The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 4


The leakage of the autumn test questions should not be underestimated.

The prince in red robe Jijiu was acquainted with the Minister of Rites. After leaving the wine shop, he took a book and hurried to find the Minister of Rites and asked about the imperial examination questions.

It turned out that the test questions this time were only known to her, the Minister of Rites, and the sage who set the questions.

In other words, there are almost no cases of leaking questions.

She felt frightened and showed the book to the Minister of Rites to read it.

Minister of Rites was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, his mind went blank.

"It's okay, just choose another test question." Jijiu said, "Although there are many questions in this book, it's good to avoid them all."

The two dared not speak up, and spent half a day copying the book, excluding the questions on it one by one, and finally made two more test papers.

After returning home, Jijiu lay down on the bedding.

However, because she was too nervous during the day, she tossed and turned at night, unable to sleep, and her mind was full of the "Guide to Winning the Imperial Examination".

This book is really strange.

At first she thought that someone had leaked the question, but after thinking about it carefully, all the answers to that question were rebellious and reckless.

Not only dare to say bad things about Confucius, but also dare to criticize the major events that happened some time ago.

If it was really a thief who stole the questions, how could he have such courage

But if it is really a question that he guessed... In just one book, he can guess all the questions, this person is really too dangerous...

Be sure to find this person before this person writes the next book!

Xu Zhen didn't know that she was being taken care of by others.

After washing clothes during the day, she sneezed several times in a row, thinking she had a cold, and hurried back to the house to add a coat.

The little beggar was still chopping firewood.

Xu Zhen leaned over to grab merit points, and chatted with her by the way.

A pile of firewood in the corner.

Xu Zhen said: "You have been chopping for ten days, thirty coppers, if you convert it, it is a lot of money."

The little caller said: "Too little."

Xu Zhen said: "Naturally less than ten taels, do you know how long I earned that ten taels?"

The little beggar stopped to look at her.

Seeing her movements, Xu Zhen knew that she was waiting for her to speak. The little beggar didn't do anything, but just looked at her, and the reflection in her eyes was only her, which really made people feel very comfortable.

Xu Zhen giggled.

After laughing for a while, he told her: "Twenty years of earning money."

Of course, the credit of the original owner is indispensable. If Xu Zhen earned the money, she would not be so willing to spend it back then.

The little beggar continued to chop wood with his head down.

Xu Zhen said: "Don't ignore me, it's too boring for me to talk alone."

The little caller said: "You don't have to, just accompany me every day."

Xu Zhen smiled and said, "I don't have a day, do you think I'm annoying? If you hate me, then I'll go to the room and watch you from afar."

The little beggar's hand movements stopped.

After a while, he moved again and said, "No need."

Xu Zhen didn't understand whether the little beggar said that she should not look at her from afar, or that she should not continue to accompany her.

she was about to ask.

The little beggar said again: "There is no need to enter the house."

"That's good." Xu Zhen was very happy, "You've finally talked a lot, we're living together now, if you keep talking so little, I'm quite embarrassed."

The little beggar ignored her.

Xu Zhen was idle and bored, so she ran into the inner room and took out a book, and read to the little beggar Hua: "The Son of Heaven is connected with the heaven and the earth. Therefore, virtue matches the heaven and the earth, benefits all things, shines with the sun and the moon, and illuminates the world without leaving little things ..." (Book of Rites·Jingjie)

Turn from the commentary to the funeral.

Seeing that it said "A filial son dies, sorrowful and heartbroken", Xu Zhen thought of the little beggar's parents who had passed away, so she stopped reading, closed the book, and continued with another.

The second book begins with the chapter on benevolence and righteousness.

Xu Zhen was a little sleepy as she read.

The little beggar asked suddenly: "What is benevolence?"

Xu Zhen leaned on the wicker chair, rubbed her eyes, and said, "It's my lover."

The little caller said: "I don't understand."

Xu Zhen said: "It is to do what you should do out of your true feelings."

The little beggar asked: "The person with a vicious heart can become benevolent if he pursues true feelings?"

It was the first time for Xu Zhen to hear such a long sentence from a little beggar. She was surprised for a moment, and hurriedly explained: "Of course not! Ren is only a part, and a gentleman needs to learn benevolence, righteousness, and propriety. Li is the rule and way to regulate benevolence. It’s not considered benevolence.”

The little beggar was silent, put away her sword, stood up and looked at Xu Zhen, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you save me?"

She seemed to have entered a period of changing her voice, her voice was indistinguishable from male and female, and she was more intimidating than usual.

