The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 5


What the head of the mountain said to help manage students is similar to the work of a teaching assistant in a modern university. It is mainly responsible for studying on the sidelines. How does a normal teacher teach.

Xu Zhen didn't have the experience of going to school here, so she thought it would be good to hear about it.

Today, Mr. Zhao went out to post advertisements, and no one cared about his children, so the head of the mountain took Xu Zhen to get acquainted with the students here.

Although Qinglong Mountain is a private school, which cannot be compared with Taixue and Zhouxian School, it strictly follows the instructions above, conducts quizzes three times a month, and divides students into classes such as A, B, C, and D according to the test results.

What Xu Zhen needs to manage is Class E, which is the worst class.

Shan Chang said: "We don't have many disciples, and you manage only a dozen or so."

Xu Zhen asked: "Then what do I usually need to do?"

The head of the mountain looked at her and asked, "Didn't you ever be a lady?"

Xu Zhen said it confidently: "I have been, but I have never been a female teacher who does not teach!"

The head of the mountain was speechless, and told her: "They are studying down there, and you are watching from above, so as to prevent some people from not studying."

Xu Zhen nodded: "What else?"

"Also? What's more, if they have doubts, you can answer them, but can you? Can you? You don't know economics, and you don't know how to count astrology. What can you do?"

What can I do

When the head of the mountain thought of this, he started to have a headache again, and vowed to scold Mr. Zhao when he came back.

The two stepped on the stone bricks and entered the interior of the hall.

The study hall is half the size of a football field, and it looks very flat at first glance, without any extra shelter. At the end of the room, there are two brown wood cabinets and bookshelves, and a screen is placed on the side, with colorful maid patterns depicted on it.

In front of the screen, male students are gathering to fight crickets, and on the other side, little girls are chatting around.

This group of people looked like junior high school students aged ten or eleven, and their height was about the same as that of a beggar. Although they hadn't reached the rebellious stage, they didn't seem to be very easy to discipline.

Seeing this absurd scene, Shan Chang turned pale and coughed heavily.

The people in front of the screen turned their heads and saw that it was the head of the mountain, so they greeted lazily, then turned around and continued to do their own things.

The head of the mountain looked upset, and said to Xu Zhen: "This place is under your control, and you can get off work when you apply for it, and come to me when the time comes."

Without stopping at all, he ran out of the study in a hurry.

Xu Zhen was left standing alone.

There was a moment of silence in the study hall. I don't know whose cricket won the battle, and cheers erupted.

Xu Zhen yelled a few words that class was over, but no one answered, so she was happy and relaxed, ran outside to get a cup of tea, and then sat in front of her and read a book.

After a while, after fighting the crickets, they got bored, discussed with each other, and came to find Xu Zhen, a newcomer, to have fun.

One person ran to the front and sat down, and asked loudly: "Sir, why don't you give lectures? This is an academy, what do you mean by not giving lectures?"

Xu Zhen looked up at him and said, "I've been lecturing."

The man was a little puzzled: "What did you say? Why didn't I hear it?" He asked the people around him, "Did you hear it?"

Several people around shook their heads: "No."

Knowing that it wasn't his own memory that was wrong, but the new gentleman's stubborn mouth, the man immediately became confident.

He raised his chin and said to Xu Zhen: "Everyone didn't hear it. You weren't lecturing at all. As a teacher, why did you lie?"

Xu Zhen put the book aside, adjusted her sitting posture to make herself more comfortable, and asked, "How do you know that it's me who is lying, and not everyone else lying together to lie to you?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "How could so many people lie to me together?"

Xu Zhen said: "Could it be that there are no tigers on the street, but if the three people say there are tigers, is there really a tiger on the street?"

The man didn't study much at ordinary times. After hearing this allusion, he thought about it for a while before he realized it, and quickly said: "You are using strong words, and now you are the one who lied to people that there are tigers on the street!"

Xu Zhen thought, this young man is quite intelligent.

She was bored at the moment, so she continued to chat with this man: "Why are you so sure that you are right?"

The man said: "Of course it's because I didn't hear it."

Xu Zhen asked: "Does it really not exist if you haven't heard it?"

The man was confident and looked like a spoiled child.

He said: "Of course! If I can't even believe my own ears, what else can I believe!"

Xu Zhen couldn't help but want to laugh.

She took the teacup from her hand, took a sip slowly, and said, "In that case, can you hear the cock crowing now? Can you hear the wind whistling? Can you hear your father calling you?" Xu Zhen asked: "Do you If you can’t hear them, does that mean they don’t exist now?”

Nature exists.

The man almost said that, but immediately realized that he couldn't say that! Otherwise you lose.

He stood there blankly, listening to each of them, but found that he really didn't hear any of them, how should he refute

He opened his mouth and widened his eyes, trying to say something, but he was dizzy and didn't know how to say it.

