The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 54


The news came slowly, and the new official was already on his way.

Xu Zhen lived a few more comfortable days, going to tea houses to drink during the day, occasionally teaching students, and going to the military camp to find beggars at night. She wanted to show her heart to the little beggar several times, but unfortunately there were always people around, which made her a little embarrassed to speak.

One day, a female official came over and said to Xu Zhen, "The new official is here."

Xu Zhen was sitting on the ground teasing a dirt dog. Hearing what the female officer said, she was stunned for a while and said, "So fast?"

"I was already on the road a few days ago." The female officer explained, "I'm inconvenient, so I can only go to see it with you. It should be Chang Shi."

Xu Zhen asked: "Changshi? The governor's deputy? Shouldn't he be with the governor? Why did he come to Pingliang?"

The female officer said: "The governor originally stayed in Pingliang."

When the female officer Xu Zhenjing mentioned this, she remembered this incident. When she first arrived in Pingliang, the governor stayed in the county, and then went to another place for some reason.

She was about to ask the lady officer.

The female official said: "The Duke is also here. He has a good relationship with the governor, and the two often meet at Longmen Tea House."

Xu Zhen nodded, remembering the need for a pass before, and expressed her understanding.

She knows about the governor, as for the Duke...

Is there such a powerful person in Pingliang

Little Pingliang is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

Xu Zhen put the dog teasing branch on the side of the steps, got up and stood with the female officer.

The female officer stood on the spot with her hands on her back, and was about to say something else, when there was a loud commotion outside the door.

The rusty bronze door was slowly opened, forming an opening just enough for the carriage to pass through. The two veterans shouted inward with a muddy voice: "Come on!!"

It was the new official who came.

Hearing the words, the female officer and Xu Zhen rushed to the door to greet her. Also standing at the door were the silly aunt and the two veterans.

The wind and sand were blowing head-on, and the cotton cloths on several people were turned over, and the sky was full of sand and gravel, making people almost unable to open their eyes.

The carriage drove the loess from far to near, reflecting the morning sun and lonely smoke rising from the flat land of the desert.

The running horse galloped, pulling the carriage behind, and rushed to the gate of the city half a moment later.

When the carriage stopped, Xu Zhen was about to salute.

Unexpectedly, a person came down from the car, ran up to Xu Zhen to stop Xu Zhen from bending over, and gave her a big gift first.

Xu Zhen froze for a moment, but didn't react.

The man suppressed his voice and shouted: "Sir."

Not only Xu Zhen, but even some people around were a little shocked. Although the new Chang Shi is not a very powerful official, it is beyond ordinary people's ability to pass the guard election in the autumn examination and come to Pingliang. hold important positions.

This kind of person has the capital to be proud of his talents.

But he respected the teacher so much, he still called Xu Zhen sir. Isn't Xu Zhen just an ordinary teacher who hasn't passed the imperial examination yet

Can you teach such a good student

The two veterans huddled by the city gate, not daring to speak.

The Yongzhou Changshi who got out of the car was a woman in a dark blue jacket. She had a plain face, a little makeup, stood with her hands behind her back, and her eyes were shining.

Xu Zhen recognized it after watching it for a while, it was Ge Xier.

It's her student at Qinglongshan Academy!

Seeing an old acquaintance in a foreign land, Xu Zhen was quite happy.

"Is it Ge Xi'er?" Xu Zhen greeted.

Ge Xier nodded and replied, "Mr. Xu, it's me."

All the original worries dissipated, and all the salutes and greetings were avoided. Ge Xier showed her identity documents and seals, and after hearing the female officer's general situation in Pingliang, she followed Xu Zhen to the restaurant to eat cakes.

Ge Xi'er is a seventh-rank official. If the governor was not present, she would be the biggest official in Pingliang.

Coincidentally, the governor usually does not come to Pingliang.

So, I can sit back and relax in Pingliang. Xu Zhen thought so excitedly.

On the street outside, the snow was falling slowly from the sky, and the wind was blowing on people's faces. The cold weather was painful, so they could only wrap themselves in their clothes and walk forward.

Xu Zhen pushed aside the heavy cotton curtain at the door, took Ge Xier into the restaurant, and ordered two pots of hot tea.

The owner of the hotel is a man who knows how to behave. When he saw that the visitors were two petty officials, he even gave him a pot of hot wine.

Xu Zhen chatted with Ge Xier and asked her how she became a senior official, how she did in the autumn exam and so on.

Ge Xi'er already has the appearance of being an official, her speech is not as straightforward as before, and she occasionally makes a detour.

She said: "Most of the students in the academy have passed the autumn exam. When we were waiting for the election, Li Sanlang asked his grandfather to help and wanted to come to Pingliang to find a husband, but his grandfather thought Pingliang was not a good place, so he gave me an advantage."

Xu Zhen couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "Li Sanlang? I miss him a lot. How is he doing?"

Ge Xi'er said: "Very good, after passing the autumn test, now he joins General Guide and is learning the art of war and martial arts."

Xu Zhen said, "That's really good."

The two continued to chat.

Ge Xier actually misses Xu Zhen very much in her heart. If it was for her own future, she would definitely prefer to stay in Chang'an instead of coming to this kind of place.

She just wanted to listen to the teacher's lecture too much.

Even just chatting now made Ge Xier a little excited.

Xu Zhen didn't know what Ge Xier was thinking, and just chatted in the way of friends. She said that she was teaching at Pingliang Academy recently.

Ge Xier then asked: "Can I follow Mr. to attend lectures in the future?"

Xu Zhen said: "If the governor doesn't care about you, then of course you can come here."

Ge Xier nodded.

She poured tea for Xu Zhen, and after drinking two pots of tea, she switched to wine.

