The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 45


However, the governor did not catch up with Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen ran irregularly, going east for a while, and then going west for a while. Some people around who were rebuilding their houses saw her, recognized that she was the one who saved lives earlier, greeted her quickly, and gave her a lot of food.

Xu Zhen took them all with a smile.

After walking a few more steps, someone called her from a distance. Xu Zhen saw it and found out that it was the head of the academy, so she stepped forward to greet her: "Master, why aren't you staying at the academy?"

The principal smiled and said, "Of course it's about the autumn exam."

The autumn exam was approaching, and the school was about to go on vacation. The director came out to buy stationery and candles for night reading for some students living in the school.

Seeing Xu Zhen now, the boss was very enthusiastic. First, he congratulated Xu Zhen on her promotion, and then asked Xu Zhen's younger sister how she was doing. It seemed that she hadn't seen her for several days.

Xu Zhen was about to say that the little beggar had been by her side all the time, but just as she spoke the first word, she shut up suddenly, thinking that the little beggar had lost her disguise, and even the bone shrinking technique had failed. I can't explain it to ordinary people.

And if I confess, maybe it will bring disaster!

Xu Zhen had no choice but to say vaguely, "My younger sister has gone home."

The principal nodded: "Then who is that barbarian woman who stayed by Shang Shulang's side recently?"

Xu Zhen explained: "It's my other younger sister."

The chief was surprised: "Sir, there is more than one sister?"

Xu Zhen bit the bullet and said, "Of course there are more than that. The previous one was from the father's side, but now this one is from the mother's side."

The chief nodded to express his understanding, but he always felt that something was not quite right.

The two walked all the way to the teahouse, and the host continued to chat with Xu Zhen. There were many people in the teahouse, and there were many young students wearing soft robes and wrapping their hair in handkerchiefs, sitting together in small groups, holding a handful of melon seeds knock.

The chief said about the dense number of people in this area: "I don't know how many candidates will be produced in the autumn examination this year, and how many people from the Hongdu Academy will be able to produce."

Xu Zhen said, "It must be quite a lot."

"That's not necessarily true." The principal said, "After all, the test questions this year were given by the Holy Spirit. Even if Mr. Xueguan wants to bet on the questions, it will be difficult to analyze what the previous test questions are."

Xu Zhen nodded.

The master chatted with her about the autumn test.

Xu Zhen was not very interested, so she changed the subject and asked, "Master, do you know what happened to the Xun family before?"

The chief said, "I know."

His expression was as usual, and he didn't look frightened, which was different from Xu Zhen's imagination. Xu Zhen originally thought that Chang'an would not allow this to be discussed.

It is naturally good for Xu Zhen that the principal knows about this.

Xu Zhen asked about the specific situation.

The principal told Xu Zhen about it. It was a late night six years ago, when a thief entered Xun's house and stole a lot of things, but he didn't expect to meet officers and soldiers on the road.

The officers and soldiers caught the thief and found a letter among the stolen things, and the content of the letter actually said that the head of the Xun family colluded with the Hu people and often secretly sent food and grass to the Hu people through wars. He also thought of several ways to attack Chang'an for the Hu people.

Things played out quickly, making Shengshang Longyan furious.

Xu Zhen nodded after hearing this: "Is there any more?"

The master said: "It's gone."

Xu Zhen asked: "Then they—"

The master hurriedly said: "The house will be ransacked in the future, and I don't know the rest. If Shang Shulang wants to know, he can ask other people, but don't mention it in front of the Holy One."

The Holy Majesty's distaste for such things as treason can almost be described with full marks.

Xu Zhen wanted to ask some more questions, but the principal had hurriedly got up and left.

Even though they had such a happy chat just now about the autumn test, the little beggar Hua's family really can't just ask casually.

Xu Zhen had no choice but to get up and prepare to go back.

Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, I met Xie Aguang.

This Xie Aguang looked serious, vaguely ferocious, he blocked near the teahouse, and after seeing Xu Zhen, he took a step forward.

Xu Zhen thought that he wanted to fight, so she hurriedly backed away.

Unexpectedly, Xie Guang would only thank him in a deep voice, and by the way, he wanted to ask where the little beggar was, and wanted to repay his life-saving grace.

Xu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and just wanted to say a few words.

At this time, there was another sound of running fast, and a person suddenly came out from the alley, pressed Xie Guang's head and pushed him to the ground, cursing: "Zhuzi!! How dare monk Shulang be so rude!!"

Xu Zhen was taken aback.

Xie Guang was also taken aback, this Xie Guang originally planned to resist with serious resentment, but when he looked up and saw that it was his father, tears welled up from the corners of his eyes.

"Father!! What are you doing!!" Xie Guang struggled.

