The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 28


Xu Zhen didn't quite believe it, and leaned over to experience the ancient martial arts. When she squatted down, she was surprised to see that the little beggar's eyes seemed not as blue as before.

She said: "Your eyes are dark, this is not internal force!"

Xun Qianchun said, "No."

Xu Zhen asked: "What else could it be?" There are no contact lenses in this era.

Xun Qianchun said: "It's the same as moving your fingers, just move it."

Xu Zhen didn't understand: "Isn't it internal force?"

"No." Xun Qianchun said, "If you want to maintain it, you will be a little tired."

Xu Zhen quickly said distressedly: "Then you go out and change your color."

Xun Qianchun nodded, put his hand on the door and was about to push it out.

Xu Zhen thought for a while, and then continued to ask: "You really know a lot, do you know that kind of bone shrinking skills? You are so short, can it be bone shrinking?"

Xun Qianchun didn't answer.

Xu Zhen felt that something was wrong, and asked persistently, "You won't really shrink your bones, will you?"

Xun Qianchun was silent for a moment, and said: "This kind of martial arts is very difficult to learn."

Xu Zhen speculates that it seems that he will not shrink his bones, but he is embarrassed to say it directly, just like when he couldn't beat the two guards before.

She was considerate and didn't continue to ask.

Anyway, she remembered the description in the book that the little beggar, the big villain, will be very powerful in the future. She is a tall and beautiful woman. Even if she is short now, she will definitely grow taller in the future.

The two walked downstairs. There were many customers in the restaurant, and brightly colored lanterns were piled up all over the floor. Men and women sat at square tables eating melon seeds and side dishes, and looked out at the bright lights in the distance.

Walking out of the roads extending in all directions, the lights are brighter. There are many lamp sheds on the street, with lanterns and lantern riddles hanging on them, floating in the night sky.

Xu Zhen saw a rabbit lamp from a distance, ran over, stood by the lamp and called Xun Qianchun.

Xun Qianchun followed and walked over.

Xu Zhen pointed to the rabbit lamp and asked, "Do you like this?"

Xun Qianchun looked up at Xu Zhen for a while, saw the joy in her eyes, and said, "I like it."

Xu Zhen was in high spirits: "Then I'll buy it for you!"

She asked the lamp seller standing behind the lamp: "How much is this lamp?"

The boss said: "Five coppers."

Xu Zhen bought it directly.

There are still many good-looking ones on the shelf, she thought, she will get a thousand taels of silver soon, and the little girl who asked for help before sent money, the money is not worth it at all, so she simply bought several.

She smiled and was about to hand the rabbit lamp to Xun Qianchun.

At this time, a few young women wearing I-shaped brocade skirts and a light-colored silk cloak came over. They held a snow-white light ball in their hands, and they saw the rabbit in Xu Zhen's hand. Want to buy that rabbit lamp.

The boss told them that there was only one left and it had just been sold.

So the eyes of several people gradually moved to Xu Zhen's hands.

Xu Zhen put the rabbit lamp into Xun Qianchun's hand.

A woman in a skirt came over and asked, "Hello, can you sell me the rabbit lamp?"

Xu Zhen thought for a while and said, "No."

The woman frowned and said, "Sister-in-law, did you come to Chang'an from somewhere else?"

Xu Zhen nodded: "Yes, from Jiangling."

The woman laughed.

Speaking of Jiangling, although the scenery is beautiful and it used to be the capital, but now it is just a place where merchants gather, there is no atmosphere of scholars, and maybe there have not been any celebrities for a long time.

In the impression of many people, except for the scenery, Jiangling is very mediocre.

This woman thought the same way.

Since he was only from Jiangling, it should be fine to snatch a rabbit lamp by himself.

After she finished thinking, she smiled and said to Xu Zhen, "There is a small rule for the Lantern Festival in Chang'an."

Xu Zhen asked, "What rules?"