Xu Zhen rested her chin and dragged a bamboo stick to scribble on the ground.

She was too lazy to make up a story, and said truthfully: "Although I saved you, I also saved myself at the same time."

After these words fell, there was a moment of silence in the backyard.

The little beggar sat upright for a while, then turned to look at Xu Zhen seriously for a long time.

There are waves of light in her eyes, like bright projections falling from the deep sea. Because she is born with peach blossom eyes, it gives people the illusion of affection, but because of the scar at the corner of her eyes, people feel pity.

Tomorrow hangs high in the sky, gradually shifting to the west, illuminating the two people who were originally hiding in the shadows.

The little beggar's breathing also gradually became messy as the day went by.

She frowned slightly, her expression was still indifferent, but her eyes were dim and dark without boundaries.

She looked at Xu Zhen like a pedestrian in the desert, looking eagerly at a drop of water.

In the end, she lowered her eyebrows and said to Xu Zhen very slowly, one word at a time, "My life is yours."

Outside the low wall, the voice of carrying a burden yelled: "Sell-cake-slight-"

There was noise and wind.

Xu Zhen was attracted by selling cakes, so she couldn't hear clearly for a while.

After returning to her senses, she hurriedly asked, "What did you say?"

The little beggar shook her head, but did not answer.

She handed the small sword in her hand to Xu Zhen. The scabbard was inlaid with red and green jewels, which she had never let Xu Zhen see before.

Xu Zhen didn't answer and asked, "Isn't this your sword? What are you doing for me?"

The little caller said: "My mother made it when I was full moon."

"Weapons made during the full moon? The customs of your barbarians are really strange." Xu Zhen laughed, "But it must have a special meaning. What are you doing for me?"

The little beggar stretched out his hand, and passed it forward again.

Xu Zhen pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "You want to pay back the money?"

The little beggar's face remained unchanged, she raised her hand, determined to let Xu Zhen accept it.

Xu Zhen patted her head and said: "You are really an honest person, you will definitely be bullied in the future." She said, in order not to disappoint the little beggar, she still accepted the little sword.

She put the little sword into the skirt of her clothes, the little sword was cold and placed next to her body, making her shiver.

I don't know how the little beggar is able to hold a cold little sword all day long at such a young age.

She patted her chest and said, "I will keep it safe."

The little beggar looked at her, and responded with a no-nonsense response.

After lunch, the little beggar took the bowls and chopsticks to clean up.

Xu Zhen went back to her room for an afternoon nap.

When I turned sideways, I felt something hard on my chest, felt it, and found the little sword that the little beggar had given me was inside, so I took it out to have a look.

This small sword is really beautiful. The patterns on the scabbard are not random patchwork, but form the shape of cattle and sheep praying to the sky.

There is a stamp engraved on the lower right corner of the scabbard, it is bright red, and it seems to be written "Xunjia".

After Xu Zhen finished reading, she put the little sword under the pillow, felt uneasy for no reason, rolled on the bed for a while, got up with a sad face, and went out to continue looking for a job.

The streets are still crowded with people, most of them are women wearing plain shirts and skirts, wearing heavy makeup, and wandering outside.

At that time, the folk customs were open, men and women were equal in status, and homosexuality was open, which has a feeling of Wei and Jin Dynasties. And Jiangling, where Xu Zhen lives, is even more sentimental. This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the embankment is full of willow trees. Catkins are scattered in spring, and willow branches fly in summer. It was the capital of the former dynasty, and now you can still vaguely see the wind of extravagance. .

But in the final analysis, Jiangling is just a rural place now, with many vendors, but most of them are small shops and do not need apprentice assistants.

Xu Zhen was walking on the road, and after walking for a long time, she didn't see any recruiters.

When he was about to walk out of the market, he finally saw a middle-aged man with a beard posting advertisements on the wall.

She walked forward quickly to check the content of the advertisement, and saw that it was similar to the previous recruitment order of Qinglongshan Academy, except that the recruitment of short-term workers was replaced by the recruitment of teaching teachers.

Looking at the inscription again, it is Qinglongshan Academy again.

It's so predestined.

Xu Zhen immediately thought of system tasks.

She was too lazy to care about her face, so she leaned over and asked the person who posted the advertisement: "Do you have any requirements, Mr. Zhao?"

The man glanced at Xu Zhen, and said in a rough voice: "There is no requirement, as long as you can teach. Now the young gentleman is too squeamish, and he runs away when he is angry, and the old gentleman can't resist the students. There are only two students left in the academy." A teacher."

After the man finished speaking, he continued to move forward to post the advertisement.

