The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 47


On the second day, Xu Zhen continued to correct the test questions.

On the way, an official saw Xu Zhen and came over to say hello: "Shang Shulang is really happy recently."

Xu Zhen hurriedly said: "No, it's all because of the praise of the Holy One."

The official said: "When the autumn test is over, Shang Shulang must come to the banquet. Let's join in the fun."

Xu Zhen said, "It's not a problem."

The official said: "Then I will not bother Shang Shulang."

After speaking, he left with a smile.

Xu Zhen bid farewell to these people, and then went to the Ministry of Rites to start grading the test papers. During the period, the servant came to follow and read together, and Jijiu also came to help.

The three discussed together, and the final score was judged by Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen didn't have any standard answers to these questions, so she gave them random scores.

But the more she approved the test paper, the more she felt that the test paper looked familiar. She read a few more copies, and suddenly remembered that the topic on it——

It seems to be basically the same as the hundred test questions that I filled out casually in Qinglong Mountain back then! !

Xu Zhen turned a few more pages.

This year's exam papers in the same exam room are divided into six different parts to prevent cheating, so the base is not small.

But even so, Xu Zhen still saw five or six questions that she was familiar with.

They were all written in the test booklet.

Xu Zhen was a little taken aback.

Are you so accurate in betting on yourself

Xu Zhen wanted to take a closer look at the questions and how the students answered them.

The sacrificial wine also found something wrong.

She stood up abruptly, with a serious face, and accidentally knocked over the ink on the table.

The waiter beside him asked in shock, "What happened to the sacrificial wine?"

Jijiu said nervously, "Someone's answer is similar!"

The implication is to vent the question again!

After she finished speaking, she frowned, took the imperial examination papers, and ran quickly to the palace.

Xu Zhen was taken aback, knowing that Jijiu had misunderstood, she was about to explain, but Jijiu had already run away.

She had no choice but to get up in a hurry, hurriedly followed, and shouted a few words behind.

But it was still too slow.

When he finally reached the gate of the palace, the Holy Majesty had already started to get angry in the hall, throwing things around.

The little eunuch outside stood with his head bowed.

Xu Zhen wanted to go in, but was stopped by the eunuch, who said that the Holy Majesty was angry and could not be notified to enter now, and had to wait first.

Xu Zhen frowns anxiously.

She stood outside, listening to the angry scolding voice of the principal inside, piercing her ears through the richly carved doors.

Inside the hall.

The Holy One got up and asked angrily: "Why do students from different examination institutes and different academies give such similar answers???"

Several courtiers knelt on the ground, but no one could answer.

The weather suddenly became cloudy, and the cold wind rolled up, blowing towards Xu Zhen's body.

There was a burst of angry shouting inside.

The Holy Majesty roared angrily: "I chose the test questions myself, and even changed them, why can I still leak the questions?? Who leaked the questions??"

The ministers bowed their heads in silence, with cold sweat dripping from their foreheads.

The Holy Majesty said: "Gu must check it out today!"

Xu Zhen felt that the situation was serious, and couldn't wait any longer, so she opened the door and rushed in, shouting, "Your Majesty!!"

The Holy Majesty was on the verge of anger, and when he saw Xu Zhen rushing in, he became even angrier. He threw the cup in his hand and shouted, "Shang Shulang, did Gu let you in!"

Xu Zhen almost cried.

She didn't want to come in at all, but she had to come in!

Because if you don't explain it now, the Holy Majesty will definitely find you if you continue to investigate. It is better to explain it later than to explain it early, but no matter what you say, you may lose your life.

What is this called.

Didn't I just bet on a few questions

Seeing that Xu Zhen didn't speak, the Holy One almost wanted to find someone to throw Xu Zhen out.

Xu Zhen hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Yes, it's the subject of the charge."

The wind was blowing, there was a bang from the sky, and thunder was passing by, but it didn't rain, but the wind became stronger and blew into the hall, making everyone sweat on their backs, and goose bumps all over their bodies.

Inside the hall, there was no sound.

Everyone knelt on the ground, not daring to breathe.

