The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 38


When Xu Zhen woke up, she found that she was still holding the little beggar's hand, but there were no numbers on it to continue beating.

What a pity.

Xu Zhen turned on the merit point system and did the math. It probably increased by more than 2,000 points last night, and now the total is almost 4,000.

She was moved to tears.

Back then, when I was serious about doing good deeds, every good deed was worth one point, but now I can earn two thousand a night just by touching the villain's little hand! !

Too much, really too much.

Xu Zhen touched these hands, unable to stop, but then thought that she had to go to work, so she quickly let go, stood up and walked out the door.

Footsteps clattered on the floor.

When the door was opened, a gust of cold wind blew in from the door, Xu Zhen raised her hand to block the wind, and squeezed out the door against the wind, closed the door and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Inside the house, the cold air lingered, and the white mist penetrated into the room, shaking for a long time before slowly sinking.

On the soft bed, covered with jet-black hair, Xun Qianchun was lying on half of the bed, it was rare to get up late. She felt the warmth around her disappear and gradually become colder, then slowly opened her eyes, concentrated her gaze, and looked at her hands.

She watched intently for a long time, then sat up and put her hands on her chest.

For a moment, a hot feeling spread all over his body, and Xun Qianchun felt it carefully.

She felt it for a long time, and the joy in her heart became more and more intense, which is really strange.

The sky is a bit dark today, and there are not as many passers-by on the street as before. There are a lot of floating boats parked on the river, all of which are not useful, and they will definitely fall apart immediately when encountering turbulent waves.

Xu Zhen was walking on the road, seeing the dark clouds in the sky, her heart was also heavy.

Before going to work, she went to the bookstore for a stroll, and the owner told her that the books had sold like crazy these days, and she transcribed an extra hundred volumes on her own initiative, and everyone was begging for a sequel.

Xu Zhen suddenly felt uneasy, and asked, "Do you have any thoughts after reading it?"

"Ideas?" Fangzhu said, "Naturally! Everyone is very concerned about what will happen next!"

Xu Zhen said, "What? No, nothing else!"

Fangzhu said: "There are some, and there are great Confucians who have seen Confucianism and Taoism knowledge from them. Sir, do you want to convey this?"

Xu Zhen shook her head: "No, isn't anyone interested in how to save themselves from floods?"

The owner of the workshop was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Chang'an hasn't been flooded for many years, so no one should pay attention to this thing."

... This seems to be a bit different from what I thought.

Xu Zhen's wishful thinking was empty, and she was very sad.

But then I thought that my book had sold like crazy, at least everyone would see the knowledge of self-help in floods, and I still had some achievements.

Xu Zhen thinks about the good, and continues to think about other ways of communication.

After arriving at the Ministry of Rites, Xu Zhen found that the Ministry of Rites was extremely quiet today. She asked Tang Yanzhi, and learned that Shang Shu and the assistant minister would be back soon.

Sure enough, not long after, two middle-aged men stepped in.

These two people are Shang Shu and Shi Lang, both of them are white and beardless, wearing light gray official uniforms, they are tall and straight when they walk, and their faces are serious. After walking to the front and sitting down, they directly raised their pens and began to correct the documents.

Xu Zhen dutifully lowered her head and copied the book.

Not long after, Shangshu recruited her.

Xu Zhen was a little nervous sitting next to her, but Shang Shu didn't speak, and she didn't dare to speak.

After a while, Shang Shu finally made a movement.

Without further ado, he pushed the two pieces of rice paper in front of Xu Zhen, and asked with condensed eyes, "Is this the notice you wrote?"

Xu Zhen looked down and found that it was written by herself, which was the version that was first posted on the bulletin board.

She nodded and admitted, "I wrote it."

Shangshu asked: "Really?"

Xu Zhen said, "Really."

Shang Shu suddenly became angry, swept the two pieces of paper to the ground and shouted: "Yuanwailang, you dare to abuse your private power just after taking office, you are really brave!!"

Xu Zhen was taken aback.

Everyone around was also frightened, and looked up at Shang Shu and Xu Zhen.

The room was instantly silent.

Shang Shu shouted angrily: "Who gave you the power! Is your official seal used to fulfill your own selfish desires!"

His voice trembled with anger, as if Xu Zhen had done something heinous.

Xu Zhen was afraid that she would be dismissed, so she quickly explained in a low voice: "I asked someone before and said that I can post the notice myself."

