The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 51


Xu Zhen ran all the way home, being blown by the cold wind at night, she finally calmed down a lot.

At night, light snow fell, blowing on her shoulders.

She went into the house and lit firewood, then lit candle lamps, and finally gained a lot of sense of security.

But the smooth and jade-like shoulders in front of her eyes still linger, reminding her all the time that she is attracted to a child, and she is still a villain picked up by herself, and this situation is not right.

The blood that was originally above gradually subsided.

Xu Zhen suddenly hated herself like this.

What is she doing

Now that the war is in turmoil and the border is full of dangers, the little beggar is working hard to fight for her family, but her mind is full of romantic things.

It really shouldn't be.

Xu Zhen collapsed powerlessly on the bed, looking at the ceiling, recalling the time before she crossed, and when she was in Jiangling and Chang'an, recalling the little details, every moment she spent with the little beggar, It all made her happy.

This little beggar is obviously a villain, why is he so cute.

Xu Zhen couldn't figure it out.

But I can't think about it anymore.

She was so shocked that she couldn't think about it before, but now she calmed down and realized that the relationship is a matter between two people. The little beggar has always regarded herself as a husband, how can she add color to this pure relationship without authorization.

What's more, this is still in ancient times, not the modern times that I am familiar with. Even if I have taken over the little beggar, the two girls must be pointing and pointing when they are walking on the road.

Certain decisions cannot be made on impulse alone.

Xu Zhen sighed secretly, turned over and lay down on the bed, staring at the bright moon in the desert outside the window, it was white and dazzling, like someone whose eyes were like peach blossom bones like snow.

… Why did I start thinking about Little Beggar again.

How long have we been apart!

Xu Zhen looked away in despair.

She decided to stabilize her mind and earn merit points to buy the antidote first.

Obviously, I have taught many people in my two lifetimes combined, but when it is my turn to make a decision, I still tend to worry too much and dare not make a move.

It was so useless.

While Xu Zhen disliked herself, she tried her best to keep herself in a normal state, not thinking about things she liked or didn't like.

A few days later, she opened the system interface and looked casually. There was no change in the merit points, and she hadn't done anything good recently, so she stayed at the value of 28,000.

Xu Zhen began to think about what she could do to accumulate merit.

It is impossible to fight a war. In the case of harming human life, the probability of receiving merit is not high. The only way to start is to improve the happiness of life of the people.

She put on a headscarf and went out against the new wind.

Although the border here looks dilapidated, after years of precipitation, a unique protection mechanism has been formed. It is very difficult to change it, and it is easy to cause damage.

There is no way to change this aspect of urban construction, and we have to find another way.

The silly aunt at the gate of the city was still standing motionless.

Xu Zhen saw it, and walked over to chat with her, talking nonsense for a long time, but this silly girl with a scabbard on her back ignored her. She was exposed to the sun all year round, and her face was black and red due to the wind and sand.

Yellow gauze was wrapped around the neck, obviously no medicine was applied, it was stuffed casually.

Xu Zhen told her: "If you wait like this, I'm afraid you will fall before your mother."

After speaking, thinking of the little beggar who was about to go to the battlefield at any time, he felt uncomfortable again.

She squatted beside the silly aunt and said, "You know, I also have a child in my family, who is very cute, but I have recently discovered that my mind for her has changed."

The silly aunt stood still.

Xu Zhen simply regarded her as a tree hole, and continued: "It turned out to be that kind of dirty mind, that is, wanting to occupy her and let her belong to me alone, do you understand that kind of mind?"

The silly aunt doesn't pay attention to people, and she never moves her eyes.

Xu Zhen looked at it, and remembered what happened at the beginning, when she picked up the little beggar. At that time, the little beggar was also like this, looking lifeless.

Fortunately, it became more vivid later.

He can cry and laugh, he can act like a baby to himself, and he can save people in strong wind and rain.

Not a normal villain at all.

Xu Zhen couldn't help being happy when she thought of the little beggar. She said a few more words, and when she finished, she got up and left.

Being able to say that would really make her feel better, so Xu Zhen continued to look for good things to do.

Met a lady officer on the way.

The lady officer was resting against the wall by the side of the road.

Xu Zhen saw it and ran up to say hello.

Seeing Xu Zhen's cheerful expression, the female officer asked her what good thing happened.

Xu Zhen just smiled.

He smiled and asked by the way if anyone in Pingliang needed help.