Some old ministers knew the emperor's temper, closed their eyes and sighed inwardly, what is this Xu Shangshu doing, this is not how he flaunts his prestige, the emperor doesn't believe in any bets! Say in public that you won the bet, don't be kidding.

Sure enough, the Holy Majesty didn't believe it at all.

He sneered and said: "Xu Shangshu, I miss you for your meritorious service in disaster relief, so don't get involved now."

The Holy One wanted Xu Zhen to shut up.

But Xu Zhen couldn't keep her mouth shut, because this matter would eventually be held to her head.

She whispered very honestly: "This is really a question for the minister to guess."

Everyone was silent.

There was another thunderclap in the sky, the dark clouds were heavy, and the heavy people couldn't breathe.

I can't even stand watching the sacrificial wine.

She wanted to raise a few words with Xu Zhen, but before she could open her mouth, she was interrupted by the furious Holy Majesty: "Since you said you pressed the questions, tell me all the questions you pressed!!"

Xu Zhen couldn't remember everything, so she said, "Your Majesty just need to go to the head of Qinglong Mountain and ask for the test booklet with the hundred questions."

The Holy Majesty said to the maid beside him, "Bring the Qinglongshan test booklet."

Xu Zhen hurriedly said: "The volume that was handed in is not the same volume as the one that was placed in Qinglongshan Academy."

The Holy One frowned and asked Xu Zhen to explain clearly.

Xu Zhen said: "The content of the book handed in at Qinglong Mountain was smeared by the minister, so it was filled in later, and the students read it, all of which were rewritten by the minister."

This statement sounds a bit forced.

On the steps, His Majesty pursed his lips and frowned, clenched his hands into fists, filled with resentment.

He thought about it for a while, and felt that according to Xu Zhen's meaning, if he picked out the test questions from a pile of rubbish questions and adapted them, and finally changed them, it would be better if Xu Zhen filled in randomly

the fuck-

The Holy Majesty swears inwardly, breathing in continuously to calm himself down.

The wind blew in through the window, and the test papers hung down to the ground, spinning like tatters and falling to the feet.

The Holy Majesty looked down and felt that the above answer was even more glaring and hateful.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, waved his hand to beckon people, and directly threw Xu Zhen out, so that she didn't have to correct the test papers, and she didn't have to host any autumn exams, so go back and face the wall first! !

As for the imperial examination questions.

"Thoroughly investigate!!" The Holy One said, "Including the last time, thoroughly investigate everything!!" He looked at Jijiu, "I know that you secretly blocked this matter last time, but this time, it's not up to you!!"

After speaking, he tossed his cup and waved his sleeves to leave.

Only the autumn wind keeps blowing at the window.

Leaked questions in imperial examinations, postponement of autumn exams, leaked questions, missed questions.

All of a sudden, people in Chang'an were in a state of panic, and everyone was talking about the release of the autumn exam.

Chang'an Restaurant is still very lively, with cornices and corners, decorated with lanterns and festoons to welcome the candidates for the intermission.

Some are smiling, and some are sad.

The few sad ones gathered together to drink tea.

In the end, someone couldn't hold back, stood up and said: "I want to explain to the Holy One, Shang Shu must have guessed correctly by accident."

The other person hurriedly stopped him: "Stop talking! So what if you say it, will the Holy Majesty believe you? Shang Shulang stepped on it casually, and it turned out to be an imperial examination question. How could it be possible? In my opinion, she was just peeking at the question. Putting on a show in front of us."

The man was quickly punched with a fist: "What are you talking about?"

The one who was beaten covered his face and scolded: "I was kind enough for you, but you still beat me?"

The man said: "Xu Shangshu saved so many people in the flood and gave us guessing questions. Are you so maliciously speculating about her!!"

"But the Holy Majesty said it all, it's just a leak!!"

The two were arguing, and at this moment, there were two knocking sounds from the cubicle, and after a while, a girl poked her head from the wall and smiled at the two of them: "I heard that you are talking about betting. Mister also won, her surname is Xu."

The two were stunned.

The girl continued: "We are all from Jiangling, do you want to come over and have tea and talk together?"