The governor cursed bitterly: "I heard that you bullied Shang Shulang's sister in the academy! Now you dare to bully Shang Shulang!!"

Xie Guang shouted: "I didn't!!"

The governor said: "Say it again!"

Xie Guang wanted to yell again, his tough look before was gone, and under the pressure of his own father, he became an innocent and pitiful screaming puppy.

Xu Zhen secretly laughed when she thought of the trouble that Xie Guang had caused the little beggar.

He laughed for a while before going out, and explained very seriously: "Oh, no, this is just a misunderstanding, Governor, please listen to my explanation."

It took the three of them a long time to explain the misunderstanding clearly. The governor didn't regret much when he learned that he had misunderstood someone. He had long wanted to take care of his useless son.

He talks about the giants of the Mo family all day long and wants to be a knight, but after a long time, he is still a half-baked guy.

It was getting late, and the lights were on all around.

The river and the sea are at low tide, and there are large black ships on the sea, many of which are continuing to salvage things and catch some fish by the way, and some are painted boats carved with jade railings, and some people dance lightly on them, waving fans and throwing golden flowers .

The governor saw it, and first asked Xu Zhen very politely if she would like to go to the painting boat to watch singing and dancing together.

Xu Zhen said, "No, no, I'll go home and have dinner."

The governor expressed his understanding.

Xu Zhen said goodbye and left, walking forward.

The governor followed up again, following behind Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen was puzzled and felt a little strange. She turned her head and asked, "Inspector, is there anything else you need?"

The governor looked at Xu Zhen for several times, and finally couldn't hold back and asked: "Master Shangshu, when will you finish writing your second book?"

Book two

It took Xu Zhen a while to realize that it was her flood self-rescue manual.

She is indeed planning to write the second volume, but she hasn't decided what to write yet.

Therefore, facing the governor's question, she smiled and said, "In a while."

After speaking, afraid that the governor would follow him again, he raised his sleeves and skirt, regardless of what the governor and Xie Aguang would think of him, and ran away in a hurry.

Back home, Xu Zhen walked into the house on the cleaned stone road, lit the night lamp, and found that the little beggar was not inside.

Xu Zhen was a little puzzled, but she didn't think too much about it. She walked directly into the room and opened the merit point interface to check.

The merit point has risen again in the past few days.

Since the increase of 20,000 points that time, Xu Zhen didn't care about such small points at all.

She continued to open the main thread to read.

It was found that the previous task was completed, and because it was overfulfilled, he got two thousand merit points.

And a new mission has also been posted, the mission content is: "Investigate the truth about the treason of the Xun family six years ago (0/1)"

This task! !

Xu Zhen stood up moved. She looked at this task and was speechless for a long time.

This system is too kind. A few days ago, I just wanted to help the little beggar's family to reverse the case. In the morning, I asked the chief about the plot. Now the task is this. It's really great.

I just don't know how to start to investigate this matter. After all, the Holy Majesty doesn't like others to mention the Xun family. When she asked others, she probably got the same answer as she asked the master.

You can't ask the little beggar directly.

Xu Zhen thought about it, and asked the system customer service, "Can you provide clues to the mission?"

The system said: "No."

Xu Zhen asked persistently: "Is there anyone in Chang'an who can provide some clues?"

The system said: "The host should judge by himself."

Xu Zhen was angry: "How can you judge for yourself?? Your system is too rubbish!!"

The system quickly ended the voice call, and Xu Zhen dialed again, showing that the number of calls for today has been used up.

Fuck this garbage system!

Xu Zhen thought to herself: When I get rich in the future, I must report this system.

She didn't have a clue about this matter, and originally planned to ask a little bit, and overturn the case at will, but now this old case of the Xun family has directly become a task of earning merit points, and the price is too high!

Xu Zhen had to do it.

After she waited for the little beggar to come back, she looked at the little beggar and wanted to ask questions several times, but hesitated.

Xun Qianchun felt Xu Zhen's entanglement slightly, and looked at Xu Zhen quietly.

Today she was wearing a light gray gown with a belt around her waist, her hair was tied up casually, her face changed slightly, and she tore it off after walking back to restore the original appearance.

Xu Zhen couldn't stand it any longer, she got up and put the food on the table.

After Xun Qianchun washed his hands and sat down, Xu Zhen coughed twice, and asked in a subtle and tactful manner, "Where did you go today?"

Xun Qianchun said: "The old house."

Xu Zhen asked, "Xun's old house?"

Xun Qianchun nodded.

Xu Zhen said: "How is the old house? It wasn't washed away by the rainstorm, right?"

Xun Qianchun recalled the scene after going back today, there were many people standing around the old house, she could only watch from a distance. The heavy rain this time completely exposed the dilapidated house of the Xun family. There were some things hidden in it, but after being washed out, they were quickly picked up.

Xun Qianchun had no choice but to watch from the side.

She looked at it for a long time and felt confused.

Originally, every time she thought of the Xun family, she couldn't help but mobilize in her heart, but now seeing the broken tiles and walls, she has no obsession.

No matter how lively the crowd is, it has nothing to do with her.

All she could think about was the husband.

Xun Qianchun thought a lot in his mind, but didn't say a word.

Xu Zhen thought she was sad, so she didn't dare to ask.

I can only be entangled in my heart, what should I do, let's put this matter aside for now.

The most important thing now is the autumn test.

And speaking of the autumn test, how should little beggar participate in the autumn test now? Xu Zhen was a little uncertain.

She originally used Xu Xiaochun's name to help register and paid a lot of money. It would be great if the little beggar could really show her ambitions in the imperial examination.

Thinking that she might not be able to take the exam now, Xu Zhen was a little disappointed.

Xu Zhen hesitated all night, woke up in the middle of the night, and saw the wind blowing outside, shaking the trees and shaking the sky and the ground. There was a person standing under the moon, she seemed to be a little beggar, her back was facing Xu Zhen, her white clothes floated up, she stood on the steps and looked up at the night sky.

Xu Zhen admired it for a while, then went back to sleep covered in mist.

Early the next morning, a carriage from the palace came to take Xu Zhen to work.

Shang Shu's treatment is really good. Xu Zhen sighed. She went to the Department of Rituals, which was still the same Department of Rituals, and the staff there hadn't changed much, only Xu Zhen's seat had been changed.

She stepped into it again, and on the way to the front position, she felt the unprecedented peace of the Ministry of Rites.

Everyone lowered their heads and wrote, all very seriously, and none of them even looked up at her.

I really can't blame those people.

Because many of these people were on the side of Yuan Shangshu, or on the side of Minister Zhong and Zhong Mei, hoping that one of them would give him a hand after he was promoted.

But who would have thought that the original Shangshu was demoted, and the remaining two remained silent!

It turned out to be that Yuanwailang who gained power?

The people from the Ministry of Rites were about to cry right now.

They both felt sorry for the gift they had given before, and were also afraid that Xu Zhenqiu would settle accounts later.

But Xu Zhen didn't understand these things at all.

She even thought about resigning a bit.

In addition to the reasons related to the little beggar before, there is-

Shangshu's work content is too heavy! !

It's okay to approve the application and the like, but why do Taixue students need to correct the homework? ? ? Does Taixue have no teachers? !

Xu Zhen is also crying.

All of a sudden, in the Ministry of Rites, everyone was crying.

Jijiu walked in and saw this scene, couldn't help laughing.

She is very casual, and she hangs wine around her waist all the year round. When she saw Xu Zhen, she stepped in and saluted, then walked up to Xu Zhen and talked, "Shang Shulang, let me discuss it with you. After three days , about the autumn test."

Xu Zhen was even more desperate when she heard this.

Autumn test? She has never participated in it, and she has never seen anyone who has participated in it, so she can discuss something.

But there is no way to refuse.

All she could do was nod her head.

The official position of Jijiu is a little lower than that of Xu Zhen. According to the rules, she has to stand at the first level of Xu Zhen to talk to Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen didn't care about these things, and simply suggested that the two go into the cubicle to chat.

Jijiu nodded, and the two of them went around the screen and entered the cubicle, sat at the table, and the Minister of Etiquette brought tea over.

She rolled up her sleeves and drank a glass of the sacrificial wine, and was about to say that this tea still couldn't replace wine, but suddenly, her eyes flicked to Xu Zhen's waist, and she found something extraordinary.

Pinned to Xu Zhen's waist was a small red sword, which looked like rusted iron, with carvings of cattle and sheep kneeling down on it.

This pattern is not common.

But the sacrificial wine happened to know where the carving came from.

Jijiu looked at it, laughed, and couldn't help jokingly said: "Shang Shulang is also a romantic person."

Xu Zhen put down the rice paper in her hand and asked, "What?"

Jijiu nodded the little sword on Xu Zhen's waist and said: "This is the full moon sword of the barbarians. Each person can only make one in a lifetime. If you give it to someone else, then that person must be someone who will spend the rest of their lives together."

After she finished speaking, she continued to open the book, and said to Xu Zhen, "Shang Shulang, let's start discussing the autumn test."

The topic changed too quickly.

Xu Zhen didn't know whether she should be shocked, puzzled or moved.

She had mixed feelings, and finally explained: "This is what one of my students gave me."

Jijiu looked up at her.

There was complete disbelief in her eyes, she looked down at the Taixue homework carried by Xu Zhen, and thought to herself: Will there be students and husbands who want to spend their lives together? Write homework and write crazy.

The new Shangshu, he didn't find any good excuses.