Xu Zhen followed behind and asked, "There are only two left? Then do you think I can do it?"

The man asked in a rough voice, "What do you know?"

Xu Zhen said, "I know all six arts."

The man was a little surprised: "Is there any document?"

The documents here are graduation certificates, work certificates and the like.

The original owner used to be a Confucian student, passed the Tongsheng examination, and later worked as a female teacher for a while.

In the past few days, when Xu Zhen went out to look for a job, she always carried the paperwork with her. When the man asked her, she took it out and showed it to him.

The man took it and saw that Xu Zhen had been a teacher for two years, so he agreed.

The two walked into the teahouse and signed the contract directly.

Seeing the consistent monthly salary above, Xu Zhen wept with joy, thanked this person, and then went to the academy to report with the deed.

Qinglongshan Academy is located halfway up the mountain.

Xu Zhen finally climbed up, and at the gate of the academy, she saw the head of the mountain drinking tea at the stone table.

She waved her hands and shouted vigorously: "Shan Zhang! Shan Zhang!"

The head of the mountain looked back, saw Xu Zhen, and spurted out a mouthful of tea: "Why is it you again?"

Xu Zhen waved the contract letter: "I will be the teacher."

The head of the mountain was shocked, and ran over to snatch the contract: "Where did you steal it?"

Xu Zhen said: "I signed it based on my ability."

The head of the mountain wanted to tear up the contract, but Xu Zhen snatched it back and protected him tightly.

The head of the mountain hurriedly said: "No, no, you can't."

Xu Zhen asked, "Why not?"

"Just you?" Shan Chang said, "Offending the descendants of Shangshu is a trivial matter, but for other things, you say that you can't read your articles fluently, how can you teach people to read?"

He thought it was inconceivable that Xu Zhen looked ugly when she recited Fu at the Ya Ji.

There are still illiterate people these days

And now, this illiterate actually wants to be a teacher

The more he thought about it, the more he got angry, the head of the mountain said, "Hurry up and get out."

Xu Zhen didn't panic at all, waved the paper in her hand and said, "I have a deed."

Shan slapped the table angrily, thinking, Mr. Zhao's unreliable old fool! How do not pick people! Just sign the contract indiscriminately

The deed has the legal effect of Daqing, and if it is violated, it can be sued all the way to Chang'an.

The head of the mountain didn't want to commit such a big thing, and tried to make Xu Zhen retreat.

He thought for a while and asked, "Since you want to teach, which subject are you going to teach?"

Xu Zhen said: "Anything is fine, I know how to do it."

The head of the mountain was surprised. He didn't expect that he couldn't read this word, but he knew everything.

Thinking about Xu Zhen's ability to gain the upper hand over Shang Shu's granddaughter, he guessed: Is it possible that this person is really knowledgeable

The head of the mountain had a little hope, stroked his mustache and asked, "You, do you know the etiquette of poetry and writing?"

Xu Zhen replied bluntly, "Not familiar."

The head of the mountain asked: "Can Changduo horse archery know?"

Xu Zhen said, "Not familiar."

The head of the mountain asked: "Is the current political astrology correct?"

Xu Zhen said, "Not very familiar."

The head of the mountain was silent for a moment, then angrily said: "You don't know anything and still want to teach?!"

He was so angry that he was looking for someone to drive Xu Zhen away.

Xu Zhen waved the contract in front of his eyes.

The head of the mountain had no choice but to grit his teeth and said bitterly, "In this case, you should follow Mr. Zhao first and help him manage his children."

Xu Zhen replied, "Okay."

The head of the mountain didn't want to see Xu Zhen again, so he turned and left. Before he left, he was worried, and turned his head and scolded: "If you let me know that you misunderstood your son and harmed others, I will sue the officials!"

Xu Zhen couldn't be in a better mood when she thought of getting a job and completing system tasks.

No matter how the head of the mountain scolded, she smiled and said: "Okay, okay, no problem, please believe in my professionalism, no matter how bad the students are, I will let them take self-study classes well."

Seeing Xu Zhen's enthusiasm, the head of the mountain felt a little embarrassed.

He was silent for a moment, then said: "No, in fact, you just... follow the student's thinking."

Xu Zhen was stunned and asked, "Why? Isn't it discipline?"

Shan Changyu told her earnestly: "In the academy, there are good students and bad students. Needless to say, good students can come in, but the bad students must have certain abilities in the family."

Xu Zhen seemed to understand but half understood.

Seeing her blank expression, Shan Chang added: "The class you are going to teach is Class E with more bad students."