On the corner of Chang'an Street, in the teahouses in the busy city, officers and soldiers are everywhere asking questions, and everyone is anxious, for fear that the leaked questions in the autumn exam will be related to themselves.

This investigation is three days.

Until I found the Yunmofang and Qinglongshan Academy in Qinglong Mountain, I opened all the books and the like, and handed them to the Holy One.

Only then did the Holy Majesty realize it.

It's Xu Zhen, she really hit the mark! !

He still couldn't believe it, so he quickly called the old woman and told about this matter. Afterwards, the young ladies around heard about it, and talked about it, and many people in the palace knew about it—

The two leaked questions in the autumn test turned out to be done by one person!

It was Xu Zhen who became Yuanwailang as soon as she arrived in Chang'an, and later became a minister because of her meritorious service in disaster relief, but was dismissed within half a month.

This person bet more than half of the questions that the Majesty wanted to test! !

Everyone reacted differently.

The Ministry of Rites cursed endlessly after hearing this.

After hearing this, the princess fell down on the couch and laughed.

Jijiu learned that, holding the crude portrait from before, he ran to Jiangling to share this matter with his friends.

When the Taiwei heard about it, he sent someone to arrest Li Sanlang to the mansion, looked him up and down, and saw that Li Sanlang was full of energy, and he didn't talk like he used to, so he let him go again with satisfaction.

Only the Holy One.

Sitting in his study, the Holy Majesty was stroking the pompon in his hands, and after looking down for a long time, he made a decision—

He can't lose face.

Therefore, he sent someone to call Xu Zhen over.

Straight to the point, he said: "Aiqing, the matter of leaking the question this time has been found out. I have misunderstood you, so I only want to promote you."

Xu Zhen's heart was trembling, she hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I was promoted a while ago."

The Holy One laughed and said, "You should be rewarded this time, but there is one more thing to do."

Xu Zhen waited for the Holy Majesty to continue.

The Holy One said: "You choose someone from the Ministry of Rites to take on this responsibility."

Xu Zhen understood.

The Holy Majesty's meaning is very clear, this incident can only be regarded as a leak, not a bet, otherwise there may be many people who don't want to study hard and all buy guessing questions and bet on them.

And the most suitable place to take the blame is the Ministry of Rites.

Xu Zhen finally understood what it meant to be a companion like a tiger. The emperor became shameless, he was really a ruthless character.

But fortunately, we will communicate in advance.

As for the scapegoat that the Holy Majesty wanted to find, as a soft-hearted modern person, Xu Zhen really couldn't do such a thing.

She can only refuse.

The Holy One said again: "If you can't find it, then it's only you."

Xu Zhen said: "I started the matter, if I was in charge, it would make sense."

The Holy One said: "But if this is the case, Aiqing will not be able to protect that barbarian."

Xu Zhen was surprised when she heard this.

The Holy Majesty said again: "In this way, I have thought of a better way."

Xu Zhen didn't feel right.

The Holy One said: "How about letting the Hu people take responsibility?"

Xu Zhen knew it was such a crooked idea.

She hurriedly said: "My lord, no!"

The Holy One was suddenly furious, he stood up and asked, "Are you protecting that barbarian again?"

Xu Zhen said: "I'm not protecting her, it's just that she didn't do anything wrong at all, why should she take the responsibility this time!"

"She is a barbarian, so she deserves to die!" The Holy One angrily said, "Do you know how the barbarian treated the Han people before? The deep enmity between the barbarian and the Han is fused into our flesh and blood and cannot be erased!"

Xu Zhen said: "But first of all, she is a person, a person who grew up in Daqing. She was influenced by Confucianism and Taoism. Although she was illiterate and did not understand culture at first, she has nothing to do with Hu people."

The Holy Majesty said: "In her bones, she is a barbarian! What flows is the barbarian's despicable blood!"

Xu Zhen said: "Who can see clearly what is in the bones. The ancestor of Shang Zhou was Cheng Tang, and Fu Su and Hu Hai were both born of Zulong, but they had very different personalities. It will only be discussed on paper. Therefore, bloodlines cannot be generalized."

There were blue veins on His Majesty's forehead, and he slapped the desk and said angrily: "Xu Shangshu, I just think you don't want to live anymore!"