"Need help?" The female officer thought about it, "Do you remember what I told you about teaching last time?"

Xu Zhen nodded.

The female officer said: "Actually, there are quite a few students here, whose families are poor and cannot afford Shuxiu."

Xu Zhen thought for a moment after hearing this: "You asked me to teach for free, but this is actually not—"

She was about to say that it was not difficult.

The female officer said again: "So they have almost never studied, and their parents have joined the army, so they fought with them. If you can let them pass the exam next autumn, that would be great."

Xu Zhen was silent for a moment, feeling that the female officer seemed to be embarrassing her.

Let her teach a group of uneducated people to become Juren? ? Just kidding.

Xu Zhen said politely: "The imperial examination is not easy."

The female officer nodded: "I took the test back then, it's really not easy."

"Then I..." Xu Zhen still wanted to struggle.

The female officer suddenly burst out laughing, she interrupted Xu Zhen to explain: "I was just joking when I said that people are selected, you can make them know a little bit of knowledge, just don't be foolish."

If that's all it is, it's fine.

Xu Zhen nodded in agreement.

Then the female officer took her around the academy.

Pingliang Academy is similar to a private house, with a low roof, surrounded by stones, on which bows, arrows, hammers and other weapons are placed, and plum blossom piles are erected in the backyard.

Xu Zhen was shocked: "This is almost like a military camp."

"That's true," said the officer.

After she finished speaking, she took Xu Zhen to a small earthen hut at the door. In the room sat a bald old man, wearing a cotton gown, with four or five pieces of clothing inside.

The old man put his hands in his sleeves, glanced at the female officer, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The female official said: "I found a teacher for you."

The old man looked at Xu Zhen: "This person?"

The female officer responded.

The old man didn't speak, and pointed to the paper and pen in front of him, asking Xu Zhen to write his name and the subjects he taught.

Seeing that there was no specific regulation, Xu Zhen wrote one casually.

"Art of War?" The old man looked at the subject written by Xu Zhen, "Do you know Art of War?"

Xu Zhen said, "Not really."

The old man asked, "Then why do you teach this?"

Xu Zhen explained with a smile: "After all, the students here are going to fight in the future, and learning anything is not as useful as learning the art of war."

The old man and the female officer were all taken aback when they heard the words.

They want the students to go to school, all they want is to let these people get elected, then go out, go to a safe place, don't come back to fight again, if they can be idle officials, that's the best.

But they seldom think about it, let these students learn the art of war, so that they can continue to live in a war-torn place like Pingliang.

It's not that I didn't expect it, I just didn't have confidence.

This new little official seems to have no courage, he seems to have a lot of ambition, and he is not very human.

The old man's gaze towards Xu Zhen changed slightly, which could be regarded as an increase in his approval of her.

There will be no classes in the academy today.

The three of them stood by the side of the room and chatted about the content of the lecture, then the female officer and Xu Zhen left respectively.

The lady-in-waiting went home to cook.

Xu Zhen continued to wander around and didn't return home until evening. She didn't feel like eating anything, so she went straight to sleep.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, there was a sudden rumble outside, and the barbarians invaded again. The flames of war broke out, the sound of drums and horns resounded, the surrounding walls were lit with red blood, the wind was rumbling, and the sky was filled with sand and gravel.

Thousands of waves of fire hit one after another.

Through a wall, to the second door.

Xu Zhen could smell the burning smell through the earth house.

She was still unconscious from sleep, and she groped to get up, listening to the panic in her ears, and looked outside at the black-golden sky.

After reacting for a long time, I put on my clothes and shoes, walked to another room, and hid in the cellar to prevent being hit by stray bullets.

It was pitch black in the cellar, only she and the hundred taels of gold gifted by the imperial court, a light shone through the crack above her head, and Xu Zhen looked outside through this beam of light.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the outside finally calmed down.

Xu Zhen just breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the door above the head was suddenly pulled open with a loud creak.

Xu Zhen was so frightened that she swallowed the breath just now.

Could it be that Pingliang was breached and barbarians rushed in

Xu Zhen couldn't believe it.

The man above quickly jumped down and shouted, "Sir."

It's a little beggar.

Xu Zhen's heart was relieved.

She took advantage of the moonlight to look carefully, and confirmed that it was a little beggar with a dusty face. She couldn't help laughing: "How did you make it look like this?"