The woman said: "If two people are interested in the same lamp, they can compete, guess lantern riddles, write Fu, etc., and whoever wins will get the lamp."

After hearing this, Xu Zhen felt as if she had seen this kind of plot in some TV series.

She asked, "Isn't this a reasonable rule?"

The woman asked: "What is unreasonable?"

Xu Zhen said: "I've already bought it. This is mine. Since it belongs to me, why should I cooperate with you and give you the lamp when you want it?"

The woman smiled and said: "Because this is the rule of the Lantern Festival, you have to abide by the rules here before you step out of the Lantern Fair."

Xu Zhen said, "This rule is not right."

The woman asked: "If you don't recognize the rules, you shouldn't step into the lamp market, and you shouldn't buy lamps."

"The rules are unreasonable, why should I admit it?" Xu Zhen thought for a while and said, "What you just said reminded me of something I heard before."

The woman was not interested in what Xu Zhen had to say.

She wanted Xu Zhen to acknowledge the rules here, but at some point, those who had already gathered around to watch the play asked Xu Zhen to continue talking.

Xu Zhen followed the trend and said, "There was once a man whose wife fell seriously ill one day..."

People around immediately asked: "What disease?"

Xu Zhen said: "I don't know what the disease is, I only know that it is incurable. Only a certain wealthy businessman has prescriptions and pills that can cure his wife's disease."

Everyone said: "It seems that it is really a serious disease. Fortunately, there is still a cure."

Xu Zhen nodded and said, "It's a pity that this pill costs twenty taels of silver. Obviously, the materials and the like are not available for one tael, but because there are few people who need it and no one researches the prescription, the wealthy businessman insisted on raising the price several times."

Everyone shook their heads and said, "It's too expensive and too bad."

Xu Zhen said: "After that, the man worked hard to make money and borrow money for twenty taels, but when he finally saved enough ten taels of silver, his wife suddenly died."

Someone around sighed: "This man is a good man."

"It's just a bit worse after all."

"Yeah... what does this have to do with the Lantern City rules?"

"Everyone, don't worry." Xu Zhen smiled, and she asked the woman, "What do you think the man will do afterward?"

The woman begging for the lamp thought for a moment, and said: "Since the rich businessman is a businessman, since he didn't save enough money, it is impossible to lower the price for him. Naturally, we can only...sorry."

Xu Zhen said, "No, he cured his wife."

The lamp begging woman wondered: "How did this get cured?"

Xu Zhen said, "He went to steal the medicine."

The lamp begging woman was shocked: "Stealing medicine?! This is breaking the law, is he crazy!"

Xu Zhen said: "Perhaps yes, the world is safe and secure. If he wants his wife to survive, he can only take risks."

People around said, "This man is really a good man!"

The lady begging for the lamp was also very moved when she heard this sentence.

"What happened to this man in the end?" asked the lamp begging woman.

Xu Zhen asked back, "What do you think, what happened to him in the end?"

The lady begging for the lamp said: "Since I stole something, I can only wait to be punished."

The passers-by immediately retorted: "How can this be! How many such affectionate people are there in the world."

"He did this for his wife and should be tolerated!"

"That's right, and it's not just one medicine... It's a mistake for the rich businessman to deliberately raise the price!"

Everyone asked: "What happened in the end?"

Xu Zhen said: "The county magistrate thinks he should be punished, and some people think he should be forgiven."

The lamp begging woman shook her head and sighed, saying it was a pity.

Xu Zhen said again: "I think he should be forgiven. You think, medicine is used to save people. If you don't give it to your wife, it's a waste and you haven't done your job. This man knows how to save his wife. If you don't steal it, you will indirectly kill your wife, and you will not be responsible to your own wife."

The lamp begging woman thought for a moment and sighed: "This is indeed the truth."

Most passers-by around agree.

Although the law needs to be obeyed, the people are kind-hearted, and it is common sense that human life is more important. The law is not rigid and inflexible. Sometimes, emotions and morals can always override the rules.