Xu Zhen said, "I have never thought about it that way."

No one is more attached to life than her, not only to herself, but also to others.

The Holy Majesty was furious: "Xu Azhen! Stay alive, barbarians, you choose one!!"

Xu Zhen didn't hesitate: "I want both."

The Holy Majesty gritted his teeth and smiled: "This barbarian, even if he doesn't take responsibility this time, he will be sent to the border. If you leave her behind, you will be promoted."

Xu Zhen also smiled and said, "My lord."

The Holy Majesty leaned back on the soft collapse, looked at Xu Zhen calmly, and saw what tricks she could come up with.

Xu Zhen said presumptuously: "My lord, it just so happens that I will be demoted for taking responsibility this time, why don't you demote me to the border together."

After the words fell, the Holy Majesty raised his foot and kicked the case table over, cursing fiercely: "Get out!"

The melon and fruit crystal cup rolled all over the floor, and the tea flowed down the steps little by little. A plate hit Xu Zhen, and Xu Zhen took it down and put it on the ground safely.

Shengshang was so angry that he continued to kick the unkicked table and asked Xu Zhen to be kicked out.

Xu Zhen hurriedly got up and ran away.

Once gaining power, once losing power.

The people in the palace were the most sober and realistic. Knowing that Xu Zhen was scolded by the Holy Majesty and sent back home, they all gloated quietly in the palace.

Xu Zhen has become the person who has been promoted and demoted the fastest in Chang'an in the past hundred years.

The decree will come soon.

It was still brought by the old woman. She and the Taiwei tried their best to protect Xu Zhen and helped her get an idle official.

As she wished, the Holy Majesty let her and Xun Qianchun roll to the border to eat sand.

When the old woman heard about this, she couldn't help crying, and kept comforting her: "If there is a chance, I will definitely say a few words for Mr. Mr. is so talented, how can he be relegated to the frontier? When Mr. comes back, I hope that the matter of the barbarians can be settled." Down."

Xu Zhen said: "No, no, I think it's good to go around and have a look."

The old woman was still crying softly.

Xu Zhen didn't feel anything.

Under the imperial decree, she and Xun Qianchun had no time to stay, and they were on their way immediately.

The carriage this time was a dilapidated cotton cart. The two hurriedly packed their things, locked the gate of the mansion, and quickly got into the carriage.

The weather was gloomy, and it began to rain suddenly.

The autumn wind blew in along the curtain of the car, and Xu Zhen, who was cold, kept approaching the little beggar to keep warm.

The border gate was far away, and the coachman led them to take a small path and walked out of the border city gate quietly all the way.

Xu Zhen thought of the scenery when she left Jiangling.

She looked back and saw a piece of empty grass swaying in the air. There were a few people standing on the city wall, who seemed to be from the Hongdu Academy, the governor, his son, and a few people from the Ministry of Rites. They didn't speak, but waved goodbye. .

The autumn wind brings drizzle.

Xu Zhen didn't know a few people well, so she was even more moved when she saw these people sending her off.

She lay on the back window waving goodbye, and then thought: her second book has not been written yet, and now she can only let the pigeons go.

The sound of the rain is getting more and more lingering, the city wall is getting farther and farther away, and the autumn wind blows people's hands and feet are cold.

The official road is calm and the horseshoes are rattling.

The sky is high and the earth is vast, and the world is like clouds.

When Xu Zhen turned her head and saw Xun Qianchun was still sitting beside her, her original sadness dissipated a lot.

She held Xun Qianchun's hand and said, "I was originally demoted, but you got hurt."

Xun Qianchun didn't know nothing, looked up at Xu Zhen, and said, "It's me."

Xu Zhen smiled and said, "Fortunately, now that I have left Chang'an, I don't have to worry about many things."

Xun Qianchun nodded.

She also looked out the window and saw a few familiar people. Those people saw her and quickly jumped off the city wall and disappeared.

Xun Qianchun looked at the city wall of Chang'an, and then at Xu Zhen in front of him, and there was nothing but joy in his heart. Sure enough, as long as you are with Mr., you can go anywhere.