Shang Shu asked coldly, "Who?"

Xu Zhen was too embarrassed to betray her teammates, and didn't dare to talk back, so she could only continue to kneel quietly on the ground.

It was the first time she encountered such a situation, and she had no idea what to do next, nor what would happen, so she simply did nothing and waited for Shang Shu to speak.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Shang Shu scolded: "Don't think that you have secured this position. If you did something wrong, I can refer you to it anytime!"

It was only then that Xu Zhen remembered that her official position was bestowed by the sage, and if this minister got angry, he would only dare to frighten herself, and could not be dismissed directly.

She was slightly relieved.

Seeing her reaction like this, Shang Shu became even angrier, thinking that Xu Zhen did it deliberately because she had nothing to fear.

Furious, he picked up the rice paper and strode out with the rice paper in his hand.

The people around were still sitting in their seats, and someone saw Shang Shu walking away, and asked in a low voice, "What is Shang Shu doing?"

The person next to him replied: "I'm afraid I'm going to complain to the Holy One."

Xu Zhen sat back in her seat in shock.

There were people around who looked at her secretly, some seemed sorry, and some seemed to be laughing.

Xu Zhen was completely confused, she looked at Tang Yanzhi, who was lowering his head, not daring to look at her.

When it was almost time for the lunch break, Xu Zhen ran over to Tang Yanzhi honestly and asked, "Why did the Shangshu scold me? Didn't you say that if I just posted on the bulletin board, I could type anything?"

Tang Yanzhi shook his head and did not speak.

Xu Zhen begged, "Tell me, I'm so curious."

Tang Yanzhi pursed his lips and frowned, and after a while, he dragged Xu Zhen outside, and after running under the tree, he cried and said, "Yes, it's Zhong Mei and the others!!!"

Xu Zhen asked, "What? Who?"

Tang Yanzhi's eyes were full of tears, crying miserably. She looked up at Xu Zhen and said, "It's not me, it's Zhong Mei and the others who are trying to trick you!"

Xu Zhen hurriedly asked, "Who is Zhong Mei?"

Tang Yanzhi said: "It's the person who took you to transcribe the book when you first came here!"

Xu Zhen remembered, and she handed Tang Yanzhi a handkerchief to tell Tang Yanzhi not to cry.

When Tang Yanzhi finished wiping her tears and looked up at her, Xu Zhen asked again, "What are they doing to me?"

Tang Yanzhi wiped away his tears and explained that it turned out that the Ministry of Rites had long been unhappy with Xu Zhen, so on Xu Zhen's original popular science paper, he deliberately typed the big seals of two Ministry of Rites.

The original popular science paper was just a small seal of Xu Zhen's own name, published in the name of her own Yuanwailang, but now with the big seal of the Ministry of Rites, it has been published by the entire Ministry of Rites.

Afterwards, the troublemaker went to the Shangshu to file a complaint, and told the story in a more eloquent way.

Shang Shu really thought that Xu Zhen took the opportunity to abuse her personal power, and was so angry that she scolded Xu Zhen directly this morning.

Xu Zhen sighed after hearing this: "What are these people doing?"

Tang Yanzhi whispered, "They think you have taken Zhong Mei's place."

She continued to explain that Zhong Mei had been in the Ministry of Rites for three years and was about to be promoted to Yuanwailang, but Xu Zhen cut off her beard, so someone began to take revenge on Xu Zhen for this.

Xu Zhen felt that she was really miserable.

She didn't want this position on purpose!

And at this time, she should try to find a way to stop the flood, but why did this kind of thing happen.

Just as Xu Zhen was regretting, a young eunuch with white makeup came to the gate of the Ministry of Rites.

The eunuch walked to the door with small steps, put his hands on his belly, and said loudly: "Call! Yuanwailang!"

The officials in the department lifted their clothes and saluted one after another.

Looks like the complaint is over.

Xu Zhen had no choice but to hurry over to answer and leave with the little eunuch.

The palace wall is decorated with a golden roof, which is dark yellow under the cloudy sky, surrounded by ancient trees, and there is the sound of bells and chimes in the distance, which seems to be preparing for a state banquet.

Xu Zhen walked all the way to the main hall along the coral window. It was still the familiar study room. She walked in, and there were three people sitting inside.