Some people were urging Xu Zhen to ask what happened in the end.

Xu Zhen replied: "He was indeed punished, but after this incident, the small country where this man lived found that the laws of his own country were not perfect after this trial, so he amended the laws to control this life-saving drug. , sold at normal prices to those in need.”

The lady begging for the lamp said: "Good! That's how it is! In this way, if this kind of thing happens again in the future, Shiliang will be able to save his wife's life!"

Everyone suddenly said: "This is indeed a good way!"

Xu Zhen laughed twice, and said at the right time: "Therefore, if the rules are wrong, you can accommodate them and change them."

Everyone agrees: "Indeed, indeed!"

As Xu Zhen said, she took the little beggar's hand and walked to the side.

Everyone also wanted to ask Xu Zhen, if the man was tortured, would his wife be imprisoned

Xu Zhen had already reached the cross shed full of lanterns.

Her cheeks were irradiated with fluorescent white, and her figure was like a fairy. She stepped through the cross shed, and then poked her head out from behind the shed and laughed with everyone.

Everyone has not recovered yet.

Xu Zhen smiled and said: "In the same way, legally speaking, I have already bought the lamp. From an emotional point of view, I like this lamp and don't want to give it up. Do you have to change it?"

The lamp beggar was stunned for a moment, and finally realized what Xu Zhen wanted to say.

The emotion she felt towards the man in the story disappeared in an instant, and she said loudly to Xu Zhen, "No!"

Xu Zhen has already dragged the little beggar onto the path by the river.

The woman shouted: "Wait! Rabbit lamp!"

Xu Zhen turned her head and waved goodbye: "I'm right in terms of emotion and reason, so I'll go first, I wish you all a happy lantern viewing!"

After speaking, he walked forward quickly, and soon disappeared.

The lights shone on the bluestone road.

The lamp begging woman chased after her and scolded: "Shameless! You even made up a story for a rabbit lamp! How can a king change the law for the sake of ordinary people!"

Passers-by around finally came to their senses and shouted angrily, "So it was made up! I just said, where is such an affectionate man!"

"Shameless!! Isn't it just a rabbit lamp!"

There was a lot of scolding.

It's a pity that Xu Zhen has gone far.

The cursing and yelling from the woman begging for the lamp and the passers-by drifted far in the wind, and did not reach her ears at all.

Xu Zhen led Xun Qianchun to the restaurant.

The sound of the phoenix flute on the road, the willow tree is silvery white by the moonlight.

Several bright lights rise from the mountain, illuminating the night sky more brilliantly.

On the way, Xu Zhen asked Xun Qianchun if he had any thoughts after hearing the story.

She was afraid that the little beggar would go on the path of a villain again. Seeing that Xun Qianchun hadn't said anything, she told other aspects of the story, saying that there were still people waiting for this medicine. hurt others.

To sum up, stealing medicine is a no-no. If you really stole it, you will naturally have to pay the price.

Xun Qianchun looked into the distance, nodded and said, "I see."

Xu Zhen said, "That's good."

Xun Qianchun said, "Thank you sir."

Xu Zhen hurriedly said, "Thank you for what I'm doing, but I just told a story."

Xun Qianchun said: "I like it very much, sir tells stories."

Xu Zhen smiled and leaned over to ask, "Which one do you like?"

Xun Qianchun said: "The previous one was about choices."

choice? Which story is this

Xu Zhen couldn't remember at all, she tried hard to remember.

Xun Qianchun reminded: "The carriage should hit nine disobedient children, but it is still the story of an innocent child."

Xu Zhen remembered and asked, "Why do you like this?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Before, I never knew how to make a choice."

Xu Zhen thought for a while and asked, "What do you want to choose?"

Xun Qianchun said: "A lot."

Xu Zhen thought, the villain really has a lot to think about.

Then I thought, I seem to have told this story to a student, but not to the little beggar...

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the steps under her feet.

Stepping into the restaurant, there were not many people left in the building, it was quieter than before, and the lights were dim, so Xu Zhen had to carefully watch the steps going up.