She didn't bring a handkerchief, and directly wiped Xun Qianchun's face with the sleeve of her robe.

Xun Qianchun's face was not only gray, but also dried blood. She didn't want Xu Zhen to see that thing, so she turned her head away.

Xu Zhen was stunned for a while, with countless thoughts running through her mind, thinking that the little beggar had discovered her dirty thoughts and wanted to keep a distance from herself.

But if this is the case, why is she still looking for herself

That's right, why did you come to find yourself?

Xu Zhen's focus quickly shifted, and she asked Xun Qianchun: "Hu Bing attacked, why didn't you stay in the barracks, and ran to my place? Are you counting as a deserter!!"

Xun Qianchun saw that she was nervous, and the coldness in his eyebrows and eyes suddenly turned into tenderness.

She had a beautiful face, and the scars at the corners of her eyes were now stained with blood, making her even more gorgeous. She looked at Xu Zhen for several times, but said nothing, and was about to leave again.

Xu Zhen asked, "What are you doing here?"

Xun Qianchun turned around and explained to Xu Zhen, "I'm afraid that something will happen to Mr."

Xu Zhen was at a loss: "What can happen to me?"

Xun Qianchun said: "I don't know, when the outside is over, I can't help but think of Mr.

What she said may not have any deep meaning, but to Xu Zhen's ears, it was like a natural desire, and her heart was itchy when she said it.

Xu Zhen turned her head away, feeling that she might not be able to talk calmly at this moment, so she let Xun Qianchun go first.

Xun Qianchun responded, and quickly came over again, took out something from her bosom and put it in Xu Zhen's hand.

Xu Zhen opened her hands and looked down.

Seems to be some seeds.

She asked the little beggar, "What is this?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Seeds."

Xu Zhen said, "Really, what kind of seeds?"

Xun Qianchun replied: "I don't know either, I snatched it from the enemy."

"Enemies? Barbarians? What good things can be grown by barbarians." Xu Zhen raised her hand to take advantage of the light to look carefully at the seeds. After looking at them for a long time, she found that they seemed to be the seeds of red beans.

Hu people like to eat red beans

It was very interesting, Xu Zhen put this pile of things into the pocket at her waist.

Xun Qianchun said, "Sir, I'm leaving first."

Xu Zhen nodded, but reluctantly, subconsciously raised her hand and pulled Xun Qianchun's sleeve.

I don't know what to do after pulling it.

Xu Zhen thought for a while, and decided to throw the robe she was wearing to prevent the road from freezing.

It's a pity that before he could move, Xun Qianchun took Xu Zhen's hand that was pulling the sleeve back, and clasped it with both hands, covering Xu Zhen's hand in his palm, sending waves of warmth, probably trying to give Xu Zhen's hand Warm into charcoal.

The palms of the two are about the same size, Xun Qianchun's fingers are slightly longer, and there are thin calluses on the palms.

Xu Zhen twitched, but she didn't pull it back. Instead, it caused the palms of the two to rub against each other, causing severe itching.

The thin cocoon rubbing against the soft flesh is really tormenting.

Xun Qianchun saw Xu Zhen bowed her head and blushed again, so she leaned over, held Xu Zhen's hand and pressed it against Erqian's chest, and asked Xu Zhen what was wrong in a soft voice.

Xu Zhen didn't hear clearly, her ears were buzzing.

Xun Qianchun raised his hand to touch her forehead, and after confirming that Xu Zhen was fine, he said, "Sir, I have to go back."

Xu Zhen could be understood.

How could she care to listen to whether she would go back or not, so she nodded in response.

Xun Qianchun said goodbye to her, the heat sprayed on Xu Zhen's cheeks, and quickly dissipated along with the cold wind blowing into the cellar.

She didn't stay long, just jumped on the floor.

Soon there was no movement outside, only the rolling gravel, and the continuous infiltration of air-conditioning, making people shiver wildly from the cold.

The moonlight is still white, as white as snow and frost.

Xu Zhen was also still standing in the cellar.

After a long time, she took advantage of the moonlight to look at her palm, thinking of her actions to retain the little beggar just now, and the little beggar's "Sir"...

She raised her hand to cover her face, blushing deeply because of her dissolute behavior just now.

God, she is so unqualified as a teacher!

The author has something to say: Xu Zhen: How can I break when my crush teases me every day

Let's flirt with each other for a while, and we must advance by leaps and bounds at the border