Xu Zhen drank half a sip of wine, her face was reddened by the hot drink from Pingliang, and she almost vomited it out.

Ge Xier didn't drink.

Seeing this, she got up and wanted to pat Xu Zhen on the back.

But before he could make a move, a slender arm stretched out from the side, stopped in front of Ge Xier, and gently patted Xu Zhen's back.

Ge Xi'er frowned and looked up, but found a somewhat familiar face.

She looked into the man's eyes for a moment and asked, "Xu Xiaochun?"

Xu Zhen was still coughing non-stop.

Xun Qianchun explained: "I am not Xu Xiaochun."

Ge Xi'er obviously didn't believe it, she felt that there was no second pair of eyes that were the same.

She wanted to ask something more.

Xu Zhen swallowed the wine, stood up and said goodbye to Ge Xier, saying that they would talk another day.

Xun Qianchun pulled Xu Zhen away.

Ge Xi'er couldn't stay behind and could only watch the two go away.

When she walked out of the restaurant, Xu Zhen was woken up by the cold wind. She pulled Xun Qianchun to lower her head slightly, leaned into her ear and whispered, "Why did you run back again? Is there no war around?"

Xun Qianchun put clothes on Xu Zhen's body and said, "I'll tell you when I get home."

Xu Zhen couldn't help laughing: "You still have a little secret? All right, then I'll listen to it when I get home."

Xun Qianchun hummed.

Xu Zhen said, "It just so happens that I have something to tell you."

Xun Qianchun looked sideways at Xu Zhen, and answered again, walking a lot faster.

The wind and snow covered the heads of the two of them, and those walking on the road covered their ears one after another, panicking from the cold.

Above the restaurant, Ge Xi'er stood by the window, looking at the figures of the two going away, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

The heavy snow covered the loess with a thin layer of ice.

Pingliang winter is here.

Xu Zhen and Xun Qianchun entered the room, Xun Qianchun closed the door, was about to speak, paused for a moment, and asked Xu Zhen: "Sir, who was that person just now?"

Xu Zhen explained: "The students in Jiangling were in the same class, don't you remember?"

Xun Qianchun had no impression.

She said again: "Sir, you just said that you wanted to talk to me."

Xu Zhen did have a lot to say.

But she is a person who is easy to be cowardly when it comes to critical moments, and she is also such a virtue at this moment. She keeps silent about this matter and asks Xun Qianchun to pour water for herself first.

Xun Qianchun boiled water, poured it into a teacup and handed it to Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen asked her to change into regular clothes again.

Xun Qianchun planned to take off his clothes in front of Xu Zhen, but Xu Zhen stopped her in fright.

In the end, Xu Zhen was still embarrassed to say so, and changed the subject to ask about the previous matter: "By the way, why did you come back today?"

Xun Qianchun said: "A new mission has been assigned."

Xu Zhen asked: "What task can keep you so idle?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Catch the undercover agent."

Xu Zhen thought she heard it wrong, so she asked, "What?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Someone provided intelligence to the Hu people, and the general asked me to arrest him."

This kind of mind-boggling thing should be done by the army? It's not scientific.

Xu Zhen asked, "What position do you hold now?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Ten people under my command."

Xu Zhen sighed: "That's pretty fast, but why did you ask you to catch the undercover agent? Where to catch it? Do you have any clues?"

Xun Qianchun said: "Yes, in Hualou."

The snow outside drifted in, and a gust of wind hit the window, making a thumping sound.

Xu Zhen thought she heard it wrong, and asked again: "Where is it?"

"Hua Lou." Xun Qianchun said, "I have never been to that kind of place, so I want to find Mr. and ask."

Xu Zhen thought to herself: You have never been to that kind of place, have I been there? Isn't flower house just brothel? Do women really go there

The more Xu Zhen gets along, the more she feels that she doesn't understand the world.

She asked Xun Qianchun to talk about this matter again.

Xun Qianchun explained to her that many confidential things in the army were leaked before, and some people suspected that she and other Hu soldiers did it, and took the opportunity to embarrass them.

She had no choice but to memorize the matter, and got a seven-day period from the general, during which she could move freely, but she had to find out who the Huren's eyeliner was. But now the target is locked on a few people in Hualou.

It seems that they took advantage of someone in the army to go to have fun, and did something.

When Xun Qianchun said this, he stopped and did not continue.

Xu Zhen asked, "And then? Did you find anything else?"

Xun Qianchun said, "It's gone."

Xu Zhen: "Then how do you plan to get in and investigate?"

Xun Qianchun said: "I'm done."

She spoke calmly, and looked at Xu Zhen with a slightly deep look in her eyes.

Xu Zhen didn't understand for a moment, thinking that she was safe, but soon, she heard Xun Qianchun say: "Sir, what you wanted to say earlier is up to you."


Don't you just want to say a bunch of nasty things

Xu Zhen pondered for a moment, she stood up, pretended to boil water, and Xun Qianchun held her wrist.

Xun Qianchun said: "Sir, you have something to say a few days ago."

Xu Zhen didn't dare to show it too clearly, and asked a few words in a pretentious manner: "Is there any?"

Xun Qianchun said straightforwardly: "Yes."

Xu Zhen still wanted to quibble.

Xun Qianchun had a simple way of thinking, and when she decided that Xu Zhen was about to speak, she kept holding Xu Zhen's hand to prevent her from escaping.

Xu Zhen pretended to be calm, her hand was held by Xun Qianchun, and she leaned back on the back of the chair. Half a day later, she asked slowly, with twists and turns: "Do you have any thoughts about me?"

The author has something to say: Little Beggar: Yes


I wrote less today because the plot was deleted, and more emotional scenes, I am not lazy