The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 34


Back home, Xu Zhen and little beggar talked about the academy.

After resting in the palace on the second day, Xu Zhen took the little beggar to the academy to sign up for school.

The Hongdu School has a lot of teaching content, including more than 40 subjects such as calligraphy and painting, ruler slips, history, and economics. Each student must register for at least six courses. The school is closed every five days.

Thousands of students, the scale and level of formality are not comparable to Qinglongshan Academy.

Although the school is located on the corner of Chang'an Street, it is built against the mountain, with a beautiful environment and the sound of spring water. On the side of the mountain, there is a library and meditation room, with dense bamboo forests and mountains.

The principal sits by the door to handle the academic affairs of the academy.

After Xu Zhen finished handing in the tutorial, she went to the door to fill in the courses. She respected the little beggar's opinion, and turned to ask, "Which six subjects do you want to learn?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Listen to sir."

Xu Zhen nodded, and randomly selected a few popular ones, including martial arts, Confucianism, Taoism, history, etc.

The master helped Xun Qianchun to make a slip, and when he handed the slip into Xun Qianchun's hands, he looked at Xun Qianchun's changed face, and praised: "Yuanwailang's younger sister is really a talented person with an extraordinary bearing!"

Xu Zhen couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

This is the big villain, of course he has extraordinary bearing.

The principal explained a few more things, such as classmates and course schedules.

After Xu Zhen listened carefully, she took the little beggar to find the classroom. After finding it, she saw the little beggar bowing to and nodding with the classmates in the school.

However, after walking a few steps, she saw three people on the side of the road, they looked familiar, they seemed to have played Cuju together last time.

A sharp-eyed person also saw Xu Zhen, and shouted from a distance: "Hey!"

Xu Zhen didn't want to meddle in other people's business, so she turned around and was about to leave.

The sharp-eyed one had already run towards Xu Zhen, stopped her way in front of Xu Zhen, and shouted, "Aren't you the former helper! Why are you standing here?"

This person was the one who kicked the ball in front of Xu Zhen before. At that time, this person didn't want to make Xu Zhen lose money, so Xu Zhen had a good impression of these young football players.

She thought about it, and explained in a good-tempered manner: "I'm not a helper."

The man was very polite and said with a smile: "Whether you are a helper or not, last time you were really talented and learned. Where did you learn your arithmetic? Is it also Hongdu Academy? Why didn't you study it earlier?" Has the museum seen you?"

Xu Zhen said: "I'm not from the academy either, I just came here by chance today."

The man was delighted when he heard this, and nodded: "That's just right!"

Xu Zhen didn't understand what happened, and when she wanted to ask, the man reached out and pulled Xu Zhen's sleeve and walked forward, saying, "You know a lot, come and persuade my brother!"

"What?" Xu Zhen didn't understand, so she stopped and didn't want to follow.

The man said, "Come with me!"

Xu Zhen said: "Please explain clearly first!!"

The man had no choice but to say in a low voice: "My brother doesn't like to study! You persuade him!"

Xu Zhen still didn't understand: "I'm just—" She paused and said, "According to what you said, I'm just a day laborer!"

"But you can persuade us all to study arithmetic!!" The man couldn't help being a little excited, and then said, "You persuade my brother to love learning, and I will share your coins."

give money? And still give money for doing good deeds? This is great!

Xu Zhen was immediately moved and was about to agree.

It suddenly occurred to me that I was already a Yuanwailang, so I should be more reserved, and I couldn't be so blind to money!

Xu Zhen put on airs, coughed twice and said, "Money is like floating clouds to me, by the way, why doesn't your brother like to study?"

The one who asked for help was looking for inquiries, and felt that Xu Zhen should be really knowledgeable, so he dragged Xu Zhen to the side, keeping a distance from the other two brothers who were talking, so as not to be overheard.

After walking to the edge of a small grass.

The man whispered, "Taoism!"

Xu Zhen asked, "What?"

The man explained: "Because my brother and his family all believe in Taoism! They advocate inaction! He has been nurtured since he was a child, and he has never studied or practiced martial arts. He only has some strength when playing Cuju."

Xu Zhen asked, "Then how did you know each other?"

The man said, "Father is also an official in the court."

Xu Zhen understood that for the son of a colleague, it was inevitable to meet at the dinner.

The man continued: "My brother reads Lao Zhuang's books all day long. If we persuade him to study for the imperial examination, he will say that the tree grows too well and is easy to be cut down. The loose wood is useless and no one cuts it down before it can grow Big tree. People are the same, learn too much, understand too much, easy to be silenced, so it is better not to learn."

Xu Zhen nodded and agreed: "Isn't this quite reasonable?"

The man stared at Xu Zhen, and accused him in a low voice: "I asked you to persuade him to study! It's not to persuade him not to study!"

Xu Zhen thought that this person was a good boy who was willing to spend money to help her brother get ahead, so she quickly said, "I'll think about it."

She thought seriously and responsibly.

The useless tree mentioned by the Taoist student earlier came from "Zhuangzi", but there is actually a passage behind it.

