked at the coquettish operation completed in this second, closed and opened her eyes, and after confirming that she was not mistaken, she was shocked.

what is this

Change face? Or disguise? ?

so amazing! !

No matter which one it is, this is so fucking refreshing!

When she was reading novels, she thought that the world was full of punches, how could she change her face? This kind of thing is too unfair to a hard-working and down-to-earth person like herself!

Not to mention internal strength or something

Then why is she still teaching, she should become the leader of the martial arts alliance!

Looking at Xu Zhen's expression, Xun Qianchun seemed to have guessed the idea.

She came over and explained softly: "It's Yi Rong, who pasted a thin piece of paper on it."

Xu Zhen still looked at Xun Qianchun dumbfounded.

Xun Qianchun smiled again, she really liked the way Xu Zhen looked at her like this, as if she had done something amazing, but in fact, most people who know martial arts know a little about this kind of thing, and even ordinary people know how to do it. Makeup can also be done.

She said, "Sir, you can go out now."

Then he walked to the door and saw that Xu Zhen hadn't moved, so he turned to look at Xu Zhen.

Although her appearance changed, her eyes still revealed the allure of peach blossoms. Looking at Xu Zhen, it was like looking at endless lights.

It took Xu Zhen a long time to wake up.

She hurried up to Xun Qianchun, and asked, "You are too powerful, don't you know something like internal strength?"

Xun Qianchun opened the door and said, "No."

The author has something to say: The computer is broken and I can only code in Internet cafes for the past few days... so write less, and update it in the evening.