The emperor sat on the uppermost couch.

Below, there are two people sitting facing each other. The one on the left is the Minister of Rites, and the one on the right is a little girl who looks familiar.

Xu Zhen looked at it for a long time, but didn't recognize it.

The little girl looked up and smiled at her, and at the same time the emperor beckoned Xu Zhen to move forward.

Xu Zhen walked over and sat down.

The Holy One asked directly, "Mr. Xu, are you really abusing your private power?"

Xu Zhen knew this was the case.

She didn't know where Shang Shu got the courage to come to the emperor to complain just after listening to one-sided words. Could it be that she really has the confidence

She couldn't figure it out, so she explained first: "No."

The Holy One nodded and said, "Gu also thinks you won't do such a thing."

The Shangshu raised his head and stared wide-eyed: "Your Majesty! But the announcement is here!"

In the past, the Holy Majesty listened and believed, maybe he would really listen to Shangshu, but since he met Xu Zhen, he has changed.

What's more, he also heard yesterday that the Taiwei actually stood up for Xu Zhen in the academy. Although he didn't like the collusion of his courtiers in private, he respected the Taiwei and the old woman and dared not guess randomly.

Therefore, he felt that this time, perhaps Shang Shu was really wrong.

He whispered to Xu Zhen, "Yuanwailang, explain yourself."

Xu Zhen was a little surprised at the emperor's understanding.

She didn't dare to disappoint, and was about to explain it carefully.

There was a loud bang in Kuang Tang, and the windows in the hall were broken!

The howling wind blows inside, surging like a tide.

Suddenly, it was gray and dark outside. The light that had been faintly visible all disappeared, and the thick cloud layer almost pressed down to the ground. A flash of lightning flashed through the cloud layer, followed by thunder and thunder!


Several people in the palace were startled.

There are no lights in the hall, only the faint light of the night pearl keeps shaking.

The Holy One stood up in surprise, and asked loudly, "What's going on outside?!"

The little eunuch standing outside the door said something sharply, but was overwhelmed by the rumbling thunder.

The torrential rain poured down unpreparedly, crackling! deafening.

The Holy Majesty collapsed, and asked again: "Outside, what's the matter?"

Another gust of wind blew by, and the flower window slammed to the ground.

The guards in the palace broke through the door, stepped on the threshold and ran to the holy master with their knives in hand, stepping on the golden wooden boards in the hall, leaving black footprints one by one, and the hall suddenly became a cold and damp black cave.

The Holy One asked harshly again: "Tell Gu, what's going on outside?!"

The sound of rain was accompanied by thunder and lightning.

The little eunuch rushed in hurriedly, drenched all over, stepped on the door with a burst of cold air and knelt in front of the Daoist Master: "Return to the Holy Master!! It's raining heavily!"


The rain hit the roofs like boulders hammering planks.

The little eunuch knelt on the ground and shivered.

The Holy Majesty regained his composure and said, "It's just the rainstorm, why are you so panicked!" He pointed at the dozen or so guards around him, "Are you all scared like this by the rainstorm?"

Everyone knelt down together.

Xu Zhen followed and knelt down, not daring to show her breath, but she was full of fear in her heart.

Rainstorm is coming? ? So fast?

I'm not ready yet!

This is too fast, I wonder if the common people know how to save themselves? And the torrential rain was too heavy, it was like a bullet.

Her face was full of sorrow, and her heart was anxious.

The Holy Majesty threw things at him and scolded people, and sat back on the couch after venting his anger, thinking that he had just been steamed all over, and now he wanted to soak in the hot spring.

The little eunuch hurriedly retreated to prepare.

The flower windows in the hall were quickly erected and fixed again, the door was closed to isolate the noise from the rainstorm outside, and the lamps inside were filled with dim light.

The Holy Majesty sat on the couch in a bad mood, and said to several people: "Wait, let's go back first, we can talk about the official seal at another day."

Shang Shu responded in a low voice: "No."

Xu Zhen didn't speak, because she had the experience of facing the Holy Spirit, she was no longer too afraid of the Holy Spirit, she looked up at the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Majesty was puzzled and asked Xu Zhen, "What do you want to say?"

Xu Zhen reminded: "My lord, it's raining heavily right now."

The Holy Majesty looked at Xu Zhen for a while and said, "Come here, prepare the umbrella and the car."