Seeing his blank expression, Xu Zhen took the opportunity to make up the knife: "So you can't trust your ears, you have to think." After she finished speaking, she thought about it, and felt that what she said was not rigorous, and added, "Of course, some people I can't believe my brain."

The atmosphere in the study hall suddenly became terribly depressed.

Xu Zhen laughed twice to enliven the atmosphere, and seeing that everyone stopped playing around, they focused their eyes and looked straight at her.

Made her a little nervous.

Just when Shen Shi was about to arrive, Xu Zhen didn't dare to face so many scary eyes anymore, she hurriedly packed her things and said, "School is over! We will meet again by fate."

After speaking, he went to the head of the mountain.

Birds chirping from the forest.

The head of the mountain is at the back of the mountain, dressed in a white robe, standing with his hands behind his back, playing with a bird in a bamboo cage.

The bird was gray, with a yellow head and a maroon spot on its belly.

Xu Zhen walked over to have a look: "Isn't this a gray partridge?"

The head of the mountain was startled, turned around and saw Xu Zhen, and said, "Why are you walking so silently?"

Xu Zhen smiled: "I'm light."

The head of the mountain was stunned for a while, and was about to scold Xu Zhen for being shameless as a woman, but suddenly realized that get out of class was over, so he asked symbolically, "How are the students?"

Xu Zhen said, "It's all pretty good."

Shan Chang said: "The students in Qinglong Mountain are naturally not bad, and there are two generals in Class E, and many of the rest are also merchants. You remember to treat them well, and don't offend them."

He said that he thought about the events of the last Yaji, and repeated: "Don't offend anyone! Do you understand?"

Xu Zhen smiled and said: "Of course I won't offend them. I will just supervise their studies. Some people won't listen to them. They just play with crickets. I dare not stop them."

For the first time, the head of the mountain showed his approval: "Well done, this is what Lao Zhuang called 'governance by doing nothing'. Our academy attaches equal importance to Confucianism and Taoism, so it is no problem to do so. What else?"

Xu Zhen said: "They were interested in how famous scholars debated whether a white horse is not a horse, so I talked about Gongsun Long and Huizi's thoughts."

Shan Chang said: "Famous artists are not mainstream, but they are good as an adjustment."

Xu Zhen said, "There is nothing else."

The head of the mountain said: "That's right, that's right, she has been a lady teacher for two years." He was busy playing with birds, and waved his hands, "You can go back."

Xu Zhen was very happy and ready to go home.

Halfway through the walk, I thought of something, then turned back and asked, "Master Shan, I have something else to do."

The head of the mountain asked: "What's the matter?"

Xu Zhen said: "There is a child in my family, I don't feel at ease being alone at home every day, can I bring her to class E to study together tomorrow?"

The head of the mountain swished his head back.

Xu Zhen hurriedly said, "Tuition fees will be deducted from my monthly salary."

The head of the mountain thought for a while and said, "Yes, you can bring your household registration tomorrow, and take care of your little boy, and don't let her provoke others."

Xu Zhen said happily: "It's not a problem."

She walked to the house on straw sandals, opened the door excitedly, called the little beggar's name in all the rooms, and was disappointed to find that the little beggar was not at home.

Xu Zhen felt a little strange, but didn't think much, and ran into the house to check her stowaway system.

As expected, the merit points increased by 50 points.

Click on the main interface, and the task of entering Qinglongshan Academy has been completed. When Xu Zhen looked at it, it slowly disappeared automatically and was replaced by another new task.

The new task is called: "Explore the true identity of the little beggar (0/10)"

Little beggar's true identity

Xu Zhen was a little confused, the system actually paid attention to the little beggar, and also regarded the little beggar as the main task, it seems that the little beggar is not easy.

Speaking of it, it is also very thought-provoking that as long as you stay with the little beggar, you can gain merit points.

Xu Zhen thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

Now that he is free, he sits on the couch again and thinks calmly.

The merit points of the system are clearly stipulated. There are only two ways in total. One is to do good deeds, which makes people feel grateful, and the other is to turn bad people into good people, reduce evil values, and build a harmonious society.

But the little caller has a pure mind, so she is definitely not a bad person.

The only possibility is that when I stayed with the little beggar, the little beggar felt grateful to me.

Xu Zhen ruled out many possibilities, and felt more and more that the truth was like this, and her heart almost melted in an instant.

What a well-behaved poor child.

I only paid twelve taels, and I can get a steady stream of gratitude from one person, what virtue and ability I am.

Xu Zhen was so moved that she was about to cry.

She turned her head and saw the "main line" task on the system interface, and felt that there was something wrong with the system's task, and she didn't lack merit points at all recently, so she simply ignored it and closed the interface directly.

In order to treat the little beggar better, and at the same time make up for the little beggar's guilt of being favored by the system, Xu Zhen went out and bought some chicken, boiled it in water, took it out after cooking, tore it into strips and dipped it in sauce.