She stepped on the stairs and walked ahead to scout the way.

Xun Qianchun followed behind her.

After taking a few steps, Xun Qianchun felt that he saw something, and looked towards a certain corner vigilantly.

Standing in that corner were two women, both dressed in Chinese clothes, exposing their graceful necks and side faces. One of them was pressing the other, holding the hands of the man behind his waist, and the other hand was touching the man's tall boobs, being kissed.

The impact of the picture was a bit strong, Xun Qianchun didn't expect it.

She stood there silently watching for a while.

See half.

Xu Zhen turned back and asked her, "Why don't you go upstairs?"

Xun Qianchun didn't answer.

The kisser seemed to have heard the voice from the side of the stairs, turned her head to look, her eyes were sparkling, and when she met Xun Qianchun's gaze, she smiled charmingly.

Xun Qianchun didn't like being winked at by others, and even felt a little sick to his stomach.

She looked up at Xu Zhen: "I'm tired from walking, take a rest."

Xu Zhen asked, "Do you want me to hug you?"

Xun Qianchun refused: "No."

"Don't be shy." Xu Zhen smiled. She smiled and felt a line of sight. Xu Zhen looked aside from the source of the line of sight, and saw a woman looking at her, who seemed to be holding someone in her arms.

Xu Zhen didn't recognize these two people, not sure if the original owner knew each other.

She lowered her head and asked the little beggar, "Do you recognize those two people?"

Xun Qianchun frowned and said, "I don't know."

Xu Zhen considered the probability that the original owner knew this person, and wanted to go up and ask.

Just took two steps.

Xun Qianchun pulled her back and said, "Go back."

Xu Zhen asked, "What?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Go back to the room."

Xu Zhen looked at the two people, then at the little beggar, nodded and agreed, and took the little beggar back to the room.

The room was tidied up, Xu Zhen kicked off her shoes, stood barefoot on the ground and began to change clothes.

When she took off the inner lining, she saw Xun Qianchun turned his back from the corner of her eye, as if she didn't want to see her naked body.

Xu Zhen was a little curious and thought: I used to not shy away from it, why did I suddenly become shy when I came to Chang'an

Is it the shyness of adolescence

She laughed.

After changing clothes, Xu Zhen ran to the bed and called Xun Qianchun to sleep.

Xun Qianchun got up, did not come over, but went to the washbasin and washed his hands, tore off his disguise, and after returning to his previous appearance, he sat at the table and read a book by the moonlight and lamplight.

Rabbit lamps and multicolored lanterns emit soft white light, illuminating the interior into a wonderful scene.

Xu Zhen asked Xun Qianchun what he was looking at.

Xun Qianchun answered honestly: "Historical Records."

Xu Zhen said, "You've been watching it for a long time."

Xun Qianchun said: "It's too long to memorize."

After finishing speaking, he continued to read, as if he was going to take the imperial examination, but this person obviously couldn't pass the exam.

Xu Zhen stared blankly at the little beggar for a while, and thought of the 50,000 merit points for no reason.

It's true that I haven't opened it for a while to see the system.

Xu Zhen turned sideways and opened the system interface.

When she saw the merit points, she was so scared that she almost jumped up again.

It's been three digits for so long.

It turned out to be four digits today! !

Xu Zhen wept with joy, trying to think when did the price increase

After thinking about it, I think it should be the time when the college entrance examination was mobilized.

But no matter how the points come from, Xu Zhen is very happy.

She was so happy that she hugged the quilt and smirked on the bed.

Maybe it was because she was laughing so happily, but in the middle of the night, Xu Zhen suddenly had bursts of pain in her head, which was excruciatingly painful.

She wanted to growl, but she was afraid of disturbing the little beggar, so she gritted her teeth and endured it.

Then the teeth I gritted also started to hurt.

Xu Zhen couldn't bear it anymore, guessed randomly, and felt that it probably had something to do with the system.