It is said that Zhuangzi and his students later met a farmer who killed chickens, and what they killed were chickens that did not crow, that is, useless chickens.

Zhuangzi's students wondered why the tree Wuyong could save its life, but the chicken Wuyong lost its life instead, so they went to ask Zhuangzi.

Zhuangzi said that although usefulness and uselessness are contradictory for trees and chickens, they are not contradictory for humans, because humans can change according to the actual situation.

As long as it's realistic and works for me, that's fine.

Xu Zhen felt that it was appropriate to use this point to persuade students, so she said to the students who asked her for help: "You see, these two points are contradictory, so you have to look at it realistically. Today's education for all people is to re-study, your brother. Reading along with the trend is inaction. If you don’t read, you’ll become a chicken that doesn’t crow or a piece of wood that can’t be made into wood, which is too prominent!”

The football student nodded suddenly after hearing this: "There is indeed a part about killing chickens in the back. I haven't watched it for a long time, and I almost forgot." A story that sells hats."

Xu Zhen asked, "How did you say that?"

The student playing football told the story first: "The people of Song State wanted to go to Yue to sell hats. They thought that the barbarians had never seen hats there, and they would be able to make a lot of business. body without a hat."

After he finished speaking, he paused, and then continued: "That's why my brotherhood said that if you want to be open-minded and broad-minded, you must not be bound by knowledge."

Xu Zhen said: "How can you think that way? According to what he said, after reading Zhuangzi, he is also knowledgeable and restrained. How can he open his mind again?"

The football student said: "We understand this truth, but we don't know how to persuade it."

Xu Zhen said: "Then tell him the story of Jianwu and Uncle Lian. Uncle Lian doesn't read much, so his vision is limited, and he doesn't believe that there are gods and men in the world. If he doesn't read, isn't he that Uncle Lian who doesn't have a big heart?"

The football student nodded: "And—"

Xu Zhen was dumbfounded: "Why are there more??"

This is so endless! My own business is completely lost!

The football student didn't understand the suffering in Xu Zhen's heart at all, and said what many friends often said, talking about the theory of equalization of things and the theory of human nature.

Xu Zhen's head got big when she heard it, and she thought about the content of the rebuttals one by one, and finally managed to fool the football boy away.

The young man rushed over in a hurry.

Not long after, he ran back in a hurry and said to Xu Zhen: "It's done! It's really done!! My brother got up!"

Xu Zhen sat on the steps with her legs crossed, and asked casually, "What did you do when you got up?"

"Sit in the house!!" The football student said, "When my brother heard that he would become an ignorant person like Uncle Lian or Jing Frog, he immediately changed his face and went into the room with a book in his hands to read! "

Xu Zhen was curious: "Didn't you persuade him like this before?"

The student who played football said: "We all persuaded him to take the imperial examination, how could he think of persuading him like this! He got a headache when he heard the imperial examination, hey—"

Xu Zhen laughed.

The student said again: "It's a shame that you are a short-term worker. Will you come tomorrow? I will ask my father to find you a good job. The salary will be better than now!"

Xu Zhen laughed and said, "No need."

The student said: "My father and sister are both officials in the court. It may not be possible to arrange official positions, but it is no problem to find a decent job!"

Xu Zhen said, "It's really unnecessary."

The man said enthusiastically: "You must not be polite to me! Maybe I will trouble you in the future!"

Xu Zhen said bluntly, "Then give me the coin you promised earlier."

The man paused.

Xu Zhen looked at him seriously.

After a moment of silence, he realized that Xu Zhen was not joking, so he took out a money bag from his waist, poured out a few copper coins and small pieces of silver, and slowly handed them to Xu Zhen.

Metallic coins glowed in his hands.

Xu Zhen was full of joy, thanked her for the money, and with a smile on her face, got up and walked away from the gate.

The door of the academy was pushed open, and there was a sound.

The chief was sitting at the door and heard the noise, looked up out the window, and saw that Xu Zhen was going back, got up quickly and walked out, bowing respectfully to see her off.

Xu Zhen waved away with him. Behind, lush trees cover half of the reddish-brown wooden house, shaking in the wind.

The sound of reading in the academy was still loud, and it was almost noon, the sun was bright, and the south wind was blowing, rolling up heat waves, making people yawn continuously.

In a reddish-brown wooden house in front of the open space, Xun Qianchun had already changed into his school uniform, and was kneeling on the mat, once again becoming a student preparing for the imperial examination.

She looked at the scrolls spread out on the table in front of her, felt the gradually hotter temperature around her, sweat was dripping from the foreheads of the people around her, but she was the only one with a calm face, as if she didn't feel anything.

Today is history.

A few days ago, this class finished teaching "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" and began to talk about Wei Chuan of "Three Kingdoms".

The old gentleman with white eyebrows and white beard sat at the front, with one hand resting on the case table, and the other hand scrolling a book, reciting in a muddy voice, "□ □ Return from Xuzhou, Dun Cong Conquers Lu Bu", everyone below has already drooped their eyelids and drowsy .