The little beggar opened the door and came back when the cooking smoke rose outside.

Xu Zhen ran over and asked, "Where have you been?"

The little beggar took out a handful of copper coins from his pocket: "Sell firewood."

Xu Zhen took the money and asked, "Why did it take so long?"

The little beggar said, "For a place far away, the money is more."

Xu Zhen held the little beggar's hand, thinking: This kid is too sensible.

She took the little beggar to wash her hands, then sat down at the dinner table and said, "Don't sell it next time. I have good news for you. I found a teaching job and I can get regular money every month."

The little caller said: "I owe you."

Xu Zhen said: "No debt, no debt, I almost pay back what you gave me."

She put meat for the little beggar.

The little beggar took a bite and asked, "Teaching, what do you need to do?"

Seeing that the little beggar was interested, Xu Zhen told her: "It's very simple, it is to preach the word and receive karma to solve doubts."

The little beggar was silent for a moment, and asked, "Do you teach others how to read?"

Xu Zhen was about to say "almost", when she glanced at the frowning expression on the little beggar's face, she couldn't help laughing: "What's the matter, are you jealous?"

The little beggar asked, "What do you mean by being jealous?"

Xu Zhen turned around to serve the food, and said by the way: "It just feels sour. Didn't I buy green grapes for you a few days ago? It tastes similar to that."

The little beggar was sitting on the soft chair, her upper body straightened, her eyes seemed to be misty, but when she looked carefully, she could feel the fierceness hidden underneath.

After a long time, she said, "It seems to be there."

Xu Zhen was serving a meal, she was distracted, she turned her head and asked, "What's there?"

The little beggar said, "My chest is a little sore."

Xu Zhen thought: This is the beginning of development

She poured out a bowl of chicken to the little beggar, asking her to eat more.

During the meal, she thought of another thing, and hurriedly said to the little beggar: "By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you."

The little beggar put down the bowl and chopsticks and listened carefully.

Xu Zhen said: "I'll pay the bill for you, and you can go to the academy with me tomorrow to attend classes!"

After hearing this, the little beggar nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

Xu Zhen said with a smile: "But those people in the class are a bit playful. If you see them, don't talk to them. When the time comes, you sit at the front and I will secretly teach you how to read."

The little beggar said: "Okay."

She took a mouthful of shredded chicken and saw that there was nothing in Xu Zhen's bowl, so she picked it up and put it in Xu Zhen's bowl.

Xu Zhen was moved again, and asked, "Have you read and read today?"

The little beggar said, "Look."

Xu Zhen asked: "Which book have you read? Can you read all the words?"

The little beggar reported to her: "What I read today is The Book of Songs."

Xu Zhen was a little surprised: "Can you understand the Book of Songs?"

The little beggar Hua said: "I don't know much, but I can feel that water and flowers are often mentioned in the book."

Xu Zhen explained to her: "Because water and flowers are very beautiful things, think about it, the two of them standing on the other side of the river, looking at each other through the mist and flowers all over the ground, isn't it particularly beautiful?"

The little beggar asked: "Water and flowers, are they beautiful things?"

Xu Zhen said: "Yes, yes, they are all used to praise people."

The little beggar said, "No wonder."

Xu Zhen asked, "What?"

Little beggar Hua: "I saw you, and there seemed to be peach blossoms when you spoke."

Xu Zhen thought, what kind of metaphor is this? There should be no such sentence in the Book of Songs.

She was about to ask the little beggar where she saw it, but when she looked up, she found that the little beggar was staring at her with a thoughtful look on her face.

Xu Zhen took a bite of her meal, and was about to ask the little beggar what she was thinking, when suddenly she heard a word whispered by the little beggar: "Sexy."

Xu Zhen almost couldn't swallow a mouthful of food, stuffed it in her throat, and didn't speak for a long time.

Quick and easy? Isn't this a curse? ?

Xu Zhen stared at the little beggar sadly and angrily.

The little beggar didn't realize it, and asked: "I often hear people say these four words, is it to describe you like this?"

Xu Zhen beat her chest hard, and finally swallowed the meal, she shouted: "No! It's not to describe me!"

She knew that the little beggar's Chinese was not good, but she couldn't use words like this.

I am not so skittish, I have been traveling for so long, and I adopted a person like Xiaojiaohua.

The little beggar frowned and asked, "Then how should I describe you?"

Xu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, hundreds of words to describe the peerless beauty flashed through her mind, but she didn't have the nerve to say any of them when she saw the little beggar's eyes.

Finally, he could only say wearily, "I don't know either."

The little beggar didn't speak.

Xu Zhen said: "Also, don't learn to read by yourself in the future, wait for me to teach you..."

The little beggar looked indifferent, and raised his hand to pass a chicken strip to Xu Zhen, and said, "Okay."

After she finished speaking, she paused for a moment, looked at Xu Zhen and said, "If you teach me, I will definitely learn."