She quickly turned on the system to find customer service.

Fortunately, the system customer service is online 24 hours a day.

The customer service responded slowly, and it took a while before saying: "Please wait a moment, we are inquiring for the host."

Xu Zhen pressed her forehead and urged, "Hurry up, hurry up."

The customer service said slowly: "The result has been found."

Xu Zhen was so anxious that she urged, "Why do I have a headache?"

The customer service said: "Because of the unknown changes in the world line, the impact is relatively large, so it will affect the host."

Xu Zhen bit the bullet and tried hard to think.

The change of the world line is nothing more than the heroine's accident, or the villain's accident.

She took good care of the little beggar, and the villain must be fine.

That's where the hostess is!

Xu Zhen thought optimistically.

She asked: "Is the world line change related to me? I won't be punished, right? Is this headache just happening by accident?"

The customer service said: "I don't know yet."

Xu Zhen asked, "You don't know anything?"

The customer service repeated: "All are temporarily unknown."

Xu Zhen said, "I'll go to your sister's."

The customer service said: "This call is over, please host have a good time."

Xu Zhen covered her head with a quilt and scolded: "This system is really rubbish."

It was the first time she was affected, and she had no idea what was wrong with the world.

Before Xu Zhen's smuggling, sitting on the side of the road, I would occasionally hear someone chatting, saying that some people were doing missions to wear books, and if they accidentally collapsed the world plot, the world would restart.

As a stowaway, she has no guarantees. Of course, she is unwilling to restart even if she dies.

If it restarts, the ghost knows where it will be sent to.

Xu Zhen was thinking wildly.

In the pain and darkness, she vaguely saw some light spots and touched them, and the unexpected headache improved a lot.

This spot of light is warm.

Xu Zhen indulged in it.

At the same time, some characters inexplicably popped up in my mind. Looking carefully, it was +10, +10.

Xu Zhen looked forward to the jump and felt much more comfortable.

After a while, he finally fell asleep.

In the dark, the other half of the soft bearded bed.

Xun Qianchun opened his eyes, turned his head to look at Xu Zhen who was hugging him tightly, and was a little confused for a while.

She still doesn't know what happened to Xu Zhen.

All I know is that just now Xu Zhen seemed unable to sleep after tossing and turning, but suddenly she leaned over and kissed herself several times.

Every bite has a sweet taste.

Xun Qianchun wanted to raise her hand, but found that her arm was restrained by Xu Zhen, so she had to use force, and after breaking free, she tapped Xu Zhen's lips with her finger.

The lips touched were very soft, but they didn't kiss like just now, they were just closed flatly.

Xun Qianchun was a little disappointed. She looked at Xu Zhen's lips, and thought of what she saw today, the scene of those two women kissing. She felt disgusted at that scene. However, she and Xu Zhen kissed many times, but they didn't feel any discomfort at all, and were even very happy.

There is a huge gap between people.

Xun Qianchun put down his hands, thinking calmly.

The second day is the day of face sanctification.

Although Xu Zhen was in pain all night yesterday, she was full of energy and strength early in the morning for some reason.

She was about to get up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the face of the little beggar, which was magnified several times and presented in front of him. His face was almost perfect, and he couldn't find any faults.

Xu Zhen watched for a long time before recovering from the beauty. She was a little at a loss thinking, when did she get so close to the little beggar. And why is he so crazily entwined with the other party

She loosened her hands and feet, pulled them away, sat up, and sat on the bed in silence to reflect.

last night...

Before she had time to think deeply, the door was knocked, and the old woman shouted outside: "Sir, are you awake! It's time to go!"

The author has something to say: The short story about stealing the drug is called Heinz Stealing the Drug. It is a moral dilemma case. I didn’t write it because it was too complicated to understand.


Passerby girl: Do you want to learn how to flirt with me? Teach you to hold a girl.

Little beggar: Mr. likes to hug me to sleep at night.

Passerby girl: ... 886