The old gentleman rolled the roll and asked a boy sitting at the front: "Ziyan, you read the following."

The student hurriedly got up, held up the book, and read the rest of it.

The old gentleman said: "Good."

Then he called Xun Qianchun and asked Xun Qianchun to explain the content of this passage.

Xun Qianchun had heard Xu Zhen say this earlier, and it didn't take much effort to explain it, and he made it clear with almost no mistakes.

The old man was overjoyed, and praised "Goodness!" several times in a row, and praised Xun Qianchun very much.

Afterwards, he asked a lot of questions. Although Xun Qianchun was not able to speak all of them, he was calm and calm, much better than ordinary people, making the old man feel that this son is very human.

Ring the bell outside, and the sundial shifts to the end of get out of class time.

The old man got up with his book in his arms, and before he left, he took a few steps forward and asked Xun Qianchun, "Zichun, where did you study before?"

Xun Qianchun replied respectfully: "Jiangling."

"Where is Jiangling?" the old man asked.

"Qinglong Mountain." Xun Qianchun didn't like to talk, and there was still a hint of Hu accent. The old man felt awkward listening to it, so he carried the book thoughtfully and left.

When the old gentleman left, many people gathered around to talk to Xun Qianchun, asking her how her previous studies were and whether she was the best in the academy. Naturally, there are also those who show off the school and belittle the private school to find a sense of presence.

Xun Qianchun nodded to express his politeness, and didn't pay any attention.

Everyone left in disgrace.

Only one girl was still sitting in front of Xun Qianchun's case, and she never gave up and insisted on asking Xun Qianchun: "Are you from Qinglongshan Academy?"

Xun Qianchun nodded.

The girl asked: "How do you know so much, is it taught by Mr. Academy?"

Thinking of Xu Zhen, Xun Qianchun nodded again, feeling flustered in his heart.

The girl continued: "Which gentleman? I have acquaintances who are also in Jiangling. I heard that there are only three gentlemen. Are you taught by the head of the mountain? The other gentlemen probably don't have such great skills."

Xun Qianchun didn't speak.

The girl asked a lot of questions, but Xun Qianchun didn't say a word. The girl got a little angry and shouted, "Speak up."

Xun Qianchun glanced at her, stood up with the book in his arms.

The girl asked, "Where are you going?"

Xun Qianchun ignored it.

The girl asked, "Are you dumb?"

Xun Qianchun paused, and suddenly remembered that when he and his husband met for the first time, he also called her that way, as if he was a little dumb.

When Xun Qianchun thought of Xu Zhen, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and his mood improved a lot.

She still didn't speak, and left directly to go to the martial arts class.

That girl was considered petite and raised since she was a child, it was the first time she met someone like Xun Qianchun, she was so angry, she vowed to show this little dwarf new student how powerful the school is!

Thinking so, the girl looked around, and happened to see a few people who were about to attend martial arts class changing their clothes.

She thought for a while, leaned over and shouted, "Hey! Do me a favor!"

After lunch time, Xun Qianchun stood on the open field, waiting for the martial arts class to start.

Looking at the archery target in the distance, she suddenly missed Xu Zhen a little bit. Feeling that the day passed so slowly, she raised the kettle in her hand and poured water into her mouth. The water flowed down her neck and into her collar.

At this time, two tall boys with ropes tied on the shoulders and backs, who made clothes into bunt arms, and put on a small soft armor came over.

These two people were asked to trouble Xun Qianchun.

The two saw Xun Qianchun's stature and slender arms and legs, they felt disdainful in their hearts, and secretly wanted to kill a chicken with a bull's knife.

They looked at each other and smiled, then directly pulled out the stick and flew it towards Xun Qianchun's lap, pretending that it was because they couldn't hold it firmly.

Unexpectedly, the stick missed, the moment it flew out, Xun Qianchun had already held the water bottle and jumped back up the high steps to avoid it.

Which road number is this

Those two were a little shocked, they didn't think there would be such a powerful person in Chang'an.

They thought for a moment, then pulled out another stick, wanting to show Xun Qianchun a little bit of strength in the name of sparring.

However, he has not yet reached Xun Qianchun.

Xun Qianchun had already jumped back to the ground, picked up the stick with one knee bent, held the water bottle in one hand, and knocked the two people's knees with the stick in the other.

"Ah!!" one of the knocked people yelled, he was in so much pain that Xun Qianchun gritted his teeth and asked, "What are you doing?!"

After Xun Qianchun finished knocking, he threw the stick in front of the two of them and said, "Give it back to you."

Those two people were originally entrusted to come here to find trouble, but now they didn't succeed, and they lost face.

They couldn't lose face, they were furious, picked up the sticks and rushed forward, shouting with the traditional moves: "Fight!! We will fight with you!!"

Xun Qianchun's complexion remained unchanged, he carefully put the kettle aside, then stretched out his fists, and beat them up.

The author has something to say: Little Beggar: Don’t even think about touching the love boiled water that my husband gave me