The surrounding maids were already ready, and ran up with umbrellas in their hands. It seemed that they were going to send a few people back in a carriage with umbrellas.

Xu Zhen was shocked by Emperor Qing's strange brain circuit.

She held back for a while, then continued: "My lord, heavy rain can easily cause waterlogging."

The Holy One looked at Xu Zhen: "What does Yuanwailang mean?"

Xu Zhen hurriedly took the opportunity to make a suggestion: "We should send more people to guard the embankment. If something is wrong, we can use mud bags to reinforce it, or divert the water to other rivers."

The Holy Majesty did not speak.

Shang Shu didn't speak either.

Only the little girl from before opened her mouth and said slowly: "Brother, I think what Yuan Wai Lang said is reasonable."

The Holy Majesty glanced at the little girl, then at Xu Zhen, and asked Shang Shu, "Do you also think that Chang'an City will be flooded?"

Shang Shu was silent for a moment, flatteringly said: "Chang'an is an imperial city, if it is flooded here, there will be no stable place in the world."

The hall was silent.

The little eunuch who ran out before ran back, knelt in front of the hall trembling, a puddle of water dripped from his body, and spread coldly to the surroundings.

It was only when the third gust of wind made the window rattle that the Holy Majesty opened his mouth and sighed.

The wind began to blow in all directions in the hall.

The cold wind blows, making people shiver.

The guards were still kneeling on the ground, with their scabbards pressing down on the ground, as if they were holding down the anger of the temple.

After a long time, the sage said coldly: "Shangshu Wang, I just feel that you have been sitting in this seat for a long time, and you are a little confused instead."

After finishing speaking, he got up and ordered: "Let all the guards go to the street!"

Then he said: "Let the river defense governor take good care of the people in Chang'an!"

After finishing everything, he slumped on the couch angrily again, and waved his hands to let everyone leave.

The little eunuch whispered: "My lord, the hot spring..."

The Holy One dropped a cup and said, "It's already such a weather, how can I have the mood to take a hot spring!"

The sound of the rain was loud, and the Holy Majesty waved his hand to let everyone go to the side hall to hide from the rain, or leave the palace directly. The maid held a large umbrella over the heads of several people, and the rain fell from the umbrella like a waterfall.

In the distance, there were quite a few people leaving with umbrellas, carrying robes, one piece of clothing was dark and the other was light, and they kept cursing.

Xu Zhen asked the maid while walking, "Is there a carriage to take us?"

The maid said: "Yes."

Xu Zhen said: "Then take me to the Hongdu Academy."

The palace maid responded and led Xu Zhen to the parking lot.

Xu Zhen followed behind the maid. Although someone helped to keep out the rain, she was still wet a lot, her face was filled with moisture, her eyelashes were all wet, and her skin was so cold and painful from the rain.

The scenery in front was blocked by the rain curtain and could not be seen at all.

This torrential rain is too severe, no wonder it can cause floods. Xu Zhen thought as she walked, she was wet all over anyway, so she just didn't care too much, and walked forward by stepping on the puddle.

When passing a door, suddenly someone called her from behind.


The shout was separated from the sound of rain, and it seemed that it was separated by a layer of gauze, so it was hazy and unclear.

Xu Zhen reacted for a long time before letting the maid stop and turn around to look back.

Someone came forward from behind, probably walking slowly, only the hem of the skirt was wet, and the whole person looked clean.

The person who called her was the little girl who called the emperor brother in the hall just now, so she should be a powerful person.

Xu Zhen was about to salute.

The little girl shouted: "Mr. Qinglong Mountain, don't you recognize me?"

Xu Zhen looked at her through the white rain and mist, and she had a vague impression, but it was not very real.

She is still remembering.

The little girl came up, leaned close to Xu Zhen's ear and said with a smile: "Before, you said that there was a barbarian who wanted to be emperor, but I helped you hide it."

... Hu Ren is the emperor, and he said this to others

Xu Zhen was taken aback.

But TOEFL finally remembered! !

Isn't this the little girl from before, the little girl who asked for help in the dark cell!

Why is this little girl in the palace? Can you still call the emperor brother? !

Fuck, is this the princess who was saved from the traffickers in the legend!

Xu Zhen finally figured it out, and the first thing that came to her heart was gratitude, after all, it was the official position and sea view room that the little princess gave her.

She wanted to have a chat with the princess, but suddenly realized that now was not the time, so she shouted through the rain: "I still have something to do! Princess! Let's talk next time!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

The princess stood there for a moment, as if she hadn't expected Xu Zhen's reaction.

She quickly caught up.

The rain was too loud, and the two could only talk through the umbrella and rain curtain. The princess asked, "Where are you going?"

Xu Zhen shouted: "Hongdu Academy!"

The princess said: "Since you know that there may be floods, why did you go to the Hongdu Academy! The terrain is low there, next to the river and the sea, if there is a flood, it will be the first to suffer!"

When Xu Zhen heard this, her heart tightened: "Then I'm going even more!"

The princess thought it was inexplicable, she cursed and shouted: "You are dying! Are you that barbarian again!"

Xu Zhen hurriedly coaxed: "No!"

"Why did you go there?!!"

The sound of the rain was so loud that Xu Zhen couldn't hear clearly. She rolled up the wet sleeves that were sticking to her hands, put her arms into the rain, grabbed the princess's arm and dragged the person over, and said to her: "I know there will be floods, but there is no Let that person go because I can protect her."

The sound of rain thump thump.

The princess shivered from the water vapor all over Xu Zhen's body, and was about to push her away.

But I heard Xu Zhen explain loudly.

"I'm going to protect her right now, so don't worry about us." Xu Zhen paused for a moment before saying, "But it's really time for you to come!"

The Princess asked: "What?"

Xu Zhen said: "Since you are the princess, you must have a lot of power. This flood is inevitable. Can you do me a favor and let those who know martial arts bring the people to the palace, or go to other high places, and the more they are The sooner the better."

The Princess has not yet understood what Xu Zhen is talking about.

The four of them had already reached the chariot. Xu Zhen saw the bamboo chariot made by the palace man rushing into the rain, and raised her hand to cover it slightly to prevent her sight from being blocked.

She stepped onto the bamboo cart in two steps, and waved to the maid from the window: "Hurry up!!"

Then he said to the princess: "I'm sorry to trouble you!"

The torrential rain filled the air, covering a large area of her voice.

The princess stood there, and could only distinguish what Xu Zhen said by the shape of her mouth. After understanding what Xu Zhen said, she sighed in a daze: "Where is the brazen person..."

No one responded, only the sound of rain hitting the oil-paper umbrella.

Xu Zhen's lady-in-waiting put away her umbrella and sat in front of the carriage, swiping the whip to drive the horse. The horse soared into the air and neighed. In the heavy rain, she pulled the bamboo cart and drove out of the palace at high speed.

same moment.

A martial arts class is being held at the Hongdu Academy, and a large cloud of dark clouds is piled up, like a sea tide pressing on everyone's heads.

Everyone ran back to the eaves quickly, splashed their classmates with dripping sleeves, and laughed at each other presumptuously and loudly amidst the sound of rain.

Standing under the eaves, Xun Qianchun felt the strong wind in front of her, and her hair was blown into a mess. She entered the house to hide from the wind, and suddenly realized something, feeling restless, and finally held a small blue knife in her hand, and ran again To the door of the school.

A layer of shallow water gradually accumulated on the playground.

When she saw it, her eyes changed slightly, and she took half a step forward, wanting to rush outside.

At this time, someone called her from behind: "Hi!!"

The corners of the man's eyes were bruised and the corners of his mouth were a bit swollen. He was beaten by Xun Qianchun the day before yesterday.

Xun Qianchun didn't respond.

The surrounding rain was noisy, and it seemed to hit everyone's heads like a thump.

Seeing that Xun Qianchun wanted to escape, the man grabbed Xun Qianchun and shouted, "How dare you sue my father!! Come here! Let's fight each other!!"

Xun Qianchun was dragged back several steps.

She turned her head, her eyes were indifferent, and she said in a cold tone, "Let go."

The man didn't let go, and felt that Xun Qianchun seemed to be cowardly, and was about to make a joke, when a flash of lightning flashed across the sky when he looked up, the man's expression slowly changed from laughter to shock, because he found that the new man in front of him The student's eyes... why don't they seem to be black

The author has something to say: Little Beggar: I am going to the door to hold an umbrella for Mr.

Feelings are going to be sublimated in the heavy rain again, I am so touched, woo woo woo, by the way, send a cool breeze to everyone